InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Thing ❯ Where All Roads Lead ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sesshomaru sighed and stared out the window of his expansive home. He briefly wondered how many years had passed like this, him alone, staring out over the water. Tokyo had sprung up around them over the centuries and thanks to Kagome's knowledge of the present, they managed to set up homes in areas that were still wild.
Inuyasha had claimed Kagome not long after he had dragged Sesshomaru back to Kaede's village. Kagome had done her best to heal his soul by letting him vent his frustration. She never even blinked the time that he yelled at her to stop meddling and punched a hole in the side of the hut close to her head.
Sesshomaru had a new found respect for the Miko, and in return for her help, he gave her the same blood potion he would give to Rin if she didn't find a mate. It served to make her an immortal, and only needed to be made every two centuries. It also placed her under the protection of the Inu no Taishou.
When Rin turned 19 the young Kitsune approached the Lord, asking him for permission to court his adoptive daughter. Sesshomaru had at first refused, not wanting to have to once again deal with loneliness. In the end it had been Kagome that convinced him to allow the courtship. She swore to him that Rin would never forget him.
He had tried to convince Inuyasha and Kagome's human friends to take the blood potion as well, but both Sango and Miroku had refused. Sometime before her death at the age of 73, two years after the passing of Miroku, Sango presented Sesshomaru with the arm that Inuyasha had cut off. The appendage had stayed the same over the years, much as Sesshomaru himself had. Sango had found it and kept it for him.
He had always sworn that he had no need for the appendage; he had learned to live without it. But Sesshomaru, being the honourable man that he was, couldn't refuse Sango's dying wish of seeing him with his full power once more. Kagome had reattached the limb, leaving him with nothing but a jagged scar as proof that the arm had once been gone.
Some time after 1870 Japan began to use surnames, forcing them to come up with something that could be lost through history. They had originally planned to use the surname Higurashi, but when Kagome thought back on her family history there was no mention of any of them or the names that they had come up with to explain their constant state of living.
They eventually settled on the last name of Tashio, a warped version of the last bit of Sesshomaru's position. Shippou had asked if they were playing with fire taking on such a last name, since it was thoroughly possible Sesshomaru might lose his title. His effort earned him two sharp cuffs across his head by the brothers, a glare from Rin and a shake of the head from Kagome.
They moved to North America during both the World Wars, not wanting to get caught up in their horrors. In the 1940's, the Taisho pack, like many Japanese in North America were shipped to British Columbia, Canada and placed into Internment Camps. While they weren't as bad as the horror's of the Jewish Concentration camps in Germany, many around them still passed away due to sickness and malnutrition.
On August 19, 1952, Inuyasha and Kagome had their first child. The baby girl was given the name Rei and was adored by both her parents, but no one doted more attention on her then her uncle.
Rei had her uncle wrapped around her little clawed hand. Quite often when he took her on an outing, people would comment on how much the little girl looked like him. It was obvious that she was part Inu-Youkai, she had her father and uncle's exact coloring and the same Hanyou ears that Inuyasha possessed, only her features mirrored her mothers.
In 2002, Inuyasha, Kagome, Rei and their new son Kenshin moved back to Tokyo, to break the news to her mother. While two weeks had passed for Akina Higurashi since she had last seen her daughter, Kagome had waited over 500 years. To say the elder Higurashi was shocked was an understatement, and if the evidence of glue attached to the sheath of Tetsusaiga said anything, Grandpa Higurashi hadn't been too pleased.
Later that year Rin, Shippou and their two year old Kitsune Hanyou daughter, Moriko, moved with Sesshomaru back to Tokyo.
Sesshomaru turned away from the window as the sound of pounding footsteps reached his ears. He barely had time to brace himself as his nephew launched off the ground at him. Sesshomaru took an unneeded step back as the three year old settled against him. Rin appeared moments later shaking her head.
“I swear I'm going to get that kid a leash.” She muttered, taking the child away from her adoptive father.
“Oh, allow me to do that.” He told her with a smirk. “Inuyasha and I haven't gotten into a good scrap for awhile.”
Rin shook her head. “You'd think after what 700 years? You two would get along better.”
“Hey, we get along much better now then we used to.” Sesshomaru pointed out. “So to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Can't a daughter come over and spend time with her daddy.”
Sesshomaru's eyebrow twitched. “Spill it.”
“I have to go run a bunch of errands and could use the company.”
~ * ~
Sesshomaru growled as he followed Rin into the store. What had started as a lunch followed by maybe an hour of running around had turned into an afternoon of insanity. Between chasing his nephew around while Rin shopped and being loaded down with parcels, Sesshomaru was starting to have enough.
“Oh come on, it's not everyday that you get to celebrate a grandchild graduating from kindergarten.” Rin chastised him. Sesshomaru rolled his eyes and snorted, showing that he didn't agree with her. “Oh come off it, I saw that look of pride when Moriko showed you her diploma.”
Sesshomaru snorted again and turned his head. “I don't see why we're in this store and dragging my baka brother's son every where.”
As if the child knew his father was being insulted, he tugged sharply on his uncle's fine silver hair. Sesshomaru growled softly, chastising the three year old Hanyou. Rin turned, a delicate eyebrow arched when she heard her adoptive-father mutter something about neutering his younger half-sibling.
“We are in this store because I need to find something to wear and I agreed to watch Kenshin today.” She informed the Youkai for the thousandth time.
“Fine, then why am I here?”
“You're pouting.”
Sesshomaru growled at his daughter. “This Sesshomaru does not pout.”
“And this Rin says that you do and you are.”
Whatever retort he had planned to say was lost as a red-haired woman approached them. “Hello, I'm Leila, anything I can help you guys find today?”
Sesshomaru's eyes widened at the sight of the piercing above her lip and the tell-tale click of a tongue stud against her teeth. He was aware of the piercing trend, but he was still unaccustomed to seeing them. He stayed silent as Rin explained the occasion to the woman, leaving him to stare at her.
He didn't know why, but it felt like his heart dropped to his stomach when the woman turned to him. “If you'd like to have a seat, you'll be a bit more comfortable that way, and I think I can dig up a coloring book and some crayons for your son.”
Kenshin nodded enthusiastically, while Sesshomaru scowled. “The child is not mine, he is my nephew.”
The woman laughed, her laughter like a song to Sesshomaru's ears and he found himself blushing. “Don't look so upset about that announcement.” She held her hand out to Kenshin. “Come on cutie, let's go find that coloring book.”
Sesshomaru settled himself into a chair while the woman led his nephew towards the back of the store. A quick glance told him that Rin had already found several dresses, and was handing them to another clerk.
Sesshomaru's body stiffened at the sound of a familiar voice and he cautiously turned, his face contorting into the stoic mask he hadn't used in centuries. “Hello, Kagura.”
~ * ~
AN: For anyone not familiar with World War II North American History, both Canadian and American Japanese were placed in internment camps. I was deeply ashamed of my country when I heard this news, finding that the government at the time was very hypocritical. They had gone after Hitler for doing something that they themselves were doing. While these camps did not kill their captives, they weren't treated very well and many people died of “natural” causes. Mostly illnesses that spread through the camps. My history teacher said that the Canadian camp was one of the more “nicer” camps, compared to some of the ones in both the United States. The theory on this is because American's had just suffered the attack on Pearl Harbour and some were seeking revenge.
It's actually fascinating how much I found out on this subject in my WWII history class. If you want to find more information on the internment camps you can google them, or go to this link: / (remove any spaces)
I felt that putting them in this situation was appropriate, after all, why would they stay in Japan with the threat of War and the Atomic Bombs?
I know I'm going to get a million questions about Leila. I'm going to fill them in now. Yes Leila is human, I made her into a “Punk” because I figured that she would be the last person that Sesshomaru would be attracted to. I just want to clarify that she won't be an actual punk, she has a nose stud, what's called a Monroe piercing, a tongue piercing and her belly button is pierced. She also has a few tattoos. If you want to get an idea of what Leila would look like, this Hot Topic model, is her closest representation: Leila/
and if you are unfamiliar with Monroe Piercing's this is what they look like: .jpg
Remove any spaces that may appear in these links.
Also, some of you have noticed that some of my stories have been taken down…go to my yahoo group and look at the announcement to find out why:
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or the characters of Rumiko Takahashi. I do own the plot of this story along with any original characters that may make an appearance.