InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Thing ❯ Prolouge ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A flash of red and silver could be seen darting in and out of the trees. From time to time the figure would stop, double over and dry heave. Each time he straightened he would grab his chest and try to suck in several deep breaths. From time to time a sensitive nose would lift into the air, trying to catch the scent of the being that he was tracking.
It was odd, he was well within the boundaries of the Western Lands and yet its ruler was no where to be seen yet. That in itself was strange, especially since the Lord of the West had no problems killing anyone who trespassed on his lands, even if it was his younger half-brother.
The figure in red finally caught the scent of the being he was searching for, and increased his speed dramatically. He stopped only when he saw the figure, collapsed in the grass, a hand clenched over his heart. He didn't even raise his head when the intruder was well within scenting range.
“What do you want Inuyasha.” The figure on the ground snarled.
Inuyasha frowned and crouched beside his older brother, gently rolling him onto his back. “Sesshomaru, what happened to you?”
“What does it matter to you half breed?” Sesshomaru snapped.
Inuyasha bared his fangs at his older brother. “Because I can feel your pain, Kami knows why.” He growled at him. “Kagome believes that because of our blood you were calling out to me. Now tell me what the fuck is going on!”
“Kagura.” Sesshomaru groaned out.
“What about Kagura?”
“What do you think baka?” Sesshomaru snapped. “We were supposed to be mated.”
Inuyasha arched an eyebrow as he stared at his brother. “Then where is she.”
“She left after I refused to get rid of Rin.” Sesshomaru told him. “Too bad my Youki has already chosen the bitch.”
Inuyasha began to understand what was happening. Because of Kagura's rejection his brother's Youki was dying. Perhaps Kagome was correct, if one of the “Brothers of the Fang” were dying, the other would be summoned to his side. That would explain why Sesshomaru always seemed to show up when Inuyasha's life was in danger.
Inuyasha sighed and slipped his brother's arm over his head and hauled the taller Youkai to his feet. Something was amiss here, his cold heartless brother, who despised humans with all his being was allowing himself to die for one. For now Inuyasha wouldn't press him, he would help his brother heal and then let Sesshomaru decide his own fate from there.
~ * ~
AN: Yeah okay, another friggen story. This one came out of a conversation with Quiet Storm. We were discussing that Sesshomaru may not be as big of an ass as he would like everyone to believe. We came to an agreement that Sesshomaru would basically change for a mate. That's when this idea popped into my head. Perhaps because he's lost a mate, he would change slightly.
I'm going to say right now that I intend to create an Original Character for a mate for Sesshomaru. I love writing AU's and OC's, I like being able to add my creativity to story's. This will be far from a Mary Sue, I just want to have fun with her. And oh yeah, she will probably be Human or Hanyou, I haven't decided yet. So basically be prepared for some OOCness, although I'm going to try to keep it down to a minimum. If you don't like the idea, then don't read this story, it's that simple.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or the characters of Rumiko Takahashi. I do own the plot of this story along with any original characters that may make an appearance.
Kami: Japanese Spiritual Beings (Basically Gods)
Baka: Idiot/Stupid
Youki: From what I understand from Anime translations this is like a spiritual power of sorts. If I'm wrong please let me know so I can correct this.