InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Year's Time ❯ The Play ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome peeked out from behind the curtain to see the auditorium quickly fill up with people. Scanning the audience she found her family seated six rows back from the stage with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru in the row directly behind them. Closing the curtain she swallowed the lump in her throat and wrung her hands together nervously.
“Higurashi, are you okay?”
Kagome turned her head slightly and glanced at Hojo. She offered him a small smile and sighed deeply.
“I'm okay. Just a little nervous I guess.”
“Don't worry Kagome, you'll do fine. You're very talented you know.”
“Thanks Hojo I needed that.”
The lights from the auditorium dimmed around their ankles and they heard the stage manager call for places. Kagome gave Hojo another quick smile before darting off back stage. She heard the opening act start and she felt a rush of adrenaline pass through her.
`Okay Kagome,' she sighed to herself, `it's show time.'
The lights dimmed in the auditorium and a spot light shone at center stage. All the chatter that going on before hand stopped completely. The curtain opened and two figures stepped out. To most of the people in the audience the teenagers on the stage looked like a young couple dressed in the clothing style of the feudal era. To Inuyasha and Sesshomaru they looked like more grown up versions of Rin and Shippo.
The young woman on the stage wore a kimono identical to the one Rin constantly wore. Regardless of what she wore it was the bright brown eyes that twinkled from underneath the fluff of brown bangs that brought the grown Rin to life. They spoke of light hearted playfulness and relaxed afternoons.
The adolescent male made demon stood to the girl's left. Vibrant orange hair hung in a silky ponytail and green eyes seemed to glow from beneath face framing bangs. As the boy walked to the edge of the stage a matching orange tail swayed behind him.
Lost in another time neither of the brothers heard the opening of the play. The words `star-cross'd lovers' faintly filtered through the fog in their brain. Subconsciously they registered the meaning of the play but never completely focused in until the character Romeo, portrayed as a human, set about to attend the Capulet party.
The audience watched as `Romeo' made his way through the party goers. They marveled at the unique coloring and the sharply defined characteristics that separated the Capulet house from the Montague's. A human in the house of demons. A collective gasp sounded around the auditorium at the sight of the distinctly different demoness that caught `Romeo's' attention.
A moonlit goddess floated across stage on dainty feet. Starlight colored tresses caressed the back of porcelain calves along with blue and yellow silk. An equally delicate yukata in white accented in red whispered against her thighs, around the backs of her claw tipped hands, and along the column of her neck. The most captivating feature of this creature however was her face. A single midnight blue stripe lay strikingly bold against each pale cheek but paled in comparison to the golden eyes that locked `Romeo' into his statue like state.
Inuyasha whispered in shock. He looked over at Sesshomaru to confirm his suspicions but was faced with a look that mirrored his own. Finding no help from his brother he turned back to the stage in hopes of catching a scent to solidify his conclusion. In the brief moment that his attention was diverted from the stage the scene had changed and the beauty in white stood atop a balcony staring almost directly at him, or so it seemed. She sighed deeply before her voice rang sweetly in his ears and all other distractions were forgotten including “Romeo.”
O Romeo, Romeo! Whereforeart thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name
or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
andI'll no longer be a Capulet.
'Tis but thy name that is my enemy
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague?
Itis nor hand, nor foot,
norarm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name?
Thatwhich we call a rose
byany other name would smell as sweet;
soRomeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
withoutthat title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself.
The words of the scene before them faded in Inuyasha's ears. He was lost in the beauty of Kagome. He watched completely fixated but never fully coherent every time Kagome was on stage and his mind wandered off along with her when she wasn't in view. However inattentive he was when Kagome wasn't on stage, Inuyasha still noticed that several characters were portrayed people they knew in the past. The nurse just so happen to look very similar to Sango; and that seemed fitting considering Kagome went to Sango with most of the questions and problems that couldn't be solved by him and the tetsusaiga. The character named Paris who seemed to love Juliet but just wouldn't get the hint looked so remarkably close to Koga that Inuyasha had to stifle the laughter that threatened to erupt from him. Even the bouzu made an appearance in the form of a friar that gave Romeo and Juliet the chance to wed, and incidentally he was play by the boy Hobo or whatever his name was. Inuyasha didn't stop the grin that formed on his face at the sight of the boy who so longed to be with Kagome. Even in a play he couldn't really have more than a friendship with Kagome. Focusing his wondering thought back onto the play Inuyasha was shocked to see a lifeless Kagome/Juliet lying in a tomb. Mentally he started to kick himself for not paying closer attention but then she started to stir with the Miroku look a like standing over her. Sitting up in her own tomb she spoke quietly.

O comfortable friar!
Whereis my lord?
I do remember well where I should be
andthere I am. Where is my Romeo?

A noise in the background caught Kagome's attention momentarily. Hojo, in Miroku's signature robes lifted his hand to her shoulder to bring her focus back to him.

I hear some noise. Lady, come from that nest
ofdeath, contagion, and unnatural sleep:
A greater power than we can contradict
haththwarted our intents. Come, come away.
Thy husband in thy bosom there lies dead
And Paris too. Come, I'll dispose of thee
Among a sisterhood of holy nuns:
Stay not to question, for the watch is coming;
Come, go, good Juliet,

Noise again

I dare no longer stay.

Go;get thee hence, for I will not away.

Placing her hand gently on Hojo's and smiled softly as she dismissed the young friar. Her attention turned back onto `Romeo'.

What's here?
Acup, closed in my true love's hand?
Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end
O churl!
Drunkall, and left no friendly drop
tohelp me after? I will kiss thy lips;
Haply some poison yet doth hang on them
tomake die with a restorative.

Slowly she leaned forward and pressed her lips lightly to his.

Thy lips are warm.

A voice back stage called out which way and Kagome sat up quickly.

Yea, noise?
ThenI'll be brief. O happy dagger!

Kagome grabbed a polished black sheath and drew a smooth edged blade that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha recognized instantly. Swallowing noticeably Kagome turned the tip of the blade towards herself.

is is thy sheath;

Swiftly she impaled herself on the katana and several people in the audience cried out including the completely shocked demonic siblings.

Thererust, and let me die.

Kagome slumped forward over `Romeo's' body and completely stopped all movement. The curtains closed and the teenage versions of Rin and Shippo walked on stage again. Meeting at center stage they faced the audience and spoke solemnly.
A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
the sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.
Rin and Shippo mover towards opposite ends of the stage and swung their arms open wide towards the curtains. The heavy fabric opened wide and Kagome stood grasping the clean bladed katana in one hand and her costars in the other. They bowed together and exited the stage. As they exited other characters came on and took their bows. One by one characters came back out ending once again with `Romeo' and `Juliet'.
Nearly every person in the audience was on their feet in a standing ovation. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were too shocked to move. The curtains closed once again and people began to file out of the auditorium. Rumi pulled them back to reality.
“Come on boys. We'll wait for Kagome in the court yard. She'll be out soon.”
The moment Kagome exited the school building she found herself enveloped in Inuyasha's arms nearly dropping the bag that was slung over her shoulder. His fingers buried themselves in her hair as he inhaled her scent deeply. She could feel him tracing the lines of her back under her sweater with his free hand. He pulled away to look her in the eye and she smiled at him. Touching her hand to his cheek she whispered.
“I'll explain later.”
Inuyasha released Kagome and took a step to the side. The next person to take Kagome into their arms was Sesshomaru and she received the same treatment from him that she got from Inuyasha. Slightly confused he pulled away from her to look her in the eye. Pinning her with his scrutinizing gaze he murmured low enough for her to hear.
“You will explain later.”
And he stepped aside as well.
Kagome moved to hug the rest of her family. She tried not to blush as they gushed about her and the play.
“Kagome, sweetheart, it was wonderful. You were so beautiful. Oh I can't get over how detailed and lovely everything was.”
“Indeed it is wonderful to see young kids taking an interest in their history and legends. Definitely a treat, most definitely a treat.”
“Oh man sis that rocked. The sword fights and the dying. And at the end you stabbed yourself with that big old long katana. You didn't even blink and wham it goes right through you. How did y'all rig that one up? That is so a trick I want to learn. Did you use a collapsible blade? I bet you did, didn't you?”
The play was the talk for most of the night at the shrine. Rumi wanted to know whether or not the costume planning was Kagome's idea or not and she wanted to know all about her inspiration. Her grandfather constantly offered to bring out old scrolls that told about other stories in history and Sota would not drop the subject of the sword. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru sat and watched quietly as Kagome blushed and rubbed her head nervously as she explained as much as she was willing to.
When Sota came down from his excitement high and crashed on the floor, Rumi announced it was time for bed. Scooping her son into her arms she motioned everybody out of the living room.
After changing for bed, Kagome listened quietly at her closed door for the rest of the house to settle down. About ten minutes later she retrieved the bag she had brought home with her and headed down the hall to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's room. The lights were out but she knew they were still awake. Quietly she opened the door and slipped in. The bedside lamp clicked on and she almost screamed.
Sesshomaru sat crossed legged on his bed with his arms crossed over his chest glaring and Inuyasha let his fingers fall from the golden chain hanging from the lamp and took his place on his own bed.
Without speaking Kagome knelt between the two beds and opened the bag she carried.
She pulled out Sesshomaru's folded kimono and sash and placed them on the floor. Then she pulled out the tensaiga and placed it gently over the articles of clothing. Quickly she bowed low and uttered her apology.
“I'm sorry I borrowed your things without permission.”
The room stayed silent over her bowed head and Kagome tensed. She didn't think she had made them that mad. Curling her fingers slightly against the wooden floor she fought the urge to cry. Suddenly hands pulled her to her feet and she stared into molten colored eyes tinged with red.
“You honestly think we are concerned about a few articles of clothing and a trinket? There are more important things to fret over.”
“What the hell were you thinking Kagome? That was risky doing something like that.”
“Look I knew nothing was going to happen. Tensaiga is the sword of healing its not like I was playing around with the Tokijin. Besides I figured out that noting was gonna happen when I dropped the blade on my foot last month.”
“Shhh… calm down. Initially it was by accident. I was finding a new place to put the swords away, but before I did that I wanted to make sure they weren't stuck in the sheath so I checked them one by one. My fingers accidentally slipped when I pulled out the tensaiga and it landed blade down on my foot. It's no big deal though nothing happened.”
“Yes, but what made you assume that you would be able to impale yourself on my sword and live through it?”
“Well a couple weeks later, we were having a hard time figuring out how we were going to do the last scene. We couldn't find one of those gag blades that Sota was talking about and we were really starting to panic and then I remembered the incident with the tensaiga. So I tested my theory out one day when you guys were sparing in the yard. It worked but it managed to tear up my shirt. Then I realized that I was going to need a costume that was going to withstand the power of the sword and it was only fitting to don the clothing of the master of the sword. So I waited to the most opportune moment and took them out of the laundry. I'm really sorry.”
“You stabbed yourself in the gut? Are you insane? You had no idea on if it was going to work or not.”
“At least I did it while you guys were close by. I wouldn't have done anything like that without you being within a safe range. You should know me better than that. Besides when where you going to tell me that you two have been sparring when I'm not here?”
Inuyasha blanched when Kagome turned her questioning gaze on him. Why did she to look at him? Sesshomaru was sparring as well. Thankfully though Sesshomaru spoke before Inuyasha opened his mouth and made a fool of himself.
“Is there truly a need to tell you when you already knew?”
Sesshomaru released her arm and sat once more on his bed.
“Point taken. At least nest time invite me to the next showing. I'd like to see what I'm missing.”
Kagome sighed and bent down to retrieve the articles from the floor. Pulling open the night stand drawer she placed the kimono and sash inside and leaned the tensaiga against the wall.
“What do you mean `what you're missing'?”
Inuyasha arched an eyebrow.
“Well apparently you guys are the new craze at school. All the girls are talking about the `totally sexy guys at the Higurashi shrine who do martial arts and stuff like that.' That is almost the only thing I hear about in the hallways.”
“So how long have you know?”
Inuyasha lowered his head slightly.
Kagome came to sit by him on his bed.
“For about a month. But I figured you guys were really bored here, and I didn't think it was fair of me to ask you not to train. It's who you are and I don't think I would want you guys any other way. I shouldn't have expected you to sit around and do nothing while I was busy with the play.”
“Speaking of,”
Sesshomaru interrupted.
“Your performance was amazing despite the shock at the end.”
“T-thank you.”
“Yeah, Kagome, you looked really beautiful tonight dressed in a kimono. Though I have to admit, I think your hair color suits you better than the silver.”
Inuyasha reached up and toyed with a piece of Kagome's hair. Tucking it behind her ear he noticed the blush that dusted her cheeks. Sliding his fingers under her chin he lifted her face towards him. Leaning forward he placed a chaste kiss against her lips and then smiled at her.
“What… what was that for?”
“For this morning.”
Inuyasha smirked and stood scooping Kagome into his arms. He moved over to Sesshomaru's bed and climbed in placing her on his lap to face his brother. Wrapping his arms around her he successfully trapped her arms next to her sides. Placing his chin on her shoulder he spoke slowly into her ear.
“You know Ka... go... me, if you are going to tell somebody goodbye in the morning and not do it properly it is kinda insulting, and then scaring them later that evening doesn't help matters. However I can be sympathetic to the fact that your family was present and will allow you the chance to make it up to us, don't you agree Sesshomaru.”
Sesshomaru lifted both eyebrows in shock at Inuyasha. Who knew the brat had such devious tactics. He was turning into quite an ally.
“Indeed, but how do we go about having our little miko go about repaying her transgressions?”
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*
Ha ha ha ha ha…… It's a cliffy. I know that is so terrible of me after not updating for so long. Originally this chapter was meant to be the play only but I wanted to add a little more content. I think it gave it a little more oomph. Either way, please Enjoy and review. Thanks and lots of love. More updates will be on the way.