InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only Second Best ❯ Final Happiness ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm going to leave my previous a.n. up as an excuse for why this sucks so badly. Please review people. unistar I love you, but I could really use more than 1 reviewer. So, if you have any kindness in your heart do a depressed teenager a favor and review her pathetic story. Thank you everyone who reads this.
The hospital ceiling was once-white stucco, fluorescent light illuminating the watercolors of kittens and seascapes that hung in her room. Flowers surrounded her bed, filling the air with the stench of perfume. Get well soon cards crowded every flat surface. Signed by her classmates, by her cousins, by her brother, even one by Shippo that an anxious Inuyasha had delivered. Smiling puppies and comic doctors glared at her from her bed table. A bunch of balloons bobbed quietly in the corner, their bright colors hurting her eyes. Not that Kagome cared to look. Her heart monitor beeped next to her. Beep. She was still alive. Beep. She was still alive. Her friends had visited earlier. They had talked and giggled for the first 5 minutes, but when Kagome simply stared emptily at the wall, they had fallen into an awkward silence and left. Drip. Her IV bag dripped life into her. Drip. It was the only thing keeping her alive, as she hadn't eaten or drank for about a week now. She just stared that same blank, lifeless stare up at the grayish ceiling, and wondered vaguely why there weren't any stars.
“This is not good. At the very least, her condition is critical. She is suffering from severe pneumonia, and she seems to have lost the will to fight it. Unless Kagome can pull herself together, it is very likely she will die simply from not wanting to live. She will just fade away unless she can get herself to care.” The doctor was a middle-aged, lean, balding man. His glasses were constantly slipping down his shiny nose. He peered nervously at Ms. Higurashi, who was clutching Souta to her like a lifeline. Her wide, frightened eyes glanced anxiously at the doctor.
“What do you mean her condition is critical? How critical? You said she'd die if something was done. How soon?” she asked desperately, grasping at straws.
The doctor sighed. He hated dealing with mothers. They were the worst, always looking for easy ways out and getting hysterical.
“If her condition continues to deteriorate, she could die within the next week.” He informed her, studying his chart.
“A week?!” Kagome's mother's eyes welled up again with tears. She reached again for her wad of damp tissues.
Kagome's mind was no longer a black tar pit. Instead, it was white. Had been white for the past week. A giant white space with nothing in it as far as she could see. Just white. Blank, pristine, perfect white. She strolled aimlessly around in the endless space. A black dot appeared gradually on the horizon. As she walked closer, she saw it was a lone word, lying on the ground looking rather neglected.
He she thought. Ok, he.
Who was he? Why did he bring up a strange feeling? It was different from the apathy. It tore at her white world of nothingness, a giant, pulsating, red beast of pain. It seemed to tear and bite at her insides, clawing at her blank universe, shredding it to pieces. Kagome couldn't breathe. Couldn't think. Her heart monitor beeped erratically in the corner. She had to get out. Out of her stupid plastic world with demented puppies and smiling nurses. Out of her world of stupid beeping machines and dripping IVs. She could see the doctors rushing from across the hall, to tend to her misbehaving heart. Did doctors really think they could fix it? How could MRIs and CATs mend something that wasn't there any more? The doctors were grabbing paddles around her now, ready for cardiac arrest. A fancy word for her heart stopping. But it has stopped a long time ago. With a sudden movement, she startled the doctors and lunged at the wall sized glass window, the only thing between her and a 17 story drop. She saw arms reaching to stop her, and dodged them, throwing herself again the glass. With a giant CRACK it shattered, slicing her body. And she felt it. For the first time in a long time she felt pain, glorious, physical pain. Finally, tumbling through the air surrounded by broken glass and droplets of her own blood, Kagome Higurashi was happy.
(a.n. yeah I know it is hella depressing but I'm in a really really really crappy mood. I'll prolly revise it tomorrow and make it better. No she isn't dead yet now is she, so yes there will be another chapter tomorrow. Wow, this chap got pretty long didn't it.)