InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ Bath Time ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.
Chapter 23: Bath Time
(Day 59)
Kagome sat close to the fire, her hands clasped firmly over her nose, “I don't think so.” She said uncertainly. The group was gathered around her, watching her expectantly.
They had left Rini's and were traveling back to Keade's village. Kagome had let slip that her land had the ability to “see” inside her and Rini had made her promise to get checked out by the healers in her time, after some last minute advice.
So now they sat, night swiftly falling, trying to convince Kagome to follow some of the advice.
“Rini said it would be good for the baby.” Sango said anxiously.
Kagome shook her head, “It's vile!”
“Sango prepared it just for you.” Miroku added as incentive.
“And InuYasha hunted it for you.” Shippo said from the hanyou's shoulder, “It's one of the best parts.”
“You have to eat Kagome.” InuYasha held out the article of discussion.
Kagome shook her head again, “If it didn't smell so horrible I wouldn't believe you cooked it at all… Look! It's still bleeding!”
InuYasha lowered the chunk of meat and gave it a discerning look, “It doesn't smell bad to me. Must be in your head.”
“Does it matter whether it smells bad or I just think it smells bad? Either way I'm not eating it!”
“Rini said that bloody meat was vital to the proper development of the ba-, uh, pup.” Miroku leaned back on his heals and reasoned, “She even gave us explicit directions on how to prepare it so as to be safe for you.”
Kagome growled slightly, “If I get sick, I'll make you all sorry.”
Slowly she lowered her guarding hands and took the bloody hunk of dead animal from her husband, who looked far too pleased with himself. It may have smelled awful but it tasted great. Unreasonably so. She consumed it so fast she alarmed her friends.
“Do you want more?” InuYasha asked, less fazed than the rest of them.
“Yes please.” Kagome looked hungrily toward the spit with another piece of the meat squired on it.
Miroku nodded as he stood to find a spot to meditate, Sango sighed and retreated to prep her weapons and Shippo left to claim his portion of the dinner and color.
InuYasha handed Kagome the last portion of meat prepared by Rini's instructions and sat next to her to watch her eat.
“I feel… savage.” Kagome mumbled as she finished off the last bite, “Do I have blood on my face?” she asked turning to face him.
InuYasha nodded, he opened his mouth slightly, as if to speak, but paused. He leaned forward slowly and lifted his hand to her chin, he opened his mouth a little wider and let his tongue run under her bottom lip and lap gently at the edge of her mouth.
Kagome's eyelids fluttered at the attentions, “Where you… turned on by that?” she asked in a whisper.
InuYasha shrugged and returned to a more normal sitting position, “Maybe.” No way was he going to tell her how seeing her with blood on her lip affected him. She accepted a lot from him, but she was only human, and after seeing how she reacted to having to eat nearly raw meat…. He wasn't about to go testing her limits right now.
“So…” he looked around the camp nonchalantly, then up, into the infuriatingly bright sky, and said in a quiet voice, “Wanna… go… into the woods?”
“What?” Kagome half laughed the word, was he really saying what she thought he was? She avoided a direct answer in favor of an equally quiet, “It's not even dark yet.”
InuYasha lowered his gaze to hers, “That's never stopped us before.”
Kagome gapped slightly, “Where there are walls and a door that can be, barricaded.” Kagome leaned toward InuYasha and whispered, “What if Shippo came looking for us?”
“I'll tell him to stay here.” InuYasha reasoned.
“And he always listens to you.” Kagome mumbled to herself, “What about Miroku?” she asked him, “I'm not the one that will have to put up with the teaseing, and you know he will.”
InuYasha considered this for a moment, trying to find fault with her argument, then sighed in resignation, “Later then? After the others are asleep?”
“… Ok,” Kagome said bashfully and blushed, was she making an appointment for sex? “There aren't any bushes here though, where will we … do… this?”
“Why don't you go to the hot spring?” Miroku's voice came from behind them.
“GAH!” Kagome and InuYasha jumped.
“You could relax, wash off the dust from the road, take your time.” Miroku continued, unfazed by their reaction.
“The hot tub?” Kagome asked once she recovered from the shock, then she gasped wide eyed and blushed, “I-I … there are hot springs here?”
Miroku grinned at her reaction, “In fact, there are.”
“Shove it buzo.” InuYasha growled under his own blush, “I don't want to hear anything about this from you.”
Miroku put a shocked expression on his face, “InuYasha! What would I say about a man wanting to be alone with his wife? And with a wife as lovely as Kagome-.”
“Shut up!” InuYasha stood menacingly as Kagome's blush deepened.
“If you can't wait for night to fall, I would certainly understand…” Miroku backed away a few steps, a mischievous grin on his face.
“We could watch Shippo for you,” Sango suggested shyly from across the camp where she was still polishing hiraikotsu, once Miroku joined the conversation it was difficult not to overhear it, “if you wanted to be alone. I think that's what Miroku was trying to say. Right?”
“Of course.” Miroku regained his usual poise, “What else would I be saying?”
Kagome put her hands to her face in embarrassment, “did you all hear us talking?”
“I only heard what Miroku said.” Sango blushed slightly.
“I wasn't paying attention.” Shippo looked up from his coloring book.
“What about you Miroku?” InuYasha narrowed his eyes at the monk, “I know we weren't talking that loud. How did you overhear us?”
“I? I was simply looking for a place to meditate when…” he grinned again and looked about to laugh, “When I saw you help Kagome to clean her face.” Miroku chuckled.
InuYasha snarled and ran after Miroku, “Keep your eyes to yourself buzo!”
“Come now InuYasha,” Miroku yelled back as his ran away, “Do not fault others if you can't keep your tongue off your wife!”
Kagome looked up and watched InuYasha chase Miroku around the perimeter of the camp and into the woods.
InuYasha eventually caught Miroku and the two of them came back to camp just after dark. Sango was sitting near the fire with Shippo dozing on Kagome's empty sleeping bag.
“Where's Kagome?” InuYasha asked when he noticed her absence.
“She went to find the hot spring with Kirara.” Sango answered meaningfully.
“Oh.” InuYasha glared at Miroku one last time before leaving to find Kagome.
“Hoshi-sama.” Sango frowned at him, “You shouldn't tease InuYasha like that, he's sensitive about that side of himself.”
Miroku sat next to Sango “Oh, Sango, you don't know the half of it.”
InuYasha heard Kagome's quiet voice before he saw her leaning against a tall rock next to the hot springs. She was already undressed but hadn't gotten in the water. She was stroking her abdomen lightly with one hand as she mumbled softly.
“… And we'll have to hope that you don't have your fathers temper.”
“Hey,” InuYasha said quietly as he stepped into the open, “What about my temper? Your not that cool headed either.”
Kagome started and looked up at him, “Only for you InuYasha.” She answered sedately, then looked him over suspiciously, “You look ok, did you hurt Miroku?”
“Keh, it's not worth listening to him whine.” InuYasha responded with a show of annoyance.
Kagome nodded and looked thoughtfully at the hot spring, “Good.”
“Hey Kagome,” InuYasha smirked a little, “you're naked.”
Kagome started, again, and looked at herself, then shifted her arms uncertainly in a half attempt to cover herself, “I was just going take a bath, what are you doing here?”
“Looking for you.” InuYasha answered he moved to Kagome's bag and untied his belt.
“What are you doing?” Kagome asked as he undressed.
“What does it look like…taking a bath.” InuYasha looked over to her.
“Oh, ok.” Kagome looked back to the hot spring, “I'll just get in then.”
She walked daintily to the water's edge and put a toe in to test it. Her mind wandered off. Hot may have been an overstatement. The water was defiantly warmer then the chill night air, steam even rose from the surface, but it wasn't as hot as others that she had been in.
“Are you going to get in or not?”
InuYasha's voice brought her out of her mental ramblings. He had finished undressing and was now standing next to her. Blushing she nodded and moved into the spring.
InuYasha tilted his head as he watched her descend carefully into the water, “Why are you nervous?”
Kagome sank to the bottom and turned to look at InuYasha curiously, “I… I don't know. It's just… Rini told us to take it easy, remember?”
InuYasha frowned slightly in thought. “We… can do that other stuff then.”
Kagome knotted her hands in her lap in apprehension, “Oh, o-ok. How?”
InuYasha sighed impatiently as he entered the water.
“I've never done that stuff before and I don't remember all that Rini told me…” Kagome responded hastily.
“No. Just stop… stop not looking at me.” InuYasha sat next to her and leaned back on the rocky edge.
“Oh.” Kagome's eyes widened in amusement, then she grinned shyly, “Habit.” She explained.
“Keh.” InuYasha looked up into the starlit sky, relaxing, until he saw Kagome heading for the edge of the pool, “What are you doing?”
“Bath, remember?” Kagome grinned from the small pile of supplies she had prepared before getting undressed, “Come here.”
InuYasha gave her a suspicious glare, “Why?”
“I want to wash your hair.” Kagome explained sweetly, “Don't give me that look, this stuff doesn't have much of any scent, remember?”
“You're not going to soap yourself all up are you?” InuYasha scooted himself closer to Kagome and let her pour water over his hair, “That stuff tastes awful.” He complained.
“InuYasha!” Kagome blushed, “I'll wash it all off, Ok? You can wait that long.”
InuYasha wrinkled his nose but remained silent.
“Kagome is dealing with this pregnancy better then I would have imagined.” Miroku thought out loud.
“What do you mean houshi-sama?” Sango asked as she prepared her pallet.
“Only, I would have thought that her condition would have effected her ability to continue on the journey more.” Miroku explained as he watched her backside sway as she smoothed out her bedding.
Sango sat up and gave him an incredulous look, “Kagome can't use her powers any more; I'd say that's a pretty big effect.”
“Yes, but… others in her position wouldn't have that trouble.” Miroku looked thoughtfully into the fire.
“… What are you saying, houshi-sama?” Sango eyed him suspiciously.
“Only that it's interesting, Sango.” Miroku looked innocently at Sango, “What else would I mean?”
Sango joined him next to the fire, “In many ways Kagome has been very lucky about how hard her pregnancy has hit her.”
“Mmm,” Miroku agreed, “But there are women that are tougher then Kagome is, physically at least. You for instance. Sango I bet that you could carry a child and still go into battle with no problems.”
She was still looking at Miroku suspiciously so he added quickly, “Speaking theoretically only, of course. I would never impose such a thing on, any woman.”
“Not that, any woman would invite you to.” She said angrily and stalked back to her pallet.
Miroku sighed unhappily. He really should have kept his thoughts to himself.
`Maybe I should go see what InuYasha and Kagome are up to?' he thought wistfully. Of course he knew great pain would be inflicted if he were caught, not to mention it would leave Sango and Shippo alone. Miroku sighed again, it was just as well that he stay put.
Kagome shrieked and laughed as InuYasha licked at her back, “InuYasha! I meant with the rag!”
“Keh!” InuYasha raised his head from her steaming back, a grin on his face, “And get you tasting all soapy? That reminds me…” InuYasha picked her up a little so that he could turn her easily to face him. Her eyes were sparkling with silent laughter and her hands were clenched over her chest defensively. “I gotta make sure you got all that stuff off the rest of you.”
With that he descended to her neck right where it met with her
shoulder and nibbled, wrapping his arms around her back to support her. Kagome relaxed her grip on her own hands and let her arms loupe lazily around his neck.
“Mmm.” InuYasha growled approvingly as he moved Kagome to rest her back against a smooth rock and sat her on his knees lifting her a bit out of the water and exposing her navel. He removed his arms from her back and planted them on either side of her torso, just under her ribs. Slowly he started to move his head down Kagome's body searching her out with his tongue. Once he found her breast, he let his hand leave the rock to trail its claws lightly along her ribs just below her other breast.
Kagome gasped as his claws tickled her deliciously. She loved his claws.
InuYasha chuckled against her and let his fang drag across the sensitive flesh under his mouth.
“Oh, God! I love your fangs!” Kagome gasped out, then blushed hotly, “shoot.” InuYasha didn't need his ego boosted anymore than it already was.
InuYasha grinned and looked up at her. He dragged his claws up the under side of her breast and she shivered and whimpered in response, but kept her lips tightly closed.
InuYasha sighed and continued his exploration with his tongue across and down, to her navel.
Kagome took a deep steadying breath, “Well, did I get it all off?”
InuYasha straightened, letting his exploring hand fall into the water next to him, and frowned at her, “I can't tell.” He said innocently, “I can't get to all of you.”
“Can't get to… oh!” Kagome's eyes widened, “You mean…”
InuYasha shrugged and leaned back over and distracted Kagome with a slow sweet kiss as his under water hand made it up to her knee.
Kagome squeaked and stiffened, but didn't try to stop him when that hand spread her legs enough to travel farther up.
InuYasha may have seemed to know what he was doing, but his mind was racing. He knew what he had seen when he was a boy, but he had claws, and he was sure some things would be too dangerous to try.
Kagome parted her legs some more as his hand traveled higher up her leg, even as she tightened her hold on his shoulders. It was strangely exhilarating, trying something new with InuYasha. She wasn't frightened or nearly as nervous as she had been in the beginning. She trusted InuYasha and-
Kagome gasped, breaking the kiss, as InuYasha's knuckles grazed her lightly and she whimpered.
“Did you like that?” InuYasha ask curiously, his face serious “I barely touched you.”
“Well, I,” Kagome blushed up at him shyly, “sensitive.”
InuYasha nodded, still serious, his eyes fixed on her eyes, “Tell me.”
Kagome nodded, her eyes locked on his.
Again he brushed his knuckles against her and her eyes widened. Certain that he wasn't hurting her, he moved in, carefully seperating her using only the backs of his fingers. He wouldn't let his claws near her.
Kagome gave a small groan and adjusted her legs further as he continued to explore her with his knuckles. Then suddenly she gasped and stiffened as his journey continued.
InuYasha stopped, “You ok?”
Kagome nodded urgently, but InuYasha shook his head and withdrew his hand, “I'm ok, really that felt-“
“I can't tell what I'm doing,” InuYasha complained, he looked at the bank, where their supplies were. “Let's get out of the water.”
Kagome nodded began to move but InuYasha picked her up and carried her to the bank, where he laid her down on his discarded jacket. Backing down her body he looked at her, she was beautiful and, finally, all his.
“Where was I?” he asked huskily before lowering his head, his mouth following the path his hand had made only moments before.
A/N: Yes, that's where I'm ending it. I'm late updating anyway and the rest of the scene escapes me for the moment. And sorry for the late update.
Thanks to everyone that told me that my chapter didn't suck, it's because so much of it was reacting directly to review questions that I felt uncertain about it. That and the subject of oral sex, I was uncertain wither that would offend anyone. I hope it didn't.
Which brings me to BlackDiamon, the story of “fluffy”s birth was a request by a reviewer and has nothing to do with Kagome's situation. So don't worry about that:)
Did I make it up? Yeah, basically. I didn't really get any info from anywhere other then my mind. I do pride myself on making my story universe's make since so I thank you reviewers that commented on this.
Now, for the baby… you'll have to wait.
Desolatorpixie - please read this and respond if you want to, first, thank you for the detailed critique. But spelling and grammar errors make it into actual printed works, I do have a spell check that I run a few times as well as an editor, we do our best.
A miko is a shrine maiden, I think, a sort of priestess, I guess. It is what Kikyo, Keade and Kagome are.
As for my lemons, I fail to see how making them longer would make them more tasteful, or more meaningful. And I really don't understand how it would make them more palatable for those that don't like them. This is also mostly a style choice for this story and specifically.
Fight scenes… this story isn't about the adventure as much as it is about the relationship. The adventure is more of a backdrop. But you are right, especially about the one you mentioned. I wasn't happy with it but I didn't want to hold the chapter up on a relatively unimportant point. If I were being published I would certainly go back and improve on it. Though, once again, weak scenes make it into print all the time. No one can be good all the time.
Sophie - sorry to hide you way down here, thank you for the compliment and Kouga will be in the story, eventually.
I wanted to thank all of you for reviewing, I got a lot of good critiques and praise for specific aspects of the story. That is great food for authors.