InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ The Morning After ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

Chapter 3: The Morning After

Kagome slowly came to consciousness. She was laying on something warm and bumpy. Actually it was more like she was draped over it. All she was aware of other than that, was how comfortable she was. And how sore. The last couple of days had definitely taken there toll on her body. And last night…

Kagome's eyes popped open. The dim blue glow revealed InuYasha neck, chest and some of his silver hair to her view. Last night… had really happened. `Oh… My… God!' Kagome was actually calling on a higher power to help her out, to miraculously make last night have just been a wonderful dream. This, of course, didn't happened. She had made her bed and would now have to lie in it, even if it was currently InuYasha.

She decided that wouldn't last long. This was the last position she wanted to be caught in. As soon as she got over the shock there would be questions. To deal with them, and InuYasha, she would have to come from a place of power, or at least security, and to do that she would need her clothes.

Kagome again prayed, this time that she remove herself from InuYasha and get dressed without waking him. Once again her answer was no. After all, would you think that InuYasha, a warrior who never knew a friend, could possibly sleep through the readjustment of the weight on him as he slept? Of course not. Kagome had jumped slightly when she woke. She had squeaked slightly when she realized where exactly she was. How could he still sleep?

InuYasha's path to consciousness was slower. The first thing that he was aware of, after Kagome woke, was smell. That wonderful nose of his letting him know that it was just him and Kagome in this small space, no one to worry about. As well as… other smells, equally un-alarming to his current instinctive state, but beginning the note of warning deep in his waking mind.

Next came consciousness of sound, but there wasn't much there. Cave noises, the sound of Kagome stirring. It wasn't until she started to rise that he reacted. The moment Kagome pushed herself up his eyes snapped open and he grabbed her by the shoulders. `Ok, that's Kagome.' He thought as his mind began to calm again. It didn't make it all the way though as the earlier messages from his nose hit him again. `Last night… shit!'

Poor, poor InuYasha. He was probably worse off than Kagome right then. She had had some time to come to terms with this. He had just now had the memories of what they did crash down on him, and there was no way he could put off the confrontation he was sure they would have. Even if he didn't know exactly what it would be. In truth he became terrified. He had no idea how to begin dealing with this sort of situation. Thoughts refused to slow down enough for him to grab a hold of in their rush to reach a consensus. He couldn't even tell why he was terrified, exactly. Only that he really didn't want to let go of Kagome. He felt that then she would begin to talk. And then he would understand why he was scared.

"Inu…Yasha?" Kagome whispered.

Another good plan scrapped.

Kagome looked down into his emotionless eyes. She could see he was closed off right now. But she wanted to get dressed damn it! He didn't loosen he hold, he merely blinked a few times, his gazed returning to the present.

"Kagome." He said, unsure of what else to say.

"I… I'd like to get up now." She said quietly.

InuYasha started, as if only now realizing he still held her shoulders. Slowly he released her and let down his hands. "Sorry…" he mumbled.

Kagome just nodded, blushed and crawled off him. She crouched at his waist looking away toward the little pool in the center. `Clothes, I need my clothes.' She thought desperately. In the dim light given off by the various glowing cave life, small lumps of darkness could be seen here and there. Those were either the discarded clothes or something really gross. She decided to investigate on her own.

InuYasha meanwhile was starring at the softly glowing curve of the ceiling. Currently reliving the events of the night with a confusing mix of horror and elation. InuYasha, after all, had been the one to start the whole thing, he was the one to give the first kiss, he had changed it, he had started to undress Kagome. The fact that she not only went along with it but assisted in everything of course slipped his mind. He was the man. He should know better. He should be in total control all the time. Eventually he decided he should get dressed. After all, there were things that had to be said. Damned if he knew what they were, but he knew he wanted to be fully clothed to say them.

Kagome had found her shirt. And a very smooth stone and something slimy. That's when she decided the rest of her clothes were elsewhere, probably closer to InuYasha. She rubbed her fingers tips with her thumb, at least it had been a dry slime. She turned back to InuYasha, his bright blue hair, and shining green eyes making him stand out sharply. He had managed to find his pants and was fingering a small piece of blue cloth.

His mind was consumed with one thought and all it's possible implications. He had ripped them. Not badly, they were still useable. But, he didn't remember ripping them. It must have happened when he pulled them off with the skirt. His claw must have caught the fabric. But the article in his hands was not his real worry. Kagome was. He didn't notice when he ripped them. Could he have hurt Kagome without realizing it? The point was sort of moot, the logical part of his brain told him, Kagome was uninjured. But the thought still plagued him.

"InuYasha?" Kagome was just an arms length away. "Are those my panties?"

InuYasha looked at the article confused, `those? There is only one.' However he knew what she meant so he held them out to her. "Sorry, Kagome. I… ripped them."

"Oh." She looked them over, "Is that what you were doing? That's Ok InuYasha there not ruined." `thank goodness' she thought. With the length of her skirt, there was no way she could face civilization, or Miroku, without them.

Then he was holding something else out to her. She held it up but could only really make out the outline where the blue lichen couldn't be seen any more. It was her skirt. Thankfully undamaged. With a quick look to InuYasha, he had turned away to continue dressing, she dressed her lower half. That was so much better, but something was missing.

"InuYasha, have you seen my… my bra?" she asked quietly.

"…Yeah," sheepishly he turned and handed her the odd jumble of ribbon and cloth, "sorry about that too."

"That's Ok…." She said absently. Her bra hadn't faired as well as the underpants, cut down the middle and both straps. It was totaled. Now what? She could just barely stomach Miroku while not wearing a bra, but what was she supposed to do about the evidence? She could imagine the headlines `500 year old bra found in cave' `use of plastic and elastic discovered in the warring states period.' She giggled, Grandpa would freak. Then she choked on her laughter. No, she wouldn't let her grandpa know about this, maybe, maybe, her mom but definitely not Grandpa.

InuYasha, having finished dressing, had turned to see what was wrong with Kagome. Why was she laughing? Humans were so weird.

"K-Kagome…I'll get us out." he said, that wasn't what he was going to say, but he decided he didn't want to know why she was laughing.

"Wait! InuYasha." She held the unoccupied hand out to stop him. "I think we should talk."

InuYasha tried to swallow the knot in his throat. "I-I … uh." Real smooth InuYasha. He kneeled with his knees almost touching hers. "What?"

"…About last night." She said quietly.




"Fine! I want to know …" she faltered. And it had taken so much courage just to get that much out.

InuYasha flinched at her exclamation. He thought he was doing pretty good not running off to figure everything out on his own first. Of course there was no where for him to run to. But that line of thinking just leads to claustrophobia. He had better say something before he snapped and …well snapped.

"Kagome, I'm sorry, I…" way to go, that's one half less words than she got out.

"Don't be I, I was there too." `Whatever that's supposed to mean.' She thought bitterly. InuYasha probably wouldn't understand that anyway.

"What?" he blinked, "No, I'm the man I should… Damn it, Kagome, don't think…, I'm not a…" why was that so hard to say? `I'm not an animal.' That's it. Was he so scared that Kagome would disagree? Hell yes! He couldn't stand it if she thought of him as an animal wearing a bad human skin. Like so many others had implied.

"Not a what?" Kagome asked innocently.

"I-I'm not… that much a slave to my instincts," he began slowly, "I'm not… please, please," he was very close to embarrassing himself here. "just don't think I'm an animal…." He was finding it equally difficult to look at her as to look away.

"… Oh," Kagome eyes went wide with understanding. When she looked at her hands in her lap, InuYasha heart sank. "I don't. I won't think of you as an animal if you don't think of me as loose." She knotted her hands in her lap.


Kagome looked up, ready to battle for her position. "I don't do that InuYasha!" she waved one hand at where their "bed" had been. "I've never-"

"I know!" InuYasha fought the relieved laughter building inside him, "I rem- I know that Kagome. I know that was… your first time."

"It was my first kiss too." She said quietly. Renewing the starring contest with her fists.

InuYasha lost the battle with his laughter. He didn't know why, didn't that make the whole thing that much worse? Maybe it was the irony involved.

Kagome glared at him "Stop laughing at me!"

"It's not you" he shook his head as the laughter quieted, "I'm just, I'm not sure. But it's not you. If, if it makes you feel better, It was my first time too."

"Really?" she said doubtfully. Somehow she never thought about guys having a "first time".

"Really Kagome, I'm a-" he cut himself off, he didn't want to remind her of what he was right now. "There wasn't much of an opportunity. I never socialized much, before you came."

"Oh." Kagome was perfectly aware of what he wasn't saying, also she didn't want to ask about Kikyo. That would dredge up too many things right now, but because of that she wanted one more question answered before she could go off to a neutral corner and think out the rest. "Do you hate me?"

InuYasha was astonished, "Shouldn't I be asking that question?"

"I… I took yours too then, wouldn't you rather…" she didn't know how to finish that without bringing up Kikyo.

"No, Kagome. I don't hate you. I did this. Do you hate me?" in his eyes she had every right to.

Kagome's eyes softened. "I could never hate you, InuYasha."

Some how that was less comforting than a plain no would have been, but at least she didn't hate him.

Kagome stood up, "Lets get out of here. InuYasha?"

"Yeah?" His name had been more loaded than before.

"Can I go home? It's been an intense couple of days." `and I need to think.' She bit her lip waiting for his argument.

"… Sure."