InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Opposites ❯ Tragedy ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: No own. No sue.
Essies—Here's an update!
Katiepatie—Here's the next chappy. It's a bit short, but it's a chappy. ^__^
marijang69—I can't see your review right now, but I'll keep on trying. ^__^
Chapter 3: Tragedy
“Hey, I just saved you back there. Don't you owe me a thank you?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, you did save me. Arigato then.”
“What's your name anyways?”
“Inuyasha.” Kagome tried to stand up, but her legs didn't support her. She had sprained her ankle when she tripped.
“Umm. Do you think you could help me up? I seem to have sprained my ankle.” Kagome asked Inuyasha as she looked up at him.
“Feh.” He reached down, and none too gently, heaved her over his shoulder.
“Hey! What do you think you're doing! I'm not some sack of potatoes! Hey! Are you listening to me!” Kagome shouted at the red clad hanyou.
She has nice legs. Stop it Inuyasha. Don't think of her like that. I'm not a lech like Miroku. “Where do you live?” Inuyasha asked. She told him the directions to Sango's place because she didn't want her family to worry when they saw her. He leapt up through the trees. When they reached their destination, he stopped and dumped her onto the floor. Kagome had not thought what this scene would look like to a village full of demon exterminators.
“Kagome-sama! You're hurt!” Kohaku shouted as he ran out of the hut. When his eyes landed on Inuyasha, he immediately assumed it was he that did the deed. Kohaku charged at Inuyasha with his chain sickle (Is this right? I dunno.) raised. Sango heard the commotion and came out to see Inuyasha drawing his katana, Kagome lying sprawled on the ground, and Kohaku in a fighting stance. Quick as ever, she unleashed her big boomerang at Inuyasha, hitting him on the head, sending him sprawling. By now, the rest of the village had assembled around the hanyou with their weapons raised.
“Sango! Kohaku! Stop!” Kagome shouted. They turned to her. “Inuyasha saved me. I was attacked by a youkai as I was leaving the village.” Sango and Kohaku looked at each other. (oops).
They helped her inside to treat her ankle. Inuyasha had recovered by now and was growling at their retreating backs. He was about to leave when he found he didn't want to. A little later, Kagome came out of the hut, good as new. With some herbal help, she had used her miko power to heal herself. “Thanks Sango, but I can make it home on my own.”
“But Kagome-sama,” protested Kohaku, “what if another youkai attacks?”
“Thanks for your concern Kohaku, but I'll be fine. Mum and dad are probably waiting for me.”
Kagome left the village for the second time that day. The angry hanyou trailed her without her knowledge. He watched as the girl made her way home. Her home, he saw in surprise, was a small, rickety shack!
“Mama! Papa! I'm home! Mama?” Kagome looked around the small hut. Everything was in shambles. Looking around, her eyes landed on the still forms of her parents. “No!”
Inuyasha, hidden in the trees, heard her anguished cry. He slowly approached the entrance; the reek of death filled his senses as he entered the hut. Kneeling on the ground beside her parents, Kagome wept uncontrollably. She was an image of defeat.
“It's all my fault. They came for me, and I wasn't here. Oh mama, papa, I'm so sorry.” Kagome whispered as she sobbed. Inuyasha's sensitive ears caught her words and he thought, what enemy could this girl have? “I'll get Naraku. I'll get revenge. He sent that youkai to get me. Now he stole you. I'll kill him. Mama. Papa. I should have died, not you.” Kagome started when she felt a hand land on he shoulder. Inuyasha had come up behind her. He hated to see people cry. Kagome turned around. The sorrow in her eyes pierced his heart. Unable to stand strong any longer, Kagome threw herself in to the surprised hanyou's arms, sobbing into his haori. His arms came around her slowly. Her hands clenched the front of his hakama tightly, as if he was her only lifeline. She had just lost her only family. (Besides her twin, Kikyou) He gently lifted her up and carried her outside, away from her dead parents.
Stroking her hair and back comfortingly, he murmured, “Shhh. It's not your fault. They are in a good place. Don't cry.” When her sobs subsided, she looked up at him. Blushing, she said, “Arigato.” He looked down into her brown eyes and felt something he never had before. The need to protect. As they continued to gaze into each other's eyes, Inuyasha's head lowered until their lips were only a centimeter apart. Closing the distance between them, Inuyasha placed a soft kiss on her lips. Her eyes opened wide. He drew back. They stared. Unable to resist the urge to kiss her again, Inuyasha lowered his head toward hers. When their lips touched this time, his tongue flicked questioningly at her lips. He wanted more. Hesitantly, she opened her mouth invitingly. This was her first kiss. He didn't know that though. His tongue dived into her mouth hungrily, swallowing her groan. When they pulled back, both were breathing hard. Just then, the bushes rustled, and…