InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Other Half ❯ Travelling to the Princess ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: 1) Sorry, I haven't updated. But, for some reason. I feel more drawn to writing my HP fics.

2) This is going to be a SHORT chapter. And I mean short.


They reached the door that connected Sesshoumaru's room, and hers. Kagome smiled and thanked Sesshoumaru for the evening. She stood on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on Sesshoumaru's cheek and hurriedly walked into her room.

"Good night Sesshou-kun," Kagome said and closed the Shoji door.

"Good night, Kagome," Sesshoumaru whispered. He walked away from the door not before hearing Kagome say…

"I want to be like those girls in the movies, to have a man so in love it makes him drop to his knees,"

Sesshoumaru walked towards his bathroom, and said in a barely audible whispered… "Would it be okay, if I'm that man,"

Chapter 14: Travelling to the Princess

Sango and Miroku were walking towards the Western Citadel. They were still in shock that Kagome was the Hime of the Eastern Lands. Sango smirked to herself, when Inuyasha and Kikyou found out, she knew that Kikyou wouldn't be to pleased. And that would be immensely satisfying for Sango. Miroku and Sango kept walking.

"Do you think that Inuyasha will find out about Kagome?" Sango asked Miroku out of the blue.

"I have no idea love, why do you ask?" Miroku replied.

"Because, I can only imagine his reaction to finding out about Kagome being a demon," Sango answered.

"I see. I suppose Kikyou would not be that happy," Miroku responded.

"And I would like to be there to see the bitch's reaction," Sango said heatedly.

"Watch your language love," Miroku said.

"A bit rich coming from a man who can not keep his hands to himself," Sango bit back.

"Ahhhh, but I can't help myself when it comes to you," Miroku said with a smile.

"Feh," Sango said. And clapped her hands to her mouth.

"I see that staying with Inuyasha had a huge effect on you my dear," Miroku said laughing.

"Shutup monk," Sango muttered and hit him upside the head. Miroku rubbed the back of his head as he followed his girlfriend.

"What did I do that time? I didn't feel you up in any possible way," Miroku said.

"That was for laughing at me," Sango replied. Kirara mewed in amusement.

"I think Kirara's laughing at you too, ne Kirara?" Miroku said talking to the neko youkai on his lover's shoulder. The neko youkai nodded her head ever so slightly. Sango growled lowly. Miroku laughed heartily. They walked on in silence.

They felt a powerful aura around them, 'A demon' they both thought at the same time. They got into their defence stances as two youkai came out of the bushes. One was an inu-youkai. She had long black hair that reached her ankles. She had the Western mark on the left side of her cheek. She was dressed as a general. Sango watched interestedly, as the youkai woman's hair magically tied itself. The youkai next to her was a kitsune. The kitsune youkai had long red hair that passed her bottom. She too had the Western mark on the left side of her cheek, and dressed in general clothing. 'They must be from Sesshoumaru's army.'

"You are Miroku and Sango the companions of the Lady Kagome are you not?" The kitsune asked.

"Yes we are, and you are?" Miroku asked narrowing his eyes.

"You do not need to be defensive with us. We are from Lord Sesshoumaru's army," The inu-youkai answered. Sango and Miroku slowly came out of their defence stance.

"That's better," The kitsune said.

"Since you know our names, what are yours?" Sango asked.

"Ah, my name is Ayah, and the other Mira," The inu-youkai named 'Ayah' answered,

"Pleasure," Sango said.

"It is. Isn't it?" Mira said.

"Please, stop with the pleasantries, what is your business with us?" Miroku asked.

"We are here to tell you that you have two more days worth of travelling days towards the Western Citadel. We are awaiting your arrival. The Lord Sesshoumaru and The Lady Kagome request that you give to us the Shikon No Tama shards you hold. For Lady Kagome fears that the battle between the evil hanyou Naraku is to be soon," Mira answered.

"And how do we know that you are not lying?" Sango asked suspiciously.

"Tell me child, do we look like liars to you?" Ayah asked.

"No," Miroku answered. He nodded to Sango who nodded back and handed the jewel part to Mira's outstretched hand.

"We await your arrival," Ayah said her voice whispering throughout the wind as Mira and herself leapt up and disappeared.

"Do you think we did the right thing?" Sango asked.

"I hope so," Miroku answered.