InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ The Wonders of Adrenaline ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

Chapter two: The Wonders of Adrenaline

Kagome knew why her heart was beating so hard, adrenaline, brought on by danger and physical exertion, coupled with lack of sleep. She had been on this high for a while now. First it was the wolf youkia, then the snake youkia, they had appeared within hours of each other. Then it was Sesshoumaru, just an hour after that, he was the one that got them lost in this underground maze. Was it any wonder that her body wasn't willing to back off just yet? Every time she started to relax her something attacked her.

Getting lost in the pitch darkness didn't help either. Strange cave noises kept her on wide alert during the hours before the attack. Then being stalked in the pitch darkness was no help, the incident at the bridge, being separated from the comfort of numbers. And now she was once again being pulled through the blackness by what she could only guess was InuYasha. They hadn't held hands very often, but he hadn't let go sense they left the slightly lit portion of the cave.

If it wasn't for the fumes she would have liked to stay there. Seeing was good, the monster was gone, she might have been able to calm down and sleep.

Not that she was tired. Her body wouldn't allow that. That would leave her vulnerable, in the dark, with the noises.

To tell the truth, InuYasha was in the same boat as Kagome. Even he needed some rest sometimes. Even if he was used to constant awareness, his adrenal gland had been pumping the wonderful stuff through his system same as Kagome's. But his never slowed down, it took him longer to calm down than most, unless Kagome was near. But he couldn't exactly bury his face in her hair any time he wanted could he?

He could hear more of the cave noises than Kagome, clearer though, water dripping, rocks shifting, bats calling. That was the one he was following now, were there were bats there was an exit. Hopefully a large one. He was heading towards them as fast as he could because of the second noise he identified, he wasn't sure, but it looked like the monster had given the mountain indigestion. The rocks were shifting faster now, and larger ones too.

Suddenly the cave-in happened. Starting deep inside near the magma chamber and rolling up toward InuYasha and Kagome. InuYasha heard it coming and started to run pulling Kagome by her hand.

There goes that adrenal gland again.

Kagome did her best just to keep her feet beneath her. InuYasha did his best to keep a track on the bat sounds, it slowed him down, and if they weren't panicking too then he would have lost them.

The cave-in was pounding its way toward them. The bat cave was just up ahead, ….behind a stone sheet. It had acted like a drum transferring the bat sounds to the rest of the cave. InuYasha didn't have time to ponder this. InuYasha didn't even have time to draw his sword and take the cursed thing out.

A boulder crashed to InuYasha left, and he ran into a passage on the right pulling Kagome along with him, the ceiling at their heals. He saw light just up ahead and dove for it, giving Kagome's arm a slight tug to bring her around with him.

They landed, InuYasha on top of Kagome, inside a sturdy round room. The last of the passage destroyed behind them, the amazingly small amount of dust settling as they panted.

The couple lay there for a moment panting. Just happy to have lived through yet another life threatening experience.

Any minute now they were sure to realize their relative position and jump away. Any minute now the adrenaline would ebb. But, then I guess that it wouldn't, after all what reason did their bodies have to think something else wasn't going to jump out at them.

The cave that they were in now had a small pool of somewhat milky water in the middle with some kind of iridescent green moss growing from it, and iridescent blue lichen every where else. This was the light InuYasha had seen.

Once in a great while there was a loud drip as more mineral rich water fell into the pool.

Not that our heroes noticed any of this right now. They were just beginning to catch their breaths. Happiness at being alive, that they were both alive, being the only thoughts in there drugged-out, sleep deprived minds. Is it any wonder then, that they didn't jump away from each other right away.

InuYasha lifted his head from the floor. His body was currently covering Kagome's. his weight resting on his elbows. He wouldn't think of that. She was alive! So was he! She was beautiful.

He put one hand on her cheek and kissed her. A strong innocent "happy we're alive" kiss.

Kagome's mind was working like InuYasha's. InuYasha was alive! So was she! When he kissed her, she returned it in kind. But all that adrenaline; all that danger; all that lack of sleep. This lead of course leads to action, high emotions, and illogical thought. Or no thought at all. Which is the case here, I'm afraid.

The innocent kiss didn't stop were is should have. It kept going, evolving into a less innocent, "lets prove we're alive" kiss.

Neither participant listened to the warning bells deep in their minds. They in fact told them to go to hell, this was nice and they really didn't want rational thought to ruin that.

So, while neither really thought about the fact that they were kissing, touching, losing articles of clothing, it did happen.

In truth they barely noticed when InuYasha slipped into Kagome. Well, they noticed, but there seemed to be a rather long delay in getting that message to the thinking part of the brain.

The whole thing was an experience in its truest form. No thought, no judgement, no fear. Just the here and now and each other.

Finally exhausted, they collapsed. InuYasha barely propped up on his elbows preventing his full wait from laying on Kagome. Soon he rolled over, pulling her with him so she rested on top of him. His hand found his haori by chance and absently pulled it over them. You see adrenaline had finally given up, or ran dry. The high emotions were all spent. And they were finally granted the sleep which they so badly needed.

I don't envy them the morning.