InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only Time... ❯ Alone for Hours ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own any of the InuYasha characters mentioned in this fan fiction. The OC's and the story line are off limits.
It's been a while, I know. But I have another chapter done!! Anyway, I know there are very few readers out there interested in this story, but thanks for reading it anyway. Knowing some people are enjoying it makes my day so joyful.
The musical is over for the season so I'll have a little more time to take care of rewriting Hidden Past, Hidden Self and finishing this movie. That is, until graduation comes rolling around. Then I'll have my hands full with relatives visiting, finals, the graduation itself, parties for me and my friends, and a second summer job. >.< Whoopee for me...
Chapter 6: Alone for Hours
Setsuna knew what that body looked like under the silken kimono. He knew how milky soft her skin was to his touch. He wondered, had this whole ordeal changed any of that?
He shook his head as she came closer. `No, you can't sleep with her.' Slowly, he fought down his lust. `Resist her, play hard to get.' “Well, what have we here?” He asked casually, seeming to be uninterested.
“Indeed, what do we have?” She purred. She was only a couple feet from touching him and his scent was shrouding her thoughts.
Moving away from her, he looked out her solitary window. “A beautiful night, a beautiful woman. What more could a man want, right?”
“Hmm, I know one thing.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“And what's that?” Kane pushed her body into his, desire riding her with a fierce passion.
“Do you mind? I'm talking.” He almost melted into a puddle of mush when her breasts slid against his chest. `Kami, I'm hard already. I need to restrain myself.'
She backed away, disappointed but still determined. “You need some space darling?”
“I'd appreciate it.” He turned, only slightly away from her, to hide his bulging erection.
But she'd caught it. “Somebody's a little happy right now, huh?” She smirked. “You can't hide that you want me; I'm not blind and I can smell it on you like a second perfume.”
`Damn.' “Who me? Ha! Why would I be aroused by the sight of…” She slid one side of her kimono open to reveal a luscious breast, the nipple hard from the night's chill air hitting her skin. He felt his manhood start to quiver. “…you?”
“You know, it's rather chilly out tonight. I'm so cold that I'm shivering.”
He broke his stare and shook his head. “The bed's free.” He gestured towards the open bed in the corner.
“Yes, it is.” Her plan was working.
“Show some modesty woman. Go into your bed and cover yourself if you're so cold.” He stated between gritted teeth.
A low growl resonated from Kane's chest. “Maybe I want you to come and share it with me. How dumb are you?”
`Okay, I'm pissing her off.' “I can't do that. I, as a cat-demon, can only mate with one woman in my life time, and that woman must be my mate for life.”
“We can work around that.”
Setsuna glared at her like she had lost her mind and dignity. “I already have a mate!” `Unfortunately, it's you.' He thought with some remorse.
“Again, that could be easily resolved. I could get rid of her for you.” She moved in again.
“I am bound to her, so if she dies, I die.”
She laughed. “Why do you resist me?” Her kimono slid off her body and she stood gloriously naked in the candlelight. She heard him gulp. “I know you want me.”
“I-I have my reasons. And you should respect them.” Setsuna looked down and away from her, squeezing his eyes shut and avoiding the temptation to find out if her skin felt as silky as it looked.
Kane pressed her body against his again, but he quickly moved away, as if she'd hurt him. “Can't you see my desire for you?! Take me, make me yours for just one night, damn it!”
“I will not.” He answered coolly.
“Fine, since you chose to defy me,” She pulled on her kimono. “You'll stay in the dungeon.” Going to the door, she yelled out an order. “Nakura, take this feline to the cells immediately!”
After the door had been slammed in their faces, Nakura led Setsuna down the hall, away from the Neko's personal hellhole. Setsuna had his head bowed, and he laughed breathily as he said, “Well, that went better than I thought.”
Nakura looked over at him. “How so?”
“She could've ordered me killed.” Sighing, he added, “Nakura, I almost gave in. What if she tries this again?”
“No doubt she will. But it may be a while; she sounded really pissed off.”
“Yeah, she did.” On the outside, Setsuna looked to be in a good mood. He was joking with his friend, seeming to enjoy the night. But on the inside he was cold, and fear ate at his heart. His wife really was evil.
She wanted to tear her room apart. Her desires hadn't been fulfilled and now she felt the need to kill something.
Hell, she didn't even know his stupid name! But what did that matter? She was going to see him again, and the next time she'd get him to crack. The moon shone bright in her window, nearly full. Two more nights she'd wait, and then she'd try again.
And the next time, he'd succumb to her.
The following night, Setsuna knew what was going to happen. He didn't need to see the moon from his cell to know that it was almost full; he could feel it in his blood. His demon instincts were more attuned to his surroundings. `Tomorrow night I will turn full demon. How will I control myself from escaping and taking Kane?'
Nakura brought some food into Setsuna's dungeon. Noticing his unease, he asked, “Are you troubled over something, or are you just sulking?”
“Nakura, tomorrow night will be tough. I'm turning full demon just as I do every six months on the full moon.” He sighed. “The last time I was around Kane and that happened, I almost lost her.”
“And you want me to do something about it?”
“Yes,” Setsuna stood. “Kane should turn human on the same night, and since she's evil I'm guessing she'll stay hidden to keep her reputation in tact. But me, I lose my self-control for the first fifteen minutes. During that time, I could go up and take her and not even know about it.”
“What do you need me to do?”
“Anything you can to keep me away from her. Tie me up, knock me out, anything you can think of.” He stood. “Get Ori to help you.”
“What, am I not enough to suppress your youkai side?”
Setsuna laughed slightly. “You're not weak, but I'm not sure how strong I am when I lose control and desire something.”
He saw the pain in his friend's eyes. `He's afraid of himself.' Nakura knew what it was like to be troubled over one's actions when he couldn't control it. He had, after all, killed ruthlessly for Naraku for many months after his creation. He nodded. “I'll do whatever it takes.”
Setsuna looked away as Nakura left his cell. “How long will this take?” He asked himself. “I have only two months before things are irreversible. I only pray I don't fall into temptation.”
The door pushed out as Nakura and Ori held it shut. “Holy shit, he's strong.” Ori swore as Setsuna rammed the door again.
“Something's wrong. It's been over fifteen minutes since his transformation.” Nakura said just before the door rammed wide open.
“Where is she? Where is Kane-Sakura?!” The full demon yelled, eyes blazing red, orange, and yellow. He stared down at the two demons that had tried to stop him as they lay sprawled on the floor.
Nakura cussed as he sat up onto his side on the floor. “Ori, use lightning on him! Knock him out!”
“O-okay.” Ori formed a ball of lightning in his hands, and as Setsuna charged he shot the electric charge. But even after the attack hit Setsuna, the Neko wasn't affected.
“Where's my woman?!” He extended his claws and swiped at Ori. Jumping back, the Thunder Brother barely missed getting punctured in the stomach.
“Jeez, how does she handle him like this?!” Ori tried again, but the lightning wasn't doing anything to him. Over and over again he kept using his lightning strikes, but he Setsuna kept dodging them. He ran out of juice, his lightning fizzling out around him, and Setsuna took that opportunity to strike. He swiped him with his fiery claws, leaving four perfect lines on his clothing and chest. The thunder brother stumbled and knelt to hold his bleeding chest. “Nakura, stop him!” He said, teeth clenched to distract his mind from the burning on his body.
Vines wrapped around the enraged demon. “Snap out of it Hideik.” Nakura said coolly.
“My woman's nearby, now let me go!” One slash at the vines released him and he sped off down the corridor, hair flying behind him as he disappeared.
“It's no use; he's lost total control of himself.” Ori said, standing once again.
“He must sense how weak she is in her human state. Remember just before this all started?” Nakura closed his eyes. “He had said that Kane was in danger and seemed to lose control of his demon side.”
“Yeah, he had.” Ori winced when he felt the air move around his wound and catch fire.
“We need to stop him! Come on!” Nakura took Ori's arm and helped him down the hall.
She could sense that something was horribly wrong. With her silver hair tied back in a low ponytail, she stepped out of her room in her silk kimono to see what was going on. She saw Setsuna rushing towards her room, and a chill ran down her spine when she saw the golden glimmer in his eyes. She was human, and he was on a rampage.
She had never felt a fear like this since she had been a child. Rushing back into her room, she slammed the door and put her back against it. The door pushed into her back when Setsuna rammed at it. A little yelp escaped her mouth. Then she realized something: he'd come back for her. Kane smiled, and then nearly screamed when the door almost broke behind her.
`Open it now. Do it before he rams it again.' Turning and flinging the doors open, she rushed out, grabbed his face with her hands, and kissed him, hard on the lips.
His rage subsided as her tongue slid into his mouth. Her hands raked his hair and his roamed down to her buttocks. Pressing her body against his, she felt his erection pulsate against her cradle. Her mind wandered from the hall to the bedroom behind her and ideas of steamy pleasure drown her in a deep, blue sea.
Nakura and Ori rounded the corner to see the couple as they kissed. Not thinking of the consequences of separating the two, they rushed over to pull them apart. “Ori, take Kane. I'll handle the Neko.” Ori only nodded and did as he was told. He grabbed Kane by the waist and took her away from her prey.
Kane hissed at him. “What the hell do you think you're doing?! Unhand me and let me resume my seduction!”
“It's for your own protection, my lady.” He said calmly despite the pain she was causing on his chest with her struggling. “Setsuna is full demon and isn't able to control himself.”
Wrapped in more vines, Setsuna struggled to get back to Kane. But Nakura tightened his grip around the man's arms, allowing no escape and waited until he stopped struggling against his barrier. His head lolled to the side after he passed out from lack of oxygen.
She broke away from Ori. “I should have you slain for this treason! I'm perfectly capable of handling a man!”
“Not in you're human state.” Nakura moved forward. “He's been known to kill when his demon side takes over. Had we not come, you might've been lying in a pool of your own blood, dead.”
She glared at Nakura, murder in her gaze. Then her features softened slightly. “Kami, you're right. It was pretty stupid of me. I had thought I could stop him somehow.” She smiled. “In fact, I thought that kissing him would bring him back, but that apparently wasn't the key.”
“We're very sorry, Lady Kane-Sakura. Have a good night.” Ori bowed in respect.
“I will, take care boys.” She closed the door behind her, and then touched her lips. Her knees buckled beneath her and she sat on the floor. “That kiss, it felt…so familiar. But why?” She leaned her head back against the door. “It was almost as if I've kissed him hundreds of times before.”
Kane moved to her bed and lay on it. “Why did it feel like I was the only one who could stop him,” she closed her eyes. “Like I've stopped him before.”
With the moonlight streaming in her window, feeling somewhat satisfied, she fell into a pleasant sleep.
Nakura bandaged Ori's chest wound in the same cell Setsuna slept in. “It doesn't look serious, but keep an eye on it.” He stated as he put the last strip on.
Ori winced again. “Setsuna's lucky he's my friend or I'd vow revenge on him.” The sun filtered through the lone window and brought fresh light into the little cell. “The night is over, so Setsuna won't be full demon any longer, right?”
Nakura nodded, just as Setsuna stirred in the corner. “Well, look who finally woke up.”
Setsuna blinked, scaring away any traces of red and orange flames within his eyes. His head pounded as it always did the morning after his transformation. He looked up and saw his friends, one of which had a bandage across his chest. Almost instantly he felt guilty. “Did I do that?”
“Yes.” Nakura answered straight out. “You also managed to escape and find Kane-Sakura.”
He closed his eyes in despair. “Please tell me she's okay. I didn't…”
“No, nothing happened between you two; unless you had sex within ten minutes.”
“Ori, don't give him ideas.” Nakura huffed. “When we found you two, she'd kissed you and calmed your youki. We pulled you apart before she dragged you into her bedchamber.”
“Thanks guys. I…” The door knocked.
“Ori, Nakura? What are you doing in there?” Kane asked outside the cell.
The boys looked at each other, and then said in unison, “Nothing.”
“Can I come in and see Setsuna?”
“Ori go open the door.” Nakura instructed as he pushed Setsuna back down on the mat and whispered, “Pretend to be unconscious.”
Kane came in after Ori bowed during her entrance. She saw Setsuna, still asleep, on the mat by Nakura. “How's he doing?” She looked Ori and his bandaged chest. “And what happened to you?”
“Setsuna got me last night, but it'll heal quickly.” He bowed in respect. “Thank you for noticing.”
She smirked. “Like I really care. I'm more interested in the Neko over there.”
`What a bitch…' “Of course, my lady.”
She turned and walked over to Setsuna's still body. She knelt beside him and checked him out. “You two can leave now. I'll take care of the Neko.” They obeyed her, leaving the cell with only the two demi-demons inside. Nonetheless, they stayed by the door to make sure nothing sexual happened between them.
She studied him, going over his features one by one. His chest rose and fell with every breath he took, so at least he was alive. Confusion registered on her face; was she worried about him? She shook her head. No, that couldn't be possible. All she wanted to know was why the kiss last night had felt so…right.
Pretending to wake, Setsuna squinted and opened his eyes. “Oh, Kane-Sakura.” He smiled at her innocent face. “I didn't know…”
She leaned down and pressed her lips to his. The kiss was gentle, almost like she was testing him out. There was no hurry in it and when she pulled away, it left him longing for more. “Tell me, did that feel familiar to you?”
He almost felt tears of joy well in his eyes. The truth was on the tip of his tongue, so close to being blurted. He wanted to tell her the truth, about how they were married, expecting twins in two months, and happy and in love, mates. But he lied, saying, “Not in particular.”
She frowned. “Then why does it feel like I've kissed you so many times before?”
He stared at her. `She remembers my kiss?' Sitting up, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her again. `Maybe getting her to remember everything will make it all right again.'
After a moment of surprised confusion, she closed her eyes and rested a hand on his chest. When he pulled away, her heart was pounding; but she still didn't understand why she felt connected to him. None of it made any sense. His green eyes glittered when no enlightenment reached her face. `He looks so sad,' a small voice said inside her. She felt her heart ache with his. “What troubles you?”
“I miss you.” He blurted, knowing he might as well tell her now. “I mean, I miss the way you used to be.”
“Do you mean last night?”
“I don't really remember last night.” He saw the confusion in her eyes. “I lost control because every six months on the full moon I turn full demon.”
“I still don't understand. What do you mean by `the way I used to be'?”
He smiled and came up with a plan. “I'll tell you only if you promise not to seduce me and take me as a mate,” he paused, “until you love me.”
Angered, she stood. “I'm not looking for a long-term relationship! And I thought you said you already had a mate?”
“Oh that?” He looked up at her. “I made that up.”
`So he's…a virgin? That…that's not possible! He smells like he knows what to do!' She blushed and turned away from him. “As I said before, no permanent attachments; I'll find another more painful way to extract the information out of you.” She opened the door, just as Nakura and Ori stepped away from it, and slammed it shut. She didn't notice them as she stormed past them.
`How dare he!' She screamed mentally as she marched into her chamber. `The nerve of that man! He thinks he's too high and mighty for me!' This time, she threw the first thing she could grab: an innocent clay pot. But throwing and breaking something wasn't enough. She reached for her sword, Teretsu, from under her covers and unsheathed it. The diamonds in the blade twinkled as she swung it in the air. She needed to kill, but what? She dropped the blade on her shoulder to rest, sulking out of her room. She'd think about it as she went.
Meanwhile, Setsuna sat in his cell, pondering his proposal. He only had two months to change her mind and then mate with her to restore everything to the way it was. He wanted Kane to bear their children, not Mika and Michi. Before this whole thing had started, Mika and Michi had been her best friends. Now the only sign that they had ever known each other was the fact that they were carrying the twins. At least, that's what he thought with his theory.
He flinched. What if he was wrong? What if this didn't work and there was no way to change it back? He looked out the window and contemplated his options. He sighed and looked away. His future didn't seem so bright if it didn't work and it was irreversible. One option that danced in his head and haunted him for the next few nights was of becoming her sex slave. But what made it worse was the little voice that hinted at suicide and going into the after life.
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