InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ I Don’t Care! ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

Chapter 14: I Don't Care!

(Day 35)

"If we loop around that hill we can cover more ground on the way home." Kagome walked ahead of the group, backwards, trying to lead them down the left fork in the road.

"That will add more then three days to our journey." Sango yawned, the sun was setting rapidly, "There's a good clearing right over there, let's rest. We can talk this through in the morning."

Kagome touched her abdomen, bit her lip, and cast a glance over her shoulder.

"Kagome, the road will be there tomorrow." Miroku said.

Kagome nodded reluctantly and followed the others back to the small clearing Sango had noticed.

"But we have to start out early tomorrow morning." Kagome said with determination.

The evening turned to night, dinner was eaten and cleaned up, and Kagome went to sleep early again. InuYasha disappeared into the trees. The rest sat around the fire looking at her.

"I think she's gone insane." Shippo announced.

"Shippo! How can you say that about Kagome?" Sango chided, "She's just a little…"

"Crazy." Shippo finished for her, "She's taken up InuYasha's diligence for the quest and more! And InuYasha hasn't said anything either way about anything for days! Their both crazy."

Miroku sighed, "InuYasha has pushed us as hard as he always has. Kagome is just more …"

"Insane?" Shippo suggested.

"Enthusiastic." Miroku finished.

"She's just been getting worse." Shippo pouted, "Ever since that fire youkai she's been pushing us harder and harder. And touching her tummy a lot."

"She has a lot on her mind." Sango murmured, "Aren't you tired Shippo?"

Shippo's denial was voided by his large yawn. So he gave up and joined Kagome in her bag.

"Kagome has been getting more intense lately." Sango whispered, "This can't be good for her. Perhaps it would be best for if we convinced her to go home until the baby is born."

"Kagome has already made it clear that she will not wait at home for the quest to be finished." Miroku responded quietly, "And Kagome can be as stubborn as InuYasha when she wants to be."

"…Shippo was right about InuYasha." Sango glanced up at the tree were InuYasha was supposedly perched; "He hasn't been talking since the battle with the fire youkai, and the look he gave those villagers that helped Kagome." Sango shook her head.

Miroku nodded, "InuYasha also has much to think about. He is a hanyou with a human mate. I'm sure that he wished to go to her once the youkai was defeated, but the villagers had already surrounded her. If they saw some glimmer of affection between them, they would reject her. InuYasha doesn't want to see that happen to Kagome."

Sango gazed into the fire, "It's not fair."

`No.' InuYasha thought, `it's not fair.' He had been thinking about villagers, how they would treat Kagome, how she would react to that treatment. Sure, at first she would rant and rave about their stupidity, but eventually she would cry.

After the battle they had returned to the village, InuYasha faked sleep so that he wouldn't make Kagome mad, or cry. He had been in a bad mood and one of those things was bound to happen.

Kagome didn't cry, but she didn't speak. Not even the next morning. She wouldn't look at him at all. When Sango suggested that they start back Kagome had spoken up. She didn't want to go back the way they came. Fair enough, no one wanted to cross the burnt battlefield again. But she said she wanted to go farther out, search out this area for shards that might have migrated here while they were gone. Sango wanted her to go back to Keade's to rest until it was time for them to return to her mothers. InuYasha wanted to return to his territory were it wouldn't matter as much if he were to show his feelings for her. Not that he said any of that, he merely agreed with the rest of them. But in the end Kagome had gotten her way. They agreed to take a slightly longer route home at an easy pace, which Kagome ignored.

InuYasha looked down at his sleeping mate; she lay on her back with Shippo curled up to her side. Her head was tilted slightly away from the fire and there were tears running down her cheeks, though her face was peaceful.

InuYasha's scowl softened. That was his fault, Kagome never cried before she cared about him. He had to get her back to his territory and explain, maybe he could get Keade to help convince Kagome that villagers were basically cowardly and cruel, that they would turn on her as soon as they thought she were mated to a youkai… or hanyou.


"Uh… Kagome?" Sango sat on the river bank watching as Kagome quickly and harshly scrubbed herself down, "Are you… alright?"

"I'm fine Sango." Kagome replied shortly, "I just want to get back to the hunt."

Sango approached the river to bathe herself, "About that Kagome," she shifted uncomfortably trying to find words that wouldn't anger her friend, "Don't you think that it would be best if you took a little rest? We all could use one-"

"No." Kagome rinsed herself, "Naraku must be destroyed and the jewel gathered together."

Seeing that she wouldn't get anywhere on that one she tried another subject, "Are you upset about InuYasha's behavior?"

"I'm not upset at all." Kagome sighed harshly.

"… You seem a little angry." Sango said quietly.

"I'm not." Kagome left the river and marched over to her clothes.

Sango sighed, "Alright, your not angry, but I think that you should know why InuYasha has been behaving the way he has."

"I don't CARE!" Kagome roared, "I don't care why he does what he does, I don't need him to tell me he doesn't…" she gasped, tears fell from her eyes, "I… we need to find the shards, hu-hurry up and get back to camp, OK?"

Kagome left Sango to finish her bath.


Sango had expected Kagome to be at the camp when she got back, but she wasn't there.

"Where's Kagome?" InuYasha dropped down from his tree.

"I don't know," Sango looked around one more time, hoping that they had simply overlooked her, "she left before I did."

InuYasha let a small growl escape and prepared to run back to the river and track his mate.

"Don't worry," Kagome's light, happy voice drifted from the other side of camp, "I was just taking a walk, now we can continue the search."

Kagome smiled brightly at them, but it was obvious to all of them that she had been crying. She walked over to the others.

"Don't wonder off like that!" InuYasha ignored the danger upsetting her, "It's dangerous out there, you have to stop acting like such a stupid bitch and think about the ways things are here!"

Kagome took a long breath then smiled brightly at him, "We have to hurry, I want to cover this area before we start searching the north again."

"You told your mother we'd be back in three days." InuYasha growled, "We can't afford anymore detours."

"But we haven't found any shards yet!" Kagome exclaimed, "We can't waist any more time, if we don't get them Naraku will and we can't afford for him to get anymore besides we don't know where he is yet though we do know that he isn't anywhere near here-"

"Kagome, are you alright?" Shippo asked from Miroku's shoulder.

Kagome took a few deep breathes and gave them a teary smile, "I'm fine. We just have to get the rest of the shards, and defeat Naraku."

"We promised your mother we would be back to prepare for the wedding." InuYasha growled.

"Finding Naraku is more important then getting home early." It was Kagome's turn to growl.

"It's not about you getting home early," InuYasha raised his voice, "It's about getting married! We have to get back-"

"Maybe I don't want to marry you anymore!" Kagome screamed.

A large block of ice fell heavily into InuYasha's stomach and knocked the wind out of lungs. The others drifted away from the camp and the couple to find interesting things out of the line of fire. Not that they drifted far.

Kagome watched them leave, "Cowards." She mumbled before turning to walk down the left path. They would just have to catch up.

It took a minute for InuYasha realize what she was doing. He was stuck in that moment before. She didn't want to be his mate. She- she didn't want to be his mate. Why? What had he done? Ok, he said she was acting like a stupid bitch, but that wasn't anything new. Then he remembered the way she had reacted to him talking to Kikyo. Apparently pregnancy made you crazy. He wouldn't let her get away with casting him off because of some crazy "pregnancy hormones".

InuYasha raced after her.

Sango jumped out of the brush to follow him.

"Sango, don't you think we should give them some privacy?" Miroku said as he also stepped back onto the road.

Sango turned to him, "Kagome just told InuYasha she doesn't want to be his mate anymore! How do you think InuYasha will react?"

"You believe that InuYasha will harm Kagome?" Miroku asked incredulously.

"No… but InuYasha is a youkai too, and this is a new situation for them." Sango started to walk ahead, "I don't know what InuYasha will do, and I don't know what Kagome will do, but one of them might need us and I want to be there to know who and why. I'll stay out of their way."

"Kagome stop!" InuYasha yelled as he caught up with her. She stopped but didn't turn around. Now what? He really had to remember to plan ahead. He couldn't start off by calling her crazy… "Why?"

"What?" she asked surprised. She had expected something else.

"Why don't you want to be my mate?" InuYasha repeated, he was stalling really, he really didn't want to know all the reasons she hated him. He just wanted to figure out how to get her to calm down and agree to be his mate again. He doubted that pouncing on her would work this time.

Kagome blinked and turned around slowly, "Because… you, you obviously don't want to be with me."

"What the fuck?" InuYasha exclaimed, "What made you think that?"

"Ever since you… marked me again you've been distant, you weren't even there when I woke up!" she was trying not to cry with out slipping into yelling. It wasn't working.

"You were tired," InuYasha said quietly, "I didn't want the others to… it's none of their business what we do!"

"See!" Kagome pointed at him, "You don't even want our friends to know!"

"They already know!" InuYasha growled, this was stupid, "I don't want to put up with Miroku's mouth!"

Kagome lowered her hand, then shook her head, "What about the rest of the time." She said uncertainly, "Why were you always so far away? Why did you glare at me and leave after the fire youkai was defeated."

"I wasn't glaring at you." InuYasha said, confused, "I was mad at the villagers! They should have been cowering in their huts, then I would have been able to… to, go to you."

"Why were you so distant?" Kagome repeated quietly.

"I didn't want them to find out about us." InuYasha looked away, "I didn't want you to have to deal with their rejection."

Kagome put her hands on her hips and scolded, "We just saved their village, their youkai and their hot spring. I doubt they would turn on us just because of our relationship."

"She really does have a lot of faith in humans doesn't she?" Sango whispered to Miroku in their hiding place.

"Maybe they wouldn't have thrown stones," InuYasha grumbled, "but they wouldn't have understood. I don't want you to deal with that, not because of me."

Kagome's tearful glare turned soft, "I don't care about them InuYasha, I know that people here won't approve and I'm prepared to deal with that, on both sides of the well."

"Your side?" InuYasha gave Kagome a puzzled look, "I thought that after we got married…"

Kagome shook her head, "I'm just a little young to get married and have a baby, that's all. But I'm not prepared to do it alone and since you can't stand to be near me-"

"What did I just say!" InuYasha growled in frustration, "I want you near me Kagome, but if they find out about us I might not be able to protect you, not the way you wander off and trust people, its better if they don't find out."

Kagome burst into tears, "I'm sorry I'm such a burden to you, you don't have to worry about me now that I'm not your responsibility anymore!"

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID!" InuYasha roared, "You can't do that! You can't say that I said something that I didn't! And you will always be my responsibility because you always get into trouble!"

Ok, it might not have made any since, but she stopped crying.

"That didn't make any since." She whimpered.

"Neither do you." InuYasha grumbled, "And that's why I'm taking you to your mothers and marrying you. I'm not letting you out of this until you start making since."

Kagome blinked a few times before whispering, "I guess I could always get a divorce."

"What?" InuYasha gave her another puzzled look.

Kagome walked back towards the fork in the road, but stopped when she neared InuYasha, "But I'm warning you InuYasha, I'm not going to end up a teen aged divorcee!"

"Hey! Wait!" InuYasha called after her, "What's a divorce?"


A/N: All questions will be answered in time, Most of them in the story. Once again, the time indicator under the chapter title is time elapsed since actual conception and therefore is a couple of weeks ahead of what a doctor would say.

I'm finding it harder and harder to write this without putting an age for Kagome in it. So that will probably come out sooner or later. Out of curiosity, how old do you think she is in this fic?