InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ The Real Facts of Life ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

Chapter 5: The Real `Facts of Life'

They hadn't gotten very far when they were compelled to stop for the night. It turns out that fate had not been as "kind" to Miroku and Sango's group as it had been for InuYasha and Kagome. They had followed Kiraras' nose all night and emerged from the underground maze miles from the scene of the battle. It was a quick decision for them to return to their last camp in search of their friends and Kagome's supplies. Needless to say, they were dead on their feet.

Or at least Miroku and Sango were, for Shippo had ridden the entire way on Miroku and, once Kirara had gotten them out of the cave, she had rested on Sango.

So while Miroku and Sango slept, and InuYasha lounged in a tree in an unknown location, Shippo was sniffing around for information. Information that would come in the form of a flea youkia that was hopefully not with his master right now and close enough to hear him.

"Hey! Mouyga, Come here!" he called when he caught the sent. "I gotta ask you something."

"Shippo," Mouyga hopped up to the little fox, "I was on my way to Lord-"

"Leave him alone." Shippo snapped, "I think he's got some thinking to do, and I need some answers."

"I'm not sure-"

"It's about inu youkia." Shippo interrupted again. He didn't want to be caught talking about this by any one, so the shorter the conversation the better.

Mouyga sighed and sat down in front of Shippo, "How can I help you Shippo?"

"How do Inu youkia mark their mates?"

Mouyga was slightly taken aback by this question, what ever he thought Shippo was going to ask, this wasn't it. "Well, …Shippo… you see…." Mouyga floundered.

"I'm not asking you to tell me where kits come from! Just how inu youkia mark their mate!" Shippo shouted a little too loudly, the slumbering humans stirred a little and Shippo was forced to wait for them to return to sleep. "So?" He turned back to Mouyga after he thought enough time had passed.

"Well Shippo, that is a complicated question." Mouyga began, "Do you know how Kitsune mark their mates?"

Shippo thought about this, "There is a scent mark, there are several levels of scent marks though. And sometimes bites."

Mouyga nodded sagely, "It is much the same for inu youkia, though the language of bites might be different."

"Then start with the sent mark. What are the levels?" Shippo prodded when Mouyga seemed to think the discussion closed. Heh, not with Kagome involved it isn't.

"Well, there is the, uh, `close friend'-"

"You mean potential mate?" Shippo asked.

"Well, more like potential… lover." Mouyga clarified, "A mark given casually through repeated close physical contact-"

"Like when Kagome rides on InuYasha back?"

"Yes, exactly," Mouyga continued, "This mark signifies that the person marked is under the protection of the marker. You have a similar mark on Kagome, though with different connotations. Indeed, this mark does not necessarily mean the inu youkia has any romantic inclinations towards the one marked, only that they are specifically protected. However the way an inu youkia acts when a potential or current lover or, especially a potential or current mate, is threatened no youkia would dare leave room for interpretation."

"So inu youkia don't mate for life?" Shippo was a little confused, he thought that they did.

"Once they choose a life mate they are bound to them until one of them dies," Mouyga explained. "then there is a rather long period of mourning. After that they may find another mate or… just look around. Until they find a life mate they may have several (ahem) lovers"

"I'm not that young Mouyga. I don't have to ask what a lover is." Shippo crossed his arms defiantly at Mouyga reluctance to the word, "I am a kitsune. So how do they mark a `life mate'?"

"Uh,… well,… after, um" Mouyga looked away from the kitsune cub, embarrassed. Shippo was still quite young in Mouyga opinion.

"Gee, could you mean SEX!" Shippo gave Mouyga a sharp look.

Then again Mouyga had never served a kitsune family, so what did he know. "Yes, Shippo, after that a strong staining sent is exuded from the skin of the male. Over the period of several hours the sent in his sweat will change subtly and importantly. The amount of time the female spends in direct contact with the male after… sex, determines her importance to him." Mouyga chided himself on his shyness with the kit, after all Shippo himself had used the word, but…. In inu youkia circles it was a dirty word. Something you did with a one night stand or lover. With your life mate, you mated. But Shippo was a kitsune, and kitsune were different.

"So, what about biting?" Shippo asked.

Mouyga really didn't' want to get into this with Shippo. Kitsunes bit a pattern into their life mates, when they actually bonded for life. Each mate making a strong physical display on the other to warn away competition. It was different for inu youkia, "There is a language of bites, much like for kitsunes', some are like kisses, some to reprimand, some to comfort." Shippo nodded, he had been the recipient of some of those when his parents were alive. "But inu youkia don't mark their mates with a bite. Any bites that break the skin would be because of an… unwilling partner."

"Oh…" Shippo wasn't completely sure what that meant exactly, but he had a small idea. Well Kagome wasn't injured, so that's something. "But how would I tell if someone is someone else's mate or not?" Shippo wasn't sure. That's what brought this whole subject up in the first place, he was pretty sure what happened, just not what it meant.

"You don't need to Shippo." Mouyga answered, "You're still to young to be a threat so you don't need to know how deeply connected someone is, just that they are."

`Damn' Shippo thought. Know he would just have to come out and ask. This could be painful. "I think you should go to InuYasha now." Shippo said.

Mouyga hopped off in search of InuYasha, Shippo wandered into the woods to gather sticks for the fire that would certainly be wanted later.

And Miroku faded back to sleep.


At that time InuYasha was just far enough away so that Shippo wouldn't interrupt his thoughts. Lounging comfortably in a tree he was having difficulty getting passed his earlier loop: What were the consequences for her? What were the consequences for him? For them? How the fuck was he going to find out? And how could he keep Shippo from giving him those looks?

Even the last one wouldn't leave him alone. And Kagome's reaction, she hadn't acted shamed, or happy, or anything. A little embarrassed maybe but…. That wasn't how human girls were supposed to react. Just what was it like in the future?

Human, Kagome was a human…. InuYasha's sex education had happened in the forest, as a boy he had stayed close to civilization for the easy food and friendly voices, even if they weren't talking to him. Humans would have a hard time killing him if they found out he was there, youkia wouldn't. But humans did things in the woods. Travelers had "entertainment" on the road sometimes, and lovers had trysts. He tried not to think about what bandits did. All in all, he had quite an extensive academic knowledge of the subject of humans and intercourse.

But it seems that Kagome knew something too, she hadn't been at all scared or uncertain at the time, but he doubted that she had ever witnessed anything like he had.

Why had he stuck on the fact that she was human? Oh yeah, they viewed things differently. Not only was Kagome a human, but she was a young human from a time without youkia. If any humans actually knew about youkia mating.

Mouyga had given him "the talk" once while Kagome was away, marking a mate properly was important, and largely instinctual. He certainly hadn't been thinking about that, or anything, that night, but he did it. The next morning he knew he had, not that he doubted he would if he mated with Kagome. It just surprised him how strong the compulsion was. When she had moved, he wanted to stop her, to keep her on him. That was stupid, the marking had been done long ago, but he wanted to be sure.

But Kagome was human, she wouldn't know.

She hadn't acted like the girls in the woods, ashamed, or happy and possessive. It was almost casual for her. Any nervousness could have been because she had been a virgin. And she thought he would hate her, or think her "loose". This was confusing and no one could tell him what Kagome might be thinking. Or what might change in her life now.

Is she even still a miko? No women ever remained a miko after marriage that he knew of. Kikyo had even said that she would stop being a miko and be a normal woman.

What would happen now?

What if she got pregnant?

The thought struck him hard, like an icicle down in his spine. She couldn't, not right now, not with the quests still on. Franticly he thought back in time. Her fertile time was over, not long ago but over. However, her blood had not yet come, did that mean anything?

What if it didn't mean anything to her? What happened to inu youkia in a one sided mating? How would they act around each other now? He had started to get used to touching her from time to time, now he could never touch her again without remembering how she had felt.

InuYasha finally decided to forget about it. Kagome would recover, she was already better off then some of the girls he had seen in the woods. Being mated, really mated, with Kagome right now would be too… complicated. Until he learned different, he had to stay sharp, stay strong, and stay away from Kagome. Until the quests we're over.

"Lord InuYasha?" Mouyga hopped on to his nose.

"What do you want?"

"I have just arrived from an interesting conversation with Shippo." Mouyga said solemnly, "Am I right in assuming you mated Kagome?"

"Sort of." InuYasha mumbled unhappily.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean things were never explained to her." InuYasha sat up and glowered cross-eyed at the flea.

"Then you should rectify that." Mouyga said, genuinely shocked.

"No." What was he supposed to say `hey Kagome, you remember that night in the cave? Well now we're mates for life!' ugh. "I'm leaving it alone until the quest is over."

"But, Lord InuYasha, are you sure that is wise?" Mouyga was again shocked. "If you indeed marked her as your mate then as the scent mark fades you will be …compelled to replace it. It could be very bad for you."

"Feh. I can handle myself, it's the way it has to be Mouyga."


Kagome was home. She sighed as she stepped into the hot bath, she was bruised, exhausted, and very sore. Mostly sore. She had avoided thinking about anything other than that up until now.

But as the hot water loosened up her sore muscles and the built up toxins began to move, she couldn't help but think about what had happened.

"Wow." She said out loud. Actually looking back on the event she was a little overwhelmed. It had been … just wow.

However the memories of that night gave way to the fears of the morning. What if InuYasha was thinking of Kikyo? Kagome herself had only had enough presents of mind to know that it was InuYasha on some basic instinctual level. That it was him and no one else. But she was so similar to Kikyo to him… maybe he couldn't tell the difference. Maybe in his mind it was Kikyo in the cave.

That thought was even worse than the thought that it was just what it was and nothing more. That he was just… being a man, and she was convenient.

Hmm, lets play what hurts more, being a replacement or a warm body.

Kagome sank in the tub and blew bubbles. She needed someone to talk to. Some one who wouldn't think she was talking about InuYasha. Someone who wouldn't be appalled and sorry for her, or let it get around.


InuYasha watched the sun set from his branch, he had made up his mind and now all that was left was the looks Shippo had been giving him.

"InuYasha," Miroku's calm voice came from the ground, "come down here for a moment, please."

InuYasha looked down at the monk, `Now what?' "What do you want Miroku?"

"I wish to speak to you, InuYasha," Miroku answered, "Please come down."

InuYasha rolled off the branch an landed neatly on the ground next to Miroku.

BANG! Miroku's staff came down on InuYasha's head hard.

"What the-" BANG! InuYasha was silenced by a second blow to his head.

Miroku knelt down next to InuYasha, "What did you do InuYasha?"

"What?" InuYasha held one hand to his head and looked at Miroku in confusion.

"What did you do to Kagome?" Miroku asked again, beginning to sound a little angry. "I over heard a very interesting conversation between Shippo and Mouyga, InuYasha. So what did you do to Kagome?"

"That's none of your fucking business, buzo." InuYasha growled.

"I am Kagome's friend, and that makes it my business." Miroku stated, "Kagome is important to the completion of our quests and that makes it my business. So what did you to with Kagome?"

InuYasha snarled at Miroku. He wanted to rip out his throat, he wanted to yell that it was a youkia matter and he should stay out of it. But Kagome was human, as he had recently reminded himself, and Miroku wouldn't forget that. InuYasha couldn't say anything, he just knelt there, an ever more fierce look backing an ever more fierce snarl.

Miroku stood, baiting InuYasha was always a little dangerous, right now it seemed down right deadly. "The least you can do if find out what will happen to Kagome now. We have no idea what she faces in her home. Some families have been known throw their daughters out for less."

InuYasha continued to snarl until Miroku was gone. He never went back to camp himself, Sango and Miroku could take care of themselves, Miroku had planted a thorn in his side and he had to get it out.


It was late the next morning when InuYasha crept into Kagome's room. She wasn't there of course, she was at school. She always went to school when she came home.

InuYasha wasn't sure how he was going to find out what he wanted to know. He was sure that he couldn't ask Kagome. In fact he couldn't think of anyone that he could ask. But Miroku was right, besides the question of whither or not Kagome was still a miko, there was the question of how her time would see her now. Not that he suspected Kagome to run to her mom with the news, but if she was pregnant….

InuYasha left Kagome's room stealthily, sniffing around. Kagome's Mother noticed him on the stairs, scaring the crap out of him. His mind had gone elsewhere.

"InuYasha! Kagome won't be home for a few hours now, I'm previewing a movie for Souta, would you like to join me?"

InuYasha nodded and followed her into the TV room. He didn't know what a movie was, but maybe it would give him time to think.

The movie in question was mostly fighting, some stuff that InuYasha was sure was impossible for humans. He asked Kagome's mom about it and she said some of the actions, like flying, weren't really done by humans.

Latter during the move there was a gratuitous love scene between two characters, this both embarrassed and gladdened InuYasha. Embarrassed because well, he didn't really want to see that, even if it wasn't explicit, and Kagome's mom was sitting next to him. And gladdened him because it gave him the perfect opportunity to ask questions without it sounding suspicious.

"Is that normal?" he asked, "They just met two days ago."

"No, InuYasha, sometimes they just speed things up for moves."

"Is this in a lot of moves?"

"Um, some, usually it has something to do with the plot."

InuYasha was quite for a moment, "You said that it was speeded up, they're not married though, is that normal in this time?"

Kagome's mom was quiet for a minute, wouldn't you be if the boy, no, young man that spent a lot of time alone in the woods with your teenaged daughter just asked you if premarital sex was considered acceptable.

"Usually the people know each other for a long time and have graduated from college." She decided that was the safest answer, if not the most truthful.

"What if she gets pregnant? What would happen to her?" InuYasha realized that the long complex answer to his last question was the result of her beginning to worry, but he wanted to know. And he was sure that he would want to know even if nothing had happen with Kagome, he just wouldn't have asked.

"Well… one of them is likely using some sort of birth control," she sighed, "but if she did get pregnant life would be tough on her. There might be pressure for them to get married, but they wouldn't have to. She wouldn't be shunned and her family probably wouldn't disown her. But life would be more difficult for her. It would be slightly harder for her to find a husband, and people might assume things about her, especially if she were young."

InuYasha turned back to the move, several buildings were exploding, "Does Kagome watch movies like this one?"

"It is likely, at Kagome's age, that she has seen some movies with love scenes in them, InuYasha." She smiled at the slight frown that formed on InuYasha's face at that answer. "I don't think that Souta will be watching this one though, it's a bit too old for him." She made a mental note to talk to Kagome about her relationship with InuYasha when she got home. "InuYasha, could Kagome stay home for another day? She has more tests tomorrow."


"What do you want from me Kagome?" Lisa asked her.

"What do you mean?" Kagome asked Lisa.

"Well, there are two reasons to tell some one a story like that." Lisa explained, "You want to unburned yourself, or, you want advice. Which is it?"

Lisa was a hippie's daughter, a "former" hippie's daughter from America, here on exchange. With an logical mind and non-judgmental nature and a blunt mouth.

"I, I'm not sure." Kagome answered her, "I would like some advise, I guess."

"A good friend of yours, you look like his on again off again girl friend, but you have feelings for him…." Lisa looked thoughtful, "What do you want to have happen?"

"I'm not sure." Kagome slumped in her seat. They were in a fast food place after school. The people near by were paying no attention to them.

"Yes you are." Lisa said matter of factually, "Until you realize what it is, I would leave the ball in his court. Try to act as normal as possible with him, assuming that you still want him as a friend, assuming he can do the same. Or you could confront him about it. But that might put an end to your friendship. Guys usually react badly to that kind of thing."

"So I just go on not knowing who he was thinking about?" Kagome asked.

Lisa sighed, "If it makes you feel better, he probably wasn't thinking at all. Just try to look back on this as a great experience, however it turns out…" Lisa leaned forward, "You had the pill with you?"

"Pill?" Kagome was still dealing with the fact that she had come to the same conclusion.

"The one that Salla was giving everyone after what happened with her cousin? You were at school that day." Lisa clarified, watching Kagome intently

"Yeah, of course." Kagome met Lisa's analyzing look confidently.


A/N: Opinions expressed here do not necessarily express the opinions of the author. Well basically I'm talking about the inu youkia mating thing. All of my fics, when they deal with it at all, tend to come at it from a different angle, for this fic it's this way.

You have no idea how tempted I was to leave it at "Miroku faded back to sleep." But that wasn't the end of the subject so I had to continue.