InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only You ❯ Chapter Six: Not Meant To Be With You ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hi guys! I know this a surprise update. I couldn't believe myself plus I did it in two days at school. I am so proud of myself. Also someone requested something and I put it in the story. It is a surprise! Peace out ~ A.N.U
Chapter Six: Not Meant To Be With You
Heated images flashed through her mind. She tossed and turned in her bed. This is too uncomfortable. Why would he do that to her? Teasing her, torturing her with his touch, she swore to Kami she hated him…or a least she thought.
It was hard enough she had to see him tomorrow and the day after that. Better yet she would be seeing him for the rest of her life. Memories of him touching her impure scarred body made her shivered in hatred or delight… she was confused…again.
She sighed. This was too intense. Estelle sat up. It was raining and she still had the fear of thunder and lightening since she was a child. She jumped in frighten at the roar of the thunder. She crawled out of bed. She walked down the cold dark hallways, her distance was the kitchen.
Just as she turned the corner, she stopped in her tracks to see him…Sesshoumaru with his back to her, preparing his nighttime snack. She ignored him and walked to refrigerator. Sesshoumaru glance over his shoulder to see her take out items. But he continued to chop the meat, cheese, and vegetables for his sandwich.
She realized there were no knives or contents to make her snack. She also glanced at the counter Sesshoumaru worked at. Estelle hesitated for a moment before gathering her thing to move. After stationing directly beside Sesshoumaru, she reached for a plate but he placed one in front of plate.
Estelle murmured a `Thank you'.
She began to make her sandwich as they both continued in silence. He glanced as she slightly leaned over the counter, giving him a perfect side view of her breasts.
Estelle placed her items on her sandwich, slicing it in two; she accidentally cut her index finger.
“Damn!” she yelped as she waved her finger to ease the pain.
She continued to wave her finger until he caught it. She looked at him confusingly as he examined her finger. He moved his contents aside then lifted and placed her on the counter. Estelle gasped as she saw Sesshoumaru insert her cut finger into his warm wet mouth. Gently he suckled on it, tasting her sweet copper drops. She bit back a moan as he did.
Closing her jade green eyes as a warm sensation washed over her body. Then she felt cold again until something soft brushed over against her lips before firmly pressing into her mouth. She opened her eyes and was drowned into amber ones. This time she nibbled his lower lip, demanding entrance. Her tongue grazed his fangs.
Sesshoumaru purred darkly. They pulled away for air. She was aroused now, he could smell it. His growling spiked it a bit. Just as she was about to jump down, Sesshoumaru pushed her back crushing her form against the counter, she struggled against his hold it paid no vile.
She felt his clawed hand slip under her white oversized shirt. It gently brushed over her tender mound. It teasingly twirled her erect left nipple through the lacy material. She let out a raspy moan. Estelle felt him lift her shirt over her head, watching the clothing hit the floor.
Turning her attention back to Sesshoumaru, his tongue and mouth became attached to her delicate neck. She tried to stop him with her hands but could not. He suckled, nibbled, and kissed at her neck, leaving dark bruises along the way. She realized he was traveling down to her breasts. Estelle knew she had to stop him.
Sesshoumaru encircled his clawed hands around her body to unclip her black lace bra. It hung loose on her upper body; she clanged her form as he tried to pull the material off her body. He growled in impatience to her stubbornness, with a firm yank her bra was removed. Revealing her perfect round breasts, he smirked the display before him, licking his lips in the process.
Estelle felt aroused by this situation. She gasped as Sesshoumaru's fangs grazed her sensitive areola before fully taking in her nipple. She instinctively entangled her hands into his silver locks. Holding him in place, she could hear wet sounds as he licked her nipple in long strokes. Making her arousal spike, Sesshoumaru then switched to the abandon one.
“Aahh.” She cried out as one of his hands slid between the apex of her thighs. Grinning against her skin, kissing his way down, pushing her thighs apart, smirking at the developing wet spot in her lacy panties. With a swoop of a claw her panties laid on the floor in pieces. Sesshoumaru parted her wet silky folds, seeing was she very wet for…him and only him. Estelle closed her eyes once more until she felt warm breath against her womanhood.
She looked down to see him in between her thighs she widened eyes as Sesshoumaru looked up smirking at her before opening his mouth.
“Aahhhh!” She moaned louder as his mouth and tongue fucked her senseless. He added one digit into her tight passage, as Sesshoumaru found her nub and began to gently suck it before biting it down. She came hard. Her bitter juices flowed from her into the demon's awaiting mouth. Her body slumped against the cabinet. Both breathing hard, Sesshoumaru rolled to his feet to kiss the beauty before him. Sweat glistened her sugar brown skin, her juices trickled her folds, her sliver ebony tresses plastered to her skin made him want to runt with her hard on the kitchen floor.
Roughly kissing her, letting Estelle taste herself on his lips. Pulling away from him, she looked into his red tint amber eyes. Seeing the lust and desire made her realize what she was doing and with who.
She felt guilty for some reason.
“We shouldn't do this.” Estelle replied.
“Why not?” Sesshoumaru questioned pressing her body into his.
“Because…because we weren't meant to be. You don't love me and I don't love you.”
“Who said I didn't love you.” He said as he carefully placed his clawed hand against her cheek.
His hand slid to her womanhood, Sesshoumaru firmly pressed his thumb on to her nub. Estelle gripped his shoulder tightly. She shut her eyes.
“Look at me.” He ordered. And she obeyed. Jade Green met Amber Gold.
“Tell me we are meant to be.” He ordered again, putting more pressure on her nub.
“No.” she choked as he pressed harder.
“Say it.”
“Yes, say it.” He growled growing impatience at her stubbornness… again.
“Nnnoo…aahhh…pleassee…sstop… Sesshou.”
“No, tell me what I want to hear.”
“Please…no…we weren't meant to be.”
“Yes, we are. Say it.”
“No!” she cried out. Using all her strength as she pushed Sesshoumaru away form her.
She got down from the counter. She began to re clothe herself. Putting on her oversized shirt and picking up her bra.
“I told you. We weren't meant to be. Please understand. I do not love you. And this engagement and weeding will ruin our lives. You are supposed to marry the one you love not the one you hate.” Estelle replied quietly, tugging a silver ebony strand behind her ear before leaving.
Sesshoumaru saw her disappear into the darkness. Why does she have to be so difficult? He wanted her…no he needed her and she needed him. They both knew that but why pull away instead of staying together. Questions filled his head as he walked to his room.
She was wrong. They were meant to be. After hundreds of years, trying to find the right person to love him, he found her. Yes he found her. He will make her understand, she was the one.
They were meant to be and he knew it.
What's up everybody? Did you like it? Anyway I will be making another update on the next chapter as soon as I can. Peace out ~ A.N.U