InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Opposites ❯ Meet Kagome ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: I don't own, so no sue. ^___^
Katiepatie—Thanks! Hope you like! ^________^
marijang69—Here's an update. Enjoy! ^___~
Chapter 4: Meet Kagome
Just then, the bushes rustled, and out popped a dark haired man carrying a staff. “I've been looking for you everywhere Inuyasha! Where…” He trailed off at what he saw. In front of him was a stunned Inuyasha with a beautiful girl sitting on his lap, both breathless, her lips cherry red. “Inuyasha! I didn't know you had it in you! Good show!”
Inuyasha jumped up and clobbered the houshi. Kagome stood up, brushing off her clothes, blushing. The distraction over, Kagome remembered what had happened. Tears flowed from her cheeks. When Miroku saw this, he jumped to conclusions. “Inuyasha! Did you force yourself on this lovely maiden!” He spoke to Inuyasha.
“Of course not! She's crying because she lost her family.” Kagome had retreated into the hut. She came out carrying her mother's prone figure, muscles straining. She laid her mother on the ground a little way from the hut. Then she went back and did the same with her father. Laboriously digging their graves, she buried them, placing markers and flowers on their graves. The two men watched in silence, not knowing what to do. Kneeling beside their graves, Kagome broke down again. Inuyasha's heart ached to see her in such a state. The fiery girl he had just met that morning had turned into a weeping puddle.
“Kagome, don't cry.” Inuyasha murmured to the sobbing girl as he held her close. Soon the girl fell asleep in his arms. Picking her up, he informed Miroku, “I'm taking her to my place (his father's) Miroku; can you go to the next village and tell the girl with the big boomerang that Kagome has lost her parents. Take her to my house. Be careful, she's a demon exterminator and may not believe you at first. And don't cop a feel!” Miroku said he would and headed for the next village. Inuyasha, cradling the miko with care, took off for his mansion.
Miroku neared the village thinking. I thought Inuyasha was supposed to be protecting that Kikyou girl and courting her. Maybe she's ugly or something. Kagome, I think that's her name, is gorgeous, but Inuyasha seems to like her. Her clothes are a bit funny though. Not that I'm complaining. ::perverted thoughts:: As Miroku set foot in the village, he found himself unable to proceed. A boy with a sickle chain weapon stood blocking his way.
“What do you want?” Kohaku queried abruptly.
“I just came to deliver a message. I don't mean any harm.” Miroku replied just as Sango came out of a hut towards them with Kirara in tow.
“Kohaku, father needs you for a moment.” Sango said to her brother and then turned to the stranger. “What is your purpose?”
Miroku stared for a moment and then tore his eyes away from her and replied, “I have a message from Inuyasha. He told me to tell you that Kagome's parents were slaughtered. He took her to his place and wants you to go for Kagome.”
“How do I know you are telling the truth?”
“Inuyasha's a pig-headed hanyou, white hair, triangle dog ears, amber eyes. Kagome seems to be a nice girl, long black hair, short skirt (his eyes get a faraway dreamy look)…”
“Hentai!” Big boomerang comes in contact with his head. “Stop thinking of Kagome in that way! I believe you. Lead me to…” Sango stopped when she heard shouts coming from the village. One more prominent than the rest. “Sango! Help!” (Kohaku)
Sango turns and rushes toward the heart of the village. Miroku follows in pursuit.
“Kukuku! You are friends of Kagome and you will die. Think of the pain she will be in! Mwa ha ha ha ha! Die weaklings! For Naraku!” Kagura shouted before she whipped out the fan and blew them away, killing almost the entire village in one fell swoop.
“Kohaku! Father! No!” Sango charged in. Throwing her weapon with deadly accuracy, Sango hurled it at Kagura. It was blown away by another wind. The rest of the villagers were slaughtered. Miroku stepped forward, pushing Sango behind him. Removing the rosary around his hand, he unleashed the kazaana (is that right?). It began to pull the shocked Kagura toward it. Then, suddenly, she vanished. Miroku sealed his hand. After the encounter, he helped Sango bury the villagers. Everyone had died. He prayed for them.
“Take me to Kagome.”
Inuyasha leapt over the tall, brick wall surrounding the estate. I can't go in the front door or else the butler will ask a lot of questions. I know, I can go through my window! He gracefully swung into the lavish bedroom and gently placed the miko on the bed. At that moment, as he was leaning over the sleeping girl (laying Kagome down), his father walked in. In the same instant, Kagome awoke. Her eyes fell on the taiyoukai and her powers reacted. An immensely strong shield had erupted around Kagome, sheltering her from the youkai.
“Inuyasha! Son! What are you doing! What have you done to the Lady Kikyou!” As Kagome was about to protest that she wasn't Kikyou, the taiyoukai faced her. “Gomen, I took you to be Kikyou. I see by your greater power that you are not Kikyou, but the source of power I sensed earlier this day. What is your name child? There's no need to be scared of me.”
Kagome dropped her shield and answered the gigantic dog demon. “My name is Kagome, taiyoukai-sama.” By her surroundings and the appearance of the one before her, she drew the conclusion that he was a great demon. “A pleasure to meet you.” Inuyasha looked in surprise at the girl. The taiyoukai questioned her and found her much to his liking. His eyes showed his compassion toward her when she told of the death of her parents.
“If you would like, you may stay at my mansion. We have plenty of rooms. You may stay as a guest.” The taiyoukai said.
“Arigato. But I don't want to impose upon your household, tai-sama. If I could stay, I would like to repay by working. I can do many things. My parents (Kagome paused for a moment) taught me many things. I can be a maid, if that is what is required. Mama (single tears wells) said I could sing, dance, and perform, so I could provide entertainment. If there are little one's to take care of, I can help. The village mikos around me have helped me train my power so I can heal moderately well.” Kagome would have continued with a litany of things she would be willing to do to pay for her stay, but the taiyoukai interrupted gently.
“You are a guest and need not pay for your stay, however, if you wish to do those things, you may. Feel free to stay for as long as you wish.”
The taiyoukai left. Inuyasha called a maid and had her escort Kagome to her room. Kagome left with the maid.
Why do I feel this way about her? I can't forget the way her lips felt against mine and how she felt snuggled up against me. I've only just met her!
A/N: Please review!