InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ Kouga ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.
Chapter 24: Kouga
(4months, 3weeks and 5 days)(Quite a jump this time!)
Sango walked lightly up the path toward the bone eater well, it was a beautiful unhurried day. InuYasha and Kagome had been gone for a few weeks now and were due back today, so Sango was going to spend the afternoon relaxing in the meadow around the well, far from wandering hands.
The harsh sound of a twig snapping alerted her that someone was walking towards her on the path, and a moment later, Kagome stormed into view. She had stopped wearing her school uniform a few months ago when her expanding belly out grew the second, larger, batch that her mother had bought. It was around that time that Kagome's school had her removed from regular classes as well. InuYasha had thought she would never stop crying.
So now she changed between blue, green, purple and teal tunics, with various understated and peaceful patterns of nature, and various matching leggings and skirts. But today she was wearing a pink shirt with much fabric gathered just below her bust with a pink bow. The utility of this was no doubt to give lots of room for the mother to expand, the effect was to make Kagome look months farther along then she was.
“Hi Kagome, Where's InuYasha?” Sango asked carefully when her friend got close.
“Hiding.” She said curtly, “I've had a bad day.” she stopped a moment and thought about it, “No... I've had a bad week really.”
“What did he do?” Sango asked as they continued toward the village.
Kagome signed, “Nothing, really. But… if any other guy, any human talked to me the way he talks to me, or goes after other men like he did poor Hojo, he'd be…. Well, everyone would have a right to worry about me.”
“He beat up Hojo?” Sango looked worriedly behind her and in the trees, where she was sure InuYasha lurked.
“No, he just stared him down, sort of.” Kagome explained, “But it was still very aggressive.”
“… How was class?” Sango tried to change the subject.
Kagome gave her an angry look, “You mean the high school catch up class for “drop outs and unwed mothers”? Peachy. Might as well have a sign on the over the door,” Kagome stopped walking and held up her arms as if framing the sign, “”So You've Ruined Your Life!”.”
“But I thought…”
“The class is fine, it's full of new divorcés and young widows that never finished high school and teen mothers, but that's not the problem. I just figured that having a husband that supported me continuing my education would have left me out of their pity stares.” Kagome slouched as she walked, “But the widows and divorcés are sure I'm following in their footsteps by marrying young, and a young punk. And the other teens are sure InuYasha's going to leave me when the baby's born!”
“… InuYasha supports you continuing…?” Sango faded out, confused.
Kagome smiled wryly, “As long as I'm going to class I'm not out here searching for Naraku.”
“Oh.” Sango said simply.
“But worse then all that is the food pushers.” Kagome sighed.
“… You do look awful thin.” Sango said, “You don't look like you've gained any weight at all.”
“I have! It's just all here!” she indicated the bunched up fluffy fabric in front of her, “InuYasha is the worst though. I won't eat bloody meat where I could be caught by my family so he kept trying to get me to come back here, but only for a few hours so I could eat. Before you say anything defending him, Rini was clear on this, I don't need to eat it as much as I used to. Especially with the vitamins.”
They had arrived at the village now so Kagome stopped her rant, “Sorry to complain at you, Sango. I just get so… Thanks for listening. And InuYasha,” she said a bit louder, “get down here with my pack so I can get changed!”
InuYasha fell from the trees, carrying Kagome's big yellow pack with him, “Keh.” He responded.
The group walked in silence the rest of the way to Keade's hut, except for the occasional villager who would stop them to offer Kagome food.
“Hello Kagome, InuYasha.” Keade greeted them as they got close, “how are you fairing today?”
“Whole village nothing but food pushers.” Kagome muttered as she grabbed the pack away from InuYasha and hurried indoors to change.
InuYasha sighed and slumped against the walls, “I think she'd feel better if she hit the other girls.”
“Violence doesn't solve everything InuYasha.” Shippo chastised as he sat next to the hanyou.
InuYasha gave him a light thump on the head, “but it makes you feel better.” He grinned at the pup.
Shippo stuck his tongue out at him.
“InuYasha, you seem… subdued. Are you well?” Miroku asked, he looked slightly nauseous and pale, and moved somewhat carefully.
InuYasha let his eyes close and dragged his hand over his face, “It's nothing.”
“He has a headache.” Kagome said as she exited the hut and knelt beside him. She lifted her hand and ran it over his forehead to scratch at the base of his ears, “He's been playing on the computer all day.”
Kagome now wore a loose tunic that covered her hips, it was creamy white with a blue flower pattern swirling up from the hem. A darker blue pleated skirt covered the inches between the hem of the tunic and her midthigh. She looked far less pregnant then she did in the pink top, her belly pushing roundly against the material just past her developing breasts, and consequently less emaciated.
“Eh, what?” Miroku asked, completely lost.
“As far as I can tell he played Souta's games.” Kagome grinned as InuYasha leaned into her touch and made a creaky moan, “war games, role playing games stuff like that.”
“I was studying bitch.” InuYasha grumbled, “some of those games are… like… us.” InuYasha gave a jaw cracking yawn and shook his head, dislodging Kagome's hand. He blinked blearily at her, “Stop that.” He scowled.
Kagome smiled at him then turned to her friends, “Any rumors?”
Sango and Miroku glanced at each other, “There is a rumor,” Sango answered hesitantly, “to the north.”
Kagome walked happily at the head of the group with Kirara walking next to her.
InuYasha hung back with Sango, Miroku and Shippo, talking in hushed voices and casting nervous glances at Kagome's back.
“You could have lied.” InuYasha growled at Miroku, “It's not like it's hard for you.”
“I find it difficult and dangerous to try to convince Kagome of an untruth.” Miroku responded in a low voice, “Besides, Sango's the one that told her.”
“I can't lie to Kagome.” Sango defended, “She made me promise to be truthful to her during this, no matter what.”
“… What's that supposed to mean?” InuYasha turned accusing eyes on her, “She doesn't trust me?”
Sango looked at Kagome's back worriedly, “She… knows you want what's best for her. She trusts you to protect her.”
“But not to tell the truth?” InuYasha scowled.
“You just suggested we lie to her!” the men winced as Sango's voice rose angrily.
“But… wasn't there any where else we can go?” InuYasha frowned.
“Are you nervous about entering Kouga's territory, InuYasha?” Miroku inquired softly, his face an even calm.
“Keh!” InuYasha crossed his arms and turned away from the humans, then jogged up to walk next to Kagome.
“InuYasha!” Kagome smiled brightly and took his elbow, coxing him out of his angry pose, “Isn't it beautiful today!”
“Keh.” InuYasha said, halfheartedly, and let Kagome hug his arm. He called back to the others, “Hey buzo, how far is this town anyway?”
“I'm not gonna break InuYasha.” Kagome frowned at him, “I can camp if I need to.” Then she smiled and leaned into him a bit, “And I have you to keep me warm.”
Shippo made gagging noises on Miroku's shoulder then whispered, “I hope we don't find a village tonight, I want to get some sleep before we face the youkai.”
“Shippo…” Sango hissed as she blushed.
“It hardly matters whither we find an inn or not,” Miroku sighed, “if they continue like this it is sure to be late night.”
“Miroku!” Sango squeaked indignantly.
“You don't know half of it, you wouldn't even know if you weren't keeping watch while InuYasha was “busy”.” Shippo huffed, “Their always louder inside, and they take longer, and-“
“Gah!” Sango exited the conversation by quickening her pace to join InuYasha and Kagome.
“Sango prefers to ignore it.” Miroku said to Shippo.
“Sango manages to sleep through it.” Shippo stated peevishly.
They did not, as it turns out, run across a village by the time InuYasha called for them to stop. It was still fairly early in the afternoon but InuYasha wanted to hunt for Kagome's serving of red meat, leaving the humans, and Shippo, to make camp. Kagome leaned back on her bulging backpack and rubbed her belly thoughtfully.
Sango knelt next to her with a smile on her face, “Kagome, you didn't tell me how the appointment went.”
Kagome beamed at Sango, “That's right! I didn't show you the pictures!” Kagome turned around to search her back pack… it took longer than it used to, “It's only going to get worse.” She mumbled to herself as she dug through the pack, finally she found her baby folder. She returned to her seated position much easier then she had gotten out of it.
“Do you remember how the doctor reacted when I got my first ultrasound?” Kagome grinned.
Sango nodded; apparently the doctor had seen something that had worried her but had said that it was too early to worry about it.
“Well, look at this.” Kagome handed Sango a paper from the folder. It was a strange white on blue image like Kagome had shown her before, only this time Sango could recognize the delicate outline of a baby's profile.
“See,” Kagome ran her finger down the face, “that's the forehead, and that's the nose and the cute little lips and chin.”
Sango gave a whine of appreciation and Miroku sat down next to her.
“And that's the little hand. Five fingers!” Sango cooed.
“It's truly amazing.” Miroku commented dryly and grinned when Sango him a lighthearted glare.
“Yes, but… the doctor was worried about this.” Kagome took a breath and pointed to a V shaped white mark deep inside the brightly lit profile that started even with the bridge of the nose and ended higher on the head.
“That's…” Sango's voice dropped as she realized what she was looking at.
Kagome nodded and bit her lip nervously, “That's its ear. They're still traveling up and they've always been shaped, like that.” Kagome took another steadying breath, “The doctor was worried and when she explained things to me I told her that it was a family trait, from the father.” She glanced nervously at her friends, tears were gathered in her eyes but didn't fall, “D-don't tell InuYasha. I was… happy when I showed him but… I'm so worried, I love this baby so much…. Don't tell him I'm worried.”
Sango and Miroku exchanged a look then turned back to Kagome, handing her the picture, “We won't Kagome.” Sango assured her.
“Your baby is beautiful.” Miroku added.
Kagome laughed and wiped the tears from her eyes, “Isn't it? It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.” She lovingly returned the paper to its folder and put it back in the pack.
“Keh.” InuYasha's gruff voice came from the other side of the clearing, in the woods, “It's a blue smudge. I'm waiting for the real thing.” He stepped into the clearing, grinning and holding the prepared meat.
Kagome sighed as she settled on the ground once more, this time in a position that allowed her to lean forward so that she could deal with her prescribed meat without getting any blood on her clothes. Her friends had prepared her portion of raw meat while she was studying, upwind. Her repulstion to the smell of cooking meat had lessened over the last month, but no one wanted to risk her getting ill right before they ate. Besides, this way she got to study while the sun was up.
She actually enjoyed the meat when she had first had to eat it, but lately she would only get occational cravings for it. Luckily she had one of those cravings now and tore into the bloody food with as much vigor as InuYasha did ramen.
Sango and Miroku both busied themselves doing something that would allow them to not watch Kagome while she ate, it was too… strange. Sweet little Kagome leaning over a dish of bloody meat, biting and ripping into it voraciously. InuYasha leaned against a tree, keeping an active lookout, and Shippo sat at her knee, making sure she ate all her food.
Kagome had finished her meal and was reaching for a moist towelette when she felt two shards coming their way fast.
InuYasha growled and moved to intercept the wolf he smelled coming, but Kouga moved too fast, as usual, and dodged past him to stop near Kagome.
“Hey Kagome!” Kouga smiled broadly at her, “It's been a while….” He paused when he saw her blood covered mouth, “You got some blood on your mouth, let me help-“
“Stay away from her! InuYasha growled and jumped between them, hunched and ready for a fight.
Kagome quickly wiped her mouth and fingers clean and discarded the towelette, “Hello Kouga.”
“Hey bog breath I was talking to my woman, step aside.”
InuYasha smirked and straighten, crossing his arms, “Your woman huh? Better take another sniff, or is that nose all for show?”
Kouga's eyes narrowed suspiciously and he walked cautiously around the strangely calm hanyou. His eyes left InuYasha to look at Kagome who was now standing with her hands clasped nervously and her arms framing her belly. Kouga's eyes widened in shock before narrowing dangerously, and he inhaled deeply before turning on InuYasha.
“You!” he snarled.
A/N: Thank you for waiting for me and the gentle prodding I've gotten to update recently. Sorry for the short chapter.
A little info about the “pup” but you have to wait for more.
Jason C, I would like to see this puntic square you did (I did a search on the web and couldn't find that phrase, but I'm bad at that). I'm guessing, that's a genetic … map… thing. Anyway I really am interested in the way you did this. I've looked into the genetics before and it seems to me that even saying that youkai genes would be completely dominant, and human completely recessive, InuYasha (as a hanyou) would be half dominant and half recessive. While Kagome would be (as a human) completely recessive resulting in a 50/50 chance of human or hanyou traits. I would like to see how you got your results and hear a little more about what your saying because a lot of what we have done depends on how we define the unknowns.
All the other questions you asked will be answered in the story.
That was fun but now I'm tired. Please review and stuff. Later.
Oh, and the date since actual conception is found under the title.