InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Tenth of a Picture ❯ History ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Yeah, eventually this is going to show up (in a different form) in Hero 21. It answers the musical question, How come Mama Higurashi wasn't afraid to let her daughter run off and fight demons?


She knew he loved cup ramen, so she always had plenty on hand.

It was the least she could do, and the most, for the boy who kept her daughter safe. And she knew her daughter was safe, that in the end she would return, alive and whole (except for the broken heart). She had read the story, what, a thousand times?

The girl survived and went back home.

The boy died bravely.

Nothing she could do would change that.

But she would be certain that he'd had plenty to eat, that he hadn't died longing for a hot meal.