InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Thing ❯ Tell No Lies ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Leila eyed the tall man that was talking to Kagura. The minute he had walked in to the store the other girls had started twittering, making her come from the back to see what all the commotion was about. She had been caught off guard by the ethereal beauty of the man. As she moved closer to greet them, much to the disappointment of the others behind her, she saw what look like several tattoos appear on his face before the disappeared once more.
She had sighed inwardly, she should have known that the man was a Youkai; he had been far too beautiful to not be one. The closer she moved to him, the more his concealment slipped, and the better look she got at the magenta crests and the royal blue crescent moon on his forehead.
Once she had introduced herself and asked if they needed assistance, she had taken the adorable little Inu-Hanyou in search for a coloring book. Leila couldn't resist the urge to reach out and rub one ear gently. The little Hanyou bumped her hand, asking for more when he suddenly pulled away from her, eyes wide.
“Oh no!” He cried out. “Papa's going to be mad at me for showing you my ears!”
Leila mentally cursed her stupidity before crouching down to the child. “No he won't. You're concealment is still in place, my best friend was a Youkai, so I can see through the spells.”
The child smiled brightly up at her. “I'm Kenshin!” He announced proudly. “That lady is my brother's mate, Rin, and that was my Uncle Sesshomaru.”
Leila grinned at the child. She had always been fascinated with how quickly Hanyou and Youkai children learned how to speak properly. Kenshin was a toddler, but he spoke at the level of a grade school child. “Sesshomaru Tashio?”
Kenshin nodded enthusiastically. “Yep!”
Leila was definitely familiar with that name. She had been in Youkai circles in America, and even there his name was known. When she moved to Tokyo three years ago, the Youkai had warned her never to have the Tai-Youkai become cross with her.
Once she had Kenshin settled with his colors she had returned to the counter with the other clerks who were continuing to whisper about Sesshomaru. “What do you think Leila?” One of the girls asked. “Straight?”
Leila could see Sesshomaru's crests darken slightly and he glanced in their direction, indicating that he had heard the question. “Oh he's definitely straight.” Leila said, staring at him appreciatively.
A movement caught Leila's attention and she pushed herself away from the counter when Rin appeared with a mountain of clothing in her arms. Leila helped the tiny woman pile them by the cash register and followed her with a giggle when Rin said that she still had more in the change room, and probably had enough clothes to give to a third world country.
The two women were discussing accessories to go with a certain dress when Sesshomaru appeared. “I thought you were buying one dress.”
“I am,” Rin told him. “This one here.”
“So then why is there a small mountain of clothes at the register?”
Rin smiled innocently up at him. “Well, let's look at it this way; I won't have to shop for any special occasions for awhile.”
Sesshomaru rolled his eyes, making Leila giggle. From everything she had heard about this man, she was not prepared to hear his sarcastic comments. Before Sesshomaru could ask her why she was giggling Kenshin appeared at Sesshomaru's side. Sesshomaru ignored the insistent tugging on his pant legs before finally becoming annoyed and bending down to pick the child up.
“Uncle Sess?” Kenshin said softly.
“What's wrong pup?” Sesshomaru asked, moving away from the two women.
“That girl knows you.” Kenshin told his uncle. “And, she can see through my spell.”
Sesshomaru's eyes widened slightly. He and Inuyasha had been sure to teach each of the children that had come into their family to alert them if someone other than the family, or not a Youkai, ever saw through their concealments. Sesshomaru turned back and studied Leila as she wrote something down for Rin. Her aura didn't give off any traces of spiritual power, nor was there any lingering trace of Youki, indicating that she might have once been an intended.
“Did she tell you how she saw through the spell?” Sesshomaru asked.
“She said she used to know a Youkai.” Kenshin told his uncle. He could smell the annoyance radiating off his uncle. He quickly snuggled under his uncle's chin with a soft whine.
“It's alright pup, I'm not mad at you.” Sesshomaru told the child. There's just something about that woman.
Sesshomaru finally moved back to Rin's side. “So it's set, we'll go out for lunch sometime next week.”
Leila nodded, placing some of the bags on the counter for Rin to grab, while handing the others to one of the clerks that had offered to help load up the car. “Yeah, that sounds like fun.”
Once the trio had left the store Kagura approached Leila. “I assume you know who that is.”
Leila resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She and Kagura had never really seen eye to eye. They got along well enough to make sure that they worked well together, but whenever the group of women that worked for Kagura got together, Leila tended to stay at home or to keep her distance from her.
“He's changed.” Kagura said, interrupting Leila's thoughts. “He's still beautiful though.”
“What do you mean he's changed?”
“He used to be much colder, he never showed any emotion, and his voice was always calm and even, except when he was angry.” Kagura told Leila.
“So you knew him well?”
Kagura shrugged. “Apparently not as well as I thought that I did.” She turned back to Leila. “If he comes back, I want you to direct him to me. I'll take care of his needs.”
~ * ~
“Why did you invite that girl out for lunch?” Sesshomaru asked as they settled into the town car.
“Because she seems like fun.” Rin told him. “And she hates Kagura; we have a lot in common.”
Sesshomaru rolled his eyes. “That doesn't seem like a decent enough reason to invite someone that you hardly know out for lunch.”
Rin sighed and touched her father's hand. “She's gotten under your skin hasn't she?”
Sesshomaru snorted. “Don't be ridicules, I don't know her. And she's not my type.”
Rin chuckled. “Papa, you haven't had a type for the past three centuries. What did Kagura want?”
Sesshomaru sighed. “She was basically looking to see if my offer of mating from all those years ago was still open.”
Rin rolled her eyes. “Please tell me you said no.” Sesshomaru shrugged. “Father!”
Sesshomaru winced at that. Rin only called him father when he really pissed her off. “I didn't say yes if that's what you're worried about. Besides, it's not like I've had so many other appealing offers.”
Rin shook her head and didn't respond to him. She liked Leila, there was something familiar about the girl, and no matter what Sesshomaru tried to insist, the girl had caught his attention. Now she just had to place a call into Kagome, and leave the rest to the “Match-Making Miko”.
~ * ~
Leila was leaning against the wall, waiting for Rin to show up. She had called her earlier that day to find out when she was available, and when Leila had mentioned that it was her day off, Rin immediately asked her out for lunch.
Rin climbed out of a car and walked quickly up to Leila. “I'm sorry I'm late, Shippou forgot a file at home and I had to take it to him.”
“It's alright; I just hope I'm not to under dressed for this place.” Leila said, motioning to her jeans and tank top.
Rin read the shirt and burst out laughing. “`Some people say I have a bad attitude. Those people are stupid.' Kagome should get that one for Inuyasha.” She was still chuckling as she linked her arm in Leila's and led her inside.
The two women were led to a table and ordered their drinks. “Thanks for inviting me Rin.” Leila said, examining the menu. “I haven't made too many friends since I moved here.”
Rin smiled and took a sip of the wine that was placed in front of her. “It's not a problem. You look like a girl who knows how to have fun, which is exactly what Kagome and I are looking for.”
“My…well, to tell you the truth, I don't really know what to call her.” Rin said. “She's Sesshomaru's sister-in-law, so that would technically make her my aunt, but she's also Shippou's adoptive mother, so that means she's my mother-in-law.”
“Man that is confusing.” Leila said. “But what do you mean it's what you're looking for?”
“Well because of my father's position all we know are the stuffy Youkai females, and the human women that accompany some of the Youkai men. None of them know how to let loose and have fun.”
Leila giggled at that. They fell into easy conversation as they awaited their food. “Can I ask you something about Sesshomaru?” Leila asked.
“Sure, what do you want to know?” Rin asked.
“Is he a poison bearer?” Leila asked softly. “I only ask because I've seen that crescent moon before on others, and I'm curious if that's a mark that they all bear.”
Rin's jaw dropped in shock. “You can see through his concealment?” Leila nodded. “How? His is one of the most powerful ones.”
“I've grown up around Youkai; I've always been able to see through them.”
Rin was impressed. “Kagome's definitely going to love you then. So then can I ask you a question?”
“Has Kagura mentioned him since we were in the store?” Rin asked.
“She just told me that he's changed and that if he comes in again, to let her deal with his needs.”
Rin rolled her eyes. “That sounds like Kagura alright, she's always been ready to whore herself out when it benefits her. Sorry if you like her at all, I got the impression that you're not a big fan.”
Leila shook her head. “The only reason why I took the job at her place was because I was in desperate need of money. Unfortunately she knows that I can see through concealments so she always makes me deal with Youkai customers.”
Rin shrugged. “That's Kagura for you; she's never been able to do anything on her own.”
The two women finished their lunch and stepped outside. They walked around and did some window shopping before finally parting ways.
“Thanks again Rin, I had a good time.”
Rin smiled at Leila, “No problem. We'll have to get together again soon, I'm sure Kagome will be dying to meet you.”
Rin turned as the black town car pulled up. After waving to Leila she climbed in, kissing Shippou on the cheek. “Well?”
“Oh, we definitely have to get Kagome involved in this one.” Rin agreed.
~ * ~
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or the characters of Rumiko Takahashi. I do own the plot of this story along with any original characters that may make an appearance.