InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Summer ❯ Reality TV ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 2—Reality TV
“Uh …” Say something! She thought. Say something that's not `don't kill me'! “I … don't know.” Okay. Marginally better.
He stared.
“But … er … don't panic now!” she said. For the record, he showed no signs of panicking. “I'm sure the answer will come…eventually.” She smoothed her jeans.
More staring.
“You just sort of showed up … erm … What's the last thing you remember?” Good. That seemed helpful.
“A light.” He said, at a length.
“Okaayy …” How very cliché! Maybe she was dreaming? No. It didn't feel like a dream at all. Everything was too crisp, too clear. Plus, she had a feeling that if her subconscious was going to make up little scenarios involving Sesshoumaru and her bedroom, it would be a bit more creative.
What to do now? He didn't seem to be going away. What would she tell her mother? Carol had always felt that her mother was rather reasonable, as far as parents go, but somehow she didn't think that she'd take kindly to the idea of an odd, freakishly attractive man in her daughter's bedroom.
She'd have to find some way to hide him—wait! What was she thinking? This was obviously a delusion. How could a fictional character be in her bedroom? He couldn't be; that was the answer. So, therefore, her mother could not object to someone who wasn't there. No need to get upset then. She rubbed her eyes, hoping he would disappear.
Her heart practically sank into her socks when she opened her eyes again. She never thought that she'd be sorry to see Sesshoumaru.
“This isn't happening,” she muttered, holding her head in her hands, “Not happening, not happening, you're not real.”
“I assure you, I am very real, human.” He stepped closer.
“No… you don't understand…” suddenly, an idea struck her. She ran to her closet. “Hold on, I'll show you!” Yes! Third tape from the bottom, just where she always put it. This would certainly dispel her crazy hallucination.
“It's not that you aren't a nice figment of my imagination,” she said, feeling better, “But … this whole `insanity' thing doesn't suit me at all. “
She walked over to a small table, adjacent to her closet and directly across from her bed. The old TV sat stodgily at exactly the center of the table. Carol always prided herself on keeping it free of dust and tended to spend an unnatural amount of time cleaning it. But hey, what's a few hours here and there? She imagined that the old thing might be worth something, in a few years, considering the fact that DVD players were getting more and more popular. Someday, she might have an antique on her hands.
She turned on the TV and popped the tape into the VCR. This should cure her of that crazy hallucination!
Said hallucination was now standing behind her, trying not to appear curious.
As the familiar images appeared on the screen, he gasped.
“What sorcery is this?” he tapped the TV cautiously, as if he was afraid that it would explode.
“That, my dear imaginary-Sesshoumaru, is Inu-Yasha, the show that likely caused my swift and shocking descent into madness,” she giggled. Inu-Yasha always made her feel better, and soon the hallucination would be gone. However, she decided that it might be wise to cut back on the show in the future. Sesshoumaru was awesome, but insanity was not.
“How have you trapped my mangy half-brother in that box?”
“Um … it's kind of hard to explain but it's not—oh there it is!” Sesshoumaru's eyes almost fell out of his head when he saw himself on the TV.
Carol sighed in relief. There he was, right on the TV. TV show equals not real. More importantly, TV show equals not in her bedroom.
She knew this. Of course she knew this. She must've just needed a little reminder. Thank goodness she made those tapes!
He would not be there when she turned around, she felt sure. She would tell Cindy all about this later, and they'd laugh and laugh …
She stopped the tape and shut off the TV. She practically whistled as she returned the tape to its proper place in her closet.
She turned to leave her room.
He was still standing there.
It was hard to tell which one of them looked more shocked.