InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ Oops ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A lemon flavored one-shot.
By Scarlet.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha.
Inu Yasha: THANK GOD!
Scarlet: SHHHHHH!
Kagome wrung her hands nervously as she attempted to slow the rapid beating of her heart. She had been planning this day for the better part of a month and if she was ever going to back out….now would be the time.
The young miko huffed softly as the idea of turning back and escaping through the well left an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.
How could she back out now?
How could she face Sango again after going on and on at length about the importance of keeping a certain monk busy so she could finally seduce her long sought after hanyou crush?
After all, this wasn't about love, Kagome noted logically as she attempted to reason with her frantic body. This was about lust. This was about finally losing her virginity and becoming a woman.
Wasn't this why she went on birth control in the first place?
Hadn't she all ready planned for every contingency so they could avoid those little awkward moments; like discussing the benefits of prophylactics, or worse, claws slicing through latex?
Kagome shook her head quickly as she attempted to clear it of the deviant imagery.
She was getting way ahead of herself.
First things first; she needed to bait the trap.
Kagome had finally decided on the see-through red teddy; deciding that if nothing else the hanyou's aversion to that color might tip the scales in her favor. She had also decided that a few red (unscented) candles would be perfect to set the mood.
Setting the mood was important; Kagome noted as she refilled her champagne glass and knelt against the quilt she had laid out. The last thing she needed was for Inu Yasha to stumble upon her trap and get the wrong idea. In this case the wrong idea being that she didn't want to have sex with him.
`All I can do now is wait.' Kagome noted as she eyed the quickly descending sun and wondered how long it would take her puppy crush to find the letter she pinned to the side of the well only moments before.
She had purposefully kept the letter vague, not wanting to draw any unsuspecting wanderer a map, just in case her hanyou companion didn't stumble upon the letter first.
`Meet me at our place.' She had written before sealing the letter with a kiss.
Underneath the God Tree had always been their place, Kagome noted solemnly as she looked up into the ancient branches, and Inu Yasha would most definitely know where she meant; providing he had been paying any attention over the years.
Now it was only a matter of time. Oh how she hated waiting.
“Kami I wish he'd get here all ready.” Kagome mumbled as she slowly sipped her second glass of champagne. She had originally brought the bottle in the hopes of further setting the mood and possibly loosening Inu Yasha up; in case he was as nervous as she was.
Kagome huffed softly as she continued to drink while leaning back against the blanket; allowing the intoxicating bubbly drink to warm her body since her clothing certainly couldn't.
The real question that was driving her insane, Kagome admitted internally, was how would Inu Yasha react when he saw her? Even with all her intricate planning it was the only thing she couldn't control. The young miko had gone to great lengths to make sure there were NO misunderstandings when he finally saw her.
If lying half naked in the forest with candles burning as you slowly sipped champagne didn't scream, “Come fuck me,” she didn't know what did.
Kami help her, he could be so dense sometimes.
It's not like she was looking for a commitment or anything, Kagome noted randomly as she drank.
He had made it perfectly clear he wasn't a free man.
Did that mean they couldn't …enjoy themselves?
Kagome's head began to feel fuzzy as she slowly tipped her glass back to once again find it empty.
`Where is he?' The miko questioned internally as she poured herself another glass of liquid courage and noted the rapidly descending sun.
Suddenly she was very glad she had thought of the candles.
It might be nightfall before her hanyou found her.
Kagome's words seemed to slur as she grumbled at the darkness that slowly overtook the forest around her. She was certain she had been waiting for at least an hour now, and all though the champagne had thankfully calmed the nervousness in her belly, she was suddenly feeling very tired.
“Maybe I could squeeze in a quick nap?” She questioned through her inebriation before snuggling up against one of the soft and comfortable pillows she had brought back from her time.
`What's the worst that could happen?' Kagome's muddled mind wondered as she slowly allowed the gentle embrace of an alcohol induced unconsciousness overtake her.
After all, there were worse things to wake up to then a horny hanyou.
With that fleeting thought Kagome drifted off; the champagne glass she had been holding falling softly against the grass as it emptied its contents into the soil.
Kagome awoke with a shiver as a less then gentle breeze suddenly pulled her from an extremely pleasing dream.
“How long was I asleep?” She moaned softly as she noted that her candles had either burnt out or been blown out by the wind.
Awkwardly she groped around in the darkness as she attempted to find her lighter; the forest around her pitch black as she attempted to remember where she left the damn thing.
`Why do these things always happen to me?' Kagome groaned as she realized not only did her puppy crush not find her, but now she would, apparently, have to find her way back to the well in nothing but her teddy.
“Stupid Inu Yasha.” The miko grumbled as she ran her hands over the smooth blanket and attempted to locate her misplaced light source.
First she would find her way back, Kagome noted, and then she would cry over unrequited lust.
Every muscle in Kagome's body tensed as she suddenly became aware of demon's presence close by. She froze in place against the blanket as she continued to lie on her tummy and attempted to formulate a plan.
“Inu Yasha?” She questioned softly; her mind still too muddled by the alcohol to be sure of what she was feeling.
“Who's there?” Kagome questioned as her heart began to beat loudly in her chest. Why hadn't she brought her bow and arrows with her? She really could be thoughtless sometimes.
The young woman's breath caught in her throat as the feeling of claws slowly grazing the back of her thigh caused goose bumps to sprout against her exposed skin. The motion, she decided, was too smooth and sensual to be anything threatening.
Had Inu Yasha finally found her?
Had he been waiting for her to awaken?
“Inu Yasha?” Kagome questioned breathlessly as she rolled onto her back; the night obscuring everything except for two golden orbs that seemed to look down at her longingly.
To anyone else, Kagome supposed, such a thing would have seemed frightening. After all, eyes that glowed even in the darkest of lights were a strange sort of quality to have, but she knew those eyes, and she knew the man (or in this case demon) attached to them, and knew he would never let any harm come to her.
“Thank Kami.” The young miko moaned as her heart once again resumed its normal rhythm. “I was afraid you wouldn't come.” She added as she reached up to lightly brush his cheek with the back of her hand; her hand barely registering the slightest whisper of warm flesh before it was pinned above her head by a clawed palm.
“Y-you want me …don't you?” Kagome questioned falteringly as she stared up at the shimmering golden orbs and prayed he could see just how much she wanted him despite the darkness.
“I mean…” She continued softly as her would-be hanyou lover seemed incapable of speech. “I did all this for you…..I….I want you.” She confessed.
She squirmed beneath him, attempting to regain his gaze, as she watched his eyes turn from hers in a contemplative gesture.
“I know we can never be together.” Kagome added softly when she finally locked her eyes with his again. “And I'm not asking you to marry me or anything…” She continued. “I just want ……to be with you…… least for tonight.” She admitted softly again as she prayed the puppy above her didn't burst into fits of insensitive laughter.
To Kagome's utter relief, he didn't. He simply stared at her with those twinkling golden eyes of his as he apparently weighed her words. The seriousness in his eyes caused Kagome to blink reflexively; noting she could never recall seeing Inu Yasha so deep in thought before.
The confliction within himself was easily communicated through his golden irises, leaving Kagome to wonder if he would turn down her offer and simply walk away from her.
If he truly didn't want her she would have to respect his wishes……… but she wouldn't be shot down without a fight.
Quickly, not giving herself a single moment to hesitate, she pulled her hand free of his grip(noting that if he had really wanted to stop her he would have) before leaning forward and pressing her lips to his in a desperate, searching kiss.
All though she had kissed her hanyou before, this time was very different.
Where he had been shy, reserved, and somewhat timid the last time they kissed; this time his lips attempted to dominate hers. This time he did not shy away from nipping at her lower lip as he demanded entrance into her mouth. This time he did not restrain the growl of pleasure that escaped him as he pressed her firmly against the ground atop the blanket she had laid out for him.
Kagome smiled sweetly and allowed her eyes to drift shut as she realized the growl testified to her success.
She moaned softly as a smooth textured tongue seemed to promise things to come as it filled her mouth with a sweet vanilla-y flavor that she could only assume was uniquely Inu Yasha.
Kagome realized at that moment that she would undoubtedly know everything about her demon lover's body before the night was over, and that singular thought caused little shivers to run down her spine.
“I've wanted this for so long.” The young miko moaned as sensuous lips finally ripped themselves from her mouth to aggressively explore the soft and sensitive skin of her neck. “So ….many…..things….I wanted to show do to you” She admitted through a barrage of breathless pants.
A soft, low, and somewhat startling growl caused a soft smirk to curl against the young woman's mouth again. Obviously her words were having more of an effect then she initially realized.
“Does that surprise you?” Kagome questioned, deciding she would speak since her bed partner seemed unable. “That I thought about you like that? That I was able to control my urges enough around you that even your sensitive nose couldn't detect them?”
A louder growl followed by the sound of clothing ripping alerted the talkative miko to the fact that her special red teddy was not going to be making a repeat performance. Silently she gave it a small eulogy as she decided its death would not be in vain.
“I-I can take this off….if you want.” Kagome offered hesitantly as the thought of finally pressing her naked body against soft, heated flesh caused her brain to sputter frantically.
A non-committal grunt was the only response Kagome would receive (and all she would require), as she rose to her knees and quickly pulled the left over scrapes of clothing from her body; squirming free of her panties as the cool night air against her heated skin caused her tummy to burn in anticipation.
She knelt there for a few moments, all thoughts and worries of the darkness obscuring her lover's vision forgotten, as large glowing eyes seemed to consume her flesh inch by inch. Slowly, she watched them work their way up her body, softening slightly when they finally met with her own, before moving down her body again in a similarly slow descent.
Kagome's human ears barely registered the sound of clothing being moved as she closed her eyes and imagined the elated expressions that would play over Inu Yasha's face as he seated himself deeply within her body.
Silently she cursed the darkness, and possibly her humanity, as the combination of the two denied her the sheer pleasure of gazing upon her demon lover's naked body.
She was thankful, at least, that she didn't have to remove his clothing. In the darkness, she noted dismally, she would have only fumbled things.
Kagome gasped softly as a hand suddenly rested against her shoulder, alerting her to her companion's presence.
`How much did he take off?' Kagome's hentai mind questioned enthusiastically as gentle fangs began to nip at her collar bone once again. She knelt there, for a few moments, allowing herself to get lost in the feeling of gentle teeth scraping her neck as delightful little claws began to trace the swell of her breasts.
She wanted to know.
She needed to know.
She had waited too long to let a little thing like her inexperience make her falter.
Defiantly Kagome pressed her palms forward; sighing softly as she came in contact with the smooth and warm flesh of a well developed chest. How she had wished he had let her touch him more often. His body was truly amazing. Every muscle twitched and flexed under her attentive fingers as she lazily caressed them.
It was the first time she had touched them when he wasn't seriously injured, Kagome noted with interest, and she desperately hoped he would let her touch them again.
Kagome giggled softly as a low growl against her throat suggested her puppy companion thoroughly enjoyed her little quest. Another deviant thought oozed from the young girl's mind, as she silently wondered just how excited her soon-to-be lover was, before deciding to find out first hand.
Surreptitiously, drawing out the moment for as long as she could, Kagome let her hands trail over her lover's stomach. Silently she bit her lower lip as the muscles clenched beneath her fingers, evoking another soft sigh, before she decided to move her hands even lower.
She marveled at the smoothness of the skin she had never touched before. Who would have thought someone so…..abrasive and stubborn could be so soft and vulnerable?
It wasn't until the back of Kagome's hand brushed up against the tip of the kneeling man's obviously swollen manhood that she finally ended her erotic expedition to wrap her tiny fingers around the throbbing shaft of flesh that had for so long piqued her curiosity.
The rigid, soft warmth inside her hand was so far from what she imagined, that she suddenly wondered what other preconceived notions she held would end up proved desperately wrong.
An almost vicious snarl erupted from kneeling demons mouth as he seemed to shudder in a sort of blissful agony. Briefly Kagome feared she had done something wrong as she loosened her grip on the pulsating member; only to have all such thoughts cut short as she was suddenly pushed to the ground.
She cried out in a mixture of passion and pain as she felt sharp fangs roughly nip at an exposed nipple before a warm and inviting tongue soothed the pain away. She never imagined sex with Inu Yasha would be like this. She was fairly certain he was a virgin. Were all youkai so aggressive and passionate? Was this what Inu Yasha's mother experienced when she made love to the great dog demon?
“Wait!” Kagome huffed as she felt her demon lover kneel between her knees as he slowly began to nudge her thighs apart.
“Not yet.” She added breathlessly. “I want to…I need to….lay back.” She ordered softly; hoping for once that Inu Yasha would just listen to her. She attempted to communicate her thankfulness with her eyes as her puppy companion simply obeyed her commands and crawled over to lie beside her. The confusion she received in return caused Kagome's heart to falter as she worried he might mistranslate her request as some sort of rejection.
She wanted him.
Why couldn't he just get that through his thick puppy skull?
Silently, at least to her ears, Kagome crawled up the length of the reclining demons body; letting her hands trace the twitching muscles of the splayed man's stomach again until her hands again found their prize. She could feel the apprehension in the way his muscles moved against her fingers. She supposed such a strong and powerful demon would have some reservations about being dominated by a female, and hoped she could at least help him to forget them momentarily as she experimented with a form of sex she had long been curious about.
Slowly, as she attempted to meet her target in the darkness, Kagome's lips brushed against the tip of the erection she had become acquainted with only moments before. A soft sigh escaped the young woman's throat as she lazily rolled her tongue over the swollen and bulbous head before parting her soft lips and taking it into her wet and wanting mouth.
A low groan from the man beneath her indicated that he was extremely pleased with the young miko's change of venue.
Kagome smiled softly as she took the encouraging sound to heart and began to take more and more of him into her mouth. He was so much larger then she ever expected. Not that she had assumed Inu Yasha would be small; he was a half demon after all. But somehow she still found it amazing that the large shaft of flesh that she could barely fit into her mouth was somehow connected to her handsome hanyou friend.
He really was the perfect man, Kagome noted.
A muffled gasp quietly escaped the young girl's throat as she felt a clawed hand pulling against the inside of her thigh. What was he doing? Didn't he like what she was doing to him? Did he want her to stop?
Kagome moaned loudly as all her concerns seemed to burst into flames as the feeling of a deliciously talented tongue lightly tapping against her throbbing button sent shockwaves of pleasure through her system. Apparently the tug on her thigh hadn't been a sign to stop, she noted with elation, but a sign that her demon lover wished to return the favor.
She was slightly apprehensive at first, as she hadn't really considered ending up in this position when she originally requested he lay back, but she had to admit; the feeling of that soft yet demanding tongue gliding over her center as she slowly worked his impressive manhood deeper and deeper into her throat was doing marvelous things to her body.
She had never felt so wanton.
She had never felt so completely open to someone before.
She knew those soulful golden eyes could see easily despite the darkness that consumed them, and the unbidden thought caused a shiver to run down her spine yet again.
Kagome began to moan as she took more and more of the demon's manhood into her mouth.
He was driving her insane.
Kagome's body was screaming at her to do something...anything …that would lead to the member in her mouth invading and dominating her completely.
She was becoming lightheaded, and her strokes were becoming sloppy, as she fought desperately to keep her body under control.
Suddenly Kagome released the shaft; she had been so enthusiastically deep-throating, as she dug her fingernails into the large muscular thighs of the man beneath her.
All at once she became aware of the fact that her lover was no longer simply running his tongue along the swollen nub that so eagerly vied for his attention, but was sucking it into his mouth as if he were attempting to pull the orgasm from the young girl's body.
Kagome couldn't breath.
She couldn't think.
All she could focus on was the feeling of being consumed by the man beneath her.
She was lost.
She couldn't hold back any longer.
She couldn't fight him any longer.
“Yes!” She cried as she dropped her head and buried it against her companion's hip.
“Yes!” She cried out again as she held on for dear life as every muscle in her body seemed to collapse in on itself.
Kagome's mind exploded in a sea of color and light as the world seemed to spin around her. The only thing that registered anymore was the feeling of that delightful tongue caressing her button again as it seemed to try and ease away any pain it might have unintentionally inflicted.
After several drawn out minutes the spinning stopped and Kagome finally had enough sense to put a sentence together.
“That was amazing.” She practically whimpered; her body shivering as the demon beneath her continued to tentatively lick at the sensitive nub that brought her so much pleasure.
“I-I'm sorry.” Kagome apologized as she worried over just how much of a sexual faux-pas it was to orgasm before your partner. “I tried to hold back…but I couldn't…”
We are far from finished.” A deep masculine voice cooed, causing warning bells to go off in Kagome's sex laden brain. Suddenly she was aware of her lover's mouth against her ear, as the man who once lay beneath her quickly repositioned himself so that he was kneeling directly behind her.
`What was that?!' Kagome's frantic mind shrieked. Something was off and she couldn't quite understand it! Something suddenly felt very very wrong but she couldn't put her finger on it. Was she….was she having second thoughts? Was her subconscious making one final plea to save her virginity? Had sex actually damaged her hearing somehow?
Kagome gasped as a clawed finger lightly teased her outer labia before slowly pressing itself deep within tight her passage. She bit down on her lower lip as an insistent pinch, feeling like a strange sort of cramp, twisted in her lower back briefly until the sensation of the finger slowly pumping in and out of her more then willing body overrode the pain.
`Was that it?' The young miko wondered. Had that been the thing she feared for so long? Was she now a woman?
Strange, she didn't feel any different.
Kagome's arms nearly failed her as her demon lover added a second digit and picked up the pace. The feeling was naughty and wondrous… but still not what she wanted. Even as it cooed with delight her body was screaming for some sort of fulfillment.
She knew what it wanted, and she knew how to get it, but sadly enough she didn't have the courage to ask for it by name.
Fortunately for Kagome, her puppy lover seemed to speak her body's language.
As if the tone of her whimpering had somehow communicated her distress the man behind her slowly withdrew his finger; a low rumbling growl escaping his throat as he gently, and with a delicious slowness, began to run the tip of shaft along the trembling female's swollen and glistening sex.
“Mmmmm Yes.” Kagome moaned as she finally felt she was going to get what she had for so long been denied.
For a long time Kagome wondered what it would feel like when their hips met and she could feel him buried deep inside her; the deviant image plaguing her dreams almost constantly. She had never been sure which position a hanyou would inevitably choose, but she had long ago come to the conclusion that she didn't really care.
All that mattered was that he was inside her.
She wasn't disappointed.
In one fluid movement, as if he had somehow read her dreams and decided to reenact them right there on the forest floor, her demon lover slide inside her; filling her completely as her body wrapped tightly around his throbbing manhood.
Kagome could feel her puppy lover panting against her ear roughly as he seemed to be holding back for some unknown reason. Was he worried she was in pain? Did he want her to tell him when to move?
Kagome smiled softly as she pushed back; thoroughly pleased with herself as her lover seemed to nip lightly at her earlobe while releasing the most contented growl she had ever heard in her life.
Apparently she spoke his body's language as well.
Kagome offered up a little mental sigh as she realized that in this position, she would never get to touch those fluffy dog ears that practically begged for her fingers' attention.
`Oh well.' The young miko's mind offered easily as it surrendered to the feeling of the man behind her thrusting into her tight wet cavern once more.
She could always touch them next time.
Provided there was a next time.
“Oh Kami …Yes.” Kagome groaned as she finally lowered her face to the blanket and allowed her wobbly arms a much deserved rest.
“That feels so good.” She added; not missing the way her demon lover growled again as he expressed a similar sentiment.
“Faster ….please.” The young woman finally whimpered in a pleading voice as the friction inside her body began to hum with a life all its own.
Harder.” She added once again noting her demon companion's grunts of approval but being too lost in a sea of bliss to really listen to them.
“Oh Kami!” Kagome groaned as she buried her face in the blankets. “Yes!” She moaned as she felt her entire body vibrating at the tone that threatened to quickly meet its mind shattering crescendo.
Yes!” Kagome moaned loudly as the man above her seemed to agree, quite emphatically, with a roar that echoed through the night.
Her tight inner muscles began to clench around the invading member that now shivered within the confines of her body, as it delivered it's climax in the form of a warm sticky liquid that coated the inside of the young miko's slick walls; before mixing with her own fluids and slowly dripping down the inside of her thigh.
Kagome released a contented whimper into the blanket beneath her as she was finally allowed to collapse against the ground; her demon lover pulling out and releasing an exhausted grunt before laying beside her.
“That was ….there are no words to describe how wonderful that was.” Kagome spoke softly as she allowed the demon beside her to spoon against her back.
A soft and gentle growl, sounding almost like a purr escaped the man's throat causing Kagome to smile as she realized how very little her companion had spoken throughout their love making.
The young miko nibbled her lower lip as she decided now was as good as time as any to pose a question that had been plaguing her mind ever since she realized her plan was indeed a success.
“I know I shouldn't ask this,” Kagome admitted as she turned to stare into the lovely golden eyes that still continued to shine brightly in the absence of any light, “but…I guess I just need to know.”
She took a deep breath as she bolstered her courage; preparing for the worst.
“Is this a one time thing..or…” Her voice faltered as she seemed to lose her nerve.
“I'm not talking marriage or anything,” Kagome admitted with a blush, “but this was my first time…and well…I'd kinda like to do it again…you know?” She finished uncertainly.
“We can do such things as many times as you wish…miko.” A now hauntingly familiar masculine voice cooed; causing the blood in Kagome's veins to freeze.
Whether it was the term miko, or the fact that her brain no longer swam in a sea of lustful thoughts, coupled with residual amounts of alcohol, Kagome wasn't certain. The only thing she was certain of was that she had one more, VERY IMPORTANT, question to ask; and depending on the answer she may be in very…very big trouble.
“Sesshoumaru?” Kagome questioned as her eyes widened to an almost painful degree.
Hn?” The great taiyoukai responded while blinking his brilliantly golden eyes once at the girl he still held within his arm.
`Oops.' Kagome's mind faltered as realized she was suddenly feeling very dizzy again.