InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Time ❯ One Night ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Inuyasha and Kagome stepped out of the well, both looking thoroughly exhausted. Not even bothering to continue their earlier argument, they wearily climbed the long steps out of the well house and made their way up to Kagome's house.
“Inuyasha, I'll heat up some ramen for you, then I'm going to take a shower.”
Inuyasha yawned, “Alright Kagome.”
And without another word said, Kagome heated the ramen, and trudged up another grueling flight of stairs to the bathroom. Steams arouse from under the door as the hot liquid poured down her unclothed back. She sighed.
Downstairs Inuyasha sat in front of the T.V on the couch shoveling down ramen. How long does it take? He thought, growing impatient. He wanted to play one of his favorite combat video games, but he didn't know how to work the damn thing.
Kagome towel her hair dry after turning the water off. Wrapping a towel around her small frame, she quietly opened the door, and walked to her room to get dressed.
After she was dressed, she walked down the stairs sporting a black pair of short shorts and an almost see-through white tang top. Her hair was piled on her head in a bun.
“Bout time, you take forever.” Inuyasha snapped, polishing off the rest of his ramen
“Shut up.” She yelled back, sifting through the fridge.
“Hey, what's this?” Inuyasha inquired, gesturing to a bright yellow sticky note stuck on the tip of his claw.
Dear Kagome,
Souta, your grandfather and I are at a graduation party for your cousin. We will be staying the night. If you need anything, please call my cell phone.
“It's a note. Mom is out, so is the rest of the family.” As Kagome was talking, Buuyo sauntered into the room and gave Inuyasha an aggressive star before darting into another part of the house.
“Can play video games now?” Inuyasha asked, a hopeful look twinkled in his eyes.
“Okay, but only for a while, I need sleep.” He can be such a little kid sometimes, she thought, walking up towards Souta's room.
“NOOOOOO, punch, kick, YESSSSSS!!!”
“WENCH! Stop moving around, NOOOOOO!!!”
Strange assorted battle cries and insults flew about the house, and many were just jumbled slurs of words.
Kagome looked at Inuyasha with a triumphant smile,
“You lost!”
“Feh, I let you win. Wench.”
Inuyasha turned to stare at Kagome, and leaned in closer, and closer until there lips almost met, unable to take the heat, Kagome moved in to break the millimeter gap, and grabbed his lips in hers. Taken aback by her boldness, he sat there dumbfounded while she coaxed his mouth open and began exploring the inner recesses of his mouth with her tongue. He played back, mimicking what she had done.
Slowly, Inuyasha began to pull her shirt over her head, she doing the same with his. A heated battle raged on, each person wanting dominance of the kiss, until Kagome gave in. Inuyasha flipped her onto her back, and trailed hot, wet openmouthed kisses her collarbone and shoulders. He reached around her and unhooked her bra. Kagome shuddered. When the undergarment was discarded, he trailed his tongue around the outer edge of her breast, causing her to groan out loud. He slowly trailed he mouth toward the tip, and sucked on the nipple. He was rewarded with a large shudder, and a short yelp. Pulling the shorts down to her knees, he lightly trailed his claws down her stomach leaving a prickly feeling trail. Moving down, he nipped her inner thigh, and grabbed the waistband of the shorts in his teeth, and pulled them off. Leaving Kagome in only her panties.
The tables turned. Kagome jumped up, and brought Inuyasha down, only this time with her on top. She flashed him a wicked grin, and nipped at his neck. He tried to retaliate, but her knees held his arms down. She nipped at his ear, and breathed into it, causing shivers to run down his back. Kagome tucked an ear into her mouth, and started massaging the furry digit; she was rewarded with a small whine from Inuyasha. She moved a little in order to reach his neck. She sucked at it, and nipped slightly at his pulse.
Suddenly, Inuyasha flipped over, pinning Kagome down on the floor. He trailed wet kisses down her chest, between her breasts, down her stomach, until he reached her panties. He licked the skin that was just under the waistband, and pulled it down with his teeth. His fingers began exploring the folds of hot, slick flesh. He found the little nub of flesh, and nipped at it. Kagome bucked her hips, causing a slight smirk to appear on his face.
He continued his exploration using his tongue and fingers to further her pleasure. He inserted one finger into her molting hot core, and pumped it in and out, then he did the same with two, and then three fingers. She ferociously bucked her hips, moving him off of her.
“Inuyasha…Not now.” She commanded, out of breath and panting. Inuyasha just gave her another smirk, and continued his exploration. He removed his fingers, and licked them clean.
He moved in for another kiss, she didn't reject him. His tongue moved in and out of the recesses of her mouth. After a while of passionate kissing, Kagome's eyelids began to droop, and her energy to fall away. Inuyasha laid her down on top of him, turned to his side, and curled up with her in his arms. After a while, when she was sound asleep, he dressed her again, and put her in her own bed. He snuggled up to her, and fell asleep for the first time feeling complete.