InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only I can touch you ❯ Onward ( Epilogue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Please enjoy.
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Only I can touch you
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Summary: Kagome finds out she only could hear a sweet melody, and that melody leads to her soul mate. Apparently it's a full youkai.
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own the characters of Inuyasha. All characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. The story in this fiction is only MINE. Again. (I OWN NOTHING OF INUYASHA).
Warnings: Some violence, no curse words but close, sexual situations. Under age don't read if you're not aloud to.
Mala's Notes: I know the story was simply. Don't be `mad' cause I heard that dogs get `mad'. And please don't get `anger' either, but this is the end of the story. Review and tell me what you think.
Pairings: More of a Sess/Kag fiction, because they are my favorite pairing. Mir/San, are a cute couple. Shi/Rin, they are playmates.
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Only I can touch you
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Epilogue >' Onward
It's morning out. A hand comes out of the well and a girl follows. They found out that she is still able to use the old dried up well. She is going to school on a normal day schedule now that the shikno no tama is once again whole. She would meet up with the gang and Sesshoumaru's group. Her family could see her more often now that she sees them about everyday.
She is pulled into a hug. “Hi, Kagome-chan!”
Kagome looks down to see Rin holding on to her. “Kagooommmee!” A little body is now holding on to her head. “Did you bring me anything?”
“Of course Shippou.” She said rubbing the top of his head.
“What about me?” She hugs the girl back.
“Yes, you too.”
“Yay!” They both shouted at the same time.
Miroku found out that the curse in his hand was no more and he purposed to Sango, which she accepted. Kohaku was found alive, probably done by Kagome's love Sesshoumaru. Or maybe from Kagome's way of pulling the rest of the jewel shards together when she defeat Naraku? Anyway, Sango is reunited with her little brother. No one was able to find Kikyou.
Kagome felt whole. One thing was bothering her though. The shikon no tama lump, which was on her hip, its not there anymore. It felt like the jewel was still in her though.
It happened the night before, in her time, in peasant Tokyo.
It felt as if it was all over her body. She figured she still had the jewel but it is more part of her now because she is able to go threw the well.
Anyways, she'd keep coming here to visit her friends and her love. Staring at him for a moment. Kagome stood there and thought. Making up her mind she moves forward.
Sesshoumaru watches her curiously. She set the children aside and advances to him.
Kagome seemed as if she is planning something. `What is she up to?' He narrowed his eyes.
Ignoring his suspicious stare, Kagome balance on her tip toes and grabs his face in her hands.
Her lips barely touching his, breathing on his lips she speaks in a love filled whisper, “I love you.” She kisses him and he responds, totally forgetting about the children and the people coming to greet Kagome.
Pulling away slightly, he wraps his arms around her. Her eyes are close as he kisses her neck.
“I…” He kisses her. “…love you too, and only I can touch you.”
Afterwards he took her mouth in his once again.
THE END and their onward.
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Sorry, the last was short. That's the end and I hope you enjoyed my story. Just give me your true option. Don't forget to review after you read. Thanks so much for reading!
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>' Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah