InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ Given Away ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

Warning: an actual lime ahead (the last half of the chapter actually)! Body parts are even named! I still think it's in the realm of "R" though.

Chapter 16: Given Away

(Day 41)

Kagome sat looking out the train's window, taking stock of her situation.

`I'm barely seventeen, I'm pregnant but I haven't gained any weight. Well,' she scowled briefly at her expanded bust, `except there. None of my cute dresses fit right, my bras barely fit anymore. My breasts are sore; my tummy's all… full. I've made a fool of myself at school. And all I want is for InuYasha to hold me. But no, he has to sit way over there.'

Kagome cast an angry glance at him. He was cattycorner to her, next to Souta. He wasn't even looking at her, he was staring at the wall above her mother's head, who was sitting next to Kagome.

`Ok,' Kagome returned to gaze to the speeding scenery `so he's over there now because he tried that move on me again.' She could still feel the warmth of his hand on her thigh. `I don't see why momma made him move. He didn't move it this time.'

`I don't even know why I'm doing this. He never touches me except to "mark" me. He's never even… I don't care what he says, I know the truth. He's just sitting over there all broody. He marked me that night. I was forced to marry him! He probably didn't even know what he was doing, and now he's just living up to his sense of duty.' Kagome gave him an angry glare again, but he ignored her. Somewhere, deep in her brain she could feel that pseudo voice wiggling around trying to get free. It wanted to tell her that she was wrong. That InuYasha cared for her deeply. Well, if that was true, then why did she feel like she was trapping him?

`Why am I doing this?' she looked at him again. Now he was pretending to be asleep to avoid Souta. `Ok, so I love him, the jerk. But, why is he doing this? Why is he putting himself through this? Is it for the baby?'

That stupid voice/feeling asked her another question. What would he be doing if your mother wasn't around?

Kagome ignored that question and went back to her comfortable depression.

InuYasha was in hell. Souta wouldn't shut up, his mate was unhappy and her mother was mad at him. Or, at least, what passed for mad with her. Damn it! He didn't even get to touch skin! The dress went all the way down to her knee!

That was ok though. He could survive this. He would show them all that, if he wanted something badly enough, he could have patience. And by the end of the day Kagome would be his completely, and there wasn't anything youkai, human or mother in law could say about it!


When they arrived in the resort town, they were met by an old family friend. Who also happened to be a Shinto priest, and was willing to help them out. Kagome's mother had handled everything well. She had arranged for the wedding, the outfits, she had even gotten them a honeymoon suite at the resort. Well, Kagome and InuYasha had the suite. Souta and herself would be heading back on the next train home.

The wedding went off without a hitch. InuYasha preformed his part well, that of the petrified husband to be. He was more frightened of someone recognizing his youki then the ritual and subsequent marriage, but it made the right impression. Kagome was beautiful. And her mother took lots of pictures of the couple.

And when it was over Kagome's mother lead them to their room.

Kagome wandered over to the balcony, which overlooked a serene garden that was bordered by a lush forest. The sun was setting over the trees so the whole thing was shadowed, but this gave the view a contented feeling that seeped into Kagome, causing her to sigh happily.

InuYasha spent this time checking out the rooms, as any good warrior would. The suite was decked out in blues and greens in a rather conservative way. It consisted of one large room with a big western style bed, a couch and a TV in a cupboard, a walk in closet near the door and a bathroom with a shower and a large bath.

After his inspection, InuYasha walked into the main room to see Kagome standing by the window in her wedding kimono, framed by the colors of the sunset.

Kagome's mother came out of the bathroom and watched InuYasha watch Kagome for a moment, "It's time for me to go." She said startling the young couple, "I have a train to catch."

"Momma…" Kagome took a few steps toward her mother and stopped, at a loss for words. Her mother was leaving her, and once she walked out that door the last vestiges of her childhood would go with her and leave her a married woman. There would be no doubt left, no going back. Nothing to hold on to, except InuYasha. And who knew if, in the end, she even had him.

Kagome's mother walked past InuYasha to stand in front of her daughter, "You have grown up so much Kagome. I'm sure you can find your way home. The tickets are on the dresser, don't be late, we'll worry. I have run the two of you a bath, and-"

"B-both of us?" Kagome chirped. She was still a little shy of the thought of them being naked together. No mater how stupid that made her feel.

"-I expect you both to in there at the same time." Her mother ignored her little outburst, "You two need to relax and enjoy each others company. It's been a rough month for both of you."

"Yes mother." Kagome looked at the floor for a moment then returned her eyes to her mothers, "So when do you stop giving me advice?" she asked teasingly.

"Never." Mrs. Higurashi beamed, "A mother is always a mother. Even when her children are grown up and married."

Kagome sighed happily and gave her mother a goodbye hug. Her mother gave InuYasha a hug and a tearful, "Welcome to the family" and skipped out the door, leaving the newly weds more alone then they had been since the incident in the cave.

InuYasha looked sheepishly at Kagome, she blushed and walked past him to lock the door. Finally they were alone… now what? This was the moment he had been waiting for since Souta caught them in her room. So… go get her!

"Hey, Kagome…" InuYasha began.

"Yes, InuYasha?" Kagome looked back at him nervously.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Have something to say before you open your mouth!

"… Bath!" he jumped to the first thing that came to his mind.

"Actually, I think that would be a good idea." Kagome said after giving him a strange look, "Just let me get out of this first." She blushed and walked into the closet and shut the door. She felt foolish, but she still felt shy, maybe this bath idea of her mothers would get her over it.

InuYasha stood there staring at the door. What's the big deal? It's not like he hadn't seen her naked before. Hell she was already carrying his child. So, they had only mated twice. And she hadn't really seen him naked either…

The closet door opened a little and a robe hit InuYasha in the face.

"I guess that means I should put this on?" InuYasha spoke sarcastically to the door.

"Just get changed." Kagome's muffled voice came from the other side, "And close the shades."

InuYasha thought for a moment, something he had learned out of fear of loosing Kagome to a mood swing, much like his newly found patience. He considered ignoring the robe and simply standing there naked when she came out…. But she would likely dive back into the closet and refuse to come out. Then he would rip the door off to get her out, and she would get mad.

InuYasha changed into the robe.

Kagome was leaning against the door, already changed and praying that InuYasha would not be stubborn, or mischievous, just this one more time, and had put the robe on.

In truth, it wasn't the being naked that was the problem. It was the looking that would inevitably follow. If she could be sure that he wouldn't look at her below the neck, she would be fine. But she knew that he would. She knew that she would. She was his now. He was allowed to look, and so was she. It was going to happen, so why not get it over with? Why bother coming into the closet to change?

There was just something so… vulnerable about undressing in front of someone.

Kagome stood herself up straight. This was the last night that she would be bashful with InuYasha… at least about her body. After tonight she really was going to be an adult.

"Are you changed?" Kagome called out.

"Just get out here."

Kagome sighed, made some final adjustments and opened the door slowly. She peeked out. Yup there he was, wearing his robe, his arms were crossed and his face showed his lack of patience.

Kagome crept out of the closet suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

`My mate won't let me see her naked.' He thought peevishly. But he already knew not to say that, "Nothing, lets go."

He practically flinched. That's right, come off irritated and snappy, that'll get her naked.

However, Kagome ignored him. She figured that he was just upset at being ordered around yet again. He even closed the curtains over the balcony door.

Kagome smiled, suddenly overtaken by a warm, fuzzy feeling, she walked forward and kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you, InuYasha. You've been wonderful about this. And you don't have to come to the bath with me if you'd rather not."

"What are you stupid!" InuYasha blurted out before he could think about it, then cringed. She usually didn't like it when he said that kind of thing. So he was surprised when she blushed and giggled, lowering her head bashfully.

"Then… lets go." She said quietly.

They stood side by side, looking at the large bath. It was big enough for a small family and decorated with decorative rocks and plants. And it was full of steaming water from the spring. The room was cast in a dim ambient light.

"So…" Kagome looked down at the water.

"Yeah." InuYasha was at a loss as to how to ease Kagome's nervousness. He didn't even understand where it was coming from. What was the big deal about being naked together?

"Let's get this over with." Kagome sighed, "Don't watch." She untied her belt, shrugged out of her robe and let it fall to the floor.

InuYasha admirably kept his eyes forward, even as his ears followed the sound of the falling cloth.

"Well?" Kagome asked, "Are you g-going to wear that all night?"

InuYasha forgot how to untie his belt and cut it loose in his haste to rid himself of the modern robe.

Kagome, her eyes looking straight ahead, laughed at the speed and motion that she caught out of the corner of her eye. "Let's go."

Kagome slowly and carefully settled down into the water, followed closely by InuYasha.

A few moments past before InuYasha turned to her. He moved back to rest against the side. He considered her profile, above the water. She was pale and her eyes were wide. She looked petrified.

"Kagome." He said in the tone that passed for gently.

She jumped, and looked at around the bath, but not at InuYasha. She had become lost in her thoughts, but she hadn't been thinking anything. The nervousness she had felt in the closet had become a terrible faceless fear without the guiding determination to lose that nervousness. InuYasha's voice had pulled her out of that, and she returned to simply nervous again. She had to take the next step. But how was she supposed to do that?

"Kagome," InuYasha repeated, "look at me."

Kagome turned her head to look him in the eye.

"Come here." He motioned to the water in front of him.

"In-Inu…" she stuttered nervously, what was he up to?

"Come here." His voice became stronger, more demanding.

Kagome moved slowly until she was a few feet away from InuYasha.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" InuYasha crossed his arms over his bare, wet chest.

"What?" Kagome crossed her arms defensively, "You told me to come here so I did."

"Not that." InuYasha sighed and called upon his patience, "Why are you so scared of being naked?"

"…I don't know?" Kagome said hesitantly. When InuYasha scowled she hurried on, not even really thinking about what she said, "We skipped it!"

"Skipped what?" InuYasha asked. They skipped a lot of things so far.

Kagome paused, "The ritual, I think."

"Wasn't that what we did this afternoon?" InuYasha threw his arms in the air in exasperation.

"Not the wedding ritual!" Kagome shouted back, then continued in a quiet, thoughtful tone, "The courtship ritual."

InuYasha relaxed against the wall again, "Humans have those?" he didn't pay that much attention to that aspect of human society and the movie he had seen with Kagome's mother didn't show anything that he would consider a "courtship".

"Of course we do!" Kagome put her index finger to her mouth in a gesture of thought. Kagome screwed her eyes shut and bit her lip, "first… then …" Kagome's eyes opened, "That's it! When humans court they kiss and touch gradually as the relationship progresses! We skipped from innocent kissing to… the last step."

"… You said humans get married before they saw each other naked." InuYasha narrowed his eyes at her.

"I said they got married before becoming intimate, that last, deep physical intimacy, and I said traditionally." Kagome explained, "But we skipped that, and now I'm all crazy and paranoid and blowing this way out of proportion-"

"Kagome." InuYasha demanded her attention again.

Kagome stopped rambling and looked at him expectantly.

"Look at me." InuYasha said flatly.

"I am looking at you InuYasha." Kagome said uncertainly.

"No," InuYasha tried again, "look at me. All of me. Stop averting your eyes."

"You, you want me to…" Kagome swallowed, "look?"

"You need to get passed this." InuYasha frowned gently. Was it normal for a pregnant human to be so scared all the time? "I'm not shy, Kagome. Not with you."

When she didn't say anything, or obey, InuYasha suggested, "Then come here and let me look."

Kagome sank a little deeper into the water, "Why aren't you nervous about this?"

InuYasha shrugged, "I trust you. I guess. Don't you trust me?"

"What if," Kagome looked at the water line on InuYasha's chest, "What if you don't like what you see?"

"But I've already seen it." InuYasha stated innocently.

"Idiot!" Kagome straightened up and glared at him, "that's not… well it's just… what are you-"

InuYasha was no longer looking her in the eye. Kagome followed his line of vision. Apparently when Kagome straightened up all the way she raised parts of her body out of the water that were previously obscured by water.

"SIT!" Kagome shouted.

Instantly InuYasha was under the water and pressed to the floor of the tub. Kagome gasped, moved to his side and reached down to grab his arm. She tried to hall him up, but the spell held him there.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, InuYasha please, come up!" Kagome chanted over and over until InuYasha pushed himself off of the floor and surfaced.

He sputtered and coughed and his hair was dripping water in his eyes. He was going to yell at Kagome, but her hands still circled his arm and she was still chanting that she was sorry, and scared and begging that he be alright.

"Kagome, Kagome!" InuYasha pulled one hand away from his arm and pulled her around to face him with it, "Stop talking! I'm fine. Damn, bitch, you didn't have to subdue me."

"I'm so sorry InuYasha." Kagome freed her hands and touched his face, wiping away the water and hair, "I didn't mean to, it was a reflex."

"It's Ok, Kagome," InuYasha took her hands away from his face and held them, "Drop it."

"But I could have killed you!" Kagome looked at their joined hands under the water, "I'll never subdue you again." She said forlornly.

"Keh, you couldn't kill me if you tried." InuYasha huffed, "And there is no way your going to stop subduing me."

Kagome looked into InuYasha's face, "I'm serious, InuYasha you could have drowned!"

"I didn't so stop talking about it!" InuYasha took a long slow breath; he had to find a way out of this, "Calm down. What were we talking about?"

"… You were peeking." Kagome growled.

"No, you were being stupid." `Stop that! She'll get mad.' InuYasha tried to remember what his plan had been, "Uh, forget that. What's your problem? I've seen your body before, why are you still shy?"

"I don't know! It's weird, I mean your going to look at me and think things and I won't know what they'll be!" Kagome tried to pull her hands away but InuYasha wouldn't let go.

"Damn it bitch, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you!" InuYasha growled, "Doesn't that say anything. It's not like I don't know what you'll do to me!"

"Then why didn't you look before!" Kagome blurted.

"… What?" InuYasha calmed down, once again completely lost.

Kagome looked away from InuYasha, "Every time I warned you not to look, you said that you didn't want to. You only looked the first time… and you weren't looking then, just trying to steal the jewel."

"I looked." InuYasha said blankly, "I always looked, even though I didn't want to. Why would I want to look at something that I couldn't have, and you'd get mad and subdue me. So you'd be mad, I'd be in pain and frustrated. It was better to ignore you."

"And to tell me that I didn't have anything you wanted to see?" Kagome pursed her lips to keep from smiling. He had just told her, or rather implied, that he did like what he had seen and her nervousness was waning.

"I lied Kagome." InuYasha gave her a dark look, that ritual she had been describing became clear to him now. It wasn't about touching and looking, it was about trust. Kagome just didn't trust him with this, and he had obviously done well instilling this distrust in her early on. He heard once that you had to say a hundred nice things to over rule one bad thing. He also knew actions spoke louder then words. "Just forget everything I told you before we met Sango, Ok?"

"I'll try." Kagome smiled, "So… how do we do this?"

"Like that last night," InuYasha leaned towards Kagome, "lets just do it."

"Do what?" Kagome whispered as his lips brushed hers.

"Finnish the ritual." InuYasha grinned, licked Kagome's lips gently and dropped her hands. He held her shoulders gently and nuzzled her cheek.

"In-Inu… what ritual?" she squeaked.

"The one we skipped." InuYasha's lips hovered just above her shoulder, "Now stop talking and do something."

InuYasha slid his hands slowly down her arms, under water, to the elbow and from there to rest loosely on her waist, while he returned his mouth back up to Kagome's. The kiss was slow and sweet, almost innocent.

Kagome raised her arms and put her hands against his chest, then let them glide up to his shoulders and behind his neck.

InuYasha slowly raised his hands, running them over her ribs, savoring the slick smooth feeling of her skin under the water. Kagome pulled back a little when his thumbs brushed the underside of her breasts. She looked bashfully at his sternum.

"Kagome." InuYasha whispered sternly.

"I-I'm ok." She looked up bashfully and gave him a grin.

He gazed into her eyes and leaned forward, kissing her again, this time on her cheek. His thumbs moved and caressed the sides of her breasts as he moved his kisses down. Kagome clenched her hands, which were still behind his neck, desperate not to chicken out now. There wasn't any reason to be nervous, this was InuYasha. Her mate. Her husband. The father of her child. Besides… it felt good.

InuYasha ignored her nervous reaction. If she had any objections she would tell him. Right now he had to get her to trust him. When he reached her shoulder again he allowed one hand to gently explore her breast. Kagome squeaked pleasantly under his playful touches. InuYasha gave a gruff, pleased rumble, like a growl, at her responses. She was starting to relax.

InuYasha allowed the less occupied hand to move around to the small of her back and he used it to pull her closer, so that she was sitting on his thighs and higher in the water. He used the hand on her back to get her to arch her back, and kissed the front of her shoulder. And continued to trail kisses down her chest.

Kagome moved her hand to his shoulders. She had allowed him to move her and direct her into this position, but once his kisses neared the breast unoccupied by his hand, she tensed again, digging her fingers into his shoulders. They didn't unclench when he reached his destination, even as Kagome relaxed against him. He was nibbling at her, dragging his long incisors against her delicate flesh.

`Oh, wow.' Kagome thought. Her head rolled back. She really loved his teeth.

InuYasha left her breast and made his way slowly to the opposite shoulder, while his other hand journeyed slowly down her body past her waist and came to rest high on her thigh, its thumb sitting along the juncture of her leg and abdomen. He fought with the urge to continue with that hand, but managed to stop there. He messed everything up with Kagome so far, he had to get this right. He had to earn the trust of her body slowly.

He bit her shoulder confidently, the culmination of his attentions with this almost familiar move, shot Kagome through with his desire, and began to concrete his acceptance of her body in her mind. A shuttering moan slipped from her without warning.

Her eyes, which had closed at some point, shot open and she blushed deeply. Who knew such a sound could come from her! They had tried to be quiet when InuYasha marked her at the camp, and who knew who what noises belonged to who in the cave. Except the growl, Kagome was sure that was InuYasha's.

InuYasha released her shoulder and raised his head. When he saw her expression he gave out a short barking laugh, but a joyful one.

Kagome's blush deepened when she saw him laughing at her like that and she tried to scowl, she wasn't really mad, just embarrassed. But that only made him laugh again. So she did the only thing she could think of to stop him, she lunged at him, pressed herself against him and took his mouth in a passionate kiss. Her arms wrapped tightly around him.

Since they were so close already, Kagome's lunge took her up as much as forward, putting her somewhat above him. He craned his neck to enjoy the kiss, once he recovered, and it didn't take him long to figure out the benefit of this position.

He moved his hands to pull her back down onto his lap, directing her carefully.

She gasped, breaking the kiss, as she came into contact with piece of anatomy she was not quite yet used to. InuYasha smirked. Kagome tried not to smile as she growled at him. She went back to kissing him and let him guide her down onto him.


A/N: I know, some of you are saying "You're stopping THERE!" but the lime was the important part. It was the story, the development of the characters and their situation, and continuing with a lemon would have taken away from that.