InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only Time... ❯ Another Ordinary Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I'm back for another chapter. But here's the thing: I'm going to be in another musical this spring and tryouts are on January 10 and 12. I won't be updating much when the musical practices start, but just be patient. I'll update as much as I'm able.
I do not own any of the InuYasha characters mentioned in this fanfic. Only the OC's are off limits.
Chapter 1: Another Ordinary Day
All That I Am
By: Rob Thomas
I am the one winged bird for flying
Sinking quickly to the ground
See your faith in me subsiding
See you prime for giving in
I give you all that I am
I am the sound of loves arriving
Echoed softly on the sand
Lay your head upon my shoulder
Lay your hand within my hand
I give you all that I am
And I breathe where you breathe
Let me stand where you stand
With all that I am
I am the white dove for a soldier
Ever marching as to war
I would give my life to save you
I stand guarding at your door
I give you all that I am
I am the one winged bird for flying
Sinking quickly to the ground
I am the blind man for a watch dog
I am prime for giving in
I'll show you all that I am
And I breathe so you breathe
Let me stand so you'// stand
With all that I am
(Musical Bridge)
And I breathe where you breathe
Let me stand where you stand
And I breathe so you breathe
Let me stand so you'// stand
With all that I am
A crowd waited patiently on the sidewalk for the walk light to change. Amongst them were four girls clad in spring high school uniforms that consisted of blue pleated skirts and white polo shirts with the school's emblem on the left pocket. They blended with the crowd as they walked across the street, chatting about homework.
“An essay about what?!” The shortest girl erupted with surprise in her voice. She wore a purple glove on her right arm with beads wrapped around her hand and wrist. Unknown to everyone else, it was more than just a fashion statement.
A girl with long black hair in a high pony tail sighed after her friend had yelled out her assignment to the entire crowd. “I hate anatomy.” A bright pink blush covered her cheeks and her tall, slender figure slouched with embarrassment.
“I don't blame you.” The third girl with long brown hair and deep blue eyes stated. “Who would want to do an essay about the…” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “…male genitals.”
“It's just my god-damned luck that I was assigned to do that essay. Not only that, but the teacher said it was recommended we read it in front of the entire class for full credit.” She growled, a deep menacing sound from her throat. “As long as Nakura doesn't offer to help, I think I'll be fine.”
The final girl with long black hair, that hid her little black dog ears, rested a gentle arm over her swelling and obviously pregnant belly. “Why shouldn't he help you Mika? He's a guy and he's in your anatomy class.” She pointed out.
“Kane,” The brown haired girl scolded. “Watch your mouth, especially right now.” She looked down at her hand that rested on her belly.
“What do my twins have anything to do with this conversation?” Kane inquired, rubbing it in small circles. She smiled when one of the fetus' kicked at her touch.
“What Yuki's trying to say is you had better shut up before I hurt you.” Mika stated coldly.
Kane laughed, almost nervously. “Mika, I know you too well. You wouldn't harm me right now because I'm pregnant.”
The red-haired girl with the purple glove stepped forward. “Aren't you a little too pregnant to be going to school right now?”
“What's that supposed to mean, Michi?” Kane huffed. “As long as the doctor says it's all right, I can go to school; it's perfectly safe.”
Mika snickered as she opened the door to WacDonalds. “You mean you haven't noticed how big you are? Not to mention how many people stare at you all day long?”
“Okay, so I'm almost seven months pregnant…” Yuki cleared her throat when Kane stopped. “…with twins. It's not like I'm not married.”
They grabbed a table and set their book bags onto the floor beneath them. “But you're still in school; everyone at school read that article back in December and their still talking about it.” Michi said, grabbing some yen from her purse.
“I changed my last name since our marriage.” Kane exasperated, looking through her purse for some yen to give to Michi. “I'm Hideik Kane-Sakura now, remember?” She also pulled out her student I.D. card. “See, Hideik, not Sugimoto.”
“We've only known that for five months now Kane. Tell the rest of the school and maybe some will believe you.” Mika took out a pamphlet from her book bag. “Anyway, back to school. We've got some research to do on this shrine we're visiting tomorrow. What's-its-name shrine.”
Kane rested her elbows on the sticky table. “It's called Yasukuni Shrine.” She responded sarcastically.
“Whatever…” Mika opened the pamphlet and read it over. “Says here that this particular shrine carries a legend.”
Yuki leaned in. “What kind of legend?”
“It reads: `Located on these sacred grounds is a mysterious well known as Nakushita Omoide Ido. It's said that anyone who falls into this dry well could ultimately change the past.' Whata load of bull shit.” Mika closed the pamphlet and huffed. “Lost Memories Well, keh! Bull sh…”
“Now Mika,” Kane hushed. “Remember the Bone-Eater's Well? Kagome proved that the well's legend was true about monsters' bodies going through a time slip. It's possible that this one's just like that.”
“Says you. Why don't you prove it?”
“Are you insane?! If that thing's for real, falling into it could dramatically alter the future! Plus I'm pregnant! Jumping into a well could cause injury if it doesn't work!” She rested a hand over her belly again. “I won't risk it.”
“Chicken,” Mika stated as she started writing down notes in her notebook. “Well, it don't matter anyways. You'd probably just land on the bottom and ask for help to get out.”
Michi returned with four ice cream cones. Handing one to each girl, she asked, “Isn't research fun?”
Yuki sighed in defeat. “For you maybe. I hate history class.”
“It should be easy for you guys. The history we're studying right now…”
Kane had her speech interrupted by a man with dark blue hair that was only a shade away from black and sliver eyes. “Hasn't happened yet or happened before any of us were born.” He poked his head over the seat to look at the girls. “And if it did happen during our time, why should we pay attention to that stuff? It's boring.”
“Akira…what do you think you're doing?” Yuki asked, blushing slightly. “Why are you listening in on our conversation?”
Before he could answer, a man approached the table. He had long black hair tied in a braid and his red eyes gleamed when he looked at Michi. He smiled and said, “Hello everyone.” Then he turned and looked directly at Michi. “Michi…”
She blushed. “Hi Ori. Long time, no see.”
He laughed slightly. “It's only been a few hours since our last class, my love.” He knelt before her and took her hand to hold it in his. “But nonetheless, I feel so empty when you're not beside me.”
“Hey thunder boy, don't you think you should leave them alone?” Another voice said monotonously from the table Akira was sitting at.
Mika jumped when she heard the all too familiar voice. A man with silver streaked black hair and grey eyes looked over the booth with Akira. Kane smiled and said, “Thanks Nakura, but we don't have that much studying to do. We're mostly taking it easy.”
Akira looked around. “Hey, I thought the Neko would be here with you. Where is he?”
“He's stuck at school making up choir lessons.” Kane said flatly. “And will you stop calling him a Neko? I don't see or hear him calling you a bird everyday.”
“I think it's a compliment. It's better than some of the other names I've come up for him.” Akira snickered. “You should've seen this one time in gym. He missed the goal and the puck hit the metal sides and bounced back. Setsuna didn't move in time and got hit right in the crotch!” Akira laughed harder. “We called him `Numb Nuts' for days in gym after that!”
“Akira!” Yuki stood, slamming her palms on the table as she did. “Come. With. Me.”
Color drained from his face just a tad as he followed her retreating form. Before he got too far, he stated, “All I did was call him `Numb Nuts'.”
“Doesn't take much to make her mad, does it?” Kane stated, licking some melting ice cream from her cone.
“Nope.” Mika finished off her cone and reopened the pamphlet. “Okay, so what if this well's the real thing? Should we do something about it?”
Kane shook her head. “They probably have it sealed off to the public.” Standing, she stretched her arms into the air. “I'm tired, so I'm going home. See you in school.”
The girls all waved as she walked away, including Yuki as she scolded Akira by the restrooms.
On the third floor of the apartment complex, Kane got off of the elevator and headed for apartment 306, her home. She took her key out of her coat pocket and stuck it in the door knob. Once it was unlocked she opened the door, and on the other side stood a man with long silver hair, golden eyes, and a red hakama. Not expecting anyone to be there, Kane let out a long shriek and punched him in the stomach. He fell back, eyes wide with terror and pain.
As he groaned on the floor of her kitchen, she relaxed when she realized who the intruder was: her brother, InuYasha. “Oh, InuYasha…” She blinked and brought her fist back down to her side.
“What the hell do you think you're doing?! Trying to kill me?!” InuYasha lay on the floor, holding his stomach and grimacing.
“And what about you? Are you trying to send me into preterm labor?” She helped him up with her hand. “I wasn't expecting you to be standing two feet from the door when I opened it.” She put her hands on her hips. “How'd you get in?”
“Your husband, who else?”
“And where is he?” She demanded. “If I find one scratch on him or find his body in the tub, I swear I'll…”
“Jeez woman, what crawled up your butt and died?” InuYasha leaned back against the counter by the sink. “I didn't do anything to him; he's in the shower.”
Kane sighed. “Sorry, I wasn't accusing you for real. I'm just overprotective is all.”
“And a little moody.”
“You're point is?” She glared at him as she walked into the attached living room. “It's not like I can help it; I haven't seen my ankles in two months, I feel like a bloated cow, and I look horrible! What's not to be moody about?”
“That's funny; you look beautiful to me.” A man with a towel in his hair and gray sweatpants said as he dried his hair. “Home already?” He wrapped the towel around his neck and began to comb his long, white tresses with his fingers. “I thought you had to study.”
“I have a field trip tomorrow in history so there isn't much to study for.” Kane tried getting up and got half-way there only to fall back into the chair.
InuYasha laughed. “Just think Kane, after you whelp your pups, not only will your emotions be stable, you'll be able to stand on your own again.”
“InuYasha…” The other man warned. “I wouldn't…”
“Setsuna, if he feels like insulting me, let him.” Kane glared at her brother. “I'd like to see you carry twins at seven months and be able to stand up.” She commented, getting help from Setsuna's strength.
“Keh. If I had the proper equipment to do so, I betcha I could. I am stronger after all.” InuYasha crossed his arms. “But since I don't…”
“Sit…” Kane muttered and he fell to the floor.
Setsuna squatted next to him. “I tried to warn you.”
“Try harder next time.” InuYasha groaned.
Kane opened the refrigerator door and reached for a bottle of water. “So, what're you here for in the first place?” She closed the door and twisted the cap on the bottle.
“I need a reason to visit my younger sister?” InuYasha raised his head off of the linoleum. “For Kami's sake, I just wanted to know how you were doing! It's been nearly a month since I last saw you.”
Smiling, she responded, “And Sesshomaru wouldn't talk to you?”
“That bastard? Keh!” He sat up and crossed his arms. “He'd never be able to talk to me without wanting to shish kabob me with Tokijin.”
Setsuna listened to their conversation, all the while noticing his wife's fatigued face. He calmly walked over to her and picked her up bridal style. She let out a startled yelp, dropping her closed water bottle. “Someone needs their recommended daily rest.” He nuzzled her neck. “Now who could that be?”
“Baka, I'm still talking to InuYasha.” She pouted. “Put me down.”
“I'm being serious Kane. The doctor said that baby one's head dropped slightly at your last check up and told you to put your feet up as much as possible after school.”
“Then put me on the couch. I'm not done talking yet.” Pushing on his shoulders, she fought against him for freedom.
“Talk in bed. I'm not joking about this.”
Kane gave up and nodded at her brother to follow them. Setsuna carried her to the bedroom, deciding to prop some pillows up for back support. Once she was comfortable, she asked, “What if I had ended up just like Sesshomaru? Or even worse, like you?”
“Keh! You did end up like me, only not as strong and with a temper.”
Kane narrowed her eyes. “I mean, what if I had no compassion and insulted everyone all the time like you do?” She closed her eyes when an uncomfortable, sharp pain hit her back.
“Kane?” Setsuna sat beside her. “What's wrong?”
“Back pain. I got hit with a puck in gym…oops…”
“Gym class? I thought I told you to drop it this semester!” Setsuna scolded her. “It's dangerous for you to be running around, playing hockey nonetheless. Why do you think we came back here, to the future, until you have the twins?”
She huffed. “Gym's different from Feudal Ja…”
“Floor hockey is what me and Ori play for our school and all of us play in gym. It's not a sport meant for pregnant women.” He turned to InuYasha. “I'm sorry, but your conversation has ended for today.”
“Excuse me? Since when do you force me to stop doing something?” InuYasha began. “Last time I checked, I'm older than you are and I want to talk to my sister.”
“Setsuna, that's unfair. He hasn't seen me in a month and may not see me again until after the twins are born.”
He turned to look at his wife again. Her skin was white against her black hair and she looked tired. But to him, she was his world; his everything. She was beautiful even in her third trimester. “InuYasha, I'd like a word with her. I'll send you back in after we're done.”
InuYasha huffed loudly. “Have your little spouse talk. But I'm warning you…” He stomped out of the room and slammed the door behind him.
Setsuna swung his legs up onto the bed and lay on his side beside Kane. He put on hand on her belly and rubbed it gently. “Now tell me, has your common sense really left your head, or is it just broken?”
“Baka, I don't want to take P.E. my senior year. Do you know how embarrassing that would be?” Kane put her left hand over his as he massaged her belly. Her hand stopped his motions and she saw the plain gold wedding band on his ring finger catch the sunlight. The sparkle of her diamonds in her wedding ring shone along with his and she smiled happily, thinking to herself that she had never been happier.
“Which would you rather have, embarrassment and healthy pups, or end up getting hurt and sending yourself into preterm labor?” Setsuna turned his hand over and grasped her hand. He squeezed her hand with love and concern mixed in his eyes.
“Listen,” Kane started. “When I got hit with the puck today, the gym teacher pulled me out instantly. Even though I didn't get seriously hurt, she still took me out.”
“What does that…?”
“And she doesn't put me in that often. I'm in for one game as a goalie.” Kane pulled her hand from his and placed it on his cheek. “If the teacher hadn't given me a special exception, yes I would've dropped the class. I wouldn't put myself or my children at risk.”
Slightly reassured, Setsuna leaned in to kiss her on the lips. “Sorry I doubted you.”
“No, I'm sorry I worried you and kept that secret from you.” She leaned back against her pillows and sighed. “We should get InuYasha back in here.”
Setsuna smiled. “Actually, I think he left.”
“I heard the other door slam a couple minutes ago.”
“Really.” Kane smiled and sat up to kiss his forehead as he leaned down. The simple gesture made him feel more aroused than when he'd first walked out of the bathroom and sensed her presence only a few minutes earlier. He kissed her full on the lips, slipping his tongue into her silky mouth, taking possession of his mate. She moaned with arousal and said between kisses, “I thought I had to rest.”
“You can rest later.” He straddled her legs and cupped her cheeks with his hands as she loosened his gray sweatpants.
Then the door opened. “What the hell is taking…?” InuYasha paused as he stared at Setsuna's almost naked ass sitting on top of his sister, kissing her senseless. “Good god, I thought you were just talking!”
The kiss abruptly ended. Setsuna worked on pulling up his sweatpants while trying to calm his humming blood. He looked to Kane for help, but she stuttered, “I-InuYasha, I…I mean we…” Kane's face turned red as his haori.
The faces of both Setsuna and InuYasha turned red too. Setsuna stammered, “I thought…that you had, uh left.”
The dog hanyou stepped aside to let Mika in. “No, I let someone in. You have a visitor.”
One look at their intimate position and red faces made Mika wonder if she should have called instead of stopping by. But the apartment had been on her way, so she thought, why not? Now she wished she'd called from the safe, blind telephone. “I'm here to invite you two over to our apartment for dinner. But, seeing as you're set on what you're going to have, I think I'll just leave.”
“Setsuna, could you, uh…get off of me please?” Kane asked timidly. “I'm suddenly feeling a little sleepy.”
InuYasha forgot his embarrassment and stormed into the room. He grabbed a fistful of Setsuna's hair and yanked him off of the bed, hard. Setsuna yelped and held his burning scalp after InuYasha had dropped him on the floor. “You're not sleeping until we talk.”
Kane sighed. “Fine.” She looked at her husband.
He nodded in understanding and left the room with Mika. The last thing he heard from within the room was, “You could've at least knocked!”
After stopping in the kitchen to pick up the water bottle that had fallen on the floor, Setsuna headed for where Mika was, the nursery. He entered the newly decorated room, smelling that new paint scent that always made him want to run from the room. But one look at all of the baby things and he couldn't help but wander in. All of the baby things were going to get their money's worth of use once the twins came. The fact that some day soon he'd walk into this room and see two babies, one in each crib, still shocked him. Was he ready for such a big responsibility? The choice wasn't his to make; he needed to be ready by the time they were brought forth into this world. And he only had two more months to prepare.
Mika stood next to the window, holding a teddy bear with a pink bow on its neck. “I hope you have a girl, or this poor bear will feel out of place.”
“Don't worry about it. Kane's maternal instinct has told her that at least on of them is a girl. `I can just feel it' she says.” Setsuna leaned against the changing table. “Mika, are you in Kane's gym class?”
“So she told you, huh?”
“By accident, but yeah.”
Mika nodded. “I am. But don't…”
“Pull her out of that class. Sports and pregnancy don't go together.” Setsuna stated.
Mika put her hands on her hips. “Will you listen to me? She's in no immediate danger. If she was, I would've told her to drop that class at the beginning of semester.”
“She got hurt today!”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, to protect the two lives she's been carrying for the past seven months. When her stick fell from her grasp, she turned her back to stop the puck. That's how she got hurt, and because of her injury, if you could even call it that, the teacher took her out of the game for the rest of the period.”
“I've just had a foreboding feeling about her.” Setsuna closed his eyes. “For the past few days, I've felt this…this weird feeling…”
“You're just concerned for her.”
“At first, that's what I thought too. The baby's head dropped a little and I was concern for her. But after that passed, she told me about this field trip she's taking tomorrow. Since then, I've been on edge. I can't sleep, and I constantly want to rush to her side to protect her.” Setsuna walked over to the crib and touched the blanket folded within it.
Mika sighed. “If you want, I'll stay with Kane for the entirety of the trip tomorrow. And after that, if you still feel uneasy, then we'll force her out of gym.”
“Thanks Mika,” Setsuna smiled with reassurance. “Knowing that will give me a better chance at sleep tonight.”
BAM! A loud noise that sounded like a piece of furniture being dropped resounded in the apartment. Setsuna rushed to the bedroom and flung open the door. “Kane, what's going…?!” But Kane was in bed, flustered. It was InuYasha who was on the floor, face down.
“I can't believe you asked a question like that!” Kane crossed her arms angrily.
“All I asked was if Setsuna was doing it right! So pulverize me!” The angry hanyou yelled into the floor.
“Sit!” She yelled out as her blush heightened. “Maybe I will if you bring it up again!”
Mika slapped her forehead. “I'm guessing your sibling conversation is done?”
Kane managed an angry nod. “Could you please escort him out of the apartment? I'd do it myself, but I don't think I can manage on my own.”
The wolf demon took InuYasha by the legs and dragged him out of the room. “Stupid dog.” She muttered under her breath.
Setsuna came into the room as the door slammed in the distance. “Now, where were we?”
“Hmm…” Kane smiled as he straddled her legs again. Kissing his forehead, she stated, “You mean before my brother interrupted us?”
Mm-hm.” He felt his blood begin to heat up like fire and his member shot up in instant response.
“Right here sounds good.” She giggled as his lips pressed against hers.