InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only Time... ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This `movie' is based off of another one I wrote called `Hidden Past, Hidden Self'. Here's the story thus far…
Kane-Sakura thought she was an ordinary girl from Japan. Then her brother InuYasha shows up and takes her unwillingly back to Feudal Japan. This is where her story officially begins. Along the way she meets some friends; Mika, Michi, and Yuki, respectively. Each of them eventually meets their match; Nakura, Ori, and Akira, respectively to each girl. They are a funny bunch of demons and half-demons, fighting or arguing about everything, yet standing up for each other.
Setsuna is introduced early in the story and Kane automatically finds him attractive. But before they can officially fall in love, a man claiming to be engaged to Kane gets in between them. The man, Trowa, cheats on and then rapes her. Kane gets comfort from Setsuna and her friends, and slowly realizes her feelings for Setsuna.
They all are in school in Tokyo, and Kane and Setsuna begin dating. But on the first date, everything goes horribly wrong. Setsuna almost rapes her himself after transforming into a full demon on the night of the full moon, the same night Kane turns human. He almost gets killed by Ren-Tao, an enemy of Kane who wants her dead for killing his army single-handedly as an infant, but Kane saves him with her mysterious new power: her voice.
Setsuna tries to leave because he thinks Kane won't forgive him (courtesy of InuYasha). But she catches up with him and confesses her love to him. It's there that he asks for her hand in marriage. But they need to find Trowa for some answers before anything can happen.
Just before finding Trowa, Kane and Setsuna mate for the first time in a hot spring not far from their encampment. When they find him, he tells Kane about her mother, who had been a powerful priestess that had the voice of an angel.
Fast forward two months…Kane discovers that she's pregnant, and she and Setsuna know that her brother would never let them live if he found out. They try to move the wedding date up without Kagome and InuYasha finding out, but those two knew better. During InuYasha's talk with Kane, Ren-Tao shows himself again and reveals his plot to find and kill her when the whelp is born. Not knowing about the future that she lives in, InuYasha tells Kane that when the time comes, she'd better stay in the future until after she has her baby.
One month later and after marriage, Kane and Setsuna discover at the doctor's that they're expecting twins. Not much later, she's kidnapped by Akira and taken to his fortress, where she finds Yuki. She purifies Akira's soul and stops his blood-rage against Setsuna.
Christmas is just around the corner, so D-K9 and Devastate (the bands they make together) make a Christmas CD. The reporters find out about Kane's pregnancy and hound her about being too young by publishing a story on the front page of the paper. Things settle down after a confrontation Setsuna has with the reporters. Then Christmas comes and Kane gets a puppy from her husband.
Okay, that's the story thus far. If you're interested and want to read the real thing, go ahead and look for my other story, “Hidden Past, Hidden Self”. The first few chapters aren't very good I'll admit because I was still new to writing, but the later ones are much better. And after the movie, I plan on editing the early chapters so the whole story is good. Anyway, enough of me talking, let's get this story started!
kane-sakura presents…a movie based off of her story `Hidden Past, Hidden Self'
`Only Time…'
Kane-Sakura Hideik
Setsuna Hideik
Mika, Michi, and Yuki
Nakura, Ori, and Akira
InuYasha and Kagome Higurashi
Written by: kane-sakura (with help from her minions)
Angst, Romance, Mystery, Comedy
Sunlight filtered through the window as a gentle breeze made the branches of the cherry blossom trees cast moving shadows on the nearby wall. A small cradle rocked in the corner of the simple room, across from a simple bed with thin cloth for a blanket. A caged bird sang its cheerful melody in the corner near the doorway that had no straw mat or bamboo sliding door to keep intruders out. From a small distance, a young woman's soft voice sang a simple lullaby. Entering the room, she giggled softly as she cradled the tiny bundle within her arms. “My beautiful little girl…” She sang out a song that carried an enchanting melody. “I love you, my precious little baby.” She cooed gently as she laid her in her tiny cradle.
The woman's elegant, yet simple kimono with pink cherry blossoms on white fabric billowed around her ankles as she walked over to the bird. Her black hair glistened in the sunlight as she started humming along with the bird. Her blue eyes shimmered with happiness. Her life was perfect; she was in love with a handsome tai-youkai and had recently given his daughter life. While she hadn't seen her love for a while, she waited patiently for him. She would wait for all eternity for him to come back to her again.
A disruptive crash was heard in the halls and the woman jumped. Looking out of the room, she tried to decipher what had happened, until her infant daughter began to cry. She rushed back to the cradle's side to comfort her baby.
“This is the place!” A young priestess yelled out to the army of savage looking samurai. She held a bow and arrow as she balanced herself on a strong steed. “You must kill the priestess Sakura and her newborn hanyou daughter! If kept alive, she may destroy the world as we know it!”
A loud uproar went up as the samurai cheered, “Kill the hanyou!”
The woman held the baby close to her breast as she continued to wail. “My sweet girl, what has gotten you so troubled?” Then a maid rushed into the room.
“Lady Sakura, there is an army outside! They plan to attack!” The maid coaxed Sakura toward the door by pulling her arm gently. “They may be after your daughter!”
“My daughter?” Sakura looked down at her little girl as she continued to cry, tears streaming down her little cheeks and hands balled into tight little fists. “But, what has she done?”
A demon clad in samurai armor and a katana at his hip gazed down at the mansion. His red hair that was pulled back in a ponytail for battle blew in the mid-fall's gentle breeze and his red eyes focused solely on the mansion and then the priestess as she rode over to him. “Ren-Tao, your army has my orders. You will lead the way, of course.”
He nodded. “As you wish priestess Miyo.” He kicked his horse and rode to the front of the line. “Do as the priestess has ordered; attack and kill Sakura and her daughter.” He turned towards the castle. “Follow my lead!” He drew his sword, and then charged toward the fortress walls.
“This way my lady!” The maid pulled Sakura down the wooden halls and to the garden in the back. Creeping against the walls, the women clung to each other in fear. Suddenly, the maid remembered, “My lady, the door! I'll go…” But an arrow impaled her as she ran back to the castle.
“Yui!” Sakura called out as she fell to the hard ground. The woman who had shot her sat side-saddle on her horse, wearing the traditional priestess clothing. At first, Sakura was relieved to see another priestess, but then the samurai and their leader approached behind her. Despair filled her heart and she clutched her baby tighter.
“Sakura, I presume.” The priestess said coldly.
Sakura backed into the wall, trying desperately to get away even though the wall held her in place. “Why do you want to kill my baby? She's only been here…”
“Because that infant was never supposed to be born!” Priestess Miyo nocked back an arrow. “You're daughter's father was supposed to be dead; he was rumored dead many years ago!”
She inhaled sharply. “Dead? He was supposed to be…?” She felt tears gather in her eyes. “But it doesn't make sense! Why…?!” An arrow was fired at her face and stuck itself by her ear. A small knick on her cheek started to bleed.
“If we allow her to live, a fearsome demon will use her blood to break my spell. I used Inu-Taisho's daughter's blood because I thought he was dead and was left with only two sons, but with her here, the entire world is at stake.” She put her bow down behind her back. “Hand over the infant and we'll spare your life.” Miyo ordered.
“No!” Sakura argued. “I won't allow you to kill my daughter!”
“Men, draw your bows!” Ren-Tao ordered. The sound of wood hitting wood resonated throughout the garden as the samurai drew arrows from their quivers. “Fire on my command!”
Sakura watched as the men all pulled arrows back on the strings of their bows. Her daughter started crying during the hush and Sakura prayed that somehow…somehow…
Arrows shot out at the priestess and infant, but they disintegrated when they hit a white barrier of light surrounding Sakura and the infant. The barrier expanded and swallowed up every samurai. The men's screams made Sakura cringe and want to scream herself, but she only watched in horror as her daughter's voice sent power around the field. When the light had diminished, Sakura got to her knees and saw that only Ren-Tao and Miyo were left; the other samurai had disappeared like their arrows.
`So it's true, my power has been passed down to her.' Sakura looked down at her baby girl. `No…'
Priestess Miyo clutched her bow as she stood on legs of jelly. “Ren-Tao, I think it's best that we leave.” She glared over at Sakura. “Even as an infant, her daughter is too powerful for us to go against.”
Ren-Tao cringed. `My…army…my army was disintegrated by an infant!' He closed his eyes and smiled. “Very well priestess.” He turned and began to walk away with Miyo close behind. “But what about the cursed tree…?”
“I trust you'll have a plan, Ren-Tao. Even though those men of yours were merely human, they were still your army. And I presume that your hatred will come up with a perfect revenge before the time arises.”
“Yes, I understand.” He smirked. `That infant will pay for defeating my invincible army. I'll let her live so she can experience my wrath…' His smile broadened. `…and remember it even in death.'
Fat tears fell onto her baby's face as she wept. Her infant slept now, her power drained from her trauma. She knew of a place not far from here where an old miko lived and where a well subsided. A dry well called the Bone-Eater's Well. “I need to find a way to seal your powers or…” She let another tear plop onto her baby's face. She admired her daughter's black velvet dog ears and her long mane of black hair. “…or you might die.” Her whisper was lost in the rain as it began to fall.