InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ After Dinner Discussion ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

Chapter 10: After Dinner Discussion

`Souta told, I can't believe that brat told Momma!' Kagome thought, as she glared at her soup. She had told her mother about the cave, the pregnancy, everything, did she really have to know where InuYasha hand was?

"It's nice to see you again InuYasha." Kagome's Mother smiled warmly at him.

"Uh, thanks." InuYasha said uncertainly. He looked around at the others, trying to gauge what they knew and what they were going to do about it.

Kagome's mom was always impossible to read, always smiling. It was kind of scary actually, sort of like the anti Sessomaru. It made him wonder what would happen if she scowled.

Grandpa was obviously clueless.

Sota's reaction was almost funny, he sat there across form InuYasha and Kagome, staring at them wide eyed. His face danced between adoration and horror as he tried to reconcile the events in the past with those of a few minutes ago.

I guess being a hero and getting caught in a compromising position with your sister aren't compatible concepts.

Kagome was staring into her soup, refusing to look at anyone.

Dinner was quiet and tense, despite Kagome's mother's attempts to make light conversation.

After dinner Grandpa and Souta were discreetly sent away by Kagome's mother while Kagome and InuYasha were under equally discreet orders to stay put.

InuYasha and Kagome both stared straightforward as if the opposite wall was about to sprout wings and attack.

"Hey, Kagome," InuYasha ventured, "What's going on?"

"Momma knows." Kagome said evenly.

"Knows what?" He tried again.

"Everything." She said darkly.

InuYasha turned to look at her with penetrating eyes, "Everything?"

Kagome met his eyes with steady ones, "Everything."

InuYasha's eyes widened in shock, "Y-you told her-"

"She asked!" Kagome defended herself, "She asked and then gave me the whole I'll understand and accept thing. What was I supposed to do?"

InuYasha was about to reply when he suddenly turned thoughtful, "So that's were you get it…" he mumbled.

"Get what?" Kagome was ready for another fight but InuYasha was saved by Kagome's mother returning to the dinning room.

"I'm glad you decided to join us for dinner InuYasha," She smiled as she sat down opposite of them.

"He knows, Momma." Kagome sighed.

"Good," Mrs. Higurashi continued, "so, Kagome's filled you in on her condition, then. Well?"

InuYasha realized that he was supposed to say something at this point, but nothing in his life had in any way prepared him for this situation. "What?"

"What do you plan on doing about this InuYasha?"

"Mother!" Kagome gasped, "I thought we talked about this!"

"We did Kagome," Mrs. Higurashi turned her attention to Kagome, "I didn't say he had to marry you or anything. But I want to know what he plans to do about this. It does affect him too."

InuYasha hadn't thought much past getting Kagome to talk to him. All right, so he was also trying to bring up the whole `child with demon blood so you should probably read as my mate' thing. But talking was required for that to come up. Now he was being asked to look forward, and his mind was a blank. He wasn't used to thinking much past tomorrow.

"I… don't know." He said looked blankly at Mrs. Higurashi.

"InuYasha?" Kagome's mother questioned him softly, "How do you feel about the baby?"

InuYasha scowled at the table, "I didn't want a ma-, I didn't want a pup until after the quests. A pregnant bi-, woman shouldn't be…doing that stuff."

"But I'm… not unhappy about it." he added, looking up at Mrs. Higurashi sternly.

Mrs. Higurashi nodded, "Well then, would you consider marring Kagome?"

"Mother!" Kagome exclaimed, "I told you I wasn't going to try to trap him! I'm not going to try to come between him and…I don't need to marry him."

"I know that dear, but something he almost said made me think he might want to." Mrs. Higurashi said.

"I'll do it." InuYasha crossed his arms and set his jaw.

"What?" Kagome looked at him in shock.

He turned on her with angry eyes, "I don't want Kikyo, I want you. I marked you as my life-mate that night and I'll do it again, if I ever get the chance to. But you wouldn't understand that because you're human, so I'll marry you here too."

"You want to marry me?" Kagome was still in shock.

"I have, for a while now." InuYasha turned back to face her mother.

"Well that's settled then." Mrs. Higurashi smiled at the couple across from her. "I'll arrange everything, papers, cover stories. Don't tell anyone here Kagome, it's going to be a surprise."

"I have to hint at it a little," Kagome sighed, "to my friends and, um, Hojo."

"Alright dear." Mrs. Higurashi was already on to the next topic, "About the quests, she will have to quit in a couple of months anyway."

"I'll be the judge of that." Kagome grouched.

"But she will probably have to quit school before that happens-"

"I'm NOT quitting school!" Kagome jumped to her feet.

"…I know you don't want to Kagome, but you'll have to at least take a break from it." Her mother sighed, "After the baby is born it's-"

"I don't care!" Kagome crossed her arms, "I'll figure something out! Just because I'm having a baby doesn't…"

"Kagome? What's wrong?" InuYasha asked, she wasn't moving, it didn't even look like she was breathing.

"Oh my God I'M HAVING A BABY!" Kagome gasped.

"…Uh…" InuYasha was confused, of course she was having a baby, "Kagome, are you alright?"

"No, I mean, it's going to come out!" Kagome turned to him looking scared and lost, "And then it'll be a baby, a baby InuYasha!"

InuYasha look from the panicking Kagome to her mother, who seemed to be indicating he should reassure Kagome. He reached out to her and pulled her into his lap and held her close. Kagome grabbed his haori and curled into him as she continued to babble.

"Baby's need things, InuYasha, like clothes and diapers and toys and an education and shelter and medicine and midnight feedings and and, and…" Kagome looked up at InuYasha, into his wonderful warm amber eyes, and relaxed for a second.

Then that hit her, amber eyes! She smacked her hands to her mouth. `InuYasha's the father of my baby' she thought, `InuYasha with the claws and fangs and white hair and amber eyes and… dog ears!' sure she thought they were cute but everyone else's reaction had been somewhat different.

Kagome's hands traveled unconsciously from her mouth to the top of her head. InuYasha scowled, he could guess what she was thinking about now, a dog-eared baby. He hadn't thought about that either, he never heard about a hanyou that survived to adulthood and managed to take a mate so he wasn't sure what to expect.

"Don't worry Kagome," he said as he pulled her hands away from her head, "I'll protect you both, no matter what."

Kagome looked at her hands, now in her lap, "I like your ears, InuYasha," she whispered, "It's just that everyone else…"

"I know Kagome." He sighed and closed his eyes and rested his head on hers.

There was a bang when the door to the dinning room was opened roughly. Souta and Grandpa hurried into the room.

"What's going on? I heard screaming…" Grandpa petered out when he saw Kagome curled up on InuYasha's lap.

"Is it true?" Souta, who had heard what his sister had screamed, asked Kagome.

Kagome grabbed InuYasha's haori with both hands and gave a weak lopsided smile.

"Good news everyone!" Kagome's mother beamed brightly, "Kagome and InuYasha are getting married!"

A short silence followed the announcement.

"All right!" Souta exclaimed, "This is so cool, I'm going to have a dog eared brother!"

Grandpa was stunned into silence.

"Yes, yes now everyone out," Mrs. Higurashi stood shooing them out the door. "We can talk about this later. InuYasha are you taking Kagome with you tonight?"

InuYasha looked out the window, it was dark, and Kagome was exhausted. "No, we'll leave tomorrow." He decided.

"You mean you'll come back for her tomorrow." Mrs. Higurashi corrected him. "You could stay in Soutas' room, but you can't stay in Kagome's room until your married."

"What!" InuYasha cried indignantly.

"For Grandpa, and Souta," Mrs. Higurashi explained, "I don't want a repeat of earlier, I don't want him getting ideas."

"We were just talking, Momma." Kagome said indignantly.

"That's not what Souta said." Mrs. Higurashi smiled in a way not in agreement with her tone of voice.

InuYasha grumbled, "I can't even sleep with my own mate."

Mrs. Higurashi shook her head, "Not in this house… um InuYasha, dear, would you please stop smiling like that?"

Kagome looked up at InuYasha, he was wearing his predatory smile and his eyes had a far off look. No wonder her mom was nervous.

"InuYasha?" Kagome turned his head so he was facing her, "Your scaring my mother." She giggled when his toothy grin turned into a confused pout. "It's no wonder with a smile like yours." She rested her head on his shoulder and sighed, "I feel like I could stay here all night."

InuYasha was grinning again but this one was far from scary.

"I think Kagome needs to get some sleep." Mrs. Higurashi interrupted his day dreaming, "She's had a hard couple of weeks, and things have only now started to settle down. I'll take her upstairs."

Kagome sent a small grunt of displeasure to her mom for suggesting that she move, but got up anyway.

"Good night InuYasha." Mrs. Higurashi said.

"Goodnight InuYasha." Kagome said as she was lead away by her mom.

"Goodnight Kagome." InuYasha said once she was out of the room.

"Man you got gypped." Souta popped his head in the window, "You didn't even get a good night kiss!"

"Does your mom know you're out there?" InuYasha put on his usual scowl.

"She didn't tell me not to come out here." Souta disappeared from the window and came in the door a few seconds later. "Is Kagome really having a baby?" he asked as he sat next to InuYasha.

"Yeah." InuYasha crossed his arms and looked down at Souta.

"And you're the father?"

"Of course!" InuYasha barked angrily.

"Is that why your marrying her?" Souta gave him a measuring look.

"…No, I want to marry her." InuYasha answered.

"What if you didn't want to marry her?"

"Then I wouldn't have made a pup with her." InuYasha answered scowling at his interrogator, "What's with all the questions? … Why are you smiling."

"You said pup!" Souta laughed.

"Feh, Whatever."

"I'm Kagome's brother, I have to look out for her." Souta said seriously. "Grandpa does his thing and Momma takes care of everyone. But some things a brother has to do. Like they make sure you marry her, I make sure you treat her right."

InuYasha looked at Souta in surprise, "And what if I didn't?"

Souta shrugged "I'd figure out something. I gotta go." Souta jumped up when his mom called for him. "If you hurry you could still get that good night kiss."

InuYasha watched Souta leave the room then got up and left the house. He jumped up to the length of roof under Kagome's window. Her room was dark, but he could see her sitting on the bed, setting her alarm clock. He tapped one claw on the window.

Kagome looked up at her window, the moon outlined InuYasha's form and reflected off of his silvery hair. She walked over and slid the window open.

"Mom doesn't want you to come in my window any more." Kagome stated, "Not until we're married anyway."

InuYasha paused on the windowsill. "Then I won't come in." he said simply.

Kagome yawned and leaned against the wall, "Then what? I can't come out."

"No…" InuYasha reached over and gently took her arm, "I just want a kiss before I have leave you." He pulled her closer to him and leaned in pressing his lips to hers.

Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck and tilted her head into the kiss. This was something else she could do all night. InuYasha put his arms around her torso and pulled her against him.

InuYasha pulled back just enough to trace her lips with his tongue, then drew her bottom lip into his mouth and sucked and nibbled lightly, causing Kagome to gasp. He relinquished her lip with a smile to move his open mouth over hers, looks like his early years as a voyeur were paying of.

Slowly he traced inside rim of her lips feeling the smooth slick flesh and tasting Kagome's flavor, laced with a good dose of mint.

Kagome was shocked, on one hand she was loving this, on the other, she was completely at a loss as to what she should do. Finally settling on `whatever the hell she wanted' she reached her tongue out to feel the underside of InuYasha's tongue.

In response InuYasha's moved his exploration deeper, past the row of her teeth. While Kagome continued to feel and taste his tongue, he returned her attentions in kind.

When they pulled back for air he leaned his forehead against hers, "Gods Kagome, you taste -"

There was a knock on the door. "Kagome," her mother called through the door, "get to bed. We'll see you in the morning InuYasha."

InuYasha looked at Kagome wide eyed, "How does she know?"

Kagome shrugged and turned to face the door, "His just on the windowsill Momma, he didn't come in."

"Kagome," InuYasha pulled her back to face him, "Goodnight." He gave her a peck on the lips and jumped off into the night.

"Good night, InuYasha" Kagome called after him. She closed her window and touched her lips, a thoughtful look on her face.

`He did that on purpose!' She thought, `Where did he learn to do that?'

As Kagome snuggled into her warm soft bed, InuYasha was lounging in the god tree outside, thinking about tomorrow, when they wouldn't be in Mrs. Higurashi's house any more.


A/N: No, not every chapter is going to be like this, things get closer to normal in the next chapter.

Kagome's age has been left blank in this fic, so it's kind of up to you. Personally I think she's around 17 or so.