InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only Second Best ❯ Only Second Best ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Does it look like I own Inuyasha? And if it does, look again.
“Kikyo…” Inuyasha murmured in Kikyo's hair. He kissed her, softly, gently, with love, not like the passion he had put into his and Kagome's one kiss. She folded her arms around him and sigh, leaning into his chest, breathing in his musky odor.
“Inuyasha… even though I hate you… I love you…” She whispered.
“Kikyo, I love you too.” He sighed back, hugging her tighter.
Kagome felt tears running down her face as she watched form behind a bush. She knew she shouldn't have followed. She had known he was going to Kikyo. She had known what she would see would only hurt her. But still she followed him anyway. It was like she was addicted to the pain he gave her. But then again, she was, wasn't she? Kikyo didn't accept him for him. She knew that. And she knew that she, Kagome, loved him more. Kikyo had died for him. She lived for him. But Inuyasha held death in higher regard than life. She loved him, and he loved her. But, no matter what, he loved Kikyo more.
Kagome stared blankly at the stained ceiling. She hurt too much to cry. She was sick of this, sick of him, sick of living this way. No matter what was happening, if Kikyo appeared, he was off and running. He never spared her a second glance, not when Kikyo was involved. It was hard to believe love could hurt this much.
I thought love was a happy thing. I thought it made everything alright. But instead, it's eating me from the insides out. She knew she couldn't keep her charade up much longer. Son she would have trouble pretending not to care. Watching him run off to be with her, she knew the pain showed on her face. And she knew soon she would have to let it out. It would have been so easy if she didn't love him. Why did it have to be him? Why did his face have to be so gentle when he sleep? Why did his awkwardness have to be so endearing? Why did their one kiss have to keep replaying itself in her mind, the passion of which he held her, the warmth of his body wrapped around her? It would have been easy if he didn't love her. Because that was what was eating her. He loved her. She knew this. He loved her, but he loved Kikyo more. His eyes turned soft when he saw her, but they turned loving when they saw Kikyo. He loved her, but she was only second best. She was his backup plan, in case Kikyo didn't come through. And the saddest thing was, she was willing to be. She was willing to be Plan B. She was willing to be second in his heart rather than first in anyone else's. Because she loved him. Even though he treated her like dirt, even though he only came to her for comfort, even though she was unwanted, she loved him. And he didn't care.