InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ Business As Usual ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

Chapter 7: Business As Usual

After InuYasha recovered from his "beating", things returned to normal. The anger that had possessed Kagome since her return had been spent and she was her normal happy self. InuYasha was back to his normal self too, with all the sittings that came with it.

"Damn it, wench, what was that for?" InuYasha yelled from his hole.

"Stay out of my pack InuYasha!" Kagome yelled back, "I'll get you your ramen in a minute."

And so it went, InuYasha insulting Kagome, Kagome sitting him. InuYasha not thinking ahead, Kagome sitting him. He even seemed to be getting progressively worse as the time went on. They had some arguments that didn't result in a sitting, of course, but if one paid close attention they might start to think InuYasha wanted to be sat.

One day, as Sango and Kagome were talking together about some happy nothing to take their minds off of the long journey to nowhere, Miroku decided that this was the perfect opportunity to talk to his hanyou friend about his behavior.

"InuYasha." Miroku said, once he had advanced enough, "I would like to speak to you of your behavior recently."

"Fuck off, buzo." InuYasha returned.

"… Very good," Miroku wouldn't be put off by InuYasha like that, "Then why are you going out of your way to upset Kagome? Have you grown fond of the taste of dirt?"

InuYasha shot him a angry glare, "Maybe you should ask Kagome. She's the one that's pissed off."

Miroku shook his head, "No, Kagome has returned to her usual self after that … little outburst. You are worse than I have seen you sense I started to travel with you. Are you upset because of what Kagome said?"

"… She lied to me." InuYasha said, "And she's right. I make everything in her life harder."

"Kagome was mad InuYasha, perhaps you should talk to her about it, she may not have meant everything she said." Miroku glanced at the girls walking behind them, "What do you mean she lied to you?"

"…Never mind that." InuYasha turned his gaze away from Miroku.

"So you are punishing yourself for making Kagome's life harder by having her subdue you." Miroku stated after a moments thought.

InuYasha was silent.

Miroku sighed, "You should remember this, InuYasha, if you make Kagome sit you, you must first make her very angry. If you make her angry you make her life a little more difficult. So be nice."



"Kagome where's the shard?" InuYasha asked.

"It's… it's right there InuYasha, in that chunk of flesh by your left foot." She answered from the ground.

"What's wrong with you, bi- wench?" InuYasha turned to insult Kagome on her poor performance in battle, only to find her kneeling on the ground with her hands wrapped around her stomach and taking deep steady breaths, like she was breathing through pain. Her quiver and bow on the ground were she dropped them.

"Were you hurt?" He asked, this time unable to hide his concern.

The pieces of flesh of the youkia that had the shard began to quiver and move, so Sango had to grab the chunk that had been by InuYasha foot and dig out the shard. InuYasha had been too distracted by Kagome's pained position to notice the youkia beginning to reassemble.

"I'm fine InuYasha," Kagome hissed as she slowly straightened herself.

"What happened to you." InuYasha knelt beside her.

Kagome shot him a hateful look, but Shippo filled him in, "It was that third youkia that popped out of no where, Kagome shot it with a purifying arrow and as soon as she released the arrow she doubled over and stayed like that the whole battle!"

"I'm fine it's just… cramps." Kagome started to stand slowly.

"Cramps?" InuYasha said dubiously.

Sango walked up to Kagome and handed her the shard once she had managed a completely vertical position, "Women's problems, InuYasha."

And that was the end of that discussion. InuYasha didn't even want to take the opportunity to comment on the weakness of humans.

But the thought of what had occurred stayed with Kagome for the rest of the trip.


InuYasha lounged in this nights tree, soon they would be back at the well. He was thinking mostly about the "cramps" she had, he wasn't stupid, or quite as unobservant as most people thought. He just never seemed to catch on to the stuff others thought of as important. He had seen Sango in a similar position Kagome had been after the battle. She did it discreetly but he saw. And it always accompanied her "blood time". Some times Kagome did that too, but not as often. And this time there was no blood, and no other signs either. It hadn't happened since, so he wasn't going to waste time on thinking about it.

He looked down at Kagome, she was sleeping soundly, obviously she didn't think there was anything to worry about. Eyes closed, lips slightly parted making little gasping sounds every now and then…. Kagome's lips, he wondered how they would taste if they weren't covered in rock dust. He remember how they tasted then, sweet and hot and…

InuYasha tore his eyes away from her. Now he was staring into the fire. `Damn it, I have no right to think about that.' He thought bitterly, `Kagome hates me now and that's it. stick to business; collect the jewel, kill Naraku, bring peace to Kikyo.' Those were he words. But his visual mind was playing other scenes in his head. `Knock it the fuck off!' he warned, not that there was much he could do. Mouyga was right, his sent was barely beginning to fade and he was already losing his ability to concentrate on much else. No it was worse than that. Worse than it had ever been, he was plagued by dreams, he had to stay upwind of her or thoughts would invaded his mind. He couldn't even sit near her without accidentally putting his hand on her.

That one had earned him a sit, a smack and a bowl of ramen on his head. He was certain that he still had broth in his ear. He didn't even know how it happened.

He had been sitting next to her, waiting for his ramen to cook. They were all talking about the days journey and tomorrows stretch. You know the usual non-emotionally charged stuff for before food or sleep so as not to sour the mood for those activities.

Suddenly he realized that his hand had found it's way to her thigh. If it wasn't for that damned short skirt she might not have noticed. At first she didn't do anything about it. He did remember the camp becoming eerily quiet right about then.

Kagome told him sweetly that his ramen was done and held it out so that he would have to grab it with the hand that was currently on her leg. And he really did think that he was going to remove it to get his dinner. Instead, as he leaned forward to aid in retrieving the food, his hand moved up her leg, traveling quite a ways under her skirt before he found himself pinned to the ground, a hand print stinging his face and ramen burning his ear and dripping in his eyes. He couldn't even work out which had occurred first.

Not that he blamed her, hell, Miroku never got that close to… well he was probably too smart to try. Even if Kagome was his mate, he thought bitterly, she seemed to be mad at him. And any male of any species knows you don't grope your female when she's angry. Right in front of their friends too. InuYasha wondered briefly if Sango had played any part in his pain that day.

Kagome was pretty when she was angry though.

Damn it.


Yes, Kagome was mad at InuYasha again, he acting so mean to her. Almost as bad as when they first started to travel together. Except when he acted so nice. It was utterly confusing, first he would insult everything she did, then he would hover, like after a battle, as if she were made of glass, like she had never been hurt before. Like her pain was a personal insult to him. And then he would berate her actions during the battle and call her names, he rarely called her by name any more, though bitch was conspicuously missing from the list. He stared right through her, sometimes looking hurt, sometimes angry. Usually she didn't know what the look he was wearing meant.

But she wasn't overreacting anymore, or hardly at all anyway.

`And then there's his wandering hands. That was so weird. And right in front of every one! Maybe he had been around Miroku too long.' She thought.

It was enough to keep her up nights, if she wasn't just so tired.


"I'll be gone about 2 weeks this time," Kagome explained to every once at the well, "I have some special tests that I have to take at the end of that time and I need to study uninterrupted, otherwise all the other tests that I taken won't matter at all. Understood?" That last comment was aimed at InuYasha. Who was standing up wind a couple of yards away form the group.

"Feh, fine go. Stay a whole month if you want." He snapped, `Give the mark enough time to wear off completely.' He thought. He hoped that then he would be in control of his own body again, and that it would stop torturing him.

"Fine, maybe I will!" She jumped into the well.

"What is your problem InuYasha?" Sango turned on him as soon as Kagome was gone, she didn't want to set Kagome off like the first few days she was back. "You've been so mean and concerned towards Kagome that even MY head hurts. I can only imagine what it's doing to Kagome!"

InuYasha considered the truth, just for kicks. `Sorry Sango, but I want to mate with Kagome real bad and it isn't going to happen so I'm a bit cranky.' InuYasha didn't think that would go over too well.

"Stay out of this Sango," he said instead, "Kagome and me have been traveling together for a long time." And that was all the explanation he was willing to give.

"Alright," Sango adjusted her boomerang, "but you had better improve your manners when she returns, or I'm going to help her pound some into you, lech." She spat out that last word before turning and walking back to Keade's.

"She has a point InuYasha." Miroku said, "with all that has happened, you should be nicer to Kagome."

"Stay out of things you don't understand buzo." InuYasha walked toward the well and Miroku slowly.

"Are you saying this is some weird youkia thing? Because Kagome-"

"No, it's… the mark is fading." He said, eyes on the well. "I… want to replace it."

Miroku laughed, "Is that all? Have some self control InuYasha! We all-"

"You don't understand Miroku, I'm being compelled to replace it. This is much worse than before." InuYasha stopped his forward motion, his eyes going wide. `Fuck!' he thought.

"Well that would explain your sudden loss of hand control." Miroku said thoughtfully.

InuYasha was suddenly in front of Miroku, leaning into the well looking panicked. At first Miroku thought he was going to jump in after Kagome, but all he did was sniff, and dig gouges in the wooden rim with his claws.

"InuYasha? What's wrong?" Miroku asked.

`No, no, no. Fuck no! This can't be happening!' InuYasha thought franticly.

"InuYasha?" Miroku tried again to get his attention.

"Miroku?" InuYasha looked up at him with wide eyes, "I… need some… help."


Lisa munched on her fries and calmly watched as Kagome fumed in her chair. They were back at the same fast food place as before only this time there wasn't much talking.

"You're going to the doctors tomorrow." Lisa offered.

"With my mother. I wanted to know before I went in. You know have time to prepare?" Kagome scowled at Lisa from across the table.

"When you do find out, you'll have to talk to him you know." Lisa was full of death wish today.

Kagome crossed her arms and glared out the window, "What the hell kind of color is purple anyway?"

"It was your choice Kagome," Lisa reminded her, "you could have taken the pill."

Kagome scowled at her cold burger.