InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only You ❯ Chapter Four: To Hate You ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I am so sorry about the late update. My lab top crashed and I had to wait forever to get a new computer. And I was on writer's block for chapter four. And I'll try to make my chapters a little bit longer. Thank for your attention and on with the show!
Chapter Four: To Hating You
Estelle wanted anything more than to kick this so called Sesshoumaru's ass. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be in this shit. Her fiancé…… they wished. She wasn't going to marry this cold-hearted asshole... And if it came to that she would make his life a living hell. That was for sure. Now what was she going to do to this bastard? That question filled her thoughts.
For Sesshoumaru, he watched her like a hawk. He was very interested in this Estelle everyone was talking about. Making arrangements and such. He had to admit she was attractive in some sorts. Sesshoumaru had been told about this arranged marriage his father decided upon himself. And he had no choice to agree unless he wanted to continue in his father's footsteps to run the family business. But for that he had to marry and produce an heir.
Staring into those forest green eyes of flaming fury was a turn on. He could sense from her aura that she was very powerful. Very stronger to carry his pups. For weeks now he was the talk of the town about him and this engagement with a mysterious woman. She be very luck to have him as a mate, women would practically beg him to make love to them. And when it came to making love Sesshoumaru was a devil in the bed.
After which felt like hours, Kagome finally budded in.
“Estelle, how about I show you around the house?” Kagome said, trying to get the two away from each other for something got out of hand.
“Yes, Estelle. Why don't let Kagome show you around the house.” Izayoi said kindly.
“Oh I would love to. Kagome let's leave Mr. Fluffball and crew to themselves.” Estelle said, standing up. Looking for any emotions, not getting what she wanted. Estelle angrily stomped out of the room with in toll.
After she and Kagome left, it was time for man talk. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru had adjusted themselves on a large couch and Inutaishou on love seat.
“Where to begin, where to begin.” Inutaishou repeated while smirking at his two sons.
“Is she what you want, Sesshoumaru. Light brown skin, nice firm breasts, green eyes, and a little temper all in one package.” Inuyasha said, lazily grinning at his older half brother.
“Why are you looking at my fiancé`s breasts, Inuyasha. Is Kagome not what you wanted?” Sesshoumaru teased. Inuyasha growled. A satisfied smile played across Sesshoumaru's lips, sitting back comfortably and enjoying the conversation between father and sons.
With Estelle and Kagome……
After the little tour of the house. Stelle and Kagome reside in Kagome's room. Estelle laid back on Kagome's extremely large king sized bed. Trying to sort out her problems like about her family. She missed them dearly, specially her mom. And her friends. It was suppose to be the summer time. Going to the beach, parties, picnics, and family trips. The sunny Florida days on her porch as her little cousins run around in the front yard like maniacs or water gun fights around park.
She missed that kind of stuff. Being kidnapped, forced to marry some cold-hearted bastard you don't even know, and have kids with him right before you even graduated from high school. `Come on girl, you are even in 12th grade yet.' She thought as being soothed a little by Kagome's humming in her closet.
Would she and Sesshoumaru have kids by then? Then realizing this would ruin her life. She was going to finish high school and go to a well- respected college, then graduated from college and become what ever she wanted to be. Everyone thought she was perfect in everything. She was good in dancing, singing, boxing, and sword fighting. She was an excellent violinist and was good in technology. But she wasn't she just want some to love and now she had it. No, no, no. Sesshoumaru doesn't love her, he doesn't even know her. She was only here for business… right?
Kagome returned from the closet dressed in a canary yellow tank top and some tight black jeans. Her ebony tresses spilled on her shoulders bringing out her creamy white skin. Kagome had a few questions on her mind and needed to be answered.
“So, Estelle. Where are you from?” Kagome asked, while sitting down on the bed. Estelle rose up to sit.
“Jacksonville, Florida.” She answered with ease.
“What about your age?” Kagome questioned. “I just turned 17 in June 3.” She answered again.
“Fine, what grade will you be in in high school?” “12th...hmm… Kagome. Am I passing this little trivia of yours?” Estelle asked while giggling a little.
“Yes, and there are two more questions to my trivia.” Kagome informed her new best friend.
“Ask away.” Stelle said as she leaned back into the bed.
“Ok. Are you a virgin and what do you think about Sesshoumaru?” she questioned.
“First of all, no I am not a virgin because when I was 13 I was raped. And for that ice cube so called Sesshoumaru I think he is a bastard that needs more help on emotion or something. It drove me crazy when I saw him looking at me and had no emotion at all in his eyes pr when I called him Mr. Fluffball and he didn't even get angry with me. That pissed me off a lot.” Estelle explained, crossing her arm under her chest and pouted.
Before the conversation could continue a knock was heard at the door. From Kagome said come in, Izayoi quickly opened the door and closed it.
“What matter, Mrs. Izayoi?” Kagome questioned.
“The family is coming to see Estelle. And we need to get her dressed.” Izayoi said as she grabbed Stelle's hand and hurried down the hallways and stairs to her room with Kagome in toll.
30 minutes later……
Estelle and Kagome looked at themselves in the mirror. Izayoi and the servants commented them on how they looked. Kagome thought she looked ok and Estelle thought she looked terrible. Kagome had on a nice had on a nice white skirt and tank top. Her hair was in a bun. Estelle had on a white halter top attached with a skirt. She also had on matching white high thighs with garment belt. Her hair was in a straight and was twisted into a knot and her viewable hair stood up fire.
After a servant came in and announced the family was here. They both followed Izayoi downstairs. After walking in a large dining room Estelle stopped in her tracks as she saw that they were demons. Inutaishou walked up to them caught everyone attention. Estelle kept still as Inutaishou introduce her to his family. As they walked through the crowd everyone slightly bowed at her. Everyone was in awe at her beauty. In the clearing she saw Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru talking to a few men at the food table.
Kagome grabbed Estelle hand and guided her to them. A blur of white caught Sesshoumaru's attention. He turned his head to see his very nervous fiancé being dragged towards him by Kagome. Inuyasha turned his attention to the two.
“Well, look what we have here, Sesshoumaru. I think our girls want to have a dance.” Inuyasha said while taking a sip from his cup.
“No, not really. Kagome said there was some great vodka down here so I decided to have a small drink.” Estelle lied with a smile, while reaching for a bottle of Vodka.
“I really don't think a young girl like you should drink something strong.” Sesshoumaru warned.
“Look here grandpa. I don't you an asshole like you bossing me around like a servant. Second, I have been drinking alcohol since I was ten. And finally I am not a young girl, I am a woman.” Estelle snapped at Sesshoumaru.
Before the conversation could go any farther. Izayoi and Inutaishou with a woman who looked like Sesshoumaru came in the picture. “Estelle, this is Sakura. Sesshoumaru's mother.” Inutaishou introduced them. They both nodded. After that Estelle reached across Sesshoumaru and got the full large bottle of vodka. And opened it and gulped down half of it with out stopping. Then looked at Sesshoumaru with a smirk.
“Well, you are the girl Sesshoumaru should have around to set him straight.” Sakura said looking her with a smile. Then looking at Sesshoumaru with a quirked eyebrow. In the back of Estelle, Inuyasha and Kagome stood looking at the scene in front them until Inuyasha noticed something on Estelle's back. As he tapped Kagome's shoulder to get her attention.
“What!” she said, and then looked at what Inuyasha pointed at then gasped.
“Hey, Estelle. I never knew you had a tattoo on your back.” Inuyasha announced loudly. Estelle eeked and quickly turning around to face the two and to hide her back. But only to be exposed by three pairs of golden eyes and a pair of brown ones. “Demon” was tattooed on her back in old fancy writing and with loops. “Why, do you have `Demon' on your back?” Kagome asked. “It was my nickname when I was baby and then my ex-boyfriend was a tattooist. So he tattooed `Demon'.” Stelle explained.
“Oh, yeah. I forget you aren't a virgin,”Kagome said as Estelle and Inuyasha eyes widened at her slip out. The news also hit the ears of Izayoi, Inutaishou, Sesshoumaru, and Sakura.
“Kagome!!!” Stelle yelled. “You are not a virgin!” Inuyasha yelled loudly for everyone to hear. Everyone looked at the little group. Most eyes were laid upon Estelle's half covered back and of the large tattoo. “Everyone is looking at me aren't they?” Estelle said nervously too scared to turn around. Inuyasha and Kagome nodded. “Let me just drop dead awhile.” She prayed.
Sakura pushed her son to Estelle and hit Estelle's back in the process. She quickly turned around to see who pushed her. Then noticed it was just Sesshoumaru was about to turn around when he suddenly caught her wrist. “May I ask the most beautiful creature in this room to dance with me?” he asked slightly turned to look at his mother and see if he was doing the right thing and she nodded. Estelle saw this and thought `What a mama's boy.' “Fine. Just don't drool on me.” Estelle said as they walked to the dance floor and began to dance to the classical music.
“You look very beautiful tonight.” Sesshoumaru commented, trying to start a conversation. Estelle blushed and Sesshoumaru smirked devilishly.
“Cut the chit-chat, Fluffball. What do you want from me?” Estelle asked. Gods, he loved that. Her feisty bold spirit, her scent, her body against his felt so good. He wanted her so badly but he couldn't have her yet.
“What do you mean?” he said trying to act innocent. “Don't fuck with me, Sesshoumaru. What do you want? Because if you didn't need anything I wouldn't be here dancing with an asshole like you.” She snapped. She had a very foul mouth but only added to his pleasure of taking her.
“But what if I wanted to fuck with you.” He teased and smiled as her blush darkened.
“You're so perverted.” Estelle said angrily struggled to be released from his grasp. But only to be turned around and pulled her back to his hard muscular chest. She gulped the lump in her throat. Her body was betraying her and she hated it.
“I know. Now I'll answer your question. What I want from you is to marry you, make love to you, and have pups with me.” Sesshoumaru answered. Estelle's eyes widened in shock he wanted to do what with her. She deeply frowned and turned around to face this asshole. “Do you truly think I will marry you, better yet have sex with you, and have little Sesshoumaru's running around the fucking house? I think not. You kidnapped me from my family and now are taking away my freedom and my life. You are such a cold-hearted bastard with needs help.”
A slap was heard as cross the room as everyone paid attention to its source.
“I hate you.” Estelle yelled as she ran away with Sakura, Izayoi, and Kagome in toll. After Estelle reached her room she realized she had hated him. That jerk. Wanting to marry her, make love, and wanted have kids with her. No one ever wanted that. Not even her pervious boyfriends. They used her times beat her, rape her, and used her.
The whole entire male population was off her list for good. She didn't want to feel his body against hers or doing naughty things with her in the bed. She was very turned on when he said he wanted to fuck with her. She shook her head to set aside those thought no she wasn't turn on and want him to love her. She hated him.
Yes, she hated him. Didn't she?
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
Ok, was it good or bad? Did you like it? Please review. The next chapter is To Tease You. I am still working on it now. Ok bye!