InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Operation: Seduce Her ❯ Mistaken Identity ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Operation: Seduce Her
Chapter 6

It was about past midnight when Kagura stepped through the doors of Club Trance. Kagome, Kouga and Hojo were found lying asleep on the tables with a couple bottles of empty beer with some spilt over and the others rolled to their sides on the floor. The place was dark and the only light was the light coming from the streets and the half crescent moon that shone through the glass windows, making way for Kagura to approach them. She tapped them each on the shoulder but neither moved except for the sleeping Kagome, who stirred slightly. The three had played drinking games to keep them entertained until they went over their limit and collapsed. After a frustrating period of hassle, Kagura finally gave in and quietly top-toed to the lounge when she felt something grab onto her leg. Instantaneously, she turned around to find the knocked out yet conscious Kagome tugging at her jeans.

"Kagura, hey... glad you're back," Kagome whispered inadequately and flashed a drunk smile.

"You look a little drunk," Kagura took note and rubbed her face. Kagome giggled and rolled off the table causing her to fall flat on her butt. "
A lot may I not add?"

Kagome grabbed Kagura's arm for support and pulled herself up, "We have to talk..."

"Whatever you have to talk about, we can talk about it tomorrow." Kagura hauled Kagome to the direction of the washroom.

"Tomorrow? But it already is tomorrow silly," she mistakenly corrected her. Kagome was dropped down in the shower still fully dressed. "Owwie, that hurt." The drunken teenager rubbed her sore bottom. She was left soaking wet and hopefully the drowsiness would be washed out, and it worked. Kagome immediately snapped out of it and coughed as water entered her mouth and nostrils.

"Kagura! What are you doing?" Kagome pressed her hands against the wall as water poured down against her, pressuring her down. She finally made her way out and stepped onto the soft rug beneath her toes, shivering. Her head was still dizzy, and she felt nauseous when Kagura threw a towel at her face.

Kagura tugged at her drenching shirt, "Come on, I'll drive you home."

Kagome shook her head, as she towel dryed her damp hair. "No, I want to talk first,"

Kagura glanced at Kagome, and nodded since she decided Kagome wasn't drunk anymore. So they settled themselves in the lounge with a warm cup of coffee, in each of their cold hands. Kagome sat and didn't speak as she sipped her coffee still with the towel on and shivering. Kagura turned on the heater and took a seat across from her friend.

"So how was it?"

Kagome looked up and smirked, "Exactly what I wanted to talk about..."

"Come on, it couldn't have been that bad." The completely clueless Kagura obviously had no idea what was expected.

Kagome laughed as if she was insane. Well almost. "I can't believe it, I can't believe
you," she started then stopped to put her cup down on the table before them.

Kagura just rolled her eyes, "Please continue." She laughed again causing Kagura to only sigh faintly and stare at her vaguely. Kagura was slowly beginning to think Kagome was insane, a complete psycho. Maybe it was bad ..

"... I can't believe you're -" she dropped her gaze at her hands this time, with an unpredictable smile spread across her face. Yup, Kagura was surely getting the feeling that her instincts were 99.99 percent sure of her theory.

"Spit it out." Kagura was beginning to become impatient for she was picking at her nail instead of paying attention to Kagome's drama.

"I can't believe you're dating that son of a bitch's brother!" At last her thoughts had spilled out and trailed to Kagura's reaction. She began chewing her lips intensely for a reply. Kagura just dropped her jaw down in awe, confused as what Kagome had just said.

"Kagome! What do you mean... Inuyasha?!" She began raising her voice level to match Kagome's.

"Yes! You're dating that jerk's brother!!" This time she stood up and knocked the cup over and the delicious brown liquid spilled across the table. Both exacerbated females ignored it and continued arguing.

"What jerk? ..You mean that jerk you've always been talking about is Inuyasha!?"

"Yeah! - " Kagome caught herself off guard and stopped dead in her tracks. It became quiet again for a short moment; only the echoing sound of the clock ticking through the background was heard. Until Kagome broke the silence, "I'm sorry..." she looked down. Kagura was shocked at the sudden change in her attitude. "I know it's not your fault and I'm making it sound like it is. It's just such a coincidence that those two could be related."

"They're half, step, god.. whatever you call them." Kagura began wiping up the mess as Kagome put her hand on top of hers and took over; she got the signal and sat back into her seat.

"Look, I'm sorry. I don't even know what I was thinking..." the flustered girl scrubbed the mess intensely for it to appear like a freshly polished table. Though she didn't dare make eye contact, Kagura could tell she meant it.

"Kagome, what happened?" the curious woman asked eagerly. Kagome finished cleaning the last spot and put the rag down. Her thoughts were mixed and mingled; she didn't know how to start.

She shook her head in an annoyed grimace, "He forced me to sleep with him.." she didn't hesitate to speak but drifted off. "He'd pay me to spend a night with him!"

"Stop raising your voice, I'm sitting right in front of you." Kagura sighed. She wasn't surprised about Kagome's new outburst but was rather getting a headache from all this. "Is that all?" Kagome nodded and stared down at her feet. "And did you?"

Her head came bolting up which sent Kagura a quick heart attack, "No! Of course not."

She caught her breath and exhaled. "Then what's the problem?"

"He's such a bastard! I feel so low..
so lost now.." the burdened girl's eyes filled up with tears. She lifted her feet up onto the couch and hugged her knees into a ball. "No one's ever asked me that, and I don't want to end up like one of those prostitutes that make a living out of having you know.. yeah..." Kagura hugged her friend for reassurance and offered a shoulder as she went to her side.

"Don't cry, you don't want to cry because of him do you?"

"I'm not crying.." she protested, "These are just tears of anger and pure hatred!" Kagome just couldn't keep it inside of her anymore if she knew letting it out would make her feel better.

But it didn't. For some puzzling reason, it didn't.
"How would you like your breakfast sir?" Miroku asked from the kitchen as he rolled a few sausages over in the frying pan. "Would you like it with eggs?" The poor boy had taken over the maid's morning job and routine for the fact that she did not show up. He was more of Inuyasha's private servant, a mere buddy of the sidekick type. He was not exactly cut out for the substitute he was for this employment but under the demands of his master, he had no choice unless he wanted to be working at a corner store of some sort instead. Inuyasha was reading the newspaper and not fully paying attention. Miroku had never seen him so zoned into it before. "Umm Inuyasha?" His faithful 'servant' tried again.

The dog eared male began flipping through the pages anxiously. "Hey, you know where the comics section is? I can't seem to find it.." Inuyasha continued flipping furiously until the newspaper was close to turning into shreds. "Hello? I asked a question here... and I need answers!"

"What was I thinking?" Miroku sighed under his breath and cracked a couple of eggs. He then hit the spatula against the pan and cleared his throat. Inuyasha looked up as he was distracted from his morning paper, alarmed. Miroku smiled sweetly, rather freakishly sweetly which sent an eerie chill crawling down his boss's spine.

"Uhh - scrambled please, thank you very much." Inuyasha replied in a cheerful tone as he returned to his paper. By that you could probably tell he was in a good mood this morning. Despite the fact that his family vase was broken, he managed to forget about it and enjoy his day. He scanned the rest of the pages and surrendered to defeat as he still failed to find the comics. Then something had unexpectedly caught his eye. The headline read -

"Here's your breakfast sir, eat away." Miroku placed the plate along with a glass of orange juice onto the dining room table in front of him. He noticed as Inuyasha's faced dropped from content to disturbed. Then it dropped again from disturbed to really disturbed as he watched Inuyasha's orbs follow the steady even flow of the words aligned in a particular article.

"Dead bodies of teenage females discovered by the sea side.." Inuyasha muttered repulsively, "Oh that's just - that's just yuck you know.." Miroku peered over his shoulders and surveyed the article himself. Both males examined it as their pupils moved swiftly inside their eye sockets from left to right. Miroku started biting his knuckles for assistance as for Inuyasha remained still in his seat and grave. "Ouch, that's just low man .. you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, right back at yaa mah brother," Miroku agreed in a vaguely strange ghetto style of speech. Inuyasha removed his gaze off the paper and eyed him along with an arched eyebrow. He stared back and mimicked his actions and in addition he rubbed his chin. The unimpressed hanyou continued staring and his buddy stared back as well.

"Don't do that." Inuyasha coughed with an uneasy look on his face.

"Right, right.. my bad," he nodded and rubbed his head. "So did they find out who's the one behind it all?"

The uncertain male shook his head displeased, "Sadly not."

"Oh isn't that too bad.." Miroku then realized something about Inuyasha, did he really have a heart? A soft side?

"Not that I'd really care though," he then scoffed harshly with a short laugh.

Never mind, false alarm.

"Anyway.. back to my point now. Like come on, even I'm not as no-lifed as this guy. I mean like after my showers there's a whole hair ball clogged in the drain, I cut my toe nails while I'm taking a dum - " he concluded short and cleared his throat, "Uhh ..and I enjoy getting manicures from a professional french salon. It's not as bad, I mean it's not even half as bad as what this guy does." Inuyasha manage to catch himself there at the last minute and also spill some juicy details about his personal life.

"Gee like I had to know that? Thanks, I think I just lost my appetite there." Miroku rolled his eyes and was on his way back to the kitchen.

Slightly offended, Inuyasha shot back with a death glare, which was sure to burn through the back of his head and through that thick skull of his. "Oh yeah, there's something I wanna tell you."

The delighted Miroku had a sudden shock of excitement and whirled around instantly, "Yes?"

Inuyasha picked up his fork and dug into the plate before him. "That apron looks totally adorable on you," he winked as he bit into a slightly burnt sausage.

"Oh does it?" Miroku's eyes twinkled in astonishment as he kicked his left foot into the air. He was rather flattered by Inuyasha's kind words and took it as a compliment for though he knew what his boss really meant.

"Yeah it does.. you should wear it more often." The dog eared boy suggested sarcastically. Miroku sighed a rather feminine laugh and strolled back to the kitchen. This time, intending to go all the way and not get distracted again for though he knew he had left the stove on. "What a fool," Inuyasha snickered under his breath and shoved the rest of the sausage into his mouth. He suddenly stopped dead in his chewing and took a moment to examine the odd taste in his mouth. "Miroku! What is this crap?!" He gulped it down and prayed for it to not get stuck on its way. Quickly, he poured the bright and sticky orange liquid into his mouth and pushed the rest of the food on the plate away.

Inuyasha leaned back in his chair and stared up at the ceiling. Pieces of yesterday flashed through his mind like a messed up puzzle and took over his thoughts. A smile suddenly crept over his face as an image of Kagome appeared.

She was dressed in her cute little black outfit from the other day. Inuyasha extended his arms out and wrapped them around her waist as she pushed him down onto the couch. He rolled over so that he was now on top and Kagome giggled. --

"Hey Inu, what's with the freaky look?" Miroku interrupted his day dream but his vision was still clogged up and blurry. Inuyasha's smile faded. He took time to contemplate it and he wanted to know what was going to happen... then he reached into his pocket and pulled out Kagome's bracelet. He stared at it, admiring its value in different angles. "Do you hear me loud and clear?" Inuyasha's face turned to a stony solid expression and he wasn't aware of his best friend's presence. Miroku jumped back, he really wanted to regret what he just did. Because bothering Inuyasha once he was in his daze would cause him to only be grumpy. But this time he wasn't. Was he too into it -
too deep? Possibly. That's when Miroku noticed the bracelet he was clutching in his hands, tightly. 'Thinking about Kagome again I suppose..' his little servant picked up his unfinished plate and empty glass as Inuyasha got up and headed for the doorway. Miroku suspected him to be heading for his bedroom. He was going to check on him later.

But he didn't because he knew he needed to be alone with his thoughts and himself.

"I need to see her again." Inuyasha sat by the window which had a view just overlooking the entire city. He just sat there, still clutching onto the bracelet and staring out through the glass. That was how he cleared his mind and his way of escaping from all the stress. "But first, there is some business that has to be taken care of."
"Kagome! I need an order here at table five!" Kagura called over to the already occupied Kagome who was balancing a tray with one hand and struggling to take a notepad out of her pocket with the other.

She tilted her head to her direction and nodded, "Yeah I got it .. just let me finish taking this one's order first." Kagome retrieved the pen from behind her ear and jotted down his order. Her hair was pulled back into a high pony tail and the long ends dangled down against her back.

Kagura walked over to Kagome and grabbed her tray, "Here I'll take this." She wandered behind the counter and filled some glasses with bear and liquor. As for Kagome, she approached the next table a tad more frustrated. The place was packed tonight. As usual. But it was different because neither Sango nor the other girls were here. Kagome placed the last order and turned her attention towards the entrance. New customers had entered and were eagerly waiting to be seated due to the fact that all the tables and spots along the counter were taken.

"Just take a seat and wait until you are tended please," Kagome called over to them, who obeyed. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and sighed. Kagura motioned for her to come over behind the counter.

"So how's it going?" Kagura asked out of the blue. The uncertain girl cocked an eyebrow and wiped her hands on the already filthy cloth. "How are you feeling?" Kagura asked more specifically.

Kagome brought a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Oh I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Are you sure it's alright that I'm dating - "

"Oh yeah of course, you love him right? And that's all that matters." Kagome had taken time to think things through last night. If someone truly loved another then that's that. You shouldn't interfere with relationships because you woulsn't have any idea what they're feeling and what they're going through. Besides, all she wanted was for her friend to be happy. And if Kagura was happy she was happy.

Kagura smiled, "Are you sure you're alright?"

"You worry too much." Kagome patted her friend on the back.

"Oh I don't know .. you seem a little dazed out today and much harder working than usual." Kagura leaned forward on the counter and cupped her hands on her own cheeks.

"Hey.. so you're saying that I normally don't work as hard?" Kagome accused uncertainly as she pointed a finger at her. She flipped her hair and sighed deeply.

"No I mean is there something on your mind?" Kagura finished before she noticed someone waving their hand in to mob of heads and went over to approach him.

Kagome sat down on the empty stool beside her and sighed again. Those words had caught the good of her curiosity. It got her thinking.

Something on her mind?

"Headache." she moaned and placed her fingertips on her temples and rubbed them.

Kagura never returned and Kagome was wondering why that girl hadn't come back. Besides, she was only taking another customer's order... how long could that possibly take? Kagome scanned the night club from left to right, up and down. Kagura was caught slacking off and laughing with a drunken man and his buddies. She was offered to take a seat next to him for a drink. Not having the urge to care, Kagome leaned forward and rested her head upon the counter.

What's wrong with me? Did it have to involve something about yesterday... what happened yesterday anyway? Kagome was lost in her thoughts again. The music in the background had faded and the chatter amongst the crowds became a sudden blur. How come I can't remember a single damn thing?! All she came up with were questions, but no answers.

Kagome dragged her focus among the crowded tables and dance floor. She flashed a drunken smile at the people laughing and enjoying themselves by the nearest table. "I know what's wrong; I'm always caught up in my job. I never have time to have fun myself.." she whispered faintly to herself. "That's what I'm missing in my life. Fun. ... a
ll along."
"Damn this place is loaded." Inuyasha complained as he weaved himself in and out of the bodies that surrounded him. "Hey watch it!" he warned as someone accidentally hit his shoulder.

He was here to see her. He needed to.. for some reason. But there was also something else he was feeling.

Impetuous. Was a word to describe.

The silver haired boy had a sudden forceful energy unleashed within him. He was searching for something. Or specifically somebody. Somebody of which he wanted to get his claws on. He could smell the strong scent of humans and their body odor. Inuyasha turned his gaze upon the dance floor and froze. -- There wasn't much to expect... it was just the same old lovers grinding intensely to the verge of felicity.

"He had blue eyes I recall, blue as the ocean tides. His chestnut brown hair was tied in a pony tail - high pony tail. My, it looked so soft I wanted to touch it myself. She ran her fingers through it which glided smoothly. He was tall and buff with wide shoulders. Not your average kind of guy - he looks like a warrior.. the 'don't pick a fight with me' one..."

Inuyasha squeezed his fists tight and his orbs had a burning sensation to them.

"They were laughing and talking. Looked like they were having a good time. What surprised me was he gave her a peck on the cheek too.. so now you see why..."

Inuyasha's impetuosity had reached its maximum capacity. He savagely dashed over to the dance floor like a bolt of lightning.

"This is crazy!" Kagome protested as she made her way around the club. "I can't even find my way around!" People had bumped into her and strangers from a nearby table cheered when some girl dragged her over.

"Hey baby, you want a drink?" a woman around her twenties offered as she pulled Kagome closer.

"Umm.. no it's okay." Kagome quickly declined and tried getting loose but the woman's grip on her wrist was tight. She was pulled even closer so that they were now only inches apart. The people watching cheered loudly again.

"Do it, do it, do it..." they began to chant on and on. Kagome was nervous at what was expected. Her gut feeling was sending a signal that something bad was going to happen. The terrified teenager struggled to get free but still failed. Suddenly, the woman grabbed her in for a kiss on the lips.

"Eww what are you doing?!" Kagome finally pulled away and wiped her now violated mouth.

"Come on.. I know you like that," the woman hissed back seductively. Kagome made an appalled face and quickly backed away in the opposite direction.

"Gross! Ew, ew, ew, ew, I do
not kiss other girls because I strongly believe that is just wrong!" The disgusted teen continued finding her way around the place. It was definitely rowdy tonight. "... Now where is that Kagura - AHHH!"

The sudden sound of a beer bottle breaking was heard over the loud music. The music immediately stopped and what Kagome saw through her two eyes were two men fighting. It was dark; she could barely see it taking place. Ladies were screaming and men were running. The two figures got onto the floor and started throwing punches at each other. They're legs were entwined and arms fidgeting to keep the other one's arm down.
Other men tried to stop and hold them back. But interfering only meant getting involved. It now began a fight including four aggressive men. One had thrown a powerful punch at the other who screamed 'Ahh you broke my nose damnit!' While the other two grabbed beer bottles and tried smashing them on each other's head. It now became two separate fights. A crowd was forming around them and people were scattered everywhere, surveying the dreadful scene.

Kagome was too stunned to move. She just stood there in front of everyone else in the same spot she first witnessed it. She had a front row seat.. and she swore the men involving the fight looked somewhat familiar. Someone suddenly ran by and carelessly knocked her to the ground, sending her crashing right before the battle. The drunk with the bear bottle started getting near her. A rush of anxiety raced through her system which caused Kagome to try to crawl away. The same drunk tossed his bottle away and approached her with a smile. He placed a constricted grip on her shirt and closed in on her face. Kagome immediately closed her eyes and tried screaming.

But she

There was no sound coming out. All she could do was wait for what was to come.

Nothing. Nothing happened.

Kagome opened her eyes slowly to see a blurry figure blocking her.

Was someone protecting her?

Something shot through her mind like a speeding bullet.
This scene looks way too familiar. Where am I? What's happening?! I don't even know... Then she realized something, she knew what was going to happen next before it did - she didn't want to know though ...she didn't want to see it happen either. Everything and her surroundings began to spin. She was lost in this crazy world.
Quickly, she put her hand on temples and tried to regain sight. Her headache just had to take affect in a time like now when she was in danger. She needed some air, she needed to get out. Kagome picked herself up off the ground and pushed her way through the mob of people surrounding her. She ran and didn't bother stopping to look back either.

The figure protecting Kagome turned around but only to find that nothing was there. She was gone. "Shit." He scoffed coldly and flung his head in every direction. But she was no where in sight.
The other two men involving their own fight stopped dead. They were lying still conscious on the floor, both breathing heavily, side by side. They were looking straight into each other's eyes with defeat. Blood dripping down the side of one's mouth and blood trailing down the side of the other one's forehead. Sweat was pouring down both the sides of their foreheads.

As for the other two, the figure looked straight into his opponent's eyes. He took note of his expression and face, appearance and features. He pursed his lips and flashed an unsure smirk.

"... and a bandage, he had a bandage on his right cheek."

The figure stared at the other guy's face. He froze and coughed silently. "This guy has no bandage on his face. Or if he didn't there would at least have been a scar to replace it... nothing heals that fast..."
DAMNIT! Miroku gives the worst descriptions because this guy matches everything but how can he not be him?!?!
His opponent stood a few meters away in a fighting stance posture, he was ready for more. The figure cocked an eyebrow back and smirked fully this time. My bad...wrong guy damnit -- where's Kagome?! He loosened up and ran a finger through his silver hair. "Hey, I gotta go now!" the figure finished off and sped out, furiously pushing through the bodies in his way. He cursed himself for sounding like such a coward, running away from the battle like that.

But he wasn't the guy. Why waste his time of him when he could be challenging the
real thing?

"Hey! But we're not finished here! Not just yet..." the man declared and ran after him but slipped on an empty bear bottle which caused him to fall face flat. He was now knocked unconscious.
But Inuyasha could no longer hear his last words despite the fact that he was already out of ear shot.
Author's Note: Stay tuned because the action starts taking place from now on! =)