InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only I can touch you ❯ Prologue>' Disfigure ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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Welcome to `Only I can touch you'
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Summary: "You are my soul mate.” With that he was gone. She laid there wide-eyed at what he said.
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own the characters of Inuyasha. All characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi.
The story in this fiction is only MINE. Again. (I OWN NOTHING OF INUYASHA).
Warnings: Some violence, no curse words but close, sexual situations. Under age don't read if you're not aloud to.
Mala's Notes: this is my Fiction. I think Sesshoumaru has a boa on his shoulder but in my fiction he has a tail.
Please give my fiction a try. I hope you like it. Review and tell me what you think. If you forget come back to this page
Pairings: More of a Sess/Kag fiction, because they are my favorite pairing. Mir/San, are a cute couple. Shi/Rin, they are playmates.
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Only I can touch you
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Prologue>' Disfigure
In the Goshinboku sat a hanyou by the name Inuyasha waiting for the miko in the school uniform to arrive from the future. The wind blew his silver- white hair. He continues to star at the well. The sound of footsteps approaching caught his attention.
He looked in the direction of the sound to see a fox child (Shippou), a youkai exterminator (Sango), a monk plus perverted (Miroku), and a fire cat (Kirara). Soon a familiar scent reached his nose. Inuyasha jumped out of the tree and began walking towards the bone-eater's well. 'At least she is not late as always.' Thought the hanyou. A hand came over the rim of the well.
Next came a different big backpack that pop pled on the side outside of the well. It was black but judging by the weight it was lighter then the backpack she usually have. The Miko's head pop into view and then she was out the well standing. The Miko (Kagome) wore a bright smile. The usual school uniform was replaced with a different pair of clothes.
Kagome wore a purple outfit. It was made with stretchy martial.
The top had long sleeves, a hood, and zip's up in the front.
She had a black t-shirt under that hugged to her skin.
Her pants were purple not to loose or to tight.
She was wearing black tennis shoes.
"Kagome!" Shippou lunched himself at her into a hug. She giggled. "Shippou, did you miss me?" Then she ruffled his hair some while smiling. "Hey wench, why'd you change? You don't usually wear that." spoke Inuyasha. "I decided to wear more comfortable clothes Inuyasha." She replied.
"If I am correct, our hanyou friend was fond at seeing Lady Kagome's bare legs." Commented Miroku.
For that, earned him two blushing friends.
This earned a dazed Shippou and a beaten from Sango. WHAM! Oh, and she hit him hard too. "Need to `not' be such a pervert Houshi." Sango stepped over his unconscious form and began walking to the village dragging the monk by the collar while following the others. She caught up with Kagome. "Kagome, Did that Houjou guy ask you on a date again? " She asked. "Yeah! He always seems to." Before Sango could ask another question someone interrupted.
"Lady Sango, I was merely removing a leaf." Miroku replied holding his stinging pink cheek.
He was standing and continues to speak. "Sango, I would be honored if you would go on a date with this h-" Kagome's sequel interrupted him.
"Miroku-sama, Sango-chan would lo-"
Kagome realized she spoke without thinking. "Sorry?" She said in a little voice.
Sango did not look happy, but she stayed silent. "Ah, that's for Sango to answer."
Sango left the question unanswered and instead she hit the monk upside the head. They made it in the village. In a hut was the village aged priestess (Kaede). They sat in the hut drinking tea and discussing.
"Lady Kaede, any leads?" Asked the perverted monk. She nodded her head. "Ye must know the rumors are coming from the west. A shape shifting youkai had ruined some villages and it is said it possess some shikon no Kakera (Shikon Shards)."
"Just what I need. Another run-in with my half-brother." Inuyasha complained.
Later that night Kagome awoke to a beautiful melody. She looked around and no one else was awake. 'Why hasn't anyone else woken up?' She didn't ponder on that to long. Inuyasha wasn't in the hut.
'Maybe he can hear it?'
So the Miko got off the futon and stepped out of the hut. 'Seems to be coming from the forest.'
"Hey! Wench, what are you doing?" Came Inuyasha's voice. The woman-child turned around to see the hanyou sitting on the roof looking down at her.
"Inuyasha, Can't you hear that melody? It's beautiful." Exclaim Kagome. He twitched he ears this way and that, but heard nothing of the sort.
"What are you talking about wench? I hear no melody." The hanyou replied. Inuyasha was irritated that she could hear something he couldn't. Or that she was just making it up!
'Now that's just creepy. I could hear it and he can't.'
Then the melody stopped.
She looked back towards the forest and seen a white blur pass in the trees. The woman-child decided to think nothing of it for the night. Kagome walked back in the hut.
'Tomorrow I'll think about it.'
The Miko went back to sleep on her futon.
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I hope you enjoyed my fiction. Just give me your true option.
Don't forget to review after you read. (My true opinion is…… It SUCKS.
Sike non, the story is straight so far. I wonder if I should continue to read the rest?)
( ? NOOOoo my eyes sparkles.) 00 How about now?
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>' Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah 
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