InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Year's Time ❯ Flashback ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

`Damn dogs!'
Kagome growled to herself as she pulled the string of her bow taunt once more. She shivered when she practically felt Sesshomaru's word caress her skin as his hands repositioned her arms and body into a better stance. The warmth of his body pressed so closely behind her left her mind reeling.
“You're aiming too high again Kagome. You need to aim your sights lower. That will put you closer on target.”
Heat rose to her cheeks as he stepped away ghosting his fingers across her uncovered arms in the process. This was just a hint of the torment the newly dubbed demonic duo had put her though since that fateful night in their room.
~~~~ Flashback~~~~
“Indeed, but how do we go about having our little miko repay her transgressions?”
Sesshomaru placed a curled knuckle underneath Kagome's chin and tilted upwards. He moved to a kneeling position and stared down into her wide eyes as silver mane curtained around their faces. His thin lips pulled into a light smirk.
“I think first should be the improper farewell.”
“Yeah, I think so too.”
Inuyasha's clawed fingertips flexed against Kagome's stomach causing small amounts of friction between her skin and the fabric of her gown.
“Improper? How was my saying goodbye improper? I didn't see anything wrong with it.”
Kagome huffed defiantly.
“Of course you didn't see anything wrong with it you weren't on the receiving end. It was so rushed I almost couldn't tell you were trying to tell me goodbye. When bidding somebody farewell it is customary to bring you focus onto them and proceed with the farewell more slowly. This technique also works very well for greetings. Allow me to demonstrate.”
Slowly Sesshomaru lowered his lips to Kagome's. They were soft at first but soon they became more demanding. The hand that he placed under her chin smoothed down her neck to find purchase at the base of her skull. He tilted her head back for a better angle in attempt to deepen the kiss. His dangerously sharp fang grazed against her bottom lip causing Kagome to gasp aloud giving Sesshomaru ample opportunity to sweep his tongue into her mouth. He nearly smiled at the shiver that shook her body. Skillfully he coaxed Kagome's tongue to play with his and then eventually to follow his into his own mouth.
Kagome was, to say the least, shocked. She wasn't expecting this when she came to return his things. This kiss wasn't nearly as shocking as the one on the Ferris wheel but it came close. His lips were smooth and fierce, just like his personality. The mere feel of his lips molding against her had her wanting to just melt into Inuyasha's lap. When she gasped at the feel of his fangs the sensation of his tongue caressing hers sent a shiver down her spine. And when he silently requested she followed his tongue back into his mouth to be shock again. He tasted almost similar to that of freshly fallen snowflakes caught on your tongue with a hint of mint. Tentatively Kagome's tongue searched the contours of his mouth and gently traced his fangs before venturing home. After that Sesshomaru eased back but not before kissing her a few more times to which Kagome responded willing. Unsure as to when exactly she closed her eyes Kagome hesitantly opened them revealing misty blue pools. Slightly dazed she blinked slowly as she looked into molten orbs. She watched as a satisfied smile spread across Sesshomaru's lips.
“That is more than acceptable. Now come to me.”
Sesshomaru extended a hand to which Kagome willingly grasped and slid into his waiting arms. He cradled her against his chest. Slipping his fingers into the silky tendrils of her hair he slowly smoothed his fingers along the skin of her scalp. Bringing his lips closer to her ear he murmured to her.
“Your lesson on farewells is complete. Now is your punishment for even daring to try and mar that lovely figure.”
Kagome tried to turn her head to look at Sesshomaru but he prevented the movement. The fingers that were stroking her scalp moved to lightly grasp her chin and keep her eyes trained on Inuyasha.
The command from Sesshomaru was useless the moment her eyes focused on Inuyasha. Their gazes locked for a moment and a heat resonated from Inuyasha's eyes warming Kagome's body. The intensity of his gaze kept her frozen in place.
Placing a warm hand on the back of Kagome's calf he extended her leg bringing the seemingly uninjured foot closer to his face. A faint white line lay over the rise in her foot. Smoothing the pad of his thumb along the scar Inuyasha growled lightly.
“This is where the tensaiga fell.”
He grasped her foot with his other hand and applied pressure to the arch of her foot. Slowly his thumbs drew small circles that became bigger in size. When the moan escaped Kagome, Inuyasha let a fang slip between his lips in a smirk. His hands moved around the roundness of Kagome's heel and up the smooth muscle of Kagome's calf. Then he passed the curve of her knee, outside the side of her trembling thigh, and over her hip to rest warmly on her waist.
The span of his hand almost covered her entire waist and Kagome could feel his thumb trace along the exact spot she knew that tensaiga struck earlier that night. Goose bumps prickled along her skin and an involuntary shiver wracked her entire body.
With his hand still caressing Kagome's side Inuyasha kneeled between Kagome's knees and leaned over her body bringing their faces in very close proximity. He could feel Kagome's chest heaving just under his own as he brought his lips towards her unoccupied ear. Knowing Kagome was sufficiently pinned between himself and his brother, just for effect, Inuyasha het his lower lip brush against Kagome's cheek bone as he spoke to her.
“I bet if I looked her I'd find the same type of scar wouldn't I Kagome? I can already feel the slight raise in your skin.”
A soft gasp fell from her lips as his hot breath caressed her ear and she pressed closer to Inuyasha. The heat his body was producing seemed to seep into her and meet up half way with the warmth from Sesshomaru that invaded her body from the other side. Her body, on its own accord, rhythmically sought warmth from both heat sources until a clawed hand just under her breast stilled her movement. Said hand curved around the bottom of her breast and the index finger came up to flick across her hardened nipple.
“Tell me Kagome what entices you more, the thought of Inuyasha gazing upon your form or the idea of being touched in order to do so? I very much would like to know because you smell amazing.”
Sesshomaru continued to caress the protruding nub when Kagome failed to answer taking his own interpretation of the breathy moan she released.
Kagome's head was spinning. She was literally stuck between a rock and a hard place and she didn't know what to do. Her body was screaming for her to submit and admit defeat to a battle she didn't even know she was participating in while her mind was sending of every reassurance that she was not in the wrong regardless of what the other occupants in the room thought. Her libido however was not taking either side on the subject just as long as Inuyasha and Sesshomaru kept up with the delicious punishment.
The war that Kagome was battling with herself over was place in the back of her mind when nipped lightly at her ear lobe.
When Inuyasha noticed that he had her attention once again he slowly ventured along the column of her neck to rest over her clavicle. He smoothed the hand on her waist around to the curve of her spine helping her to arch closer to him as he nibbled lightly on her collar bone. Looking down the length of her body he could see how far her night gown hiked up due to his hand now being between her shoulder blades. Using his other hand he traced the line of her exposed thigh to rest over her panty clad center. Slowly his fingers began to stroke her.
The feel of Inuyasha's fingers was astounding in Kagome's opinion and they hadn't even reached the point of direct contact. She could feel every movement he made on her body. When his fingers ventured under the fabric of her underwear she more felt than heard the hissed breath he released against her skin. The slickness her body produced helped Inuyasha's fingers move more fluidly as they found the bundle of nerves located above her entrance. She couldn't help but jerk her hips forward at the feeling and at the same time she wondered how Inuyasha learned about that.
Inuyasha chuckled.
“How do I know about your `sweet spot' Kagome? When we're at home I always tell you to be more observant, especially at night. I always wondered why you would sneak off to the hot spring in the middle while everyone else slept. You'd leave with such an angry frustrated scent and come back so refreshed and satisfied it made me curious. So I decided to follow you one night. Imagine my surprise when I found you sprawled out on a bolder stroking the very spot I am now.”
Inuyasha's finger dipped skillfully into her core a few times before once again taking up its spot on the bundle of nerves.
“Do you know how difficult it was to keep every demon within a hundred miles away from you instead of satisfying you myself the first time I heard you call my name?”
Kagome wasn't sure if the heat that flooded her body was from embarrassment of being caught or the implication of Inuyasha's urges to join her. Of course it absolutely could have been the feeling of his fingers periodically stroking her inner walls. Distracted as she was she nearly missed the satisfied purr that rumbled behind her as Sesshomaru changed the direction that he was massaging her breast
“I must admit brother, our little miko's escapades by the hot springs was truly a sight to behold. Almost as lovely and enticing as it is now.”
“You t…t…too? Ahhh.”
Kagome jerked again as Inuyasha's fingers delved repeatedly into her channel.
“Only once and almost as satisfying.”
He rolled her nipple between two fingers for emphasis.
Another breathy moan fell from Kagome's mouth the combination of Sesshomaru's fingers on her chest and Inuyasha's fingers in her core has her teetering on the edge of a very large orgasm. All she needed was a little bit more persuasion and she would be floating in nirvana beyond any other realm she had ever reached before.
Inuyasha moved once again to place his mouth by her ear.
“Are you close Kagome?”
“Do you want to come?”
“P…please. Yes please.”
“Are you ever going to bring that blade near your skin again?”
Sesshomaru questioned darkly in her ear.
Kagome shuddered. Her body was a blaze and she was so close.
“No… ah kami no. I… I'm sorry.”
Instantly, Kagome found herself standing in the middle of the room with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru sitting on their own beds as if nothing happened. Her body tingled and it felt like every nerve ending was on fire. Her fingertips twitched with the need to touch one of the again. Out of the corner of her eye she caught Inuyasha bringing his fingers to his lips to allowing his tongue to sneak out and taste the tips. At the sight Kagome's felt her body clench desperately once again. Then he smirked at her.
“Good night Kagome.”
Inuyasha taunted lightly as he lay down to go to sleep.
She stared at Inuyasha as her ears register the sound of Sesshomaru settling down as well. When the word punishment faintly reached her ears she jerked her head in his direction to see him reaching for the light.
“Punishment. Good night”
The light was clicked out and Kagome stood silently in the dark for a moment before she left to return to her own room for the night to suffer in her tingling torment. She knew that if she made an attempt to even finish what they had started they would surely find out and the whole scenario would start over again, not that she would complaining about that but tonight was definitely not the night to see how far she could push her tired body.
Kagome shivered lightly at the memory and the arrow in her grasp slipped between her finger tips and sped towards its target hitting the mark dead on.
“That would be a perfect bull's eye. Bravo Kagome.”
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*
Authors note:
Thank you everybody for being so patient about waiting for this chapter. I went back to school this semester and I didn't think my course load would make my life that busy. Well now the semester is almost over so there should be more updates soon b/c while I was writing this chapter future ones came to mind. Please review and I hope you enjoyed.