InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ So Close ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

Chapter 9: So Close

InuYasha sniffed cautiously, his quarry had left the area. Good, he was at a disadvantage here.

InuYasha crept up to the door, instinctively staying low to the ground. Once there he paused, ears alert. He gauged the number of possible obstacles between him and his goal.

His path was clear. He sprang to the roof just under her window.

InuYasha sighed and attempted to relax, he decided Kagome's fear and threats might have made him just a little jumpy. He had to gather his wits before he could face Kagome.

She was still giving off that scent, fear far too strong to be without the presents of some life threatening circumstance. Actually, Kagome had never given off such a strong fear scent.

He could hear her sobbing too. He hated it when she cried, but this was no time to be weak. He had to keep her from running away again.

He looked in her window. She was lying on her stomach on her bed, crying.

InuYasha took a deep breath and opened the window as quietly as possible. "Kagome?" he whispered.

Kagome gasped and shot to a kneeling position on her bed, "InuYasha!" she cried, "Stay away from me! You can't have it! I won't let you!" all this time she was backing away from him slowly on her hands and knees, eyes wild like a cornered animal.

InuYasha realized that all this noise would eventually alert the other occupant of the house, and that eventually, Kagome was going to subdue him.

Faster than Kagome could see InuYasha jumped behind her on the bed and wrapped one arm around her torso, arms and all, and the other hand around her mouth, muffling her confusing screeches. For a moment he waited like that, listening for any indication that Souta was coming to his sisters rescue while Kagome screamed against his hand and struggled to move.

Once he was sure that Souta was not coming, he leaned back against the wall, kicked Kagome's kegs straight, and rested his on either side of hers. He was going to let her wear herself out.

And struggle she did. Kicking the bed slightly more often than she kicked his shins, and hitting his thighs with her restrained arms. Eventually she stopped struggling; she was breathing hard and watching him from the corner of her eye.

While InuYasha was busy getting his legs beaten, the rest of Kagome's family had returned from where ever they had been and begun going about the normal business of living. A loud process, InuYasha thought, with the TV, telephone and kitchen appliances all buzzing ringing and jabbering at once.

"Are you going to tell me what this is all about Kagome?" he said once she stopped thrashing, "Why the fuck where you going to seal the well?"

"I'm not letting you have it!" Kagome hissed, "I'm not letting you give it to her!"

InuYasha was totally confused, let him have what? Her who? Well, her who was a fairly limited question, he didn't know that many hers. "Give what to who?" he asked.

"Kikyo! You were meeting with her today, you planed the whole thing." Kagome turned her head, now that she could, and glared into his eyes, "You impregnated me and then you were going to take it away and give it to Kikyo!"

"Quiet!" InuYasha hissed. Kagome had begun to raise her voice and this was one conversation he didn't want to be overheard. Then he heard what she had said, and he was stunned, "Why the hell would I do that?"

"Because you love her, and could have a family with her." Kagome said quietly.

"That is the stupidest… she wants to take me to hell Kagome!" InuYasha began to let his voice raise unconsciously. "Why would I take our kid to her? So she could take it to hell?"

"I can't do it InuYasha," Kagome turned again so that she now stared sadly at the far wall. "I can't sit by and watch the two of you. It's so much worse now, I don't have the strength to stand by and watch. I'll come and find the shards, but don't make me face her, please."

InuYasha took a deep breath, "I didn't go near her Kagome. I saw her when I was headed back to the village, I thought she might know something about Naraku. She didn't, she just came for some rare healing plants for some village she's staying in now. I stayed on my side and she stayed on hers, that's all."

"Why?" She asked.

"I… don't want her Kagome." InuYasha sighed, "I want her to be at peace. I can't comfort her, I can't follow her to hell, not now."

InuYasha wasn't going to take it away and leave with Kikyo. Actually that didn't make much sense. Kagome sighed, what was wrong with her?

"I'm sorry, I guess I messed everything up-" She began.

"No… this wasn't how I wanted it to happen either, but it's ok." InuYasha adjusted Kagome so that he could sniff her better, now that she was less likely to head butt him.

"InuYasha…" Kagome began hesitantly, "I had a choice, after that night… see, there's this pill…"

"I know." InuYasha dipped his head to Kagome's neck and sniffed. The fear was gone, she was almost herself again.

"You know?!" Kagome turned to look at him again.

InuYasha quickly raised his head, "Sango found me and told me you were going to seal the well." He spouted the sentence quickly, refusing to feel guilty about misleading his mate. "You didn't."

"I wasn't thinking clearly. I was just convinced that you…" Kagome tried to put her hands to her face and found them still tightly bound by InuYasha's arm. "You can let go now." She said flatly.

"Not yet," InuYasha said, "I want to tell you something first. I know you know you had a choice, and now you know I know you know… uh, anyway I'm not letting you go, that's my pup too, and I don't want you running off anymore, from now on we're staying on the same side of the well. And no more dating. Or being nice to Kouga."

Ok, he managed to say stuff without actually saying much. He would get there, but somehow this didn't feel like the right time for the "mate" talk.

Kagome sighed, well, at least he didn't say he would follow her to school or anything, just be on the same side of the well. And dating was hard enough when all she had to worry about was the quests. `Wait a minute, what was that last one.'

"Wait a minute, I can't be nice to Kouga?" Kagome gawked at InuYasha, "That's a bit extreme."

"Just don't be so fucking familiar with him," InuYasha grumbled, "and don't let him touch you."

"I never invited him to touch me!" Kagome raised her voice again. "And what gives you the right to say what I can and cannot do with my friends?"

"I'm-" InuYasha started to yell back, but then stopped abruptly, he was going to say `I'm your mate' but remembered they hadn't talked about that. "I'm the father of your child." He said instead.

Kagome closed her mouth, her throat went dry and she felt dizzy. She leaned back into InuYasha's sturdy body for support. `Not now,' she thought, `not with InuYasha here.' She knew when this one hit, this one tiny thing she was ignoring in all this, she knew when it hit her, it would be bad.

"Are you Ok Kagome?" InuYasha asked.

"I'm fine InuYasha," Kagome lied, "I'm just tired. I want to take a nap now Ok?" she moved her arms meaningfully.

InuYasha released his grip on her waist and untangled himself from her. He started to crawl to the edge of her bed when he felt her tug on his sleeve.

"Please stay with me." She said quietly. As embarrassing as it was to practically beg InuYasha to stay with her, she really, really didn't want him to leave her yet.

InuYasha looked back at her, unsure of what she wanted, there was staying, and then there was staying. His confusion was somewhat alleviated when she lead him, via his sleeve, farther on the bed to lay down next to her.

Once she had him down, on his side because he was watching her face intently, she curled up against his chest and inhaled his scent.

`Did she just sniff me?' InuYasha thought, he didn't know humans did that, at least not females. He watched her drift into a doze and wondered if he could hold her with out getting into trouble. `Damn it! I'm on her bed with her pressing against me and I'm worrying about what I'm allowed to do. I hate this.'

With one last mental dismissive curse he wrapped his arms around her, somewhat defiantly. Kagome only sighed and shifted in his arms happily.

For awhile nothing changed, InuYasha resisted sleep in favor of watching Kagome lay peacefully in his embrace, and Kagome dozed, content for the first time since this whole thing started.

But when Kagome awoke one thought still plagued her. InuYasha had said that he didn't want Kikyo. Was he just saying that so she wouldn't try to seal the well? She didn't even have a clue how to do that. `I could put a real working ofuda, but would that stop the portal, or just get InuYasha stuck in the well? Or limbo? That would be cruel. Why am I thinking about this? Oh, right.'

Kagome turned away from InuYasha, so that now her back was to him. He responded by pulling her back against his chest and admiring the curve of her neck, now exposed to him.

"InuYasha, what were you thinking?" Kagome asked, "In the cave, I mean."

"What do you mean?" He asked cautiously.

"Did…" Kagome took a deep breath, "Who were… who were you with, that night? I mean, who were you thinking about?"

InuYasha scowled, "Who were you thinking about?"

"You. Kinda," Kagome bit her lip, "I mean I knew it was you at the time, and I wasn't thinking of anyone else. What about you?"

"I didn't have a choice, Kagome." InuYasha relaxed a little.

"What do you mean?"

InuYasha nuzzled Kagome's bare neck, "Your scent, I couldn't think of someone else. I wouldn't be able to over look you scent. I wouldn't want to."

"You said once that I… smelled like Kikyo." Kagome whispered.

InuYasha growled softly in frustration, "I said a lot of things, Kagome." He rolled her over on her back so he could look her in the eye. "You smell… similar to her, and Keade and your brother. But I wasn't thinking about them either."

Kagome giggled, "I hope not!"

"A persons scent is very specific, I know yours better than anyone's," InuYasha's eyes left Kagome's eyes and traveled to her mouth, "I knew it was you."

Kagome watched as InuYasha's head dropped slowly to brush his lips to hers. She closed her eyes to concentrate on the feel of him. His hand traveled from where it rested on her shoulder to caress the curve of her waist. Kagome lifted her hands to InuYasha's face, running them through his hair and returning his kiss as he deepened it.

InuYasha was also busy concentrating on the feel of Kagome, this time with most thought processes in place. It was nice, being here with her like this. But he wanted more.

When InuYasha shifted, putting his knee between hers, Kagome started to laugh.

InuYasha lifted his head and gave her a surprised look. What the hell was so funny?

Kagome stopped laughing for an instant before opening her eyes. When she saw InuYasha's face she started laughing again. Some things are easier if you don't think about them.

"What is it?" He said gruffly.

Kagome shook her head, "I don't know!" She laughed, "I just started thinking, `I'm actually making out with InuYasha in my bedroom' and… I started laughing!"

InuYasha lifted an eyebrow at her, "Would you like to go into the woods? Cause-"

"No!" Kagome blushed, "I just…I bet it's the hormones." She decided with a straight face.

"Hormones?" InuYasha asked.

"Uh, mood swings, pregnancy stuff," Kagome explained. "I think I'm over it for now."

"Oh" InuYasha bent over and started kissing her neck. When Kagome started giggling he growled softly in frustration.

"Eep!" Kagome exclaimed as InuYasha jerked his head up quickly. "Did you just bite me InuYasha?" she asked incredulously.

InuYasha blushed, "No," he lied, "did I hurt you?" he hadn't thought about it, he had decided not to do it earlier, it just happened.

"No," Kagome giggled, "But I definitely felt fangs. Are you going to be doing that?"

"Uh…" was InuYasha's intelligent reply, biting kisses and language was deeply imprinted in his blood. It was a legacy of the dog demon part of his psyche, and he was worried that Kagome would be scared, or disgusted by it.

"Because, I kinda liked it." Kagome bit her lip.

InuYasha smiled broadly, subsequently showing his fangs, which started Kagome laughing again.

This time InuYasha just lowered his head and ran his fangs down her neck. Kagome giggled and tilted her head to offer him a better angle. When he pulled the neck of her shirt over to expose her shoulder and pressed his fangs lightly into the flesh he had exposed, Kagome stopped giggling.

Little electric jolts were shooting through her body originating from the little points of sharp pressure. It was as if something was being transmitted through that "bite". Kagome didn't know what it was, but something in her did. She felt safe and protected, but most of all desired.

She drew in a shaky breath, hugging InuYasha closer to her. He began to massage her with his tongue and suck gently while he flexed his jaw, making an intricate pattern on her skin with his fangs. He listened carefully to the noises she made, searching for signs of what she liked, or what might be hurting her. InuYasha was very satisfied with the results so far, Kagome seemed to be over her giggle fit, and her scent had begun to change drastically.

Kagome moved under him, putting more of her in contact with him, it wasn't really enough, so she wrapped her leg around his and tried again. She squeaked a little when she felt InuYasha's hand under her shirt making it's way up her body.

Suddenly InuYasha lifted his head he looked over his shoulder. The door was opening.

"Kago-" Souta froze as he took in the sight on his sisters bed. "EEWWWW! MOOOOM! KAGOME AND INUYASHA…" Souta ran off down the hall.

Kagome and InuYasha both tried to jump off the bed at the same time, without untangling themselves. This resulted in Kagome falling hard on InuYasha. Kagome managed to jump up and take off after her brother without harming InuYasha too much.

InuYasha sat up and stared at the open door. He was panting slightly, `Damn brat.' Maybe he should have taken her to the woods.

Kagome walked back into the room slowly, her head down and a deep blush across her cheeks.

"Momma asked me to invite you to dinner."