InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Other Half ❯ Sleepless Nights ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: 1) This chapter will be longer then the one I posted before this : - ) sorry for the late update.

2) This is a lemon/lime chapter. Depends on what you want to call it.

3) When you see this (&|&|&) that means the lemon/lime will begin and when you see it a second time, than it shall end.

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"We await your arrival," Ayah said her voice whispering throughout the wind as Mira and herself leapt up and disappeared.

"Do you think we did the right thing?" Sango asked.

"I hope so," Miroku answered.

End Recap

Chapter 15: Sleepless nights

They were all sitting around the breakfast table when Sesshoumaru entered looking very angry. And in fact, he was. He had not been able to sleep a wink that night, and he needed it too. After all the dates that the other Lords and Ladies put Kagome and himself on the past few weeks, he was tired. Yes, he Sesshoumaru the Ice Lord of the Western Lands was tired because of a couple of dates. Scratch that, 2 week's filled with dates. 'It was worth it.' Sesshoumaru thought as he sat down at the head of the table. He spent two weeks, day and night with Kagome. And his heart always leapt with joy whenever he made her smile. And he wanted to be the only man that would be able to do that to her.

Yet, he was also concerned for the young girl's well-being. One day, while Sesshoumaru and Kagome were rowing down one of the vast rivers of the Citadel, Kagome had a premonition.


Kagome and Sesshoumaru were rowing down one of the cast rivers that was in Sesshoumaru's lands. Kagome had to explain to the Lord how to use oars and he looked quite fascinated with them. He was a quick learner and Kagome was proud that she had taught him how to use the oars. Now the two were enjoying the peaceful silence between themselves. As the minutes went on, the two didn't notice the sky darkening above themselves. Kagome was the first to notice this.

"Hey Sesshou-kun, what's with the sky?" Kagome asked looking up at the dark sky. Just above themselves, the sky was as dark as it was when night claimed it. But…the sky was different somehow. Just above the river they were currently rowing on, the sky was pitch black, but everywhere else…well it was bright sky blue. Sesshoumaru scowled as he noticed this.

"I don't think it is safe for us to be out now. Let us make our way back to the Citadel," Sesshoumaru said in his usually icy voice.

"Okay. It's kind of creeping me out. So I won't argue," Kagome agreed. They both stood up from the boat, trying to steady it. And when it was steady, they both whispered 'Element Fly' but even before Kagome could finish the last syllable a pink light engulfed the inu-miko. Kagome eyes, weren't it's sapphire blue with twinkles here and there. No, they were now a dull black. Sesshoumaru's eyes widened in fear.

Sesshoumaru stood there shocked, not knowing what to do with the situation at hand. He had never seen this in his entire 350 years of life. Now, seeing the inu-miko, the only one who defied him (not even the TaiYoukai's of the other Lands dare defy him) was suspended above his head in a pink bubble of light. No, Sesshoumaru did not like the situation at all. He formed the cloud at his feet and flew towards the inu-miko. He put his hand through it, but the instant his hand came in contact with the pink light it shocked the pale white clawed hands. Sesshoumaru stared at the bubble in utter shock. 'No.' was the only thought that ran through his head. He tried sending blasts of youki at the bubble but it just bounced back destroying the boat at the bottom. Sesshoumaru was officially scared, but he didn't show it, no his eyes did.

Sesshoumaru stood there in horror as Kagome's lips started forming words that he couldn't understand. First her voice came out as low whisper, but Sesshoumaru heard it. Than, her voice became louder, and louder, the words repeating themselves.

"THE FINAL BATTLE WILL BE SOON! PREPARE YOURSELVES LORD SESSHOUMARU, LADY KAGOME, LADY AYAH, LORD AYE, LADY MIRA, LORD KANTA, LADY EMERALD, LORD SHIRO, FOR YOUR LANDS WILL SOON COME TO AN END IF YOU DO NOT ACCOMPLISH IN KILLING THE EVIL HANYOU NARAKU! Call forth, the hanyou Inuyasha, for he shall aide you in this battle. If you do not, you shall fail. Lord Sesshoumaru take this as your warning, if you do not ask for your brother's help. Then you shall loose the only person you love," Kagome's voice boomed. She was obviously speaking in third person. Then as quickly as the bubble of pink light appeared, it disappeared out of thin air. Sesshoumaru watched in interest as it did, and when it finally vanished Kagome's lithe form dropped towards the river. Sesshoumaru instantly took off after the falling body and caught her in his strong arms. His cloud once again formed beneath his feet and they took off.

They landed in a small clearing. Sesshoumaru was scared when he couldn't hear Kagome breathe as he set her down on the green grass. What was he to do now? Kagome slowly open her eyes and spotted the panicking demon lord with his head inside his hands. She smiled watching him carefully.

"Sesshoumaru…" Kagome breath. Sesshoumaru's head jerked towards the young girl. His lips moved slightly upwards.

"Kagome. Are you alright?" Sesshoumaru asked worried.

"Quite. What happened?" Kagome asked looking around her surroundings.

"You don't remember?" Sesshoumaru said. Kagome shook her head. Sesshoumaru looked at the girl carefully. Wondering if something had happened to her memory.

==-=End Flashback==-=

"Hey Kagome, did you enjoy your date last night?" Mira asked casually from the breakfast table.

"Yes, I believe I did," Kagome answered.

"Maybe we should stop the dates between you and Sesshoumaru. You're starting to sound more like him everyday," Mira commented.

"Indeed," Kagome said then clapped her hand to her mouth. Sesshoumaru quirked a brow at this while the rest around the table laughed.

"Next thing we know we'll have Sesshoumaru acting all giddy and singing random songs," Kanta said. Kagome and Sesshoumaru glared at the Lord from the East.

- - -

Naraku was sitting on his 'throne' near the dungeon cells of his castle. He carefully watched the things going on in his crystal ball. 'Excellent Kikyou' Naraku thought to himself. Kikyou had poisoned the inu-hanyou's mind. And later on, she would kill him. 'One down, one to go.' Naraku would never admit to anyone but himself. Inuyasha was a threat to Naraku when it came down to the last battle. The inu-hanyou was stronger than most people take him for. And that's exactly how Naraku wanted it.

"Naraku," Kagura whispered from the door.

"What is it Kagura?" Naraku asked.

"The plan is set, she will end his life tonight," Kagura said. She didn't want to mention the inu-hanyou's name in front of Naraku. Or else… Kagura shuddered. She didn't want to think of the last time she had mentioned the inu-hanyou's name in front of Naraku. It had not been good for Kagura's well-being. She vaguely wondered if he did this Kanna, her sister. But shrugged off the thought because Kanna never spoke.

"Excellent," Naraku said pleased with himself.

- - -

Mira gasped as she heard what Kagura just told the evil hanyou. Mira was off in the forest spying on Inuyasha when she figured out … that she wasn't the only one spying on her Lord's brother. There up in one of the trees was the wind witch herself, Kagura. Mira gritted her teeth, she had heard Kagura and the undead miko called Kikyou talking after Inuyasha told Kikyou that he was going to bathe.

The undead miko was just using him. 'Stupid bitch just can't get over the fact that Inuyasha had moved on.' Mira quietly thought to herself. Now she knew why Kagura and Kikyou were talking, and laughing gaily as if they were friends. It was pathetic. Naraku scared of a some hanyou. 'But not just any hanyou. Inuyasha. Lord InuTaisho's son.' she thought again. She shuck her head slightly and transfigured into a bird and flew off towards the Western Citadel.

Once she got there, she immediately ran to her Lord's study. Mira knew that even though her Lord Sesshoumaru didn't act like he cared for her Lord Inuyasha, he did. He was always trying to protect him. Whenever he showed up to 'battle' for Tetsusaiga, it was just some kind of act. He could've killed him any day that he wanted too. He was just teaching him how to use the sword that his father bestowed on him. 'Hopefully, it's not to late to reunite the brothers.' Mira thought to herself and knocked on her Lord's door.

- - -

Lord Sesshoumaru was finally working on some paperwork. And he was proud of himself, because this time the insolent inu-miko wasn't plaguing his mind. He just finished when he smelt Mira's scent close to his study. He growled when he smelt that Inuyasha's, the undead miko Kikyou, Kagura's scent was on her as well. Mira didn't go looking for battle. He knew that all too well. So why did his general have their scents on her? 'At least it's not mingled with blood'. He heard Mira knock on his study door.

"Enter," Sesshoumaru commanded as the shoji door slid open. He watched Mira come in with a look of distress on her face.

"My Lord, I have some news on Lord Inuyasha," Mira said when she was just in front of his desk.

"What kind of news?" Sesshoumaru asked pretending not to be interested but in fact he was.

"The undead miko has brain-washed him into becoming her mate," Mira said.

"She did what?" Sesshoumaru said his head snapping towards his general. Mira nodded gravely. Sesshoumaru shuck his head. He knew his brother was dense, but he had blamed it on his brother's stupidity for mating with the undead miko.

"What does she plan on doing with my half-brother?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Kill him," Mira responded. Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes.

"You and Ayah shall go after him. Tell him that Kagome is hurt. He'll come running than," Sesshoumaru ordered.

"My Lord, isn't that a little to harsh? I mean Lady Kagome is fine," Mira argued.

"Don't argue with me Mira. Kagome is indeed fine. But something in Inuyasha will snap when you tell him that. Go now, we can't afford to loose another Lord of the Western Lands," Sesshoumaru said. Mira nodded and left to find Ayah.

- - -

Sesshoumaru got out of the built in hot spring that was connected to his room. The lovely things about being the Lord of the Western Lands. Sesshoumaru smirked as he walked around the hot spring totally nude. (A/N: I would like to see that! It would make my day! : - ) ) He put on pants and walked out of the room and into his bedroom. Once settled in his bed, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

- - -

Sesshoumaru woke up and saw that Kagome had just walked out of her room and was wearing a very thin white kimono. He drunk in her curves hungrily. Kagome smirked as she saw the young Lord watch her every move and gesture.


Sesshoumaru watched as the inu-miko made her way towards his bed. He watched her climb into his bed and crawl towards him. Once she had reached him, she bit lightly on his earlobe. Sesshoumaru shivered as he felt her teeth graze the bottom of his ear. His breathing was growing heavy as Kagome placed light kisses on his face. She placed a wet kiss on his forehead, the tip of his nose, and his chin. She teased him kissing the edge of his mouth and as he was about to respond she pushed him down so that she currently sitting on top of his torso. She was grinding against his member. Sesshoumaru moaned in pleasure.

Kagome smirked and started kissing his chest. Her dainty hands roaming around his body. She reached his nicked and licked it. Sesshoumaru shivered, and groaned as she blew on his nipple.

"Gods Kagome," Sesshoumaru moaned.

"Don't like it when your not the dominant one ne Sesshoumaru?" Kagome said huskily. All Sesshoumaru could do was keep his mouth shut as he felt Kagome's hand slipped underneath his pants and grab his growing member. He tried not to moan in pleasure as Kagome started massaging it. Kagome took her claws and ripped his silk pants off of the owner who's eyes were shut tight trying his best not moan as Kagome was still rubbing her fingers feverishly against his member.

Kagome stopped, and crawled upwards towards the inu-youkai who still had his eyes shut tight. He was mouthing the words 'this is just a dream'.

"Oh but it's not a dream my dear Sesshoumaru," Kagome whispered in his ear. Sesshoumaru's eyes opened instantly, his golden orbs staring into that of sapphires. Kagome bent her head down and captured the ice lord's lips. Kagome was too caught up in the kiss that she didn't see Sesshoumaru's hand untying her kimono. And when she noticed it was too late. Sesshoumaru flipped her over smirking. Kagome pouted but smiled as Sesshoumaru bent down for another kiss.

The two kissed once again, and Sesshoumaru ran his tongue on her bottom lip asking for entrance. Kagome complied and opened her mouth allowing Sesshoumaru's tongue entrance to her mouth. Sesshoumaru's tongue roamed her mouth trying to memorize every curve, every dent, every bump and the gaps between her teeth. Kagome's tongue found Sesshoumaru's and the two started battling.

Sesshoumaru pulled away from the kiss and started kissing the nape of Kagome's neck. He admire the way the porcelain white skin shone in the dark night. He kissed her exposed skin leaving love marks here and there. He got tired of seeing the white kimono on the young girl's body and shrugged them off of her. He drunk in the way her breasts moved up and down as she breath.

"Beautiful," he muttered. Kagome blushed having heard what he had said. He smiled deviously and started kissing her left breast. Kagome moaned in pleasure as his tongue moved around her nipple. His left hand massaging her right breast. Sesshoumaru's other hand moved downwards towards her private areas. She moaned in pleasure as Sesshoumaru's two fingers found there way inside her wet folds.

"Sesshoumaru!" Kagome cried. Sesshoumaru smirked and kissed her full luscious lips. His fingers still moving inside of her. Sesshoumaru placed more kisses down her neck, and chest. He reached her stomach and licked her navel. Kagome shuddered. Sesshoumaru took out his fingers from her wet folds and could tell that she was close. He licked his fingers savouring the taste of her liquids.

"You taste so good koi," Sesshoumaru whispered. He delved into her wet folds flicking her nub with his tongue. Kagome moaned, and cried Sesshoumaru's name as his tongue moved inside of her. As Kagome's moans and groans grew louder, his member grew harder.

"Kagome I need you now," Sesshoumaru said. Kagome looked down noticing that the pleasure that Sesshoumaru was giving her had stopped. She saw the hunger and lust in his eyes. She nodded her head slowly and laid back down. Sesshoumaru smiled and placed a kiss on her nub and smirked when she shivered.

He placed his member at her entrance and looked down at her. She nodded her head giving him her consent. He entered inside her, feeling the her vaginal walls tighten on his member. He started moving in and out of her.

"Harder, faster," Kagome cried. Sesshoumaru complied using his demon speed.


"Kagome, Kagome, Kagome," Sesshoumaru said over and over again.

"Don't, stop, please. Faster," Kagome moaned.


Sesshoumaru woke up. He looked around.

"A dream, a dream. It was just a dream," Sesshoumaru muttered to himself.

(::End Chapter 15:: )

So you guys like? My first lemon/lime so tell me if you like it or not. Well R&R!