InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ The Morning After Pill ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

Chapter 8: The Morning After Pill

"What do you need help with InuYasha?" Miroku asked cautiously.

InuYasha tensed for a moment, then leaned heavily against the well, "Forget it, she hates me anyway."

"I don't believe Kagome hates you, InuYasha." Miroku kneeled beside InuYasha, who was resting his head on the lip of the well. "I think she is merely agitated by your current behavior. You should talk to her."

InuYasha gave a short barking laugh, "That's what I need help with." He turned to look Miroku in the eye, "How do you talk to an angry woman?"

"Very carefully." Miroku replied, "You start of by calling them by their name. And not insulting them. The difficult part would be getting Kagome to sit still long enough for you to figure out how to say what you mean."

"How do I do that?" InuYasha asked.

"I'm not sure." Miroku looked at the sky, "Maybe, approach her honestly, decide what you want to say well in advance and think about anything new before it leaves your mouth."

"Is that it? Is that all you have?" InuYasha scowled, communication was not his strong point, and he was never sure what would insult Kagome. Well, almost never.

"The human female is a mysterious and wonderful creature, InuYasha." Miroku sighed, "I may be able to… talk casually with any number of women, but since I have begun to travel with these two, being around them all the time, I find myself nearly as inadequate as you at gauging their moods. Or what might affect them…. InuYasha, why this sudden interest in communicating with Kagome?"

InuYasha gave Miroku a measuring glare.


"They said they never had so much trouble getting conclusive results from a pregnancy test before." Kagome laughed into the phone.

"So, you're not pregnant then?" Lisa asked from the other end.

"Huh? Oh, no, they're going to try a few more things and call us with the results." Kagome sighed.

"Then what's with the little miss sunshine routine?"

"I don't know," Kagome groaned, suddenly feeling depressed, "I've been really moody lately. I mean really moody. Like I had to stop myself from doing permanent bodily damage to my best friend, for almost no reason at all… ok so he should have been more careful were he put his hand but… I don't think I could do permanent damage to his body" Kagome was now climbing up to indifferent curiosity.

"Uh…huh, so, mood swings."

"Yeah," Oh great, frustration, "I'm tired a lot too. But that could be the pressure of the tests we have next week."

"I'd start figuring out what I want to tell him and how, right now. Just in case."

"He's going to be upset." Kagome pouted, "Do I have to tell him?"

"You told me you see him just about every week. Don't you think he'd notice."

"I don't know, He can be pretty dense sometimes." Kagome said brightly. "Oh hold on, I've got another call." Kagome switched lines, "Higurashi shrine."

"May I speak to Kagome Higurashi?" a mans voice floated over the phone.


"This is the doctors office, your test results just came in."


Kagome poked her head out of the well a full day early. The results from the exams she had taken at school had come in before they were expected to, allowing her to return to the quest with one less worry.

She was relieved to find herself alone in the small clearing. She wasn't quite ready to face InuYasha. So just a little too happy about that, she skipped off to Keade's, or tried to. She looked kind of silly trying to skip with that huge yellow pack on her back, but she was alone and didn't care.

No one was at Keade's either. Kagome dropped her bag inside and left to find someone, being totally alone was getting old, and eerie.

Kagome was walking toward the river when she heard Sango call to her from behind.

"Ah, Kagome! Your back early." Sango called happily as she picked up speed to meet her friend.

"The exams are over, I did pretty good." Kagome replied waiting for Sango to reach her. Sango was probably going to the river to bath, considering that her hair was one solid piece of blue youkia goo. The stuff was on her skin and armor as well. "What happened to you?"

"We were all just north of the village when we were attacked by a youkia. Real easy, but messy." She explained.

"What about the others?" Kagome asked as they continued to walk down the path.

"InuYasha disappeared, I left Miroku to not follow me, I honestly don't care right now I just want to get this stuff off of me." Sango grumbled.

"Oh! Sango why don't I get my bath things, to help get that stuff off of you?" Kagome offered, "I'll meet you at the river. Ok?"

Kagome ran back down the path toward the village. Then she saw something off to her left. A ribbon of translucent white was snaking through the trees.

`Kikyo?' Kagome thought. She didn't really want to know, but Kikyo usually meant that something bad was about to happen. Besides, she was strangely drawn to Kikyo. She was more afraid of why she would always find herself were Kikyo was then of Kikyo herself.

Whatever the motivations, Kagome found herself detouring through the woods following her instincts rather than the soul catcher. It was long gone anyway.

Soon Kagome found herself looking into a clearing. In it she saw Kikyo, she was holding a small bundle of herbs and looking at InuYasha.

InuYasha was there, on the opposite side of the clearing from Kikyo, his back was to Kagome.

Kagome froze. InuYasha was with Kikyo again. Scenes from their other meetings played in her head, and a cold ball of fear started to form in the pit of her stomach.

Kikyo was speaking, but Kagome couldn't hear her. She wouldn't. She kept remembering the kiss Kikyo had given InuYasha, the embrace InuYasha had given Kikyo. The things he said to her.

`I can't watch this.' She thought desperately, `Not now, not like this.' She held her hands protectively over her abdomen. `I can't go through that like this.'

Kagome walked quietly away from the small clearing, and it's occupants. Once she reached the path she ran all the way back to the village, and into Keade's hut. She slumped down against the wall to catch her breath.

"Kagome! Your back early." Miroku surprised her by walking in.

`All that good calming down shot to hell.' She thought as she jumped up. "Miroku! Yes I'm back! I have to go… to the river, just came back for my supplies." She ran over to her bag and fought with the fastenings.

"Are you alright Kagome?" Miroku approached her. "You seem frightened."

`Forget the bag just get out of here!' her mind screamed irrationally. She wanted the calming river, and Sango. Miroku was just making her nervous.

"I'm fine Miroku!" She yelled. She grabbed the large yellow bag and ran all the way back to the river.


`Well that was… pointless.' InuYasha thought as Kikyo left him standing in the clearing.

He turned around and walked, he really didn't care were, just walked. There was nothing for him to do with Kagome away. That last youkia didn't count. It was easy and stupid. And messy.

He hadn't walked very far when he caught Kagome's scent, still heavy with that spicy new addition. His mark was nearly gone, that was good. Maybe now he could talk to her without loosing track of his hands. Then he recognized fear in her scent, it was only a little and it hid behind her other smells. He couldn't tell why she was afraid. The forest was peaceful and no other smells accompanied hers.

Curious he followed her scent back to the path. The fear scent was growing steadily, though he still couldn't tell why. Once he reached the path it sky rocketed. He could tell that she was went to the village first, but then came back toward the river, and her fear was so strong he could barely smell any of her other indicators.

InuYasha started to run down the path to the river, following Kagome's fear, when he suddenly tripped. He spun on the ground to see who had taken him down.

"Shh," Miroku made quiet gestures with his hands, "If they notice you we'll get in trouble." He explained.

"What are you doing here, bozu?" InuYasha growled quietly, he didn't want to get caught.

"What are you doing here?" Miroku said crawling to his former hiding place with a convenient view. It was within earshot to, which was part of Miroku's purpose.

"I smelled fear from Kagome and wanted to know why, I'm not here go spy on naked girls." InuYasha crawl up near Miroku, making sure he could also see what was going on.

"I met Kagome in Keade's hut, she seemed frightened and I wanted to see why." Miroku never took his eyes off of Sango, "If I must watch while Sango bathes, that is the price I'm willing to pay to help Kagome."

"Feh." InuYasha replied.

In front of them, Sango was scrubbing her arms trying to get the blue goo off. Kagome had her legs dangling in the water as she scrubbed Sango's pony tail. The stuff was like glue.

"What did I miss?" InuYasha whispered.

"Not much, Sango was in the water by the time I got here and Kagome never-"

"Not that! What did she say?" InuYasha interrupted him.

"Oh, nothing yet, she asked Sango about the `youkia of blue gooness' and gave her some soap and stuff… just a little bit higher, Sango." He mumbled the last part distractedly. Sango was backing towards Kagome, so that she could reach her head, and subsequently moving into shallower water. The border of the water was slowly moving down her chest in response.

A tense silence settled down on the hiding spot in honor of Sango arching her back to assist Kagome in loosening Sango's gooed together hair, and talk about something Miroku had said after the battle. But then the moment ended, Sango's hair was significantly looser and she dove under the water to rinse.

"InuYasha-" Miroku began.

"I wasn't looking!" InuYasha hissed.

Miroku turned to look at his partner in peeping, who was staring at the ground and blushing. "I was going to say I don't think Kagome is going to discuss her fear, or bathe herself, so you could leave if you are uncomfortable. Incidentally, don't you have a mate?" He added a little gruffly. It's not that he minded InuYasha watching Sango, exactly, but he could refrain from blushing like that.

"She hates me." InuYasha grumbled looking back at the girls. "Besides she's prettier than Sango."

"I'm glad to hear you say that InuYasha." Miroku turned his attention back to Sango.

"She's rounder and -" InuYasha was mumbling as Kagome put on her socks and shoes, giving them a good view of her upper thigh.

"Do you really want the tell me this InuYasha?" Miroku looked at him again with amusement in his eyes. "Not that I mind you describing the intimate details of-"

InuYasha looked Miroku in the eye, giving him a dry look, "Sango's getting out of the river."

Miroku was once again staring straight ahead.

Sango climbed on to the bank of the river, her back to the boys, "Why did you bring the whole bag Kagome?"

"I… got startled." Kagome said, she was bent over looking for the towel she knew she packed. "I don't know why, I just got really scared and really, really wanted to be here instead. Here it is!" Kagome pulled out a fluffy pink towel and handed it to Sango.

There was a small tinkling sound and Sango noticed a phial land on the ground. "What's that?" She asked. Leaning against a rock and drying herself.

Kagome quickly snatched up the phial containing the blue pill, then hesitated. "It's, we call it `the morning after pill'," Kagome explained. "It's a type of birth control."

"Birth control?" Sango asked, "What does it do?"

"Yes, there are several kinds of birth control. This one is special, you use it after… after." Sango nodded, so Kagome left if it at that, "Thus the name. A couple of months ago a girl at school handed them out to all the other girls. Something about her cousin…. Later I was packing my homework to bring with me and it fell out of my backpack, the one I use for school. It got me thinking, and when InuYasha surprised me at my window I just shoved it in." Kagome looked at it in thought, "Do you want it? I don't need it any more."

"What do you mean?" Sango froze; she had been dressing as Kagome told her story.

Kagome took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant, Sango."

"What? How? When? Who?" Sango asked. "Is it InuYasha's?"

"Looks like you were right." Miroku mumbled.

"Hmm." InuYasha was thinking about the `morning after pill'. If Kagome's story was accurate then she had it with her after the cave. `Why didn't she take it?' he thought, `if she hates me, why… maybe she didn't hate me yet.' He decided.

"Of course it's InuYasha's!" Kagome cried.

"Sorry, I didn't mean…" Sango organized her thoughts better, "but when? I mean, we're always together when we travel and InuYashas' been so… actually that might explain some things." She finished thoughtfully.

"After we got separated in the cave," Kagome explained. "There was a cave in and we ended up in this room, and well, now I'm pregnant."

"But that was only…" Sango thought back.

"26 days ago." Kagome finished, "It just kind of happened, we haven't talked about it since. We didn't really talk about it then. I just found out a week and a half ago, we have tests."

"So… what was it like?" Sango asked shyly.

Kagome laughed nervously and InuYasha strained forward, "I don't really have a frame of reference, but… it was … wonderful." She sighed.

"Wonderful." InuYasha echoed quietly.

"I'm so happy for you." Miroku said dryly, `on the other hand, if Kagome convinces Sango that this is a pleasurable experience…. No, we're on a quest, there's no time for that sort of-... of course Kagome is already with child…' and so Miroku's mind, heart and body argued in circles for a short time, until he decided it didn't really matter until he mastered not getting slapped.

Sango was looking at the phial, now in her hand, "If you had this at the time… why didn't you take it?"

Once again InuYasha was all ears.

"It's the way it works Sango." Seeing that didn't explain anything to her friend she went on. "It can work in a couple of ways, but where I was in my cycle…. Basically it would have prevented a fertilized egg from attaching to my womb. And when I thought about that, about this little cell like thing that was me and InuYasha… I couldn't deny it. I … didn't want to. I can't have InuYasha, but I could maybe have a piece of him, And when I thought about it, right then, I wanted to have a piece of him inside of me, I still do. " Kagome covered her abdomen protectively as she spoke. "I'm so sorry Sango, I didn't think how this would effect all of you, or school, or the quest, until I thought that it might actually have happened. I don't know how InuYasha will react when I tell him." She bit her lip nervously.

`How InuYasha will react?' Miroku looked over to the man in question, `Apparently by entering into another plain of existence."

InuYasha was no longer really conscious of what was going on. He lay there looking toward the girls, amber eyes blank, a slight smile on his lips. His mind was doing the dance of joy, waving ribbons of thought in front of him.

`Kagome had a choice. Kagome chose to bear my pup. That probably means she doesn't hate me!' On and on in this manor.

"When you tell him?" Sango looked thoughtful, "Kagome, InuYasha-"

`No, no Sango!' Miroku thought desperately, `Bad Sango, stop talking!'

"-probably already knows. Youkia are known for detecting pregnancy early, especially those like InuYasha. That's why we must be careful to take out the males first, they really get mad when you kill their mate and unborn children."

Kagome went pale. "He… he knows?" that ball of fear that had almost vanished sprang back with painful force, sending tendrils of icy panic through her body. She remembered everything in the past weeks with new light. The way InuYasha behaved towards her, and now his latest meeting with Kikyo. Her panic stricken thoughts gave clear view of a horrible conspiracy.

"NO!" Kagome shouted, making Sango jump. "No! I won't let them have it!" Kagome ran straight for the well, ignoring her friend's plea to stop and explain. "I'll go home! I'll seal the well. I won't let him get me!"

InuYasha jumped back to reality, slightly dizzy, "What happened?"

"Sango told Kagome that you already knew she was pregnant and Kagome started yelling and ran away. She looked frightened." Miroku said sitting up. "I think you should-"

"PERVERTS!" Sango shouted, hitting Miroku on the head.

"Ow! InuYasha is here too. Why didn't you slap him?" Miroku rubbed his head.

"There's no time!" Sango yanked InuYasha to a standing position. "If I had known where you were I could have told you earlier, but you had to-"

"What is it Sango!" InuYasha yelled.

"Kagome ran away! She started screaming and ran, I followed her but she was going to fast and not listening. She said something about sealing the well…" Sango looked at her empty hand that just a moment ago held InuYasha's arm.


A/N: Yes Kagome is acting a little crazy, and InuYasha a little more… guyish than normal. He has his reasons and Kagome has hers, most will become clear in the next chapter or two.