InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Other Half ❯ Lords and Ladies ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: 1) Late Update, Been lazy. Also please read "credits to YoukaiNoYume" (=

2) I have estimated how many chapters this story will have, and it will be around 20-25.

Credits To YoukaiNoYume (Youkai Yume on other sites): As many of you know who had read the story by YoukaiNoYume ForgetMeNot, there are similarities. And that is my fault, I had 'borrowed' some scenes from the story. YoukaiNoYume, had contacted telling me that she did not like the fact that I borrowed some scenes without telling my readers where I had obtained the information from, and without giving the proper credit. And I'm terribly sorry for that. So in the most scenes in chapter 2 were borrowed and changed in a way to fit my story. And I apologize to my readers, YoukaiNoYume's reader's, and YoukaiNoYume for this. Hopefully you all can forgive my mistake, and I'm only human right? Now, don't go flaming me saying that I'm baka for overlooking the fact of not giving YoukaiNoYume's credit. Because yes I know I am one for overlooking it and for forgetting to. And once again I'm sorry. And to YoukaiNoYume I hope that those other authors who stole or borrowed scenes from your story like I had and accused you of being rude hopefully they can give you the credit like I have. Once again gomen. Oh and Thank You to YoukaiNoYume for wishing me luck on this fic. J


Chapter 12: Lords and Ladies

Kagome woke up due to the fact that she heard Jaken screaming. 'Didn't they soundproof the walls or something?' Kagome asked herself. She covered her ears with her pillow, but that was fruitless due to the fact that Jaken still kept screaming and that she was an inu-youkai. 'This must be the downer of being an inu-youkai,' Kagome thought and got up. She walked over to her private bathroom and made sure that the hot springs were exactly the right temperature.

"Hopefully the Lords and Ladies of the North and South will arrive late, I don't want to face them right now. After all the stories Mama told me," Kagome said to herself. Maya had told her daughter that the Ladies of the North and South were worst then she when fussing over her.


"What's so bad about the Ladies of the North and South?" Kagome asked as she watched and listen to Sesshoumaru grumble to her father about them.

"They want Sesshoumaru to take a mate," Aye told his daughter.

"What's so bad about that?" Kagome asked.

"I don't want one," Sesshoumaru said.

"That's okay Sesshou-kun, it's not like they would set you up with a ningen," Kagome said giggling. Sesshoumaru growled.

"And now the Lords think that it's about time that he takes a mate now," Aye continued.

"Oh?" Kagome inquired.

"Yes, and the only possible reason their coming early is to meet you and suggest that you become my mate," Sesshoumaru said disgusted, Kagome choked on her water.

"WHAT?!" Kagome cried in frustration making everyone who was youkai at the table wince.

"Gomen," Kagome mumbled.

"Most likely they'll set you up, like they did with me and your father," Maya told everyone.

"They set you up?" Kagome asked interested.

"Yes, and I don't regret it. You won't regret it either," Maya said.

"Mom!" Kagome said through gritted teeth.


"Your not suggesting what I think you are?"

"Of course, if and when you and Sesshoumaru-chan mate I'll have such beautiful children!" Maya said clapping her hands together. Kagome groaned, she was expecting that she would say that.

"Not to mention excellent fighters," Aye added.

"And Rin and I will teach them how to torture Jaken!" Shippou said.

"Rin can't wait for Sesshoumaru-sama, and Kagome-nee-chan to get married!" Rin said starry eyed.

"I can't wait to show my nieces and nephews all the videos I have of Sesshoumaru and Kagome sleeping together on the bed, but not THAT way," Souta chipped in.

"Oh! And we can show them where Sesshoumaru first fell and got hurt and started crying!" Ayah said happily. Kagome and Sesshoumaru stared at people who were surrounding them, at least they thought they were people. 'Thank Kami that Ji-chan didn't say anything.' Kagome thought.

"I think that Lord InuTaisho and Lady Yuri would be really proud with Sesshoumaru about his choice of mate when he mates with Kagome," Koiichi said. Kagome groaned and Sesshoumaru had to suppress a sigh.

==End Flashback

Kagome wasn't happy about how last evenings dinner had turned out. And she wasn't to pleased to find out that the other Lords and Ladies aside from her parent's and Sesshoumaru were about to set her up. 'Don't complain, it could be worse, like Jaken,' Kagome thought and then burst out laughing. The day that someone fell in love with Jaken and mated with him would be the day Kagome fell in love with Kouga!


Sesshoumaru got out of the bathroom and started to change, he heard laughter coming from Kagome's bathroom. 'What the hell could she be laughing about?' Sesshoumaru asked himself. He shook his head, he shouldn't be thinking about her right now. Today would be the official day that he would die and go to the Heavens. Sesshoumaru sighed and hung his head. The Lords and Ladies of the North, South and East would make sure that Kagome be his mate no matter what. And normally Sesshoumaru would protest and that would be the end of the discussion about finding a mate. But no! Kagome just had to be the daughter of Lord Aye and Lady Maya. 'Curse that inu-miko,' Sesshoumaru thought.

"Lord Sesshoumaru!" Ayah cried barging into the room right after Sesshoumaru had changed.

"The Lords and Ladies will be arriving in approximately 2 minuets!" Ayah said.

"What?!" Sesshoumaru said.

"Their going to be here soon whether you like it or not and you have to be down there! And tell your future mate to hurry up too!" Ayah said.

"She is not my future mate!" Sesshoumaru snapped but Ayah was already gone.

"Sesshou-kun?" Kagome asked coming out of her room.

"Let's go, the Lords and Ladies will be here in 2 minuets," Sesshoumaru said stoically and Kagome and himself made a beeline for the great hall.


"Where are they?" Aye asked.

"They are on their way," Ayah said.

"You know, they can be making our first grand-child," Maya said.

"Sorry to disappoint you Lady," Sesshoumaru said glaring.

"Yes you are a huge disappointment," Maya retorted. Aye hushed his mate with a glare and pointed to Sesshoumaru and Kagome's hands. They unconsciously joined hands on their 'run' to the great hall. Maya smiled and left the subject alone, Souta was about to comment on it when the trumpet sounded announcing the arrival of the other Lords and Ladies.

"Introducing Lord Shiro and Lady Emerald of the North," The tiger youkai announced. Lord Shiro and Lady Emerald stepped out and bowed to everyone in the room. Lord Shiro had dirty blond hair that went up to his shoulders, he had a sun on his forehead. His robes consisted of yellow and black, and he was a kitsune. Lady Emerald and long emerald green hair. She had white porcelain skin and had a sun on her forehead as well, her robes were yellow and black with gold suns.

"Introducing Lord Kanta and Lady Mia of the South," The tiger youkai said. Lord Kanta and Lady Mia bowed to everyone as well. Lord Kanta had dark brown hair that was short and wavy, he had a ruby on his forehead and green and silver robes. He was a cat youkai. Lady Mia of the South had dark tanned skin and a ruby on her forehead as well, her robes consisted of green and silver with silver ruby shaped tear drops.

"Lady Maya! It's lovely to see you again!" Lady Emerald exclaimed and hugged her long time friend.

"Oh Maya! It has been a long time has it not?" Lady Mia asked and joined the hug.

"Yes Ladies, it has been a long time. I'm so glad to see you all," Maya said happily.

"Lord Aye, it's nice to see you so soon," Lord Shiro said.

"Yes, I suppose it is," Aye said.

"Lord Sesshoumaru! Please tell me who this lovely young lady is? Is she your mate? Why was I not informed?" Lord Kanta asked staring at Kagome.

"She is not my mate," Sesshoumaru said icily.

"Oh? Then why do you have such a hold on her hand?" Lord Kanta asked not knowing that he had embarrassed Kagome. Kagome and Sesshoumaru released the hold they had on each other's hands instantly leaving Souta, Shippou, Ayah and Koiichi sniggering.

"I see that you have met my daughter," Maya said coming over to them. Sesshoumaru mentally thanked her.

"Your daughter?" The other Lords and Ladies asked in surprised.

"Yes, daughter. And this is my son," Aye said pointing to Souta.

"Oh isn't he cute?!" Lady Mia said cooing at Souta, Souta grimaced.

It took about an hour or so to explain to all the Lords and Ladies about the fight, the well, and the entertainment system and computer. Maya had indeed brought a lot of D-batteries (A/N: Thank you to busoshwe for giving me the idea of the D-batteries, I wasn't sure how I was going to make the entertainment system work.) and did something to them so that each battery last for a year. She wouldn't tell what she did that would make them last a year, but she did. And now they were to go up to the 'meeting room' where the Lords and Ladies would state why they were at the Western Citadel.


Everyone was in the meeting room. They were all sitting beside their respective mates and somehow Kagome and Sesshoumaru got stuck sitting together. Sesshoumaru growled inwardly, the meddling Lords and Ladies of the other Lands were getting on his nerves and he wasn't going to have it! He would not mate an inu-miko! Hell she could purify him any minute! 'Wait, why didn't she?'

"Now, Lord Sesshoumaru you might be wondering why we are all gathered here at your castle?" Lady Mia asked.

"Indeed," Sesshoumaru said thoroughly annoyed.

"We are here to discuss several matters, or one," Lord Shiro said.

"Like?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Like the fact that now Kagome is here we don't have to search," Aye said.

"Stop beating around the bush," Lady Emerald said.

"You both need a mate," Lord Kanta said. Kagome just stared at the man as if had gone mental, Sesshoumaru on the other hand glared at him.

"And what are you suggesting?" Kagome asked afraid for the question to be answered.

"You both will court each other, whether you like it or not. You will be given three weeks to court. Each day will be a courting date, and set up by each of us. And on your last day of courting you shall tell us whether or not you have decided to mate. And if you have not decided to mate, then you shall be court each other for another three weeks, then if you still decide not to mate, you will be set up with the children of the nobles," Maya responded. Kagome sat there shocked evident on her face. Sesshoumaru still had his cold façade on his face, but his eyes clearly stated that he was shocked.

"And why can't we have a say in this?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Because we are all older then you and have mates," Lord Kanta said.

"That's not a good enough reason!" Kagome argued.

"I figured you would say that," Aye said shaking his head.

"So I came up with a truce," Maya said.

"And what is this truce?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Oh it's not for you Sesshoumaru, it's for Kagome. I know that if you don't agree then you will have to face the angry wrath of Ayah," Lady Emerald said.

"Okay, what's the truce?" Kagome asked.

"If you don't agree to this courting, then I'll just have to burn your poster of Usher," Maya said pretending to be interested in her nails. Kagome's jaw dropped open in shock. Her mom can't be serious? Burn her Usher poster? Can she be that cruel? No one can burn Usher's poster! That would be just in human! Usher had the most sexiest body out there! (A.N: Heh, I have a feeling I have the ladies on my side for this. Ahahaha, maybe Sesshoumaru's body can be a challenge for Usher?)

"Mom! You can't be serious?!" Kagome exclaimed.

"Oh I am," Maya said.

"But you agreed with me that Usher's body is so sexy! Come on! Burning his poster would just be in human!" Kagome cried. Aye stared at his daughter and mate with amusement. 'Who is this Usher?' Aye thought, unbeknownst to him, that was exactly the thought that ran through all the male's heads.

"Maya, that really is cruel though. After you showed me that poster as you say it really is shocking that a ningen can have that kind of a body," Mia said.

"Thank you!" Kagome said in relief.

"But the poster wouldn't have to be burned if you agree," Maya countered.

"That is true," Emerald said.

"Wait, how do you know about the poster?" Kagome asked.

"Maya showed us, no wonder your so kinky about him," Mia said.

"I am not kinky about him!" Kagome said scowling.

"Please stop, it is really nerving listening to you talk about another man's body while we are here," Kanta said. The Ladies glowered at him but dropped the subject.

"So, you two agree on this courting?" Shiro asked.

"Agree," Kagome said, much to Sesshoumaru's surprise.

"Agreed," Sesshoumaru said.


Kagome was out in the garden, she just wanted to be alone right now. She had a lot on her mind. Tomorrow would be the first day that she would be out 'courting' the ice lord. Kagome sniffed, she didn't like the idea, but it can't be that bad right? After all, you can't have things go your way all the time. But that issue wasn't that important. She had neglected her responsibility as a 'shard detector' and had not been finding the rest of the shards. If Inuyasha had found out, then she would be in huge trouble with him. But forget about Inuyasha right now, all that she could think about was the last battle. She knew that it would take place soon. And she had to find a way to protect her family and the people of the Western Citadel. She had a huge feeling that everyone in the castle would be participating in the battle that wasn't' even theirs.

She didn't want them meddling in her business. After all, it was her fault that she had broken the Shikon No Tama Jewel. Kagome sighed, she just hoped that everyone who would be present in the cursed battled would come out victors. Kagome knew that she was going to have to give up her life, she didn't know why or how, but she had a gut feeling that she was going to. Hopefully, she wasn't.

Sesshoumaru stepped out of the castle to get some fresh air when he walked in on Kagome. There she was sitting on the cement bench thinking. The wind was blowing her midnight blue tresses. She looked beautiful that way.

"Sesshou-kun?" Kagome asked, she noticed Sesshoumaru staring at her for a while.

"Kagome?" Sesshoumaru said taking a seat next to her.

"Do you think they want us to court just to torture us?" Kagome asked.

"You never know," Sesshoumaru responded.

"Do you think-" Kagome said but stopped her sentenced.

"Do I think what?" Sesshoumaru asked curiously.

"Do you think that we might fall in love during this process?" Kagome asked nervously.

"You never know, each Lord and Lady in that room fell in love during this process," Sesshoumaru responded.

"Will that happen to us?" Kagome asked again. 'What is with her and all these questions?' Sesshoumaru asked himself.

"There is a possibility," Sesshoumaru said pulling Kagome towards him.

"Better you then Jaken," Kagome mumbled, if Sesshoumaru were a ningen, he wouldn't have caught that. But he isn't, so he did. And for the first time since a century ago, Sesshoumaru smiled, a genuine smile.

"Your smiling!" Kagome said excited.

"Glad you have eyes," Sesshoumaru said.

"You should smile more often," Kagome said smiling a little snuggled close to him.

"Maybe I should inu-miko, maybe I should," Sesshoumaru said softly.


"Aw, isn't that cute?!" Mia exclaimed.

"Very cute," Maya cooed.

"Mission 'Get Ignorant TaiYoukai and Stubborn Inu-miko Hime' together is a hit!" Emerald said happily.

"Hopefully they won't kill us," Aye said thoughtfully.

"Kagome can't, but Sesshoumaru definitely will," Kanta said.

"Do you think that Kagome would let him kill us?" Shiro asked.

"Nah," Koiichi said. And the five Lords and Ladies left the balcony where they were watching Kagome and Sesshoumaru.


"Kagome-nee-chan and Sesshoumaru-sama look so kawaii!" Rin said.

"Soon we'll have a baby brother or sister!" Shippou exclaimed happily.

"Maybe the inu-miko will change Lord Sesshoumaru after all," Jaken mused to himself.

"Maybe toady, maybe," Ayah said.


[.End Chapter 12.]