InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Other Half ❯ First's ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: 1) EVERY REVIEW HAS ME JUMPING UP AND DOWN WITH GLEE AND JOY! I never knew that so many people would LOVE my story! On I have around 151 reviews for only 12 chapters :D -dances in a happy little circle with all my reviewers-. THANK YOU ALL THAT HAS REVIEWED!

2) I was going over the chapters and thinking about where this story is going, I'm thinking that there won't be 20-25 chapters. I'm thinking it's going to be longer. Especially with the upcoming courting dates with Sesshoumaru and Kagome.

3) I probably will update a little later then when I usually update since school is starting tomorrow (September 7th).

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. So don't SUE me!

Claimer: I own this plot, and the original characters.


Chapter 13: First's

Sesshoumaru was currently in his study, trying to get some paperwork done. He didn't have enough time to work on the paperwork due to the fact that the other Lords and Ladies were at his castle. 'Also that inu-miko keeps plaguing my mind,' Sesshoumaru mentally thought. Ever since that night 3 days ago Sesshoumaru's mind kept wandering towards Kagome. It always frustrated him that he had so much paperwork! He had so much, that he only got to see the intriguing inu-miko at meal-times. 'I think I've become infatuated,' Sesshoumaru thought and groaned. He placed his forehead in his hand, and sighed. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he had taking some form of liking towards the inu-miko. He didn't know how, or why…and it frustrated him that he didn't have any answers to these feelings he was feeling towards her.

"Lord Sesshoumaru," Jaken said from behind the Shoji door.

"Come in," Sesshoumaru called. Jaken slid the door opened and hurried in.

"Lord Sesshoumaru, Lord Kanta says that it is time for you to get ready for your courting date with Lady Kagome today," Jaken said standing in front of the power taiyoukai.

"Is that all?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"No. He says that you must meet him in the other Lords after you get dressed. He stresses that you go now. And he made sure that Chikara's in your room to help you get dressed," Jaken said and bowed.

"That all?"

"Yes milord," Jaken said.

"Leave," Sesshoumaru commanded with a wave of his hand. Jaken scurried off, he knew that his lord was not happy that the other lords made sure that he didn't get out of this courting date. Sesshoumaru suppressed a sigh and stood up and left his study.


Kagome was currently in her room with everyone fussing over her. Rin kept saying how beautiful Kagome-nee-chan looked, and Maya kept talking about her grandbabies! She felt sick, she wasn't allowed to get ready in her room since it was connected to Sesshoumaru's, and the three ladies were acting as if Kagome was getting married.

"Don't worry Kagome-chan, you'll be fine," Mia said.

"Your all acting as if I'm to be married to him," Kagome pouted.

"Well, you are. It is destiny that you two shall be together," Emerald answered.

"No, your just pushing us together," Kagome countered.

"True, but you two just make such a kawaii couple," Maya said smiling.

"No we don't," Kagome argued.

"Yes you do, and Sesshoumaru already likes you," Ayah said happily. She just came back from her mission with Mira who was currently braiding Kagome's hair.

"Really?" Kagome asked hopefully.

"Yup," Ayah said nodding happily.

"So, you like him don't you?" Emerald asked.

"No I don't," Kagome said.

"Pfft! That's why you got so happy when Ayah said that Sesshoumaru likes you," Emerald said waving her hand. Kagome blushed, true she had gotten a little fond of Sesshoumaru. But she didn't have a crush on him did she? Kagome sighed, it seemed that she has fallen for Sesshoumaru.

"Ahhh," Mira said.

"Ahhh what?" Kagome asked.

"It seems that you have fallen for the ice lord dear inu-miko," Mira said smiling. 'Finally, we're going to have a Lady around the castle.'

"What do you mean?"

"Young love, it is always pure," Emerald said dazedly with stars in her eyes.

"huh?" Kagome said dumbly.

"We mean that we already know that you have fallen head over heals with the young Lord Sesshoumaru," Mia said smiling.

"Oh my precious grandbabies!" Maya said happily clasping her hands together.

"Don't forget you already have two," Kagome mumbled.

"Two?" Maya asked confused.

"Shippou and Rin," Kagome answered.

"Oh yes, I can't forget about them now can't I?" Maya said.

"Yea," Kagome answered.

"Okay done!" Mira said. Kagome looked into the mirror and was shocked. Her midnight blue hair was braided and it looked fantastic. It started at the nape of her neck and ended at her waist where a pink ribbon held it together.

"Wow," Kagome breathed.

"I believe it is time for you and Lord Sesshoumaru to meet," Ayah said.


Sesshoumaru was patiently waiting in the gardens, Kagome and himself were supposed to have dinner. This was their first courting date, and Sesshoumaru felt nervous. He never felt nervous in his entire life, and it scared him that he felt this way. 'How could this be happening to me?' Sesshoumaru asked himself. This girl made the almighty, powerful, ice cold Sesshoumaru feel strange feelings, nervous and scared. 'Why does she have such control over this, Sesshoumaru?'

"Sesshou-kun," Kagome called walking through the garden doors and stepped into the light. Sesshoumaru stared at her, and her ethereal beauty. There she was, the woman that made him scared, and nervous standing there head cocked to the side slightly in all her beauty. 'So beautiful, so perfect,' Sesshoumaru thought and unconsciously started walking towards her. Kagome had her waist long hair braided, and her bangs framing her face. Her eyes were accentuated with light eye makeup making her eyes look huge and innocent.

"You look beautiful," Sesshoumaru whispered making Kagome blush. Sesshoumaru averted his eyes realising that he just voiced his thoughts.

"You don't look so bad yourself," Kagome whispered back. Sesshoumaru looked at her, and his lips twitched up a bit seeing her blush.

"So, where are we going?" Kagome asked.

"Follow me," Sesshoumaru said leading her towards his personal gardens. Once they reached there Sesshoumaru heard Kagome gasp. He smirked inwardly, he too was in awe. The Lords and Ladies had made it so that everything was decorated perfectly. There was a stone path that lead towards the table in the centre where the table was adorned with food. Sesshoumaru led Kagome to the table her arm encircled with his. Once there he pulled the chair and patiently waited for Kagome to sit down.

Kagome was in shock, never in her life had she seen anything so beautiful! The flowers were so beautiful, there were dozens of them that Kagome couldn't name them all. Some she weren't even familiar with. Kagome watched as Sesshoumaru went over to a white rose bush and carefully picked out a single rose. Sesshoumaru walked back towards her and handed her the rose.

"For you," Sesshoumaru said in a velvety voice that sent shivers down Kagome's spine.

"Thank you," Kagome said blushing. Sesshoumaru nodded and sat down across from her. They started eating and had polite conversation. Their topic varying from the Lands, to the Lords and Ladies, Inuyasha etc.

"Sesshou-kun, I haven't been out to collect any more shards," Kagome said.

"Don't worry, I sent Ayah and Mira to get them for you. They have collected all of them. The only ones left are the ones that your friends have, and the ones that Naraku and Lord Kouga has as well," Sesshoumaru replied. Kagome was stunned, Ayah and Mira have already collected the rest? That was fast…

"Oh, I'll have to give them my thanks for collecting them. Though I am not comfortable with them collecting the rest of the shards," Kagome said.

"And why is that?" Sesshoumaru asked confused. He had expected that Kagome would be ecstatic that she wouldn't have to collect the shards.

"Because, it is my obligation to collect the shards. I was the one who broke it in the first place, I should be the one that collects it," Kagome explained.

"I see," Sesshoumaru said thoughtfully. Kagome nodded her head and finished her dinner. After they were done Sesshoumaru led Kagome to the little lake near his gardens. Once they got there, they saw a red and white blanket laid out.

"They planned this out carefully," Sesshoumaru mused. Kagome nodded her head in agreement. They both sat down on the blanket side by side. Sesshoumaru laid back with only his hands holding him up for support. Kagome followed suit and accidentally placed her hand on Sesshoumaru's. Kagome blushed and placed her hand next to his. Together they watched the sunset and unconsciously there fingers entwined.

The moon was up and the stars were shining down on the two. Kagome shivered, it had gotten colder. This didn't go unnoticed by Sesshoumaru and he pulled her close to him. Kagome stiffened, after a few minutes she relaxed into Sesshoumaru's embrace and snuggled closer to him and closed her eyes. Sesshoumaru too closed his eyes and for once in his life felt at peace. Music started playing bringing the two out of the trance.

"Care to dance?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Okay," Kagome said pulling out of his embrace. Sesshoumaru stood quickly and stepped out of the blanket followed by Kagome. Sesshoumaru took Kagome's left hand in his and placed his right hand on her waist, while Kagome placed her hand on his shoulder. And slowly, they started to sway to the music. Sesshoumaru wanted to know where this music came from, but Kagome started singing along with the music.

Some people live for the fortune.

Some people live just for the fame.

Some people live for the power, yeah

Some people live just to play the game.

Some people think that the physical thing, defines what's within,

And I been there before but that's life's a bore, so full of the superficial.

Sesshoumaru was stunned, 'She has the most beautiful voice I have ever heard.'

Some people want it all, but I don't want nothing at all

If it aint you baby, if I aint got you baby

Some people want diamond rings, some just want everything

But everything means nothing if I aint got you, yeah

The two just kept on dancing, oblivious to the fact that people were watching them. And they all seemed very happy. For they have waited for a long time for Sesshoumaru Taisho of the Western Lands to finally for in love.

Some people search for a fountain

The promise is forever young

(You know) Some people need 3 dozen roses

And that's the only way to prove you love them

Hand me the world on a silver platter

And what good would it be?

With no one to share with no one who truly cares for me

Kagome was in pure bliss. Never had she felt this way about anyone in her life. And she was glad that it was Sesshoumaru. Odd that she felt so content in the ice lord's arms. She felt safe there, and didn't want the moment to end. That made the two of them.

Some people want it all, but I don't want nothing at all

If it aint you baby, if I aint got you baby

Some people want diamond rings, some just want everything

But everything means nothing if I aint got you, you, you

Some people want it all, but I don't want nothing at all

If it aint you baby, if I aint got you baby

Some people want diamond rings, some just want everything

But everything means nothing if I aint got you, yeah

Sesshoumaru felt happy, he really felt happy. He hadn't felt this way since his mother had been alive. It was really odd that an inu-miko could make him feel this way. He felt like he can do anything, just as long as Kagome, was there with him to share all of it. He had only known this girl for more then a week, and he already felt like he couldn't live without her. 'What are these strange feelings?' Sesshoumaru asked himself. He would have to ask someone, and he knew that he couldn't ask the Lords or Ladies. He would ponder on it later.

If aint got you with me baby, ohh, ooo

Say nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing

If I aint got you with me baby.

"You dance beautifully," Sesshoumaru whispered into her ear. Kagome blushed.

"Thank you, you do too," Kagome whispered back but had to do it on her tiptoes to reach his ears. Sesshoumaru nodded.

"I shall see you tomorrow than," Sesshoumaru said pulling away somewhat reluctantly. Kagome felt the warmth of Sesshoumaru's body leave her, and she shivered. Sesshoumaru noticed and smirked.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow," Kagome nodded. And turned to leave. Out of instinct Sesshoumaru grabbed her hand.

"Nani? Sesshou-kun?" Kagome asked confused.

"I'll take you back to your room," Sesshoumaru said. And pulled her close to him wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Together, the couple walked to Kagome's room, Kagome found it silly that Sesshoumaru wanted to take her back to his room since they essentially were connected. But she was grateful, so she wouldn't complain.

They reached the door that connected Sesshoumaru's room, and hers. Kagome smiled and thanked Sesshoumaru for the evening. She stood on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on Sesshoumaru's cheek and hurriedly walked into her room.

"Good night Sesshou-kun," Kagome said and closed the Shoji door.

"Good night, Kagome," Sesshoumaru whispered. He walked away from the door not before hearing Kagome say…

"I want to be like those girls in the movies, to have a man so it makes him drop to his knees,"

Sesshoumaru walked towards his bathroom, and said in a barely audible whispered… "Would it be okay, if I'm that man,"

[.End Chapter 13.]

Well, you like or not? LOLS. The quote that Kagome said, I got it from my friend cousin's site. Read and Review! And I shall update!