InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Year's Time ❯ One Year's Time ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome leaned against the Bone Eater's Well as she watched the grass get crunched under InuYasha's feet. He had been pacing and growling under his breath for nearly forty-five minutes and he was starting to drive her crazy. Sighing she pressed her fingers to her temples.
“IunYasha will you please stop and relax? You're starting to dig a trench with your feet.”
InuYasha stopped and glared at her.
“Sesshomaru is coming and you want me to relax? I have to be ready for when the bastard gets here.”
“He's coming here because I asked him to not because he wants to start a fight.”
“How do you know?”
“InuYasha, if he really wanted to start a fight don't you think he would have done so long ago?”
“That's exactly why I don't trust the bastard.”
Kagome huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.
“You don't trust anybody.”
InuYasha made a low wine and flattened his ears to his head. He didn't like the fact that Kagome believed he didn't trust her. Hell she saved his life on several occasions and vice versa. And since Kikyo had finally been laid to rest he had been trying a lot harder to build a higher level of trust with Kagome. He thought he was doing a damn good job too. He knelt down before Kagome and looked at her from beneath the shadow of his bangs.
“I trust You, Kagome.”
Kagome knew he trusted her otherwise he would allow her such liberties of being so bold without complaint. She captured his gaze with her own.
“Then please trust me when I tell you that me inviting Sesshomaru here today is something I feel I need to do.”
“Fine but I still don't see why the bastard needs his arm back anyway.”
“Because, half-breed, you are the reason it is missing in the first place.”
InuYasha and Kagome both looked up to see Sesshomaru enter the clearing. His emotionless mask never moved as InuYasha moved in front of Kagome and clutched the hilt of the Tetsusaiga. He did however glare at him when InuYasha sent a warning growl at him.
Kagome felt the vibrations of InuYahsa's growl through his back. Smacking him lightly on the shoulder she whispered to him.
“Stop it InuYasha. Starting a fight will only make things difficult.”
InuYasha narrowed his eyes at Sesshomaru and slowly remove his hand from Tetsusaiga's hilt. Taking two steps away from Kagome he folded his arms into the massive sleeves of his haori and stood glaring at Sesshomaru.
Kagome looked back and forth between the two brothers looking for any signs of a brewing fight. Both were giving each other cold stares but not much more. Kagome cleared her throat to catch their attention and motioned for Sesshomaru to take a seat on the edge of the well. Once he seemed situated she stepped between his legs and hesitantly reached for his armor. She caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of her eye and retracted her hands quickly. Trying again she mentally kicked herself when she came up with the same results.
`Come on Kagome, this cant be that much different from changing InuYasha's bandages right? Just relax and try again.'
“Miko if you wish for me to remove my armor, ask.”
The sudden sound of his voice startled her causing her to jump slightly.
“Well, it would be a lot easier to do what I need to do if you weren't wearing… um… you're armor is kinda in the way. I mean it does make it more difficult to…”
“Miko, you're testing my patients.”
`Agh, Kagome calm down. You're making yourself look like an idiot.' Kagome took a calming breath and looked Sesshomaru square in the eye.
“Could you remove your armor please? I can't get complete access to your arm while you are wearing it.”
Sesshomaru removed his armor. It fell to the ground with a massive thud. Kagome stared at it for a moment. `There is no way I could have taken that off of him myself.'
Glancing up at Sesshomaru she gave him a timid smile before slowly reaching to open his haori. Revealing his damaged arm she gently laid her hands laid her hands on the stub. A growl escaped from Sesshomaru and she nearly jumped out of her skin. Panicking she pulled her hands away.
“I'm sorry did I hurt you?”
“Warm your hands before you touch me again. They feel as if you just had them in a frozen river.”
Kagome blushed as bright as InuYasha's fire rat. She knew when she got nervous her hands got cold but she never knew they got that cold. Furiously she rubbed her hands together until they were bright pink indicating warmth. Again Kagome grasped Sesshomarus's arm forming a ring around the bottom of it.
Kagome took a deep relaxing breath and closed her eyes. She focused her energies to her hands and pictured Sesshomaru's complete arm in her head. Her hands began to glow pink and the faint shadow of an arm began to form. Very slowly Kagome's hands trekked further down the shadow and it grew darker. When she reached what was to be Sesshomaru's clawed fingertips her hands started their trip back towards their shoulder.
Standing on the sidelines InuYasha watched as Kagome's pink aura wrapped around her arms and reformed Sesshomaru's. He could see the muscles stretching and pulling over the bone that had formed under the transparent skin. He found it interesting and disgusting at the same time. As the skin of Sesshomaru's arm became less translucent the glow of Kagome's aura dimmed. Kagome lost her balance but quickly steadied herself. The demonic markings appeared on his wrists, and the glow of Kagome's power completely dissipated.
Exhausted, Kagome's knees buckled beneath her. She clung to the newly renewed arm that Sesshomaru shot out to catch her with. Kagome panted against his are arm as he gently kept her from crumpling to the ground.
“Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't expect that to take so much of my energy.”
“Hai, InuYasha, I'm okay.”
Kagome smiled as she answered his unanswered question. Steadying herself on her unstable feet she pulled herself to her full height. Looking at Sesshomaru she smiled as brightly as she could.
“How does it feel?”
Sesshomaru examined his flexing fingers.
`I guess that is the best I'm gonna get,' Kagome sighed. `It's not like I was expecting him to say thank you or anything.'
Sesshomaru watched the smile on her face quickly turn into a grimace as a blue spiritually charge arrow forced itself through her left shoulder and into his own. The unexpectedness of the attack caught him off guard. The force of Kagome slamming into to his chest sent them both toppling them backwards into the well. Feeling the sudden urge to protect the young woman against his chest he closed his arms around her as the fell. He closed his eyes from the sudden assault of light that engulfed them.
InuYasha yelled as he saw her and Sesshomaru fall. He had no idea if the well was going to allow Sessomaru to pass, but he knew he had to get through to the other side to help Kagome. The blue glow of the time slip illuminated the well and he didn't hesitate to follow suit. He called out for Kagome to hold on as he leapt into the well completely missing sight of a hooded figure that stepped just past the line of the trees.
The mysterious figure stepped to the edge of the well with a bow in hand. It watched as the three in the well faded into the time slip. Notching another arrow and charging it with a blue aura, it launched it aiming for the wood just inside the edge of the well. The shaft shuddered as it hit its mark.
“Hear and obey these words of mine, the Bone Eater's Well shall be sealed for one year's time.”
A femine voice echoed into the well.
The cloaked figure smiled from underneath the massive hood as the glow of the time slip dissipated from the well. The arrow lodged in the side of the well pulsed twice as the inside of the well grew dark.
Retreating back into InuYasha's forest the cloaked figure sought something in the trees. Not far into the darkness two more cloaked figures dropped from the trees next to her. Clawed hands reached out and caught hold of her lightly.
“Is it done?”
The taller of the cloaked figures asked in a baritone voice.
“Yes, it's done, and the seal will hold for an entire year.”
The shorter growled deeply. He began nuzzling against her neck, his chin brushing her shoulder. He retreated from his advances immediately when a hiss escaped from between her teeth.
“Are you injured?”
“No just an old pain,” she said clutching her shoulder. “I think some heat will make it feel better.”
Both figures stepped close to her enveloping her in their arms and stroking seductively under the edges of her cloak. She wriggled her way out of their grasp. Holding her hands up to stop their advances she gave an irritated huff.
“That wasn't exactly the type of heat I was talking about. I was thinking more along the lines of a hot spring.”
“Hmm, a wet heat. I believe that does sound much more enticing. Lead the way.
The taller male gestured.
“This is going to be a relaxing bath. You two had better behave.”
“Come on when have you ever known us not to behave?”
The shorter asked smirking slightly.
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
A barking laugh echoed through InuYasha's forest as the hooded males followed the cloaked female to the hot spring.