InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only Of Each Other ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Only Of Each Other
Authoress: SailorChibi
Rating: NC-17/M
Feedback: Very much desired, since this is my first full male/female lemon (on paper, anyway).
Summary: A clash with Kagura leads Inuyasha and Kagome to one of the most touching, memorable nights of their lives. Inu/Kag
Disclaimer: Clearly, since Kikyou isn't dead and Kagome and Inuyasha haven't jumped each other yet, I don't own InuYasha.
It was the beginning of the rainy season, the time when torrential, seemingly never-ending rains scoured the land for the new planting, and the weather was certainly living up to its title. All day, the sky had been overcast with ebony storm clouds. A few drops of water had fallen every few seconds as a continuous warning to what could come. Truly miserable conditions for anyone, but especially so for those who were planning to travel. Or for those who had no choice but to travel.
Higurashi Kagome burrowed her nose further into the soaked haori worn by the hanyou carrying her, wincing slightly. Earlier that day, they had met with one of Naraku's offspring - Kagura - and clashed in a battle that ended when the skies finally opened and a literal waterfall began. Unable to see more than a foot in front of her human eyes, Kagome had unwittingly stumbled in front of one of Kagura's attacks before the woman had fled. The result was a gash on her side that continued to seep blood a full hour after it had been received.
Her ears picked up the very faint sound of Inuyasha grumbling. She knew he did not appreciate the fact that, with every step he took, rich, thick mud oozed between his toes and up over his feet, but he hated wearing shoes, so there was nothing that could be done about it. She looked up and squinted as he came to a stop.
“Stay here,” he ordered abruptly, settling her and her backpack under a large tree. The ground was soggy and damp, and she cringed at the feel of the mud conforming to her skin. A few drops of rain escaped the protective branches of the tree he had placed her beneath and landed on her nose. An involuntary pout formed on her features as she crossed her eyes to see the offending droplets.
Inuyasha chuckled and swiped the water off of her nose with a single claw. Despite herself, Kagome's lips curved into a smile as he said, “There are a series of caves up ahead. Stay here while I go find a good one.” He untied his coat as he spoke and then dropped it over her head.
By the time the indignant girl had fought her way out of the fire-rat fabric, wincing in pain as she did, Inuyasha was long gone. It seemed that the hanyou, far more clever than he liked to let on, had figured out a way to deal with the stubborn female by simply not giving her the time or ability to protest his actions.
“It won't work during a fight!” she yelled out into the darkness. She could have sworn she heard his laugh in reply. A golden feeling blossomed in her tummy, warming her from the inside out as she gave a soft sigh. She then wrapped Inuyasha's haori firmly around her body, cuddling herself into the soggy cloth. It was the next best thing to having Inuyasha himself hugging her.
Sango, Miroku, Shippou and Kirara had been separated from her and Inuyasha. Kagome still could not figure out how it had come about. She remembered the storm letting loose and getting soaked in about two seconds. It seemed like one minute she had been standing beside Sango, holding Shippou in her arms, and the next minute Inuyasha's arms had swept her up in a protective embrace and they had left the sight swiftly.
“It was probably for the best. Sango-chan and Miroku-sama can find a village to shield themselves from the storm a lot easier than if we were with them,” Kagome murmured to herself sleepily, stretching absently. A searing pain sliced through her side and she flinched in recollection. “Owwwww.”
“Don't hurt yourself, wrench,” an arrogant but amused voice stated. Kagome's head whipped around to glower into gleaming amber eyes. Inuyasha strode into the small space beneath the tree and crouched beside her. “I found a good spot,” he announced with satisfaction.
Her irritation melted into nothing with how utterly adorable he looked at that moment. His white undershirt and crimson pants were both saturated with liquid and hung limply on his frame on some parts but clung to him on others. His silvery hair had clumped together into one waterlogged, tangled mess. His triangular puppy ears, covered with a petal-soft layer of fuzz, lay close to his head to protect them from the water. His eyes glowed like two circlets of honey. He appeared very much like a mystical creature.
Kagome shifted uncomfortably and pressed her legs together firmly as her eyes strayed to how see-through the undershirt became when wet. It gave her quite an impressive view of his sculpted chest and upper arms.
Inuyasha tilted his head in bewilderment as he noticed the subtle but noticeable shift in Kagome's scent. It was neither fear, anger nor sadness, nor was it particularly joy or happiness. He had noticed it before on her every so often, but had never been quite sure what it meant. Now, however, as he studied her expression, he realized there was an emotion in her eyes he had never, not once in life, seen before: lust.
Blinking in shocked surprise when Inuyasha began to choke, Kagome rocked forward without thinking and yelped. Inuyasha's head snapped up as he grabbed her shoulders gently but firmly to limit her movement. She rested her head against his broad chest and closed her eyes, breathing deeply and trying to control her body's reaction to being so close to him. It wasn't working.
“W-well, I guess w-we b-better get g-going,” Inuyasha stuttered out, his heart pounding abnormally fast as he gingerly lifted the girl before him into his arms. Her breath hitched slightly with pain, and he froze, only continuing to move when her fingers ghosted his arm in some semblance of reassurance. With one hand he heaved her backpack over his shoulder, then, hugging the one thing that meant everything to him, he raced out into the rain.
Due to Inuyasha's natural speed, they reached the chosen cave in a matter of minutes. The boy gently laid Kagome down at the back of the cave on top of his haori, then dragged a few pieces of wood left by previous travelers into the middle of the floor, towards the front. He dug around in her backpack and produced a pack of matches with which he expertly and easily lit the fire.
Kagome smiled inwardly to see him doing this with such ease even as she slipped her torn shirt off. Youkai and humans alike could say that hanyou were a dim-witted and slow breed, but Inuyasha was very intelligent. She had never explicitly shown Inuyasha how to use matches, yet he knew how to do it just by watching she and Sango do it.
Inuyasha turned from the roaring fire with a sense of accomplishment and stopped in his tracks. His mouth went dry and his eyes widened. Although he had seen Kagome naked before, those had always been brief, stolen glimpses while (mistakenly) trying to protect her from either youkai or Miroku.
But now... his eyes seemed to be glued to the vixen sitting in front of him, seemingly unaware of her effect on him. She was still wearing the odd, lacy contraption she called a “bra”, although her shirt lay on the ground beside her. The “bra” hid part of her breasts from his eager view, much to his disappointment, but he was still able to see the tops of the creamy globes and the way they came together to create a hidden valley. It was enough to make his pants tighten.
Kagome blushed at feeling Inuyasha's eyes on her, but knew her wound needed to be bandaged and that wearing her shirt did absolutely no good, seeing as how it was so shredded it wouldn't even make a good wash rag. She reached for her bag and pulled the First Aid kit out.
Inuyasha seemed to come back to himself then, for he scrambled to her side and took it out of her hands. He popped it open and, after studying the contents for a moment, selected a bottle of disinfectant and a roll of bandages. Kagome lay back on her elbows and watched in silence as he began to dab the disinfectant onto her cut. She gave a low hiss of pain at the sting.
A memory overcame him and without thinking, Inuyasha blew gently onto the space. Kagome shivered and bit back a moan, but the small ache stopped. She lifted quizzical eyes to the hanyou beside her.
“My mother used to do that when I got a scrape and the herbs she put on to heal it hurt,” he muttered, knowing of her curiosity.
Her eyes widened at this sudden mention of Izayoi as Inuyasha began to carefully roll the bandages around her stomach. She remained silent, hardly daring to breathe at his touch. Finally, after an eternity that lasted only thirty seconds, he tied the bandage closed and patted it three times before looking up at her.
Their bodies were astonishingly close, she realized belatedly. Why was she trembling? It was just so hard to think when Inuyasha's face was only a few inches away. When their breath was mingling together. When his chest was only centimetres away from her breasts. When she was overwhelmed by the unbearable urge to kiss him...
She leaned up and pressed her mouth to his. It was an achingly short kiss, and she soon fell away, shivering with desire, desperately wanting more but frighteningly unsure of how to get it. The brief touch had been enough, however, and Inuyasha, his eyes darkened to a deep golden shade, re-established the intimate contact.
He kissed her slowly and deeply, first encouraging her lips to part, then sweeping his tongue through every crevice of her mouth as if trying to memorize it in one try. She did her best to keep up with his pace, twining her own tongue around his in an ancient dance, but the closeness of their bodies was making her deliciously dizzy and when he parted from her, breathing harshly, she could only lay limp in his grip for a moment while she caught her breath and regained what little of her senses that hadn't been thrown out the cave door by Inuyasha's powerful kiss.
“Inuyasha,” she whispered his name, tangling her fingers into his hair. Her heart was pounding against her ribs so hard that it hurt, but it felt wonderful. “Oh, Inuyasha.”
“Kagome.” He buried his nose into her neck, nipping lightly with his teeth. She moaned beneath him and arched up, inadvertently pressing their bodies together. This time, their cries intermingled as they were released into the air.
“Kagome,” he repeated her name, trying to drag his attention away from the immense pleasure he was feeling and to focus on the task of concentration at hand. “I can... stop now, if you want. It might be better for you if you don't. Once we... you know,” he blushed deeply at the thought of speaking of such an intimate act, “It can't be reversed...”
It was the only way he could think of to put his feelings as the present time in his current state. His blood was bubbling; both of his sides were urging him to make Kagome his mate. But another part of him, the part that had been teased and taunted as a baby, shied away, worrying for Kagome's future if she became mated with a hanyou. That part of him also criticised the situation in a loud voice, saying that as a hanyou Inuyasha did not deserve to be with someone as pure as Kagome. The opposing emotions were enough to make him want to set Kagome down and flee.
She touched his shoulder with questing fingers, gently moving to sift her fingers beneath the cloth. “Inuyasha, I want to become one with you,” she breathed the words as she stared into his golden eyes, willing him to find the truth in her own. “I want to be known as your mate and only your mate. When Kouga comes around, I want it to be known in every way possible that I am completely yours, not just in mind and soul but in body as well. There is no one else, only you, and that will never change no matter what happens. I want to be with you for as long as I can. I don't care that you are a hanyou; I care that you are Inuyasha and that I love you.”
His beautiful eyes had misted while she spoke, but when she declared her love for him, he stared at her as if she had grown horns, mouth open slightly. A sweet but sad smile made its way across her face as she gently worked the undershirt away from the contours of his body. It was horrible to think that Inuyasha would be so shocked at the simple declaration of love... something she flung around so carelessly to her family and friends in the future, but which he had not heard since his mother died.
Kagome tossed the shirt, deciding that if she had anything to say about, Inuyasha would not be needing it anytime soon. She turned her attention to his chest. Like the rest of his skin, it was a healthy bronze color from all the time he spent in the sun. His muscles and stomach were perfectly defined, and her mouth watered just looking at him as the firelight danced off of his skin.
She laid one of her hands against his chest, palm down, with all five fingers carefully splayed out. She pressed it against the spot where his heart would be, then trailed it down. He jumped when she tickled his sides to make him relax and she grinned up at him with mischief as her other hand joined the first in its travel back up his chest. He felt incredible beneath her fingertips. Hard like a rock, but giving at the same time. She could feel the power behind his every movement.
Her hand found the place where his heart thudded once more, and she laid her ear against that spot, listening to the rhythmic sound of his heart and breathing. To Kagome, it was one of the most beautiful sounds in the world, and her eyes brimmed with sudden tears at it.
Lifting her hand, she began to make a playful design on his chest around the nipple opposite her. Inuyasha held perfectly still, hardly daring to breathe as she drew invisible things on his chest. Not pausing in her little game in the least, she turned her head ever so slightly and began to lap at the nipple closest to her mouth like a kitten, delighting in the way he sucked in his breath at her touch.
Inuyasha could barely believe what was happening to him. The day had begun so poorly, but now there was a beautiful young goddess sitting as close to him as physically possible without climbing into his lap. What's more, she wanted to give him not only pleasure, but also herself. Her body, mind, heart and soul. Something that countless creatures of all shapes and sizes had told him he would never receive. A mate.
He started to wonder if he was dreaming, because it seemed as if this was simply too good to be true. That thought disappeared the second Kagome's questing fingers traveled south and stroked across the bulge in his pants. He jerked as if he had accidentally touched his finger to a flame and gawked at her with stunned eyes. No one had ever touched him there before. He had hardly even touched himself there, but here was Kagome with bright, eager eyes more than willing...
Indeed, Kagome was far too interested in what her fingers had discovered to notice his expression. She left her position curled up beside him and knelt in front of him. She ended up lying somewhat awkwardly on her stomach, propped up on her elbows, which left her hands free. And oh, did she ever want her hands free.
She began by touching the cloth-covered bulge curiously. She had seen boys at her school with erections before, but never had she been so close to one and obviously, never had she touched one. She had watched a great deal of smutty TV thanks to the ever persistent Yuka, which, she thought with a positively wicked grin, should at least make the experience fun for Inuyasha.
Suddenly impatient, she tugged at his pants. It proved far too difficult to take them off while he was seated, so Inuyasha obediently got to his feet at the insistence of his future mate and stripped the remainder of his clothes away. He looked away then, ashamed at baring himself before someone as beautiful as Kagome.
For her part, Kagome nearly stopped breathing as she gazed up at Inuyasha. He was perfect. From his broad shoulders to his hips to his toned legs, everything about him was absolutely god-like in her eyes and she squirmed at the feeling of her juices leaking into her panties.
Her attention was naturally drawn to his hard member, which stood out proudly from a gloss of silvery curls, and she let out a half sigh half moan at the sight of him. He was about eight inches long and five inches wide (the fleeting thought that there was an advantage to mating with a hanyou flitted through her mind). The skin was a shade darker than the rest of his skin, ending in the tip, which was mostly obscured by the foreskin.
Kagome rose to her feet as well and laid a hand on his shoulder. Although she would have very much liked to just continue, she could sense Inuyasha's nervousness and wanted to put him at ease. She didn't know what he was expecting - did he think she was disgusted? Did he think she would push him away? Did he think he was anything less than beautiful? She couldn't be sure as she stepped forward, shamelessly plastering her whole body to his side. This was going to be about Inuyasha for at least the beginning.
“Beautiful,” she whispered into his shoulder, pressing her lips to the flesh. He stiffened with shock as she gently began to lay kisses on his neck. Her hands went around his neck and up over the crown of his head to his ears. She began to massage them carefully, tenderly rubbing from the fuzzy base to the velvety tip. A low moan in his chest evolved into a low rumble, and she realized that he was purring.
An enchanted smile curved her lips as she went up on her tiptoes. Unconsciously, his hands came up to support her bottom, lifting her off the floor. That was exactly what Kagome wanted as she fashioned her mouth around one of his ears, lightly licking at the sensitive area.
Inuyasha groaned and nearly dropped her when she did this. Every sensation Kagome produced when straight to his groin. He very nearly protested when she removed her mouth from his ear and drew back. He looked at her with a dazed but questioning gaze. In response, she merely smiled and squirmed out of his grip.
She knelt before him so that she was at eye-level with his crotch. Tentatively, unsure of what her lover would or wouldn't like despite her experience with TV, she wrapped her hand around the base of his cock. She could barely close her hand around it, and shivered with desire at the thought of having something so immense inside of her as she began to move her hand forwards and back. Inuyasha's hips began to shift in time with her hand.
Feeling a strange sort of marvel, Kagome paused and lifted her other hand. She pulled the foreskin back enough so that the head was visible and examined the drop of pre-cum that dangled from the edge. Curiosity seized her and she leaned forward, licking at the tip experimentally.
Inuyasha's moan at this made her grin. So he liked that, did he? More determined now, Kagome laid her tongue against the underside of his cock and encircled the head with her lips. It felt strange to be doing this, but it felt right at the same time. She had never touched something as odd as his member - it was as hard as stone, but pliable and real at the same time. There were no words to describe it, really.
Aware that she would know just what he enjoyed by trial and error, she began to do something she had often heard of at school but had never even practiced with a banana herself like her friends had. She couldn't take a great deal of his length into her mouth, for her throat muscles were untrained and weren't used to the strain, but she accepted a good three or four inches before it became too much. For the part she could not deep-throat, she kept her hand surrounding it.
Her left hand had nothing to do and was feeling a bit lonely. She reached up and began to fondle Inuyasha's balls with a bit of a fascination, enjoying the way the tender parts reacted to her touch.
Inuyasha was rapidly reaching his limit. He had never felt this sort of pleasure before in his life and it was overwhelming him. He made the mistake of looking down, and the sight of Kagome with her lips sealed around his cock, eyes closed in ecstasy, her breasts just visible below her ministrations with his length...
“K-Ka-Kag-o-me...” he moaned, panting loudly, hardly able to perform a coherent thought much less speak it. “I'm going... to...” He tried to pull away from her mesmerizing touch, to avoid spilling his seed onto her, but she insistently held onto him and drew back, leaving only the tip of his member in her mouth. When her tongue swirled over the tip, Inuyasha lost it.
He came with a loud, untamed cry that sent tremors down Kagome's spine and a load of sperm into her mouth. Unsure of what to do, she swallowed the mixture. As Inuyasha sank to the ground on legs that seemed to be made of jelly, she cleaned the remaining seed off of her face and licked her fingers. The taste was salty and a little bitter, not overtly pleasant but because it came from Inuyasha, special.
He regained his senses one by one and looked at Kagome with something akin to disbelief as she cleaned her fingers. Once again, he was strongly reminded of a cat as she sensed his stare and looked up to meet his gaze.
“Well,” she said, and blushed. “How was it?”
He found himself smiling inanely at the fact that she could possibly be embarrassed in any way, shape or form after doing what she had. “It was... amazing,” he told her, inwardly irritated at being unable to find the right words to explain the experience she had given him.
Almost as if a switch had been flicked, Inuyasha became aware of the strong scent of what he now recognized as arousal in the air. He glanced at Kagome, who was seated with her legs pressed tightly together, and it dawned on him that while he had gotten off, she had not. And while it didn't seem as a painful for a girl as it was for a guy, he was willing to be that it was still pretty uncomfortable. Aside from that, he was desperate to show her the same sort of pleasure she had shown him, if she would let him.
He approached her without warning, using the stealth born to him as a result of having a youkai father to pull her into a heated kiss. To her credit, she didn't try to resist at all. Instead, she melted into his embrace like ice cream on a hot summer day. With one sharp claw, he effortlessly sliced the back strap of her bra rather than try to figure out how the clasps functioned.
He pulled back slightly, impatient to finally be able to see her breasts without getting sat for it. To his disappointment, she had her arms folded so that the bra could not come undone, and she would not look at him. Her cheeks were bright red and she stared determinedly at a random place on the cave wall.
It only took him a second to realize that she was shy of showing her body to him, and to know why. Kagome knew that fifty years ago, he and Kikyou had been a couple, but he had never discussed the specifics of their relationship with Kagome. She had no idea how far they had and hadn't gone, even though the truth was he and Kikyou had never progressed past the one or two kisses stage. He knew that Kagome was, at that very moment, most likely mentally comparing herself to Kikyou... and probably deciding that she came up short.
“Kagome,” he said her name quietly as he reached out and cupped her cheek with one hand. He forced her to look into his eyes and made his voice as gentle as possible. “Kagome, I have never been with anyone else before this. You are my first, and my only. You are the only person I want in this way. You are Kagome, and I...”
He trailed off and cursed himself for it. Why couldn't he admit that he loved her? She had already spoken those precious words to him, so why couldn't he return the sentiment, especially when the feelings were definitely returned? It was frustrating and annoying to think that old inhibitions and fears kept him from saying that which Kagome deserved to hear.
Yet, she seemed to know what he had been about to say, for her arms hesitantly relaxed. The bra slipped from her shoulders and she allowed it to slide off of her body completely, throwing it against the wall.
Inuyasha looked at her then in all of her glory. In his eyes, she surpassed beauty. She was everything he could have wanted and more. Her breasts were fully developed and just the right size to fit into the palms of his hands. The areolas were darker than her creamy skin and were a medium circle on each breast. In the middle was a shell-pink nipple that was already hardened from her previous excitement. He had to wipe away a bit of drool that formed just by looking at them.
Kagome was blushing deeply, unused to such scrutiny, especially from a male. The most that had happened previously were quick glimpses caught by Miroku or Inuyasha before they got slapped/sat. She gave Inuyasha a shy look and blurted, “Do you like what you see?”
Keeping his eyes locked on her chest, Inuyasha replied, “More than you can imagine, Kagome. You are so perfect.”
She turned crimson at his words and switched her gaze to looking at her lap, but she still managed to say, “Well, you can do more than just look if you want.”
His amber eyes snapped up to meet her own timid chocolate ones before a grin spread across his face. He reached out and lightly stroked the side of her breast with a single finger. Kagome remained as still as she could, avidly remembering how he had allowed her to explore and resolving to let him do the same.
Inuyasha brought both hands up and began to delicately caress her breasts, avoiding her nipples for the moment. The skin was as supple as the rest of her; he cherished the feeling of actually making contact with something that he viewed as so elegant.
Cautiously, he flicked his thumb over her nipples. Her faint gasp gave him encouragement and he repeated the action a few times before he began run his fingertips across the front of her breasts, making sure to pass over her nipples each time.
Her cooing sighs made him brave enough to lean down and uncertainly brush his tongue over the tip of one of the hard pebbles. The lithe body beside him shuddered ever so slightly and so he took her nipple into his mouth, suckling at it with his tongue as a baby would.
Kagome whimpered in the back of her throat at the feeling of Inuyasha's tongue on her breasts. It felt rough, like low-grade sandpaper, much the way Buyo's tongue did when he licked her hand in thanks for a treat. But this felt so much more amazing. The tingling feeling and the dampness between her legs was growing, and she felt satisfyingly restrained, as if the best was yet to come.
Taking the greatest of care not to wound the woman he loved, Inuyasha carefully gave the nipple in his mouth a light nip with his teeth. The response was a light moan of approval from Kagome, and a smile of triumph unwittingly crossed his face at the thought of bringing pleasure to her.
He removed his mouth from her breast and switched to the other, leaving his hand behind to fondle the nipple he had just left. On her second one he duplicated his previous performance, lapping at the hard pebble with his tongue until Kagome's fingers in his hair tried to unconsciously yank him down.
Inuyasha was every bit as anxious as she was to go lower, but he refused to until he had bathed every inch of her breasts with his tongue, giving sweet little nips every so often that left a miniature mark. The small scratches would be nearly invisible to the human eye but would tell any youkai that somehow got close enough that Kagome was marked in some way.
Finally, he traveled down towards her hidden area, bypassing the bandaged area of her stomach. She moved backwards, supported by his hands around her waist, until she was laying on his haori. Inuyasha looked at her then, really looked at her. Her beauty was unparallel in his eyes; he couldn't even imagine mistaking her for someone mortal like Kikyou when, to him, Kagome simply had to be a goddess. There was no other word for it.
Her hair, damp with sweat and the rain, clung to her shoulders and heaving breasts. Her eyes appeared to be a deep cinnamon color in the flickering light, but they were glowing with... he swallowed hard. It had been so long since anyone had gazed at him with such pure and untainted love.
“Kagome,” he whispered, resting a hand on her stomach. One of her own slim hands came up and touched his fingers, interlacing amongst them. He stared down at their interlocked fingers resting on her tummy with an awed look. It had just occurred to him that one day, there might be pups inside of her womb. His pups. He looked at her with such wide eyes that her eyes welled up with tears and she stroked his arm.
“It's okay, Inuyasha,” she soothed, choking on the words. “It's okay.”
And tremulously, he smiled, before scooting backwards into a position on his stomach. Kagome eagerly spread her legs for his view; the fire inside her was begging to be extinguished. Somehow, she knew only Inuyasha could truly take of it for her in a fitting way.
Although the craving to see and touch Kagome's most private area was beginning to forcefully occupy his mind, Inuyasha ignored that part for the moment and turned his attention to her inner thighs. The skin there was so tender he felt as if he were touching the petal of a rose blossom, and he ran his fingers up and down, enjoying the feel of the smooth flesh until Kagome squirmed and whimpered.
His eyes flicked up to her face. Now, her eyes shone with lust and begging. Her mouth was pursed, her lips just right for a sweet kiss. She reached out one hand to him, whispering his name in a voiceless chant, and he gently caught her hand and pushed it down. He had put it off for long enough.
Hesitantly, feeling anxious, he lowered his gaze to the center of her. Her legs parted as wide as possible at his touch, and with a positively fascinated gaze, Inuyasha examined the first female pussy that he had ever seen.
The skin between her legs was a very light but warm pink, shining with her juices. Her moist curls of ebony pubic hair covered her mound, leading down to a small, round bud. Just below that appeared to be an entry into her body. The liquid was present more around this area, and it occurred to him that this was where the tantalizing smell - the musk of Kagome when she was aroused - was coming from.
Tentatively, he reached out and lightly caressed the tiny bud that had first taken his attention. He jumped when Kagome did; smiled widely when he heard her gasping moan. Delighted to have discovered a sensitive spot, the hanyou trailed his fingers lower and dipped one experimentally into the place where the liquid was coming from. His finger slipped in up to the knuckle, and, careful that his claws would not wound the woman he cared so deeply for, twisted it around a little. Her inner walls clenched around the digit, trying to hold it in place, and Kagome fidgeted with a pleased sigh.
A sense of pride overtook Inuyasha at the knowledge that he was giving pleasure to her. He pushed his finger in as far as it could go, listening to Kagome's soft sighs and groans as he did. He added a second finger, sliding it in with ease. The more he twitched his fingers, the more juice that coated them.
Finger twined in his silvery hair and, startled, he looked at Kagome, wondering if she disliked his action. But, no, she was smiling as she tugged on his hair. His amber eyes grew exceptionally large when he realized what she wanted him to do. Unable to deny her, he lowered his face towards her mound, keeping his eyes on her face as he did. There was nothing but trust and love and lust on her face as she laid her head back and closed her eyes.
Cautiously, senselessly fearing that she would turn him away, he flicked out his tongue and tasted her folds. The strong taste that seared his tongue sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't even begin to describe, but he knew that he would be forever hooked on her taste. It was as delicious and invigorating as her scent; it was as much a part of him as the fact that he was a hanyou.
Emboldened by the fact that Kagome had, as he had inwardly known she would, accepted his ministrations, he carefully ran his tongue over every part of her folds, licking up all the womanly juices he could find and paying special attention to her bud. She writhed and moaned like mad when his tongue went over it.
When her plump, rosy skin shone from his saliva and not her liquid, he delved his tongue into the hole, which had so fascinated him earlier. His eyes fell closed and he hummed in sinful joy as his tongue was coated in the taste of Kagome. She pressed against his face and cried out his name as his fingers snuck up and tweaked the swollen little nub that seemed to give her intense pleasure.
“Inuyasha,” she wailed his name, thrashing about on his crimson haori. His comforting, forest scent surrounded her as the fire in her tummy grew brighter and stronger. The gash on her side throbbed, but it was a faint pain. And when Inuyasha pushed his tongue into her as far as he could, her body tensed and the fire exploded, sending embers of pleasure riveting through her body.
“INUYASHA!” Kagome shrieked his name in a ringing tone that could be heard by youkai over a mile away. Her feral cry sent birds fluttering out of a nearby tree into the pouring rain as she shuddered and twisted in bliss. He continued to lap at her, drinking every drop her body produced with a smugly elated countenance.
As her tingling senses returned to her one by one, she realized that Inuyasha had her enclosed in his strong arms and was watching her worriedly. “Are you okay?” he asked when he saw that he had her attention.
She blinked at him, then embraced him back with arms that were still shaky. “Oh, Inuyasha,” she breathed into his neck. “That was the most amazing thing I've ever experienced. Thank-you.”
He did not speak, but his grip tightened, and she sensed that he was crying. She remained silent, resting her mildly throbbing head against his neck, and listened to the cackling fire. And despite the fact that she was comfortable, that she could easily fall asleep at this moment, something inside of her still throbbed. Inuyasha's cautious touches within her had awakened a driving urge inside of her for them to consummate completely; for them to become one. But... were they ready?
The hanyou inhaled deeply, bringing the scent of his lover flooding into his nostrils. He stroked her hair and shifted uncomfortable. His human and youkai sides were crying for something more; his human side to finally be with the woman he loved and his youkai side to claim Kagome as his own completely.
“Kagome,” he said, and heard her breath quiet. “Kagome, if we mate, it will be forever. No other youkai or hanyou will be with you because you will be tainted.” She stiffened at these words, but he pressed on. “You would probably be able to find a human to be with you, though, because they can't smell or see things like...” he stopped abruptly as she drew back and slapped at his shoulder.
“Stop it, Inuyasha!” she half shouted, tears in her eyes. “Have you forgotten already what I said only minutes ago?” she swallowed hard as a tear trickled down her cheek. “You complete me, Inuyasha. I want to be with you forever and then some. I don't want anyone else; I want you. That will never change for as long as I live. No - for longer! You think that your being a hanyou matters to me? How could you? I don't care; no one who should matter does. We love you, Inuyasha. I love you.”
She clasped her arms around his waist and held on, pressing her cheek to his toned stomach as more tears fell down her cheeks. His life as a baby even before his mother died was to blame for this insecurity, this lack of confidence. Inuyasha was so simply beautiful, and she loved him so much and hated those senseless, twisted, disgusting villagers who had made him think he was anything otherwise with a passion that rivalled the pleasure she had felt earlier.
His family did not think of him that way at all; to Sango, Miroku, Shippou, Kirara and Kagome herself, Inuyasha was protection, warmth, safety. He was a streak of crimson, a flash of silver, a glitter of gold, a sparkle of breathless wind; he was rude, head-strong and stubborn with a temper but kind, protective, intelligent and determined to provide for them at the same time; he was the shine in Sango's eyes when she remembered her family in the past, the twinkle in Miroku's violet gaze as he thought about a curseless future, the happiness in Shippou's gait as he ran to meet his mother when she returned from a visit to her family, the smile that brightened Kagome's features when they relaxed around a roaring fire after a tiring day. He was Inuyasha, and they loved him.
“I overheard my mother telling my grandfather something once,” she mumbled into his stomach.
He was startled; he had been busy thinking. “Oh? What?”
“She said that she was worried about me. About what would happen if we ever got separated forever. `Kagome loves that boy so much,' she said. `It would destroy her if Inuyasha died. It worries me. At first I didn't think much of those trips into the past, because I thought the stories Kagome came back with were figments of her imagination. But those bruises on her body, the state of her clothes, the amount of time she's gone for... they can't be imaginary.'”
Kagome continued to re-tell her mother's words. “'When Kagome first went into the past, she came home and looked at me with these bright, bright eyes. `Mama,' my baby - my little girl! - said, `Mama, he's so lonely. They treat him just awful when there's nothing wrong with him. I'm going to do it, Mama. I'm going to be the one. I'll bring him into my world and make him the center of it, and then I'll give him a family. I'll love him forever because Mama, he needs it.'
“'And you know, she did. I don't know how, but Kagome gave that boy the sun of her world to hold up. And she gave that little boy she's always buying sweets for the moon, and that other boy and girl the stars. And if they ever leave, her world will go dark, and no one will know how to light it up again.'”
Looking up into his eyes, Kagome said, “Mama was right, Inuyasha. You hold up the sun in my life, but you know what? I'm not worried, because I know you would never drop it. I know you will always be there for me. That's why I want to be with you. Because somehow, I sense that it's the only way to prove to you that you are the only one I want. It's not about Kikyou or Kouga or anyone else. It's about the fact that I love you and I want to be your mate if you'll have me.”
“I love you.” The words slipped out of his mouth almost without permission. He almost wasn't aware that he had spoken them until her mouth dropped open with surprise.
But he meant it, and that surprised him. He had thought the love in the world died when his mother died. He had never expected to be able to feel the long forgotten emotion once again. With Kikyou, he had not felt that warm glow that currently encompassed him, and it was then that Inuyasha truly realized that he had never loved Kikyou. He had felt companionship for her, because they were so alike, but true love, like he felt for Kagome, had never happened with Kikyou.
He looked at the mesmerized girl in front of him and smiled. He now understood the powerful emotions that swept through him everytime Kagome laughed or cried, everytime Shippou played one of his tricks, everytime Miroku faked his way into getting a house for them overnight, everytime Sango silently slipped Tessaiga away from him when she thought he wasn't looking and returned it polished. It was the purest and best of all the emotions, the one thing Naraku could not hope to understand. It was love.
Impulsively, he drew her into a deep kiss. Her full lips were soft and pliable and yielded beneath his possessive ones. She massaged the tips of his ears as he slipped his tongue into her mouth, causing him to groan into the kiss. She gave a quiet whimper in return when he caressed the curve of her ass.
“Inuyasha,” she panted when at last the contact was broken out of a need for air. Their lips were so close that when she spoke, they brushed together. “Please... I want you... in me...” Her cheeks blushed crimson as soon as she spoke, but she determinedly stroke his sensitive ears in confirmation of her desire.
For a moment, Inuyasha hesitated, unsure of the best way with which to do this. Obviously, he had never mated before, nor had he ever received the lessons that others usually got from their parents. Seeing his hesitation, Kagome laid her hands on his strong arms and allowed her body to slip back to the floor, controlling the descent by gripping his wrists. Then, she spread her legs so that he was squatting between them and looked up into his eyes as she propped herself up on her elbows.
Inuyasha got the silent message. Awkwardly waddling forward, he shifted so that his knees were on either side of her thighs, then paused. A concerned look came over his face. “I... I won't hurt you... will I?” he questioned hesitantly. “Miroku... um... was talking to Shippou one day and he said that it hurts for girls the first time.”
Cinnamon brown eyes popped open wide and sparked with anger. “He was telling Shippou what?” Kagome squawked in outrage at the mention of this perversion of her baby's mind. “Wait'll I get my hands on that monk!”
The hanyou seemed to realize that he had just admitted something Miroku would undoubtedly smack him for later and winced. “Uh...”
She licked her lips and smiled comfortingly. “It won't hurt me, Inuyasha,” she told him, her tone reassuring. “Normally, the first time hurts a little for girls, but I've been fighting youkai with you guys for so long that the thing that normally would've made me hurt got broken a long time ago.”
“Oh.” He seemed to accept this as an answer. Balancing himself on one elbow, he slipped a finger between her folds, gently fondling the nub that had made her squirm so violently before. Kagome moaned softly as he pushed a finger into her body, testing to see if she was wet enough.
“Please,” she whimpered after only a minute of this torture. “Please, Inuyasha...”
“I don't want to hurt you, Kagome,” he whispered, touching a rough curl of onyx pubic hair.
“You won't,” she sighed, “But if you don't hurry up, I might have to hurt you.”
For a moment he seemed startled, then a small smile spread across his face. Kagome felt like weeping tears of pure joy as he guided his member between her nether lips and into the center of her core. He paused for an instant, lifted his golden gaze to stare deeply into her eyes, and slid the first two inches inside of her.
Kagome could feel her insides stretching and conforming to his length as he eased another two inches into her virgin body. He paused then, worried, as two sparkling tears escaped the corners of her eyes and trickled down her cheeks.
“What's wrong?” he asked, furrowing his brow as he brushed the tears away. “Kagome, did I hurt you?”
Belatedly, she thought she really would have to hurt him if he asked if he had hurt her one more time. A laugh bubbled in her throat at this strange thought and she choked on it, releasing a half sob half giggle. She had never imagined that it was possible to feel so gloriously wonderful. Every inch of her body was tingling. The fire in her belly was begging to be extinguished by eight inches of hanyou. The small pain that came from being unused to being so full was ignored.
“I'm not made of glass,” she gasped, stifling a whimper. When Yuka and she had watched those sex shows, she had been caught between boredom and embarrassment. She had never in her life imagined then that the intimate act would feel like this. She could easily see herself dying from need if Inuyasha were to walk away right now. “Oh, please, keep going!”
Hesitantly, he eased in another three inches, keeping his eyes locked on her face. When she showed no signs of pain, he slid into her fully and paused, closing his eyes for a moment. Never in his wildest thoughts had Inuyasha ever thought he would be here, especially when he was a young pup. He had been convinced that he would live out his life alone, without pups of his own. Being here now, doing such a thing, was enough to bring tears to his eyes.
Kagome could feel her body beginning to loosen around the hanyou's length. The initial ache was present, but she was quite sure that it would disappear soon. She glanced up at him and touched his cheek. His eyes flew open and stared down into hers, searching once more for something. She smiled.
And gasped deep in her throat when he pulled out, then pushed back into her.
Dazedly, the thought that she had been right about the pain vanishing passed through her mind, but the abyss of pure pleasure that was yawning below her as Inuyasha built up a steady rhythm swallowed it and she released a helpless moan into the air instead.
Inuyasha grunted in reply to the girl's moan, feeling his balls tighten. He was inexperienced at this, they both were, and he knew he was coming too soon. He wanted to make the coupling last, but the sheer pleasure combined with Kagome's gasps and whimpers were overwhelming his mind.
She could feel her walls tightening around him everytime he pushed into her. Her mind was blank, and her whole body was tensing. “Inu... Inuyasha...” she cried, digging her nails into his back in search of something - anything! - to hold onto. “I... I think I'm...”
A deep groan was her reply as he thrust into her one last time. Unconsciously, his eyes flashing crimson, he sank his fangs into her neck, directly over the place where her pulse could be felt. She shouted his name at this flaring pain that only added to the pleasure and convulsed against him as her vision flashed.
He laid atop of her for several minutes, regaining his breath as his eyes returned to a smooth shade of amber. Then, he retracted his fangs from her skin, pulled out of her and laid down next to her, avoiding her eyes.
“Why did you bite me?” Kagome questioned sleepily, touching the spot. To her surprise, there was no blood when she brought her hand away. She looked at him and frowned in a puzzled way when he would not meet her gaze.
“Inuyasha? What's wrong?” she reached for her bag and fumbled through it until her fingers found a compact. Hauling it out, she flipped it out and tilted her head. “What - Oh!”
Adorning the side of her neck was a mark Kagome had never seen before. It was a perfect circle outlined in silver. The inner right half was crimson, and the inner left half was ink black. Down the middle, where the two would have intersected, was a stripe of the same bright silver that encircled it. She turned wondrous eyes onto the scowling Inuyasha.
“It's a mating mark,” he muttered after a long moment of silence. “The black is for my human side, the red for my youkai side. The silver is for my hanyou side. It is there to show that you are mated and cannot be touched.”
Kagome traced the mark with her finger as her heart warmed. To think that she had a physical mark that said she and Inuyasha could never be parted! Impulsively, she hugged the hanyou, nuzzling into his chest.
“I love it,” she whispered.
“Really?” he asked, startled. He had expected her to be angry about the mark.
“Really,” Kagome replied, her eyes glowing with happiness as, after a moment of stunned silence, Inuyasha tucked her blanket around them. She snuggled in close to him and closed her eyes. He wrapped an arm around her waist and leaned his cheek on her hair. Then, both lapsed into sleep, content to momentarily forget about the world outside and think only of each other.