InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ Making a Baby is Inconvenient ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

Chapter 15: Making a Baby is Inconvenient

(Day 38)

"You're making my life harder again." Kagome glared out the kitchen window from her place next to InuYasha.

"What did I do now?" InuYasha looked up from his ramen.

Kagome turned to glare at him, "You tried to turn my own mother against me!"

"Oh, that." InuYasha went back to his ramen.

"'Oh, that'? That's all you have to say for yourself?" Kagome stood up, "She made me promise to slow down and stay safe! I can't stay safe! I have a job to do, and I don't have the time to slow down! And you told her that I threatened to call off the wedding! I had to have another heart to heart with her."

"So did I!" InuYasha scowled at her, Kagome sat down surprised, so he continued, "I have to `be sensitive to your condition' and ... stuff."

"Oh," Kagome looked down at her cooling breakfast, "She told me that I shouldn't make any big decisions without consulting an outside observer. I can't believe that you went to Momma." She hissed.

"You wouldn't tell me what a divorce was." He replied bitterly.

"You asked her about that?" Kagome said nervously, "I was just trying to calm myself down. I know I can be irrational sometimes, I was trying to console myself because I was thinking … I don't want to get a divorce, I want to marry you and stay that way."

"Kagome!" her mother called from the other room, "It's time for school."

"You have to stop trying to find ways to make me stop the search." Kagome whispered to InuYasha as she stood and grabbed her school pack.

"You didn't eat." InuYasha said, looking at her untouched breakfast.

Kagome looked at her plate wearily, "I'm not hungry."


"Kagome!" Eri called to her as she entered the school grounds.

"Hello Eri, Ayumi, Yuka." Kagome smiled brightly at them, "Have I missed anything good?"

"Not much," Ayumi thought back over the gossip since she had last been here, "But first… that girl is still hanging around Hojo." She looked up at Kagome's face to see how she took the news.

Kagome was beaming, "That's fine, I really don't care."

"Kagome!" Yuka gasped, "Have you been seeing that dangerous unfaithful jerk?"

Kagome flinched a little at the word unfaithful but her smile held, "Actually… can you guys keep a secret?"

The three girls nodded excitedly.

"You should know first that I may have…" How to say this without lying, "not told you everything about my husband and the situation with his ex. I was mad at him whenever I talked about him-"

"Wait, wait" Yuka held up a hand to stop Kagome's flow of words, "Did you say husband? YOUR husband?"


"It's a secret." Kagome blushed, was she really so used to the idea already?

The girls squealed.

"But you're so young Kagome." Eri whispered.

"Well," Kagome took a deep breath in preparation to tell the lie that she and her mom had worked out. It wasn't a big lie, it was almost the truth, it just wasn't. What's one more little white lie on top of all the others?

Kagome pushed that thought away, "I know, but I've been so sick lately, we don't really know if I'll have much time later. So InuYasha and I got caught up in the moment and … got married."

"But doesn't your mom have to sign off on that?" Ayumi asked in a hushed voice.

Kagome nodded, "Like I said, since I've been sick, and they haven't really been able to figure out what's wrong, she decided to let us get married now."

"Where did you meet him?" Yuka asked.

"When I first started to get sick I was sent off to a healing spa, InuYasha lives there." Kagome explained carefully, "Every so often I was sent back there because it seemed to help. Last month we got married."

That last part was the weirdest. In a way Kagome could see that they were sort of married then, like getting drunk in Las Vegas and waking up married, only not knowing about it for a few weeks.

"Why aren't you with him now?" Yuka asked slightly suspiciously.

"He's still at his home," Kagome said, "I want to finish High school here and maybe attend college, but I'm going up to see him in a few days, so lets stop wasting time and get to class before the bell!" Kagome ran ahead of her friends into the building.


"What am I doing here again?" InuYasha shifted his weight and looked around the dim shop. Bright lights shown in display cases and reflected off the sparkly objects within.

"I'm just picking up a ring for Kagome and you while you're here." Kagome's mom approached him with a box, "Give me your hand."

"Why?" InuYasha gave her a suspicious look.

"I need to see if the ring I got you will fit." She answered patiently.

"Why do I need a stupid ring?" InuYasha scowled at the plain white band that she presented him with.

"Well, some time's people in this time exchange rings when they get married." She looked at the ring, now on InuYasha's finger, "It's an outward expression of their love and commitment to each other."

"Like a mark." InuYasha considered the ring.

"Sure." Mrs. Higuarshi smiled warmly, "I thought that since you married so young it would be good to have these."

InuYasha nodded and returned the ring to the box.


Kagome left the school with Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi that afternoon. The three school girls were trying to get Kagome to go out with them, though they really wanted more answers. But before they could tempt Kagome with a trip to their traditional haunt, Hojo found them.

"Higurashi!" He called to her as he trotted up to them, package in hand.

"Oh, no!" Kagome whispered to her co-conspirators, "What do we do about Hojo?"

"Tell him you're married." Eri said as if it was obvious.

"Eri," Yuka frowned lightly, "You want Kagome to tell the guy that's been pursuing her for months, giving her gifts and taking her out on dates that she's suddenly married?"

"I never wanted to go on those dates." Kagome pointed out, "Well, most of them."

"We were trying to get you over that horrible boyfriend." Ayumi cast a glance at the quickly approaching Hojo, "How where we supposed to know you'd end up married to him like this?"

"Well, now Hojo has to deal with your meddling!" Kagome hissed.

"He's here!" Eri squeaked.

"Higurashi!" Hojo smiled brightly at her.

"Hello Hojo." They chorused cheerfully.

"Higurashi, I brought you some tea for your nerves." He handed her the box.

"Uh, thank you Hojo." Kagome received the box mechanically.

"I was wondering, if you were feeling better, if you would join me for dinner tonight." Hojo was still smiling confidently.

"I … can't, Hojo." Kagome said slowly, why was this hurting her so much?

"Then tomorrow?" he tried again.

"Hojo…" Ayumi started sadly but Kagome stopped her.

"Hojo, I can't go on anymore dates with you." Kagome stared at the ground, her heart was starting to pound and she felt a little queasy.

"W-Why not?" Hojo's smile failed and he stepped back a little.

"I, when I was sick…" Kagome looked up from the ground and into Hojo's wide eyes, "There's this boy..."

"You met someone else?" Hojo voice almost broke, "When?"

"While I was sick," Kagome blinked a few times, slightly dizzy, she shouldn't be reacting like this.

"I, how, why?" Hojo took another step back, "What did I do?"

"Nothing!" Kagome exclaimed, then got quite again, "We, we almost died, and then we didn't and we… we realized how we felt, or something. I'm sorry Hojo, I never meant to lead you on. I just didn't think, I … didn't think."

"Kagome!" Ayumi gasped.

"You didn't tell us you almost died!" Yuka gasped.

"I didn't realize it was that bad." Hojo's shock and concern for Kagome calmed him down a little, "But, how long have you been seeing this guy?"

"We've been friendssince I started getting sick," Kagome words slurred together. It was almost over, why was she so damn dizzy? "Bu nothin' really before las mo-"

Kagome's legs folded under her, her friends rushed forward to stop her from falling but Hojo was closer, and he caught her in his arms.

"Higurashi?" He asked the girl in his arms, "Higurashi, are you alright?"

Kagome climbed slowly back after a brief dip into unconsciousness, "Fine, thank you. But, I should be on the ground now. Please, put me down."

Hojo complied and gently lowered her to the ground, "Perhaps we should call your mother?"

"NO!" Kagome grabbed his arm as he started to stand, "I'm fine, I just have to rest a bit."

"Are you sure Kagome?" Ayumi asked gently.

"I am not an invalid!" Kagome fumed from the ground, "I just got a little dizzy, its better now, see?"

Kagome stood on shaking legs, but managed to get up and stay up without any help. Her head really had cleared, and her body was following fast.

"I'm sorry, Higurashi." Hojo gave her a serious sad look, "I shouldn't have put you through this, I know how delicate your health is. But… does he take care of you?"

Kagome smiled slightly and nodded slowly. Yes his did, as best he could, he took care of her. Tears were threatening to surface, and that was the last thing that Kagome wanted right now… well, next to fainting.

"Thank you for… everything Hojo." Kagome said looking for an escape, "But, I really must go home now. My mother will start to worry."

Hojo nodded and backed away, but Kagome's friends surrounded her.

"We're walking you home." Yuka stated.

"You don't have to…" Kagome tried to say.

"If they don't, I will." Hojo still looked a little like a whipped puppy, "You shouldn't be alone right now. Maybe we should arrange for a ride…"

"No!" Kagome grabbed Yuka's arm, "They can walk me home. It's fine."

Kagome allowed Ayumi, Yuka, and Eri to walk her home, but left them at the bottom of the stairs. All the way home she had been fighting the tears that were welling up in her eyes since Hojo accepted her rejection.

He just had to be reasonable about it, didn't he?

She waved good bye to her friends from the top of the stairs and turned to walk to her home. Now that no one was there to see, a wave of loss and sadness swept over her, the tears that she had been fighting poured down her face. The faster she walked the faster they came, until she was running up the stairs and into her room.

Finally she collapsed on her bed, sobbing like she had lost a dear friend.

"Kagome!" InuYasha sprinted into the room, "What happened?"

"Go away." Kagome whispered into her pillow, "It's all your fault anyway."

"What the hell did I do now?" InuYasha approached the bed carefully.

"If you hadn't … if I hadn't." Kagome looked up at him through her tears, "It hurts so much InuYasha. And it's really my fault, I shouldn't have… any of it."

"What happened? Are you hurt?" InuYasha put his hand on her back in an attempt to comfort her.

Kagome shook head, then turned over and hopped on him, hugging him, burying her face in his shirt.

InuYasha embraced her, but scowled. How was he supposed to do anything without knowing what was wrong? He leaned down inhale her scent, to assure himself that she was unharmed. What he smelled made him bristle.

"What did he do?" InuYasha growled.

At first Kagome was confused. Then she realized that he must be mean Hojo. She sighed, "Nothi'g, He just caught be whed I… tripped." She sniffled.

No way was she telling InuYasha that she fainted. Not even fainted really, more like dipped out of consciousness for a while.

"Why are you crying then?" InuYasha calmed down a little.

"It was Hojo IduYasha," Kagome grabbed a tissue for the box on her desk, she was started to cry again, "I told hib I could't date hib adybore, I told hib I had bet sobeode else."

"You met someone else?" InuYasha looked down at Kagome a slight frown on his face.

"You! You idiot!" Kagome yelled, but that only hurt her head.

"I know that!" InuYasha yelled back, "Why didn't you tell him we were mates!"

"Stop yelli'g!" Kagome put her pounding head in her hands, "I could't tell hib I went off and barried sobeode else without ever eved telli'g him there was sobeode else. I told hib the truth, sort of, that there was dothi'g betweed us like that u'til last bonth. There was dothi'g for be to tell hib before that. It's bad edough that I did't tell hib I … had feeli'gs, for sobeode else, but thed I we't off and barried hib just like that!"

She snapped her fingers, and blew her nose.

"Then why are you crying?" InuYasha sat back, a little away from Kagome, "Why are you upset about telling him that?"

Kagome sniffled again, "I don't know. I … I feel like I just lost a friend. Hojo was good, and kind and he liked me when you… and I just hurt him, and it looks like he forgave me. But it's still sad to loose a friend."

Kagome looked up at InuYasha, "Thank you."

"What for?" InuYasha was really confused.

"I don't know." Kagome sighed, she was so much calmer now, but it still hurt a little, "Stay with me?"

"But your Mother…" InuYasha looked to the open door.

"I don't care," Kagome lay back down on her bed, "I just want you here with me right now. We'll just have to behave."

InuYasha nodded and quickly scrambled up behind Kagome and pulled her closer to him. He wasn't about to argue this time.


The next afternoon Kagome sat in the office staring at her math homework. She was humiliated. Well, not humiliated but damn close.

In the morning science class she had lost it and cried over some stupid nature program about a herd of wild elephant's. A newborn baby died in the drought and its mother had stayed with it, stroking it with her trunk. How was she not supposed to cry!

And someone next to Kagome at lunch had beef broth. Hot beef broth. She had spent the whole lunch after that in the girl's bathroom.

Kagome never thought she would be grateful for her grandfather's excuses. Everyone thought that she was having a relapse into something, so now she was waiting for her mother to come pick her up.


"Kagome?" Eri walked into the office, "There you are! I went around to your other classes and got your homework for the rest of the week!"

"Thank you." Kagome received the huge pile of papers reluctantly, how was she supposed to enjoy her honeymoon with so much homework?

"Are you still going to see your husband in a few days?" Eri sat next to Kagome.

Kagome nodded, "Yes, he's coming down to stay at the shrine; we will both be going back and forth from now on."

"We will get to meet him?" Eri leaned forward eagerly.

Kagome sighed, "Yes. When we get back, maybe. InuYasha's not very… sociable."

"Then how did you meet him?" Eri asked innocently.

Kagome shrugged, "I got lost and sort of found him. Then… I don't know why we hung out together at first."

Eri smiled at Kagome warmly, until the bell rung. Then she jumped up with a squeak about being late to her next class and ran out of the office.

"Higurashi?" the receptionist called to her, "Your mothers here."


"Kagome are you finished packing?" Her mother stood out side her bedroom door with InuYasha.

"No! We'll just have to buy me all new clothes when I get there." Her voice drifted out from the other side.

"What's wrong, honey?" her mother sighed.

Kagome opened the door; she was wearing one of her sundress/ cardigan combinations. However the dress seemed a bit stretched across the bust.

"Nothing fits right!" Kagome pouted. Her mother hid a smile behind a well placed hand.

"When the hell did that happen?" InuYasha was staring shamelessly. At least he had the decency to look confused.

"It's all a part of the plan InuYasha." Kagome's mothers giggled.

"I don't know." Kagome looked down at her stretched dress sadly, "It sort of snuck up on me. My uniform shirt has a lot more room to grow and I've always been between sizes…"

"When it happens it happens fast." Her mother nodded sympathetically, "Often it happens immediately, sometimes in the last trimester."

"Stop staring!" Kagome fumed at InuYasha, "I'm just preparing for the baby."

InuYasha's eyes rose up to meet hers, "I didn't know that happened."

Kagome giggled at his stunned expression, her temper gone, "Momma what am I going to wear?"

"We'll think of something, dear."


A/N: Kagome got off easy "breaking up" with Hojo very conveiniant fainting spell if you ask me. ^_^

Stuffy nose translation

"It was Hojo InuYasha," Kagome grabbed a tissue for the box on her desk, she was started to cry again, "I told him I couldn't date him anymore, I told him I had bet someone else."

"Stop yelling!" Kagome put her pounding head in her hands, "I couldn't tell him I went off and married someone else without ever even telling him there was someone else. I told him the truth, sort of, that there was nothing between us like that until last month. There was nothing for me to tell him before that. It's bad enough that I didn't tell him I had… feelings, for someone else, but then I went off and married him just like that."

Kagome wants to marry Iy, but… you know how Kagome didn't call the baby a baby until chapter ten? Well, you may not have noticed, but some other important thing isn't happening or hasn't happened yet, which may be causing some confusion on her part. The rest of her motivations are somewhat explained by her above.

The story isn't really about the baby, it's about the relationship. So as long as that doesn't end neither will the story… for a while.