InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Operation: Seduce Her ❯ Through Her Perspective ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own him neither do I own the others. Simple as that.

Operation: Seduce Her


Boy: It seems like it's been forever
Girl: I wonder if he still cares

Boy: She looks even better than before
Girl: Couldn't help but stare at him

Boy: I asked her how things were
Girl: I asked him about his ex-girlfriend

Boy: I would choose her over any girl I'm with
Girl: He's probably really happy now

Boy: I couldn't look at her without starting to cry
Girl: He didn't even look at me

Boy: I told her I missed her
Girl: He doesn't miss me

Boy: I meant it
Girl: He didn't mean it

Boy: I love her so much
Girl: He loves his ex-girlfriend

Boy: I held her for the last time
Girl: He gave me a friendly hug

Boy: Then I went home and cried
Girl: Then I went home and cried

Boy: I still love her
Girl: I still love him

Chapter 1


The atmosphere was intoxicating. I like it, I was addicted.

Bodies were scattered on the dance floor swaying to the beat and rhythm of the music. The room was dim and the lights were flashing blindingly, but it was enough to see and get around this small place. This place where I can relax and escape the stressful world outside.. this place which I like to call a second home. Club Trance. You can always find me here, having fun and trying to forget the hard and rough bumps along this so call road known as 'life'. It was already 2:53 AM. I've been here for almost three hours dancing and drinking with friends as usual.

"Hey babe. 'hic' Enjoying the moooosic? I'm liking the way you 'hic' move.. especially in that 'hic' mini skirt.." I turned around in disgust to see an old drunk man around his thirties dancing closely behind me. I gave him a look of disgust and hatred, ignoring him and turned back to my dancing. "Baby, coooome with me tonight. I can treat 'hic' you really well 'hic'," I turned back around to see him winking at me.

"Sorry, not interested," I retorted politely with a tinge of coldness in my tone.

"Why so -" he began but never got to finish..

"AAAHH!! You little - just leave me alone!" My fingers had slid across his cheek leaving bits of pealing skin appearing under his left eye. " You just had to make me do that, now my new manicured nails are ruined!" The now semi injured man touched the slit near his cheek to find a mere amount of blood on his fingers.

If Hojo finds out that these nails have gone to a waste I'm dead. Every girl he hires must wear skimpy clothes and he pays for them to have their nails done, just to get the attraction of guests and more business in this bar. I'm so glad my shift's over for tonight. I hate working during nights, that's when the party here really gets started.

I turned and hurriedly walked back to my table leaving the stranger rejected in shock where my friends, Sango and Kagura, were drinking and playing games with some drunken men who had joined them.

"... 1!... 2!.. 3! Ha, you lose! Looks like you have to drink again!" Kagura laughed while making a young eighteen year old man drink a glass of red liquor. He already looked drunk too and was about to faint any minute. I took a seat next to Sango who had fallen asleep after finishing her last drink.

"Get me a glass of beer," I ordered as some worker in the club passed me by.

"KAGOME! Where have you been? You should have joined our game." Kagura laughed, "This guy's a newbie.. he always loses!" The eighteen year old passed out beside Sango after finishing his last drink as well.

I laughed. Kagura was always picking on newbies that came.

"Kagura, why do you always do that to the guys in this club? Leaving them with the bill after they can't take it anymore and go over their drunk limit.."

Kagura rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Well, it's not our fault that we don't make much money from our job!"


She did have a point there. I, Higurashi Kagome, was a grade school drop out.

Hey, school was just not meant for me, therefore no one would hire me since I didn't make it out of high school.

You see, my parents had died a long time ago when I was young right after they had my brother, Souta. I hardly even knew them, I didn't even know what either of them looked like... and probably never will. I didn't even have a chance to see any pictures of them. My grandfather had raised Souta and I from then on.

As I got older, around the age of twelve, Souta was taken away by a group of street gangs. My grandfather had tried to rescue him while I was told to stay in the house and hide. I was so scared, I wanted to go out and help.. but I knew I would disappoint grandfather if I did so. As I sat in the corner, I waited for the noise of punching and kicking to subside. When it did, I thought it was over.

But I was wrong.

The moment I stepped out to look for my grandfather, a piercing gun shot had sounded. I had dashed back in my corner and burst into tears, too frightened to move.

A few seconds later I heard a man's voice, "Let's get outta here!" A moment later, the sound of tires squealing against the cold pavement sounded and faded away quickly.

When everything was silent again, I bolted from my corner and ran outside to see what had happened.

"Grandfather .. what hap .. " I started.

My chest tightened. My mouth went dry. Lying motionless on the ground, was a body.

The body of my dear grandfather.

Leaving a trail of blood flowing down the street, his head bashed open, his eyes closed.

He was rushed to the hospital that night...and by sunrise, the news was broken to me that he was gone. He didn't make it. My grandfather and my only guardian .. was dead.

I was sent off to live with the closest relative of mine a year after the accident, by a passing policeman picked me up off the street, where I had been residing after my grandfather died.

My aunt.

She treated me harshly and made me do all the work around the house. She'd hit me with a thick wooden stick if she ever caught me ever slacking off, or whenever she wanted to vent her anger on something. I would never go to bed without bruises or cuts.

The only thing I ate for dinner was leftovers from her supper, which wasn't enough to fill an empty stomach. I wouldn't have complained for much if I had something to eat at breakfast and lunch.

But I didn't.

I knew I wouldn't be able to live a life like that any longer, so I decided to run away .. run away and live a life on my own. I was old enough, a complete teenager. It's been four years living in this hellhole. It's enough.

Maybe it was due to all the beating and hard labor my aunt had given me, it made me a lot more tired and old.

So one day, on a cloudy afternoon, I started packing my things when she came in on me.

"And what do you think you're doing?" She had arched an eyebrow and had given me a mischievous look.

"N-n-nothing!" I had stuttered, as I tried to hide my packed belongings behind me.

"Don't lie to me little girl!" She looked annoyed as she reached for her belt. I winced. I knew I was going to get hit again.

Taking a deep breath, I had shouted at her, "I'm running away can't you see?! I've been living with you for four years and now I've had enough. You treat me like shit you old hag!"

She snickered, "No need for that, my dear Kagome ...I've already decided to sell you off to an old friend of mine."

"What?! What do you mean, you have no right!"

"I do as I want whether you like it or not. Besides, I'll make big bucks out of you. I've always wanted to live the life of the rich."

And that was that. I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to slice her throat with a knife but I knew I could never take her down that easily.

So by the next morning, I was off and sent away with that evil man who took me away in chains. From that day on, I never saw my aunt again. I don't know if I should either thank the man, or slap him.

"Bankotsu sir, what do you want me to do with this girl?" one of his men holding my arms from behind questioned.

"Take her into the room with all the others," the man that went by the name of Bankotsu scoffed.

My eyes had widened. 'What others?! There's others?'

"Let go of me! I can walk myself, can't you see I have legs you know!" I had yelled at the man that held a tight grip on my wrists. They were sore and still scarred from what was left from my aunt, and he wasn't helping.

"Oh, shut up and this will be a much easier for the both of us," he had hissed.

Before I could protest, I felt something hard hit the back on my head. Immediately, I blacked out. That bastard.

When I woke up, I had found myself lying in the corner of a strange room. Other women were lying around, cuddled in the corner quietly, some screaming in frustration.

Where am I? What is this place? I had screamed out loud for everyone to hear me. My voice echoed through the four walls that surrounded us.

That wasn't a very smart move.

I rubbed my sore ears, and tried to ignore everybody that looked at me and whispered to each other.

"Hey look, that new girl's awake," one had said.

"Where am I?"

"In a room. We're locked up."

"Locked up?! Why?"

"By Bankotsu, the man that collects female slaves. He calls us 'his' sluts. We're his property now."

"How long have you been here?"

"About three months now..."

Our conversation was cut short when another one of Bankotsu's men opened the rusted door and threw another girl in. She looked worn out and trembling with ripped clothes on. The other girls had explained to me that she was just taken out recently and had now returned the next day. Bankotsu takes advantage of us, one by one. And when he's done, we're useless to him and he just disposes of us after.

Everyone had cuddled around the poor girl that had just returned. I couldn't believe this. I really couldn't. I sat back into my corner and cried myself to sleep.

I had woke up the next night when I found myself being draped over some man's shoulder. I was too weak to speak or move, so I had pretended I was still asleep.

Where was he taking me? Was I going home? Is this man really freeing me to the real world now? Wait, what was I thinking.. this is the same man that shoved me into that cell the other day!

Finally, I found my voice. I thumped my fist hard on his back and screamed, "Where are you taking me?! Let me go damnit!"

He grabbed my wrist from behind and tightened his grip, which caused me to wince. "The boss wants to see you."

The boss?

I swallowed hard.


I had shut my mouth instantly, plotting silently what I should do if he dare lay his dirty finger on me.

The man then took me into a big office and dropped me down on the floor roughly. He closed the door behind him and locked it as I was left in the dim room alone.

Or was I?

"Ah, I see I've got myself I pretty one today," a voice from behind startled me, "A very pretty one with a very slim figure. Not bad .. not bad at all." I turned around, frightened. I did look a lot skinnier, he was right. I haven't eaten in days and my skin looked so pale. I began backing away from the man.

While I was crawling away, I took time to examine him. He had long dark hair, tied into a tight braid. It was too dark to see what he was wearing but I could tell it was tight, for his muscles showed evidently under his garment. He was tall, and his face wore a mischievous grin. I wanted to wipe it off right then and there.

"What do you want?"

"You know what I want, I want you," he finished by slipping his arms around my waist and carrying me to his bed. I had screeched but he had put his hand on my mouth before I could do anything. "Now, now, be a good girl and just keep quiet."

I had obeyed, but not because I wanted to. I could no longer breathe because he was pressing against my stomach while struggling to rip my top off.

When I had relaxed and made him think I'd let him get to me, I felt him relax as well. When I noticed this, I kicked him in the knees as hard as I could.

Unfortunately, he was still able to stand. "Why you - " he slapped my right cheek hard and my body immediately went weak. I let go of my tight grasp around his arm, and in a blink of an eye, he ripped my clothes completely off, leaving me fully exposed under him. I crawled to the corner and stared at him with tears in my eyes. Water rolled down my cheeks as he got on and closer to me. I was too scared to move. I just sat there in the corner of his big bed and watched him fearfully as he began stripping himself. I just sat there, crying helplessly. I just sat there as he did his thing. I knew that I would never forget this; I knew I would never forget this horrific sight.

The rest of the night just went by like a blur.

Two weeks later, I had managed to escape. I knew they would be after me. By the looks of it, Bankotsu liked me. I overheard the other girls saying that I was his 'best'. I ran as far as I could, feeling guilty to leave the others behind. But I had no other choice. It's best if one of us got away from that place which I consider as hell.

I hadn't eaten for four days straight. My mind began to spin as I was heading out into the city. The blazing hot sun was getting to me; I needed water to survive this. My thoughts shattered as I collapsed onto the solid concrete ground.

As my eyes began opening, I found myself face to face with a young man. Sweat was dripping down the side of my forehead. Probably had another one of those nightmares.

"Are you alright?" the young man asked. That, was when I realized it was not a nightmare. Everything and the surroundings felt so real, I hadn't died.. this was reality.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where am I?"

"I found you on the streets one day on my way back from work. I decided to take you in."

"Why would you? I probably look disgusting right now."

He smiled, "what happened anyway?" As I told him my story, I could see he was concerned about me. I could see it in his eyes. They were glassy. Ah, a sensitive guy eh? I like those.

'I'm so sorry' was all he could say.

"It's alright, I should be thanking you for saving my life. What can I do in return? There must be something."

"Hmmm, hey I know. Why don't you work for me? Since you don't have a job."

"You would .. you really would?"

"Of course, attractive girls like you should be able to bring me more business," He winked at me.

"Ha ha very funny, more like scare them away with my freaky face!"

"Come on, do it for me please?" he plead with his puppy dog eyes. I had laughed at him. He was pretty cute with his tousled brown hair and big brown eyes.

So I agreed, and that's how I got my job and that's why I'm standing here right now. I've been working here, a bartender at Club Trance for half a year now. Where I've met my two best friends, Sango and Kagura, who are also my co-workers. And you would have guessed it. Hojo is the hero here.

As I got back on track, I started the independent life at the age of seventeen. I live on my own now, in a rented apartment. And that was the start of a new beginning. I didn't dare to think or bring up about the past again

"Let me have that! This guy drank all of mine." Kagura grabbed my beer before the waiter could set it down.

"HEY! I'm dead thirsty from dancing! Please get me another one." The waiter nodded and left. Yup, that's Kagura for your average type of girl. Couldn't get any popular around the guys. I don't even know why she plans on working here when she was accepted at a college in the U.S. She told me once that she never wanted to leave her friends here in Tokyo.

As for Sango, I met her when I was young. When I still went to school that is. Yes, Sango was my classmate and we became close friends up until now. Even when I was sent away to live with my aunt, I thought I'd never see her again. But who knew we bumped into the same club one night and reunited. Whatever happened to her anyway? I never thought she would end up here like me but seeing as her parents were murdered and she had to take care of her brother alone. She dropped out of high school to do the chores and work around the house. Well what can I say I've known her for nine years now and she's still the same: caring, sweet and loyal.

"Did you ask Hojo if we can have the night off on Friday?" Kagura asked, wiping some beer off her chin. OH SHIT! Friday's the DJ-ing contest here at Club Trance, and Kagura's current boyfriend is in the contest.

"Umm, I'll ask him first thing tomorrow when I wake up. How are you and Sesshomaru doing anyway?" I tried changing the subject so she wouldn't get mad. She's been dating him for a year now and I can tell that they're serious.

"Kagome! You forgot to ask again! Today's already Wednesday, if you ask any later, he won't let us off! Anyway, Sesshomaru is just as sweet as always, thanks for asking," Her tone changed from furious to soft and calm. We both started laughing. After I finished my beer, we grabbed our coats and bags, leaving the bill to the sleeping guys and together we started to hull the still sleeping Sango back to my place.

As we were about to exit the club, I accidentally bumped into a guy who was laughing with his friend. "HEY! WATCH IT!" I yelled almost dropping Sango.

"You have eyes yourself, you should have moved out of my way," the guy calmly retorted, as he took off the shades he was wearing.

"Sesshomaru?!" Kagura screamed, dropping all of Sango's weight on me and ran to hug him. OOOOF, she should warn me before hand! I grabbed Sango before she dropped on the floor.

"Hey Kagura, I didn't know you would be here tonight." He pecked Kagura's cheek, making her giggle. Uggh, I hate these scenes.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet my friend Kouga and my girlfriend Kagura." Kouga gave Kagome a warm smile which she returned as well.

"Kagome, do you mind if....?" Kagura started but I already knew what was going through her head.

"No, you go and have fun with your.. 'hunnie'.. " I stuck out my tongue.

"I owe you one," she winked and turned back towards the inside of the club.

"Don't stay out too late! And don't do anything I wouldn't do, that includes kissing!" I yelled back to her before leaving.

Kagome grunted as she dragged the dead asleep Sango across the street. "Sango! I thought you said you were on a diet! How come it isn't showing any affects? You're so goddamn heavy!" I half dragged her down a block, and then decided to piggy-back her home. Suddenly, I heard footsteps following closely behind me and getting closer. My heart rate increased and my walking pace turned into a semi-jog. What am I doing running from some stranger when I know some self defense skills?! I heard the footsteps almost right beside me and that's when I decided to spin around fast causing Sango's legs to rise and hit the stranger in that area down there.

"Mother f - !" I heard the person drop down on the floor. When I knew it was safe, I turned back and looked at a struggling man on the floor with his head tucked in, holding his precious area. I held in my laughter and started to fast walk back home along with Sango dragging me down every minute or so.

I plopped Sango onto my bed then headed into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and soon, steam began to fill the room in minutes. It was such an exhausting day today and I had work again the next morning at 8:00 AM.

I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. My black hair was still wet and the ends had curled slightly. I stared at Sango who was smiling as she slept in my bed. Guess somebody's having a good dream. I giggled then pulled on a pale green tank top and pajama bottoms before stepping out onto the balcony and taking in a breath of cold air. The view from up here was just overlooking the ocean that stretched who knows how far. It was pitch black and the glamourous lights of the buildings lit up the city creating a breathtaking view.

Every night I have the same dream, I dream of my prince charming coming but only to find disappointment because I'm not the smart, graceful princess he had hoped I'd be. But that dream never got me down, because love isn't important in my life. Never was and never will. So why did I always have to dream about it anyway?


Author's Notes: Leave me a review and let me know what you think. Not to mention this is my first fic so flame me if you have the urge to… I do like reviewers who speak their mind. ;)