InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ The Mountain Beast ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

Chapter 1: The Mountain Beast

The beast crashed down on the stone bridge effectively separating the team. `Now, to drive them deeper and deal with the annoyances one at a time.'

The monster deep within the mountain had taken some offence to the "mortals" poking around in its territory. They had their precious sun, wasn't that enough? But then they had the gall to fight back! And so well, too! But separate the warriors and they should fail. It had worked before.

The InuYasha group hadn't meant to go spelunking at all. They had the earth knocked out from under there feet in an earlier battle and had been forced deeper into the mountain. And then this thing attacked them. As large as it was, it was surprising how it wound it's way through corridors to get in front of them, behind them and blind side them. If it wasn't for InuYasha's nose and hearing, which were confused enough in the cavernous surroundings, they would have been killed long ago.

Blindly they ran through the tunnels defending themselves, looking desperately for the advantage, or an unguarded way out. Then they reached the bridge. Below it, hot magma. InuYasha lead the way across the narrow rock, then Kagome, Sango, Shippo and Kirara, and Miroku. Once they had reached the thinnest part of the bridge the thing jumped on them. It was dive or be squashed.

InuYasha and Kagome dived forward, that having the least monster to avoid. The rest jumped back, the same being true for them. Both groups backed up several paces and prepared to face the monster. Now at least the flowing magma gave off a little light.

The creature turned first to InuYasha and Kagome, that group being smaller and having the most dangerous warriors as far as it was concerned. It threw a rock at them. They dodged the rock but Kagome fell of the edge of the bridge.

Sango hit the thing with her boomerang and caught its attention, it grabbed for her. She dodged and recovered.

InuYasha found Kagome barely hanging to the edge and pulled her to "safety". He already knew that normal physical attacks were useless and bigger attacks would take his friends out, and likely the cave, as well as the monster. But the effectiveness of physical attacks on normal rocks was another matter. "Sango!" he called, "At his feet!"

Seeing what he was getting at, Sango aimed her attacks for the narrow part of the bridge just under the creatures feet. As did InuYasha, though he had to get a little closer than she did. The stone could not take all the abuse, having already cracked when the large creature landed hard on it. It crumbled under the feet it's feet.

The monster plummeted to its death in the magma below, screaming, it's own plan turned against it.

"Miroku! Sango!" Kagome called, "Are you ok?"

"Yes." Sango coughed. The fumes from the boiling rock below were getting stronger, or was that cooked monster?

"Get back," InuYasha coughed, "I can't jump over this. I'll pass out."

Even Kirara, the fire cat, was retreating.

"We'll meet back at Keade's!" Miroku said.

"If we don't find you first." InuYasha added pulling Kagome deeper into the mountain.

The two groups were on there own.


A/N: Of course there is more to come, and soon too. But I want to get this part up and see if I can't get an honest critic of the battle scene. Sadly it's one of my best, and I'd really appreciate a real response to it in particular right now. I want to improve. Feel free to comment on anything you would like to see change, my style usually isn't this… flippant, and I could change it if its undesirable. In short this chapter is a great experiment. The story isn't though. What I have so far, and after this, is good. Still flippant and I'm not sure if that fits with the plot or not so please review and tell me. Rewriting is easy, writing in the dark is hard.