InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only Second Best ❯ Can it Be That Simple ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

lindajrjt: ty for the review. not a big sessxkag fan, but I did have some1 save her. Sesshomaru just seemed out of place in a story that was this focused on Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship.
LadyCash: I tried to show Inuyasha POV a bit more in this one not sure if I managed to portray his immense guilt well, but I tried.
unistar: ty for ur reviews! Ily for them! I hope this ending answers ur questions.
Kagome fell slowly, her limp body arching through the air. Suddenly a flash of red flew by, snatching her before she hit the ground, as depositing her safely on the hospitals roof.
Kagome blinked.
“Inu…yasha?” She whispered, her voice hoarse after not being used for such a long time.
“Kagome! You idiot! I was just coming by for a visit, and you fall out of a window! What were you trying to do?!” He yelled, clutching her closer.
She smiled, a sad little smile.
Inuyasha had no idea how to reply to that. Kagome, who had always seemed so full of life, had tried to kill herself? She'd always been so cheerful, so happy, at least when he was around. The Kagome he knew would never commit suicide!
“Why?” He spat. “WHY? You have so much to live for! You have Shippo, and Sango and Miroku, and your family! They all need you!”
“And you don't. I've always just been a shard detector to you, haven't I.”
“What? No, Kagome, that isn't what I meant-“
“You know, it would be so easy. One little word and those prayer beads around your neck would drag you to the ground, 17 stories below. And me along with them. You'd probably survive, seeing as you are a half-demon and all, but me…” Kagome chuckled.
“Kagome!” What's gotten into her? Inuyasha wondered. Sure, she'd seemed a little out of it lately, but he hadn't thought she'd try something like this!
“SHUT UP! Stop avoiding the subject and tell me WHY you tried to kill yourself.”
Kagome closed her eyes and a small sigh escaped her chapped lips.
“Well more specifically, my past self.”
”What the hell does Kikyo have to do with any of this?”
“EVERYTHING!” Kagome screamed. “YOU FOLLOW HER EVERYWHERE! NO MATTER WHERE WE ARE OR WHEN IT IS, YOU JUST TAKE OFF AS SOON AS YOU SMELL HER! How am I supposed to feel? I'm just a replacement! Just a stuffy animal you can hold onto when your favorite teddy bear is missing! I'm only good for comfort! It never occurred to you that maybe, maybe, MAYBE I have feeling too! I LOVE YOU! I always have, and I probably always will. And even though you have a warm, living, breathing girl who loves you, you prefer an undead shell of someone who never accepted you for who you are! But you love her, I'll give you that. But, oddly enough, you love me too. You think you're trapped between two women, but in truth, you made up your mind, long ago. So, I figured I'd remove the distraction. Remove the annoyance, the one thing that stopped you from being with Kikyo in hell forevermore. Me.”
Inuyasha just stared. He'd never heard Kagome break down like this. Then the meaning of her words hit him.
“Y-you're saying… you tried to die because of… me?”
“Because of you, for you, they are the same thing. The main point is, I know you wish I had never interfered! So I'm taking myself out! Removing myself from the game, this stupid, sick, twisted game of love. Because, deep down, you hate me!”
“Kagome! Never say that! Never, ever, say that! I could never hate you!”
“I love you! You, Kikyo! You are the only one I could ever love!” Kagome finished.
“You were… there?” Inuyasha gasped, finally beginning to catch a glimmer of the immense pain Kagome was in.
“I was there every time. But you were too wrapped up in Kikyo to notice a lonely little girl crying behind a tree. You were too busy to notice a girl in love falling apart, too preoccupied to see me dying!”
Inuyasha looked down, studying his hands. They were red with her blood. As he watched, one of his tears fell onto them, washing away a spot of crimson.
“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Kagome. I'm so goddamned fucking sorry that I couldn't see how much it hurt. I was never there when you needed me.” He glanced up and down her depilated body. “And now you are paying the price. I'm sorry I never noticed what was right in front of my face the entire time.”
He stared straight into her eyes.
“Kagome, I love you. Yes, I love Kikyo, but I love you too. I love you just as much, and maybe… maybe more.”
Kagome gasped, her eyes finally filling with tears again.
“The instant you jumped, I knew. Because it was real. And it hurt so, so, so much more than when I learned Kikyo had died. Which lead me to one conclusion: I love you.”
Kagome's tears were flowing down her face now, making tracks in the dirt and blood.
“Inuyasha… did you really just think that you could tell me you loved me, and it would all be ok? Did you just think I'd stand right up and go off with you? It isn't that simple.”
“I know. But we can make it that simple.” He whispered in a voice filled with pain.
Then, as Kagome's eyes widened, he swiftly brought his mouth to hers.
“I know you aren't ok. I know you might not be ok for a long time. But, no matter what, I love you.”
Kagome waved to the doctors as the nurse pushed her wheelchair to the taxi. She had finally agreed to come off the roof, and then she made Inuyasha go tell her friends in the feudal era that she was fine. She was going to spend a month at home recuperating, then go back to Inuyasha and the other. Because if there was one thing Kagome was, was strong. Her strength could be used for self destruction or for healing, but she was determined to heal. And so the one thing she knew with absolute certainty was that no matter what happened, she, Kagome Higurashi, would be alright.