InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ordinary ❯ A New Job ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey guys! Welcome to the first chapter of “Ordinary'. Yeah I know that title doesn't say much and it isn't really attractive but it fits. Just to refresh your memory this story is about a girl names Kagome Higurashi who seems to be an ordinary girl. What makes her extra ordinary are her miko powers and her phenomenal voice. But what happens when she's hired to sing at a masquerade and finds out it's for her best friend's party and he doesn't know she's a singer. Of course this story is going too packed with embarrassing scenes on Kagome's part. Anyways I'll let you get on with the chapter. I hope you enjoy it!
The sun shone down brightly on the crisp September day. School has just started and they were a week in. The students still felt like crap because of their bad habits made for the summer such as sleeping and eating whenever and wherever.
The students of Lesia High were in just that state.
The small town of Lesia in California was a good place to grow up. It wasn't under populated but it wasn't way too crowed. The main thing that separated Lesia was that a lot of concealed, and unconcealed, demons roamed there and made Lesia their home.
“I don't see why school has to start so early. I mean we get enough homework to keep us up all night!” A young grade eleven male with silver hair and golden hair ranted as he and three other people entered the cafeteria of Lesia High.
“Come on InuYasha, must you rant every lunch?” One of the females with mid back length brown hair and brown eyes as the male known as InuYasha.
“Yes, yes I do.” InuYasha, the male, replied.
“Well, now that we've moved on, Sango may I say that you look very divine today.” The other male of the group, who donned short black hair and purple eyes, told the female.
“Touch me and die Miroku.” The girl, Sango, replied to the guy, Miroku.
“You're quite today Kagome, what's up?” Sango asked the final member of the group.
The last young person with long raven black hair that shone and blue eyes that would stop guys in their tracks looked up from a note she was reading.
“Ah, it's nothing. Just got a letter from my employer's, I have to work this weekend.” Kagome, the woman, told the other three.
“You know Kagome you never actually say where you work.” Miroku announced, looking at Kagome.
“It doesn't matter, holy can you believe its Thursday already? The weeks just gone by like that.” Kagome replied, snapping her fingers, an expert on reverting the conversation topic to something she could handle.
“I know, I already have a project to do on the weekend.” Sango sighed.
“Yeah, I have a science paper due.” InuYasha announced.
“I have a twelve shade drawing due on Monday; it should be fun spending my whole weekend drawing.” Miroku added.
“Ha, I pity you all. InuYasha the science paper is easy, I did it last night, seeing as it was assigned yesterday. The only real homework I have so far is music.” Kagome announced.
“And what homework can you get from music?” InuYasha asked her, aggravated.
“I have to compose a six minute piece with at least two repetitive bars on the piano.” Kagome told him, taking a bite of the sandwich she had brought for lunch.
The three gapped at her. She was used to it.
Kagome rolled her eyes at the right moment to catch a glimpse of him.
And he was coming over her way.
She swallowed her food and looked at InuYasha.
“What do you want Sesshomaru?” InuYasha asked his older, handsomer brother.
Sesshomaru had longer hair than InuYasha and it was deep silver in colour and his eyes were a deep molten. His pointed demon ears were elegant and complimented his featured.
Kagome looked away and looked at Sango who was making small hearts in the air symbolizing what Kagome was feeling. She glared.
“Father has told me to inform you that their will be a party on Saturday evening and to bring a date if you can find one.” Sesshomaru told InuYasha.
“What?” Kagome asked abruptly.
The two brothers, along with the other two at the table, eyed Kagome.
“Uhh I have to go.” Kagome backtracked, Sango getting up with the now flustered Kagome.
Kagome basically ran out of the cafeteria with Sango at her heals.
“Kagome what's up?” Sango asked her friend, worried.
“That's the party I was hired to sing at.” Kagome told Sango, her forehead against the wall.
“Oh no, you're kidding.” Sango replied, obviously alarmed.
Sango was the only one who knew what Kagome did for work. She was a singer. She would be hired for parties and would sing the selections.
“That was the letter.” Sango sighed, leaning against the wall.
“Sango, I can not sing in front of them! I'm going to choke. Or worse…InuYasha will find out I'm a singer.” Kagome told Sango.
“It's a masquerade right?” Sango asked Kagome.
“It is, sort of. I always wear a small mask when I'm singing as does the band so we aren't followed or stalked.” Kagome sighed.
“We'll just have to get you a good one. And we'll have to make you look non-Kagome-ish.” Sango told her.
“How and I supposed to do that, they're going to smell me.” Kagome whined.
“No they won't. Not when I'm done with you.” Sango reassured her friend.
“Tomorrow after school we'll go shopping for your outfit and I'll get stuff to make you smell not like Kagome.” Sango told her.
“Thanks Sango. InuTashio gave me four hundred dollars to buy a new dress so I'll have to get something that they wouldn't ever imagine me wearing.” Kagome replied, her and Sango walking away from the cafeteria.
“Man what would he say if he knew it was you?” Sango asked Kagome in a joking manor.
Kagome and InuYasha had been friends almost as long as her and Sango had, about five years. Kagome was at InuYasha's house more than she was at her apartment. InuTashio was InuYasha's father and he was like a father to her too, always talking to her when she was there like she was his family. What would he do if he found out that he had hired her to sing for his company, Tashio Industries?
Kagome pulled out the song list again and scanned the songs, with Sango looking over her shoulder.
“Something shorter than usual...” Kagome started.
“And it has to be blue.” Sango added.
“And I'll need some shoes.” Kagome sighed.
“I'll make you look like a star.” Sango replied joking.
The two girls laughed as Miroku and InuYasha caught up with them.
“Kagome, what happened to you? You were like a blonde.” InuYasha told her.
“Yeah, I'm just not feeling good that's all.” Kagome lied.
“Well, anyways, want to come over tonight? I need your help on the science and probably the math we're going to get.” InuYasha told her.
“Yeah, sure, you know I love your house.” Kagome smiled at him.
“Well, dinner's going to be good. I think we're having steak.” InuYasha told her, happy.
“Come on, before we're late.” Kagome announced, everyone going their separate ways.
The four of them had a late lunch meaning Kagome has Science first period, Music the next period, Business before lunch and Math after lunch before she went home, or to InuYasha's.
Kagome and InuYasha we're laughing when they walked into their advanced math class, for grade twelve's. They took their regular seats at the back, InuYasha in the corner, Kagome in front on him.
Sesshomaru walked in with his booked under his arm. He had pulled his hair back into a pony tail and it made him look handsomer than usual.
He took a seat beside InuYasha which made Kagome slightly nervous.
“I heard today we're in for a boring lesson.” Sesshomaru announced. “I thought you and I could talk about Father's birthday.”
“He wants you two to both be hone for dinner at six thirty and if you really want to buy him a gift he needs new golf clubs. Don't worry about the caddy bag I already bought it for him.” Kagome announced, turning around.
“Kagome, how do you know all this?” InuYasha asked her.
“Duh, I'm a chick.” Kagome joked, making InuYasha smile and Sesshomaru scoff.
“If we wanted your opinion wench we would have asked.” Sesshomaru replied.
“It's not an opinion it's the truth.” Kagome announced, turning around and looked at the newly arrived teacher.
“Asshole.” Kagome breathed, not knowing that both brothers had heard her.
Kagome paid attention to the lesson, knowing InuYasha wasn't.
It wasn't hard to comprehend just hard to explain.
The lesson ended and Kagome sighed. She had a headache.
“Ready to go Kags?” InuYasha asked her.
InuYasha was the only one who was allowed to call her Kags.
“Yeah, why not.” Kagome replied, getting her books and standing up.
“You feeling okay?” InuYasha asked Kagome.
“Actually I'm not.” Kagome told him.
“Here when we get home I'll get you some aspirin or something.” InuYasha replied.
“I assume that she is coming home with us. Perhaps you should have told me seeing as I am driving.” Sesshomaru announced.
“Hey guess what, I'm coming with you guys so be prepared to drive with another person in the car.” Kagome replied.
Her head was pounding by the time she got to her locker.
She leaned her forehead on the cool metal and put in her combination, opening her locker.
She grabbed her music and science books and stuff them, along with her math book, in her backpack then closed her locker.
Kagome felt something wrap around her waist and spun around but no one was there.
“Kags?” InuYasha asked.
Kagome spun around, crashing into InuYasha out of dizziness.
“Alright, we have to get you home.” InuYasha announced, putting his arm around her waist.
At the end of the hall a senior dressed in white khaki's and a white button down shirt smirked as he twirled around two black crystals in his palm.
“Poor Kagome, her powers are just too much for her to handle sometimes. Perhaps they'll break her.” The man chuckled, crushing the two crystals in his hands and walking away.
Well that was it. The chapters should all be about that long. So what's Kagome going to do with her job? Will she be caught? What's going on with her anyways? And who was that man in white? Find out in the next chapter of “Ordinary”. Please review!