InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ Kagome’s Mom and Back To Business ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

Chapter 6: Kagome's Mom and Back To Business

Kagome returned home after her talk with Lisa to find her mom cooking. Not really a surprise there, but when her mom asked her to come talk for a minute she got a little jumpy.

"What is it Momma?" Kagome asked.

"I wanted to ask you some questions, about InuYasha." She said. "Hand me that bowl please. Thank you. Has he ever asked you any questions about this time?"

"Only about food." Kagome replied. "He sort of accepts other stuff, or ignores it, why?"

"He was by earlier today, I told him you had another test tomorrow, and we watched a movie together, he had some interesting questions." She replied, "Has he ever,… shown an interest in courting you?"

Kagome barked out a reflexive laugh, "He's still stuck on someone else." It was out without her even thinking. After she said it she felt a little queasy, she might have to talk to InuYasha about this whole thing, later.

"You like him don't you?" she asked smiling.

"Well… I don't want him to get dragged of to hell." Kagome answered slowly. This conversation was really upsetting her stomach.

Kagome's mother laughed. Silence reined as she poured her mixture into a pan. Then she said, "Would you tell me if something happened between you two?"

Kagome stood silent for a moment, watching the floor tiles try to crawl away.

"Because I wouldn't think less of you if it did." Her mother said when Kagome didn't answer. "I would just want you to take precautions, if it did."

"What if," Kagome started, blinking back tears, "what if it was an accident and never likely to happen again?"

Her mother put the pan in the oven and reached out to hug Kagome, who accepted greatly. "It's alright Kagome, honey. I know these things happen. I'm still putting you on the pill though."

Strangely enough, Kagome laughed.


The next day Kagome returned from school to find her bags packed. And a note from her mother reminding her to come home in time for the doctors appointment.

Kagome groaned. They had a wonderful in depth talk about sex friends and relationships. And about not having anymore accidents until she was cleared for "the pill". All in all her mother had taken it very well, better than she did. She had almost cried several times during the talk. She was certain that InuYasha wouldn't want to do that again, with her anyway, talking like it would happen only made things worse.

But she wasn't hiding anything from her mother now. She even had a partner in crime in Lisa, who had finally agreed that talking to InuYasha was important, just that she had to be careful not to run him off. And that she definitely shouldn't leave herself open for a repeat when he was upset about his "girlfriend".

Kagome thought hard about Lisa's advice and sighed. Lisa didn't know the whole story, she might not even know enough to give good advice. But Lisa was all she had. She couldn't bring herself to tell anyone who did know the story about what happened. Argh! Why did communication always have to happen with those that would embarrass you the most in order for it to mean anything?

The only problem with talking to InuYasha now, as far as Kagome could see, was that she was getting angry. The closer she got to the well the angrier she got. At InuYasha no less.

After all, it was all InuYasha's fault. InuYasha was the reason she had that talk with her mother. InuYasha was the reason she was going on the pill. InuYasha was the reason she was so stressed out about this, no, everything in her life, including this! InuYasha was why she lied, InuYasha was why she cried, InuYasha was totally at fault!

It was all InuYasha's fault! And he didn't even care! He never cared! He never will!

This was her mind set as she jumped through the well.

Poor InuYasha.

He was there when she climbed out, sitting in a tree. But he could smell her mood. Hell, he could practically see the flames leaping around her aura daring him to attempt to say something that wouldn't set her off.

InuYasha followed her back to the village, jumping silently from tree to tree. He hadn't really wanted to be alone with her anyway. Not yet.

At Keade's, Kagome walked in and sat in a huff. Arms crossed and everything.

The others, who were in the hut preparing or waiting on dinner, decided against greeting her at the moment. However they sent speaking glares at InuYasha, when he finally worked up the courage to enter.

Keade on the other hand was never intimidated by her "wards".

"Welcome back Kagome, InuYasha. Will you be leaving tomorrow then?" She said.

The flames around Kagome sputtered out at the sound of Keade's unshakable voice. "Yes Keade," Kagome sighed, "I have to be back home in fi- um, ten days, so I want to make the most of the time I have here."

InuYasha was staring at Kagome, trying to judge when it would be safe to open his mouth. "Hey, Kagome…." It would also be wise to have something to say when doing so.

The flames were instantly back and Kagome was sending a death glare at InuYasha, "What?" she snapped.

"… Ok, ten days, we'll be back then."


Two days later and all was "normal". Kagome's inexplicable anger seemed to die down to a light annoyance whenever InuYasha talked about… anything. Thankfully InuYasha wasn't very talkative under normal circumstances, and under these, well he seemed perfectly willing to leave Kagome alone until she was less likely to either to sit him over jagged rocks or purify him accidentally.

Unless of course he couldn't.

"Hey, Kagome! What's your problem?" he hissed at her.

They were walking up the road, Sango and Miroku walking behind and Shippo hanging with them, to avoid any misplaced wrath. Kagome had been muttering unflattering things about InuYasha for several hours and he finally snapped, as he could hear everything quite plainly.

"My problem!" Kagome shouted.

"Yes, you've been sending me killing looks and muttering insults for days now! I want to know what your problem is!" InuYasha shouted back.

"My problem…" she had forgotten. But she did know she was mad. And she was usually mad because of InuYasha. So she went with that. "You're my problem." she hissed.

The others decided to find the stream they could hear somewhere off to the right. True, Miroku would like to listen in, and might still do so. But if anything… personal were to slip during the argument InuYasha was likely to take it out on them after Kagome stalked off.

"What the hell does that mean? How could I be your problem? What have I do-" sudden panic shot through InuYasha. "Was… I thought… you said that you…" the panic, hurt and worry he felt flashed across his face.

"Yes you! You are totally at fault. You, you…" She thought, what had he done? Well that she could really blame on him. Oh yes, "You're the reason my life sucks! Everything is ten times harder with you around and you don't care! As long as your ok, as long as your not inconvenienced nothing else matters! You can't be bothered to think about how these things effect others!" She screamed. "You take what you want from people and never stop to think about anything." Well she wasn't really thinking about what she was saying anymore, she was angry and spouting. And not considering the any proof to the contrary of any of her accusations.

InuYasha was getting the most effective pummeling of his life. He couldn't breath, his heart was pounding in an attempt to move his frozen blood and a shock ran through his system with her every sentence, making it difficult for him to stand.

"I lie for you, to my friends!" She continued, "I fall behind in my studies. I get hurt. I get kidnapped! And then I have to defend myself, my honor, to you, and you won't believe me! And then you run off and, and…" Kagome swallowed, she looked at InuYasha with tears in her eyes, "And you don't even care!" She turned and walked up ahead, wiping her eyes.

InuYasha stood where she left him, stunned.

The others, having overheard the whole thing from the river also stood shocked for several minutes. Eventually, Sango and Shippo went on ahead to protect Kagome, while Miroku leaned against a tree and waited for InuYasha to become responsive again.


A/N: Um, yeah…. * looks at notes* that's not how it was supposed to go. Oh well this is more interesting. Let that be a lesson to you. It's better to communicate while in shock, then when angry. Darn characters, I had to change the title of the chapter because of this argument.