InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ougon Hoshi High ❯ Welcome to Ougon Hoshi High ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER:I do not own any part of the Inuyasha franchise. I do, however, own Ougon Hoshi High.
Welcome to Ougon Hoshi High
Kagome Higurashi looked out the window of the speeding train. She had left the city long ago and was now passing through the countryside. Kagome took notice of the different livestock as she passed by farms. She brought her attention back to the cabin she was in. It was totally empty except for her.
Kagome couldn't believe her luck. She had gotten a partial scholarship to a very prominent high school. To top it off it was a boarding school. She got to escape her mother, annoying brother and semi-psychotic grandfather. The only bad thing was that she had to leave her friends Eri, Arimi and Yuka. Kagome sighed and pulled her cell phone from the pocket on the side of her bag.
She had been told that she could come anytime during the day but the school's train was leaving at 6:05, so she decided to spend her last day in Tokyo with her friends. They had a lot of fun shopping and hanging out together. They were at the train station with her family to see her off. The person that seemed to be affected the most by Kagome's departure was Hojo. He always had a crush on her but Kagome didn't like him in that way. Kagome placed her phone back in its spot. She leaned her head against the window and let sleep overcome her.
Kagome awoke to find the train slowing down as it entered the train station. She looked at her phone to find it was now 7:45. The whole train trip had about an hour and forty minutes. Kagome was glad she that she hadn't let her mother drive, it probably would have taken at least two hours. Kagome threw her bag over her shoulder and reached for her suitcases in the rack above.
Kagome exited her cabin and found the other students trying to make their way off the train. Most of them were grouped together with their friends or calling out for their companions. Kagome seemed to be the only one without a friend. Kagome stepped from the train and onto the platform. She fell in line with the flow of the crowd.
Kagome looked to her left to find a young man yelling out to someone. When he stepped underneath the light from a light-pole, she could see that he was wearing a purple shirt and black pants.
"Inuyasha, over here!"
"Oh, shut the hell up Miroku!" Kagome couldn't find the owner of the rude voice. "I'll meet you at the usual."
Kagome found herself being pushed to the side against her wishes. She bumped into someone accidentally. "Sorry," She said apologetically. She turned around to she who she had bumped into and gasped silently. He was incredibly handsome. He features had a boyish look but he had a manly presence. He had a red silk button-up shirt that was open with a tight white shirt underneath and red pants. He had sliver colored hair with a red bandanna around his head. "I'm so sorry," Kagome repeated.
The young boy smirked grimly. "Feh! Whatever just watch where you're going next time."
Kagome nodded as she struggled to pick up her suitcases and travel through the crowd. Suddenly Kagome felt the bags in her left hand pulled from her grasp. She looked up to find the boy she bumped into seconds earlier.
"Come on," He growled out.
Kagome nodded and followed him through the crowd. The crowd seemed to part as they saw him walking their way. Kagome stayed close behind the boy, afraid to get lost. The boy led her across the street and to the school gates. Kagome let him take her across the school grounds, to the stairs of the school and into the huge entrance lobby.
A woman could be seen calling for all new students to gather around her. "That's me," Kagome said nodding her head in the woman's direction. Kagome expected the boy to relinquish her luggage her but instead he walked over to the woman.
The boy pushed his way through the crowd around the woman and Kagome followed his path. He got Kagome a spot right in front of the woman. She was pretty old looking. Her hair was gray and she had a patch over her right eye.
Kagome smiled at the boy. "Thank you very much. By the way my name is Kagome, Kagome Higurashi."
Before the boy could reply he was interrupted. "Taisho!" The old woman yelled out. "What are you doing here, the last time I checked you weren't new."
The boy rolled his eyes at the woman. "Hey! Get off my back." The boy replied angrily. The new students, especially Kagome, were all surprised at the boy's brashness. "I'm only helping her out," He said pointing to Kagome.
The woman's visible eye clearly showed anger. "Look here Taisho," She said stabbing the boy at his heart, "I am principle of the school and you will show me the respect I deserve or else you'll be out of this school on your ass."
The boy rolled his eyes once more. "Kaede, we went through the same thing for the past two years so it's nothing new to me." He sighed and sat Kagome's bags in front of her.
"Thank you," Kagome said humbly and bowed.
"Yeah, whatever." He said placing his hands in his pants pockets.
He began to walk away when Kaede called out to him. "What am I going to you, Taisho?"
The boy threw his hands up into the air. "I have no idea," He said putting his hands back into his pockets. "Old hag," Kagome managed to hear him mummer out.
Kaede must have heard him too. "You stubborn mutt." Kaede shook her head but Kagome could have sworn she saw the glimpse of a smile. "All right. Welcome to Ougon Hoshi High…"
Kagome walked down the dormitory hall, with her bags in hand, searching for her dorm room. "368. 368." She repeated to herself. She finally came to her room. It was unlocked. She cracked the door open and peered into the room. Kagome opened the room door all the way and stepped inside. The bed closest to the window was taken, Kagome didn't mind though. She began to unpack her clothes and put them in the dresser next to the empty bed.
Suddenly the door flew open, scaring Kagome senseless. A young woman stormed in angrily, mumbling about a 'lecherous boy'. She pushed all the stuff on the other bed off and laid down. She stopped talking to herself and finally noticed Kagome. "Hi," She said, her attitude changing from angered to cheerful within an instant, "What's your name?"
"Hello, I am Kagome Higurashi." Kagome said nervously as she bowed.
The young girl laughed. "No need to be so formal. My name's Sango Taijiya. You're new aren't you?" Kagome nodded. "Thought so, you look it. So what grade you in?"
Kagome sat on her bed. "I'm a sophomore."
Sango smiled. "Me too but you don't look it."
Kagome smiled slightly. "I guess so. I just turned 16, plus I skipped a grade."
Sango nodded. "So that's why. Yeah, I'm 16 too, almost 17." She let her head drop back on her pillow. "So have you seen anyone you might like?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean. Have you seen any boys you like?"
Kagome began to nervously play with her skirt. "Well there is this…"
Sango sat straight up in her bed. "What's his name?" She asked smiling.
Kagome frowned. "I don't know, I only heard his last name and I can't really remember it."
Sango shrugged her shoulders. "Oh well." She dropped back down on her bed.
Kagome thought for a minute. "So what's the deal with food around here?"
"Well," Sango started, "Breakfast is from 6:30 to 9:00, then we got lunch from 11:00 to 12:30. Dinner is from 6:00 to 9:00."
"Oh all right," Kagome said as she glanced at clock on Sango's dresser. It read 8:15. "Um Sango?"
"Shouldn't we getting down to dinner, it's 8:15?" Kagome asked.
Sango glanced at her clock. "Well since today's Sunday, all the meal times run about a half an hour longer on the weekends, but we can go down now."
Kagome smiled and stood up. Sango slipped her shoes on, as did Kagome, then they both left their dorm room. Kagome followed Sango to the elevators but they walked passed them.
"Umm, Sango?" Sango nodded showing that she was listening. "We walked passed the elevators."
"Yeah. The elevators take too long and they're packed a lot of the times. The stairs are quicker." Sango pushed open the door that led to the stairs and held it for Kagome. Sango began to skip stairs, two at a time.
Kagome mimicked her actions. In about a minute the two girls had reached the bottom floor. They walked down into the door lobby. The elevator chimed, announcing its arrival on the bottom floor. Kagome glanced over as the doors slid open and she saw that the elevator was overcrowded. People struggled to get out. "Sango, how long have you been here?" Kagome asked her friend in front of her.
"I've been here since I was a freshman." Sango said leading Kagome down a hall that connected the dormitories to the main building. They walked into the cafeteria.
The cafeteria was a huge room with a bunch of circular tables. The main access point for the cafeteria was the stairs they stood at the top of. Vending machines lined the opposite walls of the room. There were also a few small food shops that offered a variety of foods.
Kagome followed Sango down the stairs. The cafeteria was partially full; either they had missed the rush or it was just about to happen. Kagome stayed close behind Sango as she led her through the crowd towards the shops. They finally reached the food lines and they both ordered pizza. Sango got ready to pay for her food and Kagome reached into her pocket for her money. "Uh-oh."
Sango looked back. "What's wrong?" She asked.
Kagome frowned. "I left my money upstairs."
Sango frowned too. "I only have enough for me." She paused. "Hold on." She scanned the crowd looking for someone. "There he is. Hey pervert!"
Kagome looked in surprise when Sango yelled out 'pervert' in front of everyone. Kagome watched a young man walked towards them. When he got over to them, he immediately took her hand in his. "Oh, my dearest Sango. Your voice is like music to my soul."
Kagome looked at the boy strangely. Sango snatched her hand from his grasp and smacked him. Kagome looked in shock, as did some others. "Save the bull, Miroku." Sango said angrily. Kagome got a better look at the boy and saw that he was the boy from earlier, the one that had called out for someone at the train platform.
The boy called Miroku rubbed the spot where Sango smacked him. "Dear Sango, you hurt my heart."
Sango rolled her eyes. "Like I said, save it. Give me some money, Miroku." She said holding her hand out. “My friend left her money upstairs.”
Miroku looked over to Kagome and smiled. He took Kagome's hand just like he took Sango's. "Such a beautiful young lady, I will serve you the best I can." Kagome began to blush from embarrassment.
Sango grabbed the back of Miroku's shirt and pulled him away from Kagome. "Don't pay any attention to him, Kagome. He's nothing but a pervert. He hits on every girl he meets.” She released his shirt. “Miroku, the money.” She repeated when she saw that there was only one person in front of her.
Miroku sighed. "I regret to tell you that I have no more money." Sango frowned and moved forward to pay for her food. "Wait a minute," Miroku said as he searched the cafeteria for someone. Miroku must have spotted who was looking for because he started waving madly trying to flag them down.
Sango finished paying for her food and Kagome reluctantly stepped forward to pay for her food. "I'm sorry―"
“I got it.” An attractive male voice came from behind Kagome.
Kagome turned to see whom it was. When she saw that it was same boy that helped her with her bags, she gasped. Kagome stepped off to the side, next to Sango, while the boy reached into his pocket. "Sango," Kagome hissed to her friend standing next to her, "That's him."
Sango looked at confused. "That's who?" She asked.
Kagome pointed to the boy as he pulled out his wallet. "That's the boy I like," She whispered.
Sango's jaw dropped. "Him?" Kagome nodded. "Oh my God."