InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Opposites ❯ First Meeting ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Thanks for waiting! Here's the next chapter.
Katiepatie—I hope you won't be disappointed in this fic. Enjoy! ^___^
Kristie—Thanks for reviewing! ^___~
essies2—Thanks for reviewing! Yay!
Chapter 2: First Meeting
The villagers adopted the two parentless girls, but when hard times came, they abandoned them in the forests. On that windy night, a poor couple wandered through the forest, not far from where a wealthy couple strolled leisurely under parasols held by servants. The wealthy couple heard the cries of a child and approached the tree where the twins were placed.
“Oh koi! Look! It's just a child.” They didn't notice the other child staring solemnly at them through the leaves of the bush. “Let's take her with us. She's been abandoned!” And so, the wealthy couple took the little, crying infant home.
Ten minutes later, the poor couple entered the area the wealthy had just been. They were looking for food. As the lady reached her hand into the berry bush, a tiny hand grasped one of her fingers. She gasped. The couple carefully pulled the branches back to reveal a little child staring at them. Although they could not support the child, they decided to take her with them.
And so, the twins went different ways. Each knew only how to say their names. They remembered their mother and each other but none else. The child, Kikyou, who had cried since the moment of birth and who had vied for attention was adopted by a wealthy couple. The other child, Kagome, who had never fussed or thrown tantrums, was adopted by the impoverished couple.
Fourteen years later.
“How dare you! You spilled wine all over my gown!”
“So sorry Lady Kikyou, I didn't mean it.”
“Leave!” The butler exited with a bow.
“Now I'll have to change clothes again before I can meet my courtier today.” `Mother said she was setting me up with the son of the wealthy Inutaiyoukai. I hope he's handsome, or I will simply have to refuse. It would be a shame.'
Kikyou changed into a different elegant kimono. She was a skilled miko.
“Daughter, the taiyoukai is here with his son Inuyasha. Please hurry.”
Kikyou floated down the steps to where they were. “I'm sorry for my tardiness. My name is Kikyou.” Introductions went around the room. Kikyou stared at Inuyasha. He had claws! And fangs! She closed her disgust behind a mask as she smiled pleasantly at them.
“Mama! I'm going to go see to my patient in the neighboring village okay? Be back later!” Kagome called to her mother as she raced out the door. Their extreme poverty did not allow them to buy much cloth, so they did the best they could. Kagome was dressed in a short green skirt with a white shirt. She carried a self-made, yellow backpack containing her tools. She ran swiftly to the next village. Her patient was Kohaku, the younger brother of her friend Sango. The village was one where demon exterminators resided.
As she entered the village, a crowd of admirers gathered around her, presenting her with little gifts and asking her how she was. Kagome kindly accepted their gifts and spoke briefly with each. Her genuine smile never left her face. She gently disentangled herself from the group and headed for Sango's hut. “Sango! Are you here?”
“Come in Kagome! We've been waiting for you.” Kagome sat down beside Kohaku and began to work once again.
“Sango, do you think I could try something? Your brother fought a soul stealing youkai. It didn't have a chance to take his soul, but I think it may have created some kind of block to cause Kohaku to be unable to awaken.”
“I trust you Kagome, and I know you have a lot of power. Try it.”
“No matter how pained I may appear, do not touch me, okay Sango? Promise me. If you do, it could be fatal for both of us.”
“Hai Kagome.”
Kagome sat with her legs crossed in front of her. She took one of Kohaku's hands with her own. Dropping deep within her power, Kagome tried a new technique on Kohaku. She didn't understand her own power, but had thought this out. Somehow, she let her own mind flow into Kohaku's. His mind was blank as if his soul wasn't there. She could feel his soul struggling to break into his mind. She flinched at the pain he felt. Although she had treated all his wounds, there was one that she did not. His pain was caused by the separation of his soul from himself.
Sango watched as her friend shuddered and grimaced. She wondered what was happening.
Reaching gently into his mind with her power, she ruthlessly delved deeper until she suddenly collided with a wall. On the other side, she felt his soul! Crafting an arrow with her mind, she shot it at the barrier. It exploded. His soul returned to him; Kagome slipped out of his mind. “He's going to wake now, Sango. There was a barrier between his soul and his mind. I went in and destroyed it. He will be fine.” Kagome said to a shocked Sango. Then, her untrained power fell apart, and she collapsed. The power she had used to bring Kohaku back was only the surface of her extent, however, she had not learned of how to delve deeper into her power.
Back with Kikyou, the inutaiyoukai straightened suddenly. He felt a blast of power somewhere. He had not felt this much power since the miko, Midoriko. Inuyasha looked at his father, sensing the sudden change. Kikyou and her mother stared, puzzled.
“There is a great power out there. Be careful. It may or may not be good. Inuyasha, son, protect Kikyou.” The taiyoukai said calmly.
“I thank you for the thought of protecting me, but, a miko such as myself, need not protection.” Kikyou said.
“Nonsense Kikyou, you do need protection. Inuyasha will protect you and you can get acquainted.” Kikyou's mother said.
Oh great. I'm stuck babysitting some spoiled brat. Maybe I can get Miroku to fill in for me. No, that wouldn't work. Father would find out and skin me for sure.
Inuyasha is stuck looking after Kikyou, protecting her from the great power his father felt. After the meeting, Inuyasha decided to run through the forest. Kikyou stayed behind. As he jumped through the trees, he heard a scream. Did Kikyou follow me? Now I'll have to go to her rescue. He turned his direction and headed toward the scream.
Kagome woke an hour later lying on a cot with Kohaku sitting next to her.
“Kagome-sama, I wish to thank you for saving me.”
“It was nothing Kohaku. Now what did I tell you about calling me Kagome-sama. Kagome will do.”
Kagome left the village after saying bye to everyone. Shouldering her pack, she began to walk beck to her home. Suddenly, out of the ground, burst a humongous youkai. Kagome shrieked in surprise and began to run. The youkai was quick. As she reached a clearing, she stopped and turned. Drawing an arrow, she fired it at the youkai, but to no avail. As it advanced, she continued to run. Running, she shot streams of power at it, stalling the huge youkai.
Inuyasha stench of the youkai overwhelmed him as he entered the dense forest where the screams came from. He looked on in surprise. Why the hell is Kikyou wearing that outfit? She can actually fight? He wondered as he saw jets of power hit the youkai.
“Kyaaa!” Kagome screamed when she tripped and the youkai pounced on her. It never landed though.
“Iron Reaver Soul Stealer! (Is that right?)” Inuyasha destroyed the demon before it could touch Kikyou. With the demon gone, he turned to Kikyou, “Are you alright Kikyou? You shouldn't have followed me, baka.”
Kagome stared at the handsome wonder before her. His ears are so cuuute! He's got fangs too and claws. Awww. Those eyes. Wait! Did he just call me Kikyou?! I'm not Kikyou. How come that name sounds familiar? Did he call me a moron!
“Hey! Baka! Who are you calling baka? And my name isn't Kikyou. It's Kagome! Ka-! Go-! Me-! Got that!” Inuyasha stared baffled. He sniffed her. It isn't Kikyou! But she looks so much like her!
A/N: Review please! The button's beckoning to you, can't you hear it?