InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only You ❯ Chapter Five: To Tease You ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hi, everyone. I am sorry was late update. I had SUPER writer's block! The chapter will equal to 8 pages. The last chapter was 6 pages. So I decided to make them longer. I tried my best to write this chapter. I will work on the next chapter this weekend! I can't promise I'll be done by then but I'll try to get it the end of the month. School is killing me...Well let the show begin!
Chapter Five: To Tease You
After Sakura, Kagome, and Izayoi had a long talk with Estelle. It was the next day. At last!
Kagome and Izayoi cracked Estelle's door slightly and peeked inside to find Stelle still asleep. They walked inside. Kagome went to Estelle's sleeping form and shook her shoulder gentle. Stelle moaned and shifted to her other side.
Kagome frowned. Glancing to around to see Izayoi in her sister-in-law's closet…again. Finally Kagome announced.
“Estelle. It is time to wake up.” Kagome said while shaking the young witch's shoulder.
Her eyes flickered opened. She sat up and began to rub the sleep out of her eyes while yawning.
“What time is it?” Stelle yawned, stretching her body like a cat.
“It's 7:03am. But we have to go to business morning meeting at the company.” Kagome explained. Izayoi walked into the room with a handful of clothes. She placed them on the bed.
“Here are some clothes dear. We will be down stairs waiting for you.” Izayoi announced with a kind smile. And left with Kagome in toll.
After Estelle cleaned up and got dressed she went downstairs. To find everyone waiting for her in the entry room. Her green eyes fell upon Sesshoumaru. The least she could do was apologize. Her soul and heart tell her to apologize but her mind and body do not. Without even realizing she was walking to him. She stood in front of him. Realizing how small she was to him. But she stood her ground.
“I apologize for what I did last night.” She said to himself. She was surprised she had actually apologized to him. Everyone was surprised. At smirk appeared across Sesshoumaru's face as he slightly bent his waist.
“Apology accepted.” He whispered in her ear. Inuyasha and Kagome noticed this and both smiled with happiness. `This is going to be a long day' Inuyasha thought as everyone walked to the car.
Inutaishou and Izayoi sat in the driver and passenger seats. As Inuyasha and Kagome enter and sat on the right side of the back. But when Sesshoumaru got in Inu, Kag, and Sess realized Estelle could not fit in unless she sat on Sesshoumaru's lap. And this was not good at all. Estelle hesitant for a moment then got in and sat on Sesshoumaru's lap.
She stiffened was the car started. She caught Kagome attention. “Hmmm…Kags. How long will this ride be?” Estelle whispered to her. “About 2 hours.” Kagome whispered back. With at Estelle's eyes widened. She was going to sit on Sesshoumaru's lap for 2 hours. This was pleasure torture. Why did she deserve this?
Well for Sesshoumaru this was heaven as she felt her finally relax against him. Her body leaned back into his hard chest. He could imagine going things to her in this position. He grow hard just thinking about it.
The car turned about a dirt road. Everyone hopped at as the car did as Estelle landed her eyes widened. She felt something hard poking her behind. She quickly glanced at Kagome to find her and Inuyasha cuddling together in their sleep. Estelle snorted at that. But they looked so peaceful together.
She paid her attention and the hard bulge poking her rear. They hopped again and this time she thought it was time to get her revenge. And another bump, she take the advantage of grinding her hips into his pelvis. Sesshoumaru held back a growl. Another bump and her clothed hot core into his growing erection.
Sesshoumaru gasped at the contact. She was making it hard for him to control himself as she slowly grinded her hot core into his manhood. He clenched his teeth as her wetness seeped through her panties.
Unconsciously grinded her womanhood into his erection. It felt so good she wanted to moan but couldn't. She felt one of Sesshoumaru's hands slip inside her dress and brushed against her clothed wetness. She bit her lower lip, holding back a moan. They both couldn't believe that they were doing this in a car full of people.
Sesshoumaru's hand was about to slip into her laced panties until her hand stopped him. Her eyes stuck on the rear view mirror. He glanced up as well to find Inutaishou watching them his the rear view smiling with a cocked brow. Sesshoumaru also cocked a brow. Estelle blushed deeply.
This was surely going to be one hell of a day.
After they had arrived. Sesshoumaru and Estelle their separate ways. Estelle took her spot next to Kagome. And Sesshoumaru aside Inuyasha. They entered the hotel then into the ballroom. As they walked in Sesshoumaru caught most of the females' attention and Estelle caught the males'.
From her silky silver hair in layers of flips and bang. She wore a yellow canary dress that came to her knees. Relieving her luscious curves of her body. It wasn't big or fancy, it was her style.
A woman with ruby eyes and short black hair approached the group or mainly Sesshoumaru. Estelle's eye twitched slightly has the woman began to flirt with him. The woman twirled her left hand at his tie as the another occupied his long silky sliver. Estelle did not notice the glance Sesshoumaru sent her.
Estelle couldn't take this. She stomped herself as she approached them, she calmed down. She cleared her throat to show of her presence. Sesshoumaru and the woman turned their attention to them. A sweet fake smile played across Stelle's face.
“Sesshoumaru, could you please introduction me to your friend.” Kagura asked politely, trying her hardest not to choke the female in front of her.
“Oh yes, Kagura. This is….”
“I am Estelle…Sesshoumaru's fiancée.” Estelle cut Sesshoumaru off.
“Fiancée?! Sesshoumaru you never told me you were engaged!” Kagura said stepping away from him in shock.
“Well, now you know. Bye.” Estelle said trying to keep calm. Kagura opened her mouth to speak but she cut off by the furious silver head girl. “I said bye.” She said with a smile.
Estelle watched the ruby eyed-woman stomp into the crowd. Then her attention turned back to Sesshoumaru. Who had a annoying smirk on his face.
Estelle was pissed. “What are you smiling at?” she said annoyingly. Sesshoumaru snaked his left arm around her waist and said, “You were jealous of Kagura.” “No I wasn't. I was just saving you from her… That's all.” She lied. Holding back the moan as she felt both of his arms complete wrapped around her. His left hand traveling lower to her behind and gently squeezed it.
In the clearing Inuyasha and Kagome watching in amusement.
“You wanna ruin their fun?” Inuyasha said with a smirk. “No. They cute together. Leave them be.” Kagome said.
Inuyasha roughly pulled Kagome to his body. “Please?” he pouted and begged, twitching his pearly white furry dog ears. As Kagome being a sucker for the ears. She gave in. The couple walked over to Sesshoumaru who was suckling his fiancée earlobe. She moaned in content.
“Get a room.” Inuyasha said, smiling at the couple before him. Sesshoumaru and Estelle separated. Estelle straightened her clothes as she blushed deeply; Kagome yanked her through the crowd to the buffet table.
“Can you tell me what is going on between you and Sesshoumaru?” Kagome questioned as she gave herself and Estelle a plate.
“Well, this woman named Kagura started to flirt with Sesshoumaru so I budded in. And after I ran her away he said that I was jealous of her then I said I wasn't I told and told him I was only saving him from her. Then I said I flirted with a man he wouldn't be jealous of him. And he said that he would be jealous but I am his mate and no one would touch me. Then...well I think you know the rest.” Estelle said in one breath as they collect food from the table. While blushing at the same time.
“Ok. Do you like him?” Kagome asked.
“Well…I don't kn… I mean no…of course not.” Estelle lied.
“Sure you don't.” Kagome teased.
After they got their food mainly dessert. Kagome and Estelle took their separate ways. Estelle walked to a dark corner near a hallway. She leaned against the wall as she scanned ballroom quietly. She picked up a strawberry and slowly chewed it, savoring of its contents.
She nearly jumped out of her skin as she heard a voice behind. To see female with hazel eyes and red hair. She wore a waitress uniform.
“Oh didn't see you there I am sorry.” Estelle apologized. She was about to move when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“No, its ok. You don't have to leave…I'm Hunter.” The stranger introduced herself.
“Estelle.” The silver headed girl stated, holding out a hand. Hunter took the offer. “I saw you earlier with Sesshoumaru Taiyoukai. You must be his girlfriend.” Hunter stated.
“No. I am his fiancée… Well I don't want to be his fiancée…Hmmm… It's a business kinda thing.” Estelle explained blushing.
“Ok. I'm sure you two will be ok. All marriages start out a little bumpy.” Hunter pointed out.
“No. I don't like him like that or anything. It just that…hmm…aahhh…I don't' know… I guess.” Estelle said nervously.
“I get it. You like him but you're denying it. Because if you didn't like you won't have let him suck your earlobe.” Hunter said while smirking. “I know you're a strong and furious girl, Estelle. Your aura tells me. You need him but you don't know it. You're the last of your kind. Even though you're mother is a witch. You have unique powers and…” Hunter continued until she heard her name called.
“I have to go. But here is my phone number if you want to talk.” Hunter said while offering Estelle a piece of paper. With that the red head disappeared into the darkness of the hallways.
Estelle walked through the crowd of people slowly. `W hat did she mean…unique powers?' Estelle thought with confusion. She walked to the clearing as of where Kagome and crew mingled. Kagome noticed Estelle and smiled then frowned as her future sister-in-law frowned.
Kagome walked over to her, concern about her being. “What's wrong, Estelle?” Kagome said in concern, caught Estelle attention from her thoughts. “Oh nothing…Just thinking about old times.” Estelle lied. They walked to the rest of the crowd.
On the driving home it was silent and confusing. Sesshoumaru sat by him with Estelle sat beside him. This time Kagome sat on Inuyasha and they both enjoyed it. They kissed, licked, and nibbled at each other. Sesshoumaru looked in disgust as Estelle smiled at them. Inuyasha and Kagome was such a cute couple.
As they arrived home, everyone took they separate ways. Kagome forced Estelle into her room as Inuyasha went to his. Inutaishou and Izayoi went to theirs. Sesshoumaru disappeared into the study.
~*~*~*~*~*~ Estelle's Room~*~*~*~*~*~
She flipped through the channels from the TV. Finding nothing interesting she turned it off. She remembered the study Kagome showed her early as she walked down the cold dark hallways.
She approached two large double doors. Hesitating for moment, Estelle took a deep breath. She pushed one of the doors open, stepping into the darkness of the room. She stepped inside and closed the door. They only light that was relieved with the flames from the fireplace.
Estelle felt something unpleasant about this place. She felt a presence but could not point it out. She curiously strolled to the very large bookcase with different types of books. She fingers lightly brushed across the books as she continued to find something in her interest.
She stopped as she noticed a book with a title called “Demonicology of Mating” caught her eye. She sled the book out of its place. She turned the pages looking for something in interest. Until she fell upon the title “Demon Dog Mating Positions”. She blushed at the site of it.
Tow arms snaked around her waist. Estelle quickly turned around to see…Sesshoumaru.
“W-what a-are you doing here?” She stuttered in fright as she pushed her back against the bookcase to keep distance. Sesshoumaru smirked at this. His mate blushing was too adorable, too…sexy.
“I have been here for a while.” He said as he watched the images of the flames flicker across her luscious body. Estelle's breathing became heavy. Her heart fluttered against her ribs.
`I have to get out of here!' she thought as she quickly glanced at the door. As if on cue, she ran to the door. Reaching her towards her exit but was stopped when a muscular body crushed against her, preventing her to escape.
She was pressed unto a wall. His hot breath teasing her left ear. She could feel his hard chest quickly moved against her backside. He too had lack of oxygen or he was excited. For her it was both.
He nuzzled her neck. Her soft, delicate skin brushed against his. Sesshoumaru breathed in her vanilla, jasmine scent. Both of his hands rubbed her side in a gentle, torturous way. He left her skin in a painful pleasure. A sound of a zipper being unzipped hit her ears. She gasped as she felt warm air connect with her back.
She moaned as Sesshoumaru's clawed hands gently removed the strips off her arm of her dress. Letting it pool at their feet, leaving her half naked under his heated glaze. He turned her around to admire her luscious curves. Pressing her to his body. His hand snaked around her waist and cupped her behind. Lifting her to him as if she was nothing. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist
His lips brushed against hers before pulling her into a passionate kiss. Sesshoumaru's tongue gently grazed her lips, demanding for entrance and she granted it. She tasted as sweet as he thought she was, knowing that he know she was the one. He growled as her fingers began to massage his sensitive scalp. Their tongues continued to battle for dominates. After a few moments, they broke for air. They breathed heavily, their lungs fought from the lack of oxygen.
Sesshoumaru pushed their bodies further into the wall as they continued to kiss. His hand sled from her ribcage to her breast. He began to teasing her left nipple with the fabric of her lace bra until they stood erect against his palm. Sesshoumaru groaned in pleasure as Estelle's tongue brushed over the outer shell of his pointed ear before pulling his earlobe into the warm wetness of her mouth.
She slowly began to suckle his sensitive earlobe in a tortuous way. Still her fingers continued to massage his scalp. For
Sesshoumaru it was pure heaven. He held back a growl as she one of her hands to his belt, tugging at it, demanding him to undress as well. He smirked as Estelle pouted at him, continuing to tug at his belt to his pants.
Before he could move, they both heard Kagome calling Estelle's name. Her head snapped up, realizing who she was with. She pushed Sesshoumaru and her onto the ground. She straddled his waist before standing to connect her clothes, turning her back to him the whole time she as had. After finishing dressing, she walked to the old large wooden door. Estelle opened the door. She glanced once more at Sesshoumaru before leaving him.
After arriving to her room, she sat on her bed looking at her ceiling. This was too much for her. She actually wanted him to touch her, please her, and love her. She wanted to please him in a way of no other. This was truly too much. She heard the door open. She looked up to see Kagome rush in.
“There you are! I have been looking everywhere for you. I wanted to tell you it is almost time for dinner.” Kagome said while walking to the bed.
“I am not hungry.” Estelle said taking her attention back to the ceiling.
“Is there something wrong?” Kagome questioned in worried. The silver haired girl sat up.
“No, everything is fine. I think I had a little too much at the party.” Estelle convinced her sister-in-law as a fake smile played across her face as she began to rub her stomach to make a point.
“Well ok you need anything I'll be downstairs.” Kagome said before leaving the room.
Estelle sighed. `Why me?' she questioned herself. She turned her body to face the opened window. A cool breeze entered the room, she shivered slightly. She forest green eyes fell upon the crescent moon in the midnight blue sky. As the stars surround it, she looked at the shape of the moon.
It reminded her of him. His golden eyes, the trademarks of his kind, his milky colored skin, to his dangerously delicate claws turned her on to the max. No, wait… she didn't love him and surely he couldn't turn her on.
Her heart and soul told her one thing as her body and mind told her another. She was confused…yes she was confused. But which one will she pick. The time will come soon enough.
Yes, that was the question. Which path will she chose?
Ok, was it better or worse than the other? Lately I want your reviews more than sex. Hey that's right I am review whore. ^_^