InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Decision ❯ An unexpected decision ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Here's chapter two. Hopefully you'll like it.
Disclaimer: Yeah, I don't own squat
InuYasha changed positions again; he had been so restless ever since the incident with Kagome. He sat up, staring around the cave, feeling completely frustrated. `What the hell is wrong with me?' he asked himself. He closed his eyes, leaning against the stone wall. `Damn it all! There must be some other way to fix this!' He slammed his fists into the ground, cursing himself. He looked up hearing footsteps reverberating around him, watching as Kagome entered the cave.
“Hey,” she said, forcing a smile. “I really want to talk to you.”
InuYasha nodded. “Sure.” He eyed her carefully as she settled next to him. Her face appeared less weary than before; she had regained color.
Kagome took a deep breath. “I want to know…” She paused to take a longing glance at him. “What do you think about our situation? I mean, is it completely out of the question, or what?”
InuYasha didn't speak for a long while. `What the hell am I supposed to say? Yeah, why don't we just have a kid, Kagome, because that won't change anything! Or, maybe she wants me to say no. Then again, if she wanted that then why would she even ask?'
“Are you…going to say anything?” Kagome questioned nervously as she twiddled her fingers.
“Feh! I think that we should try to consider other options before we make any rash decisions!”
Her eyes widened. `He's actually thinking about it,' she realized, stunned. She pushed the thought aside, turning back to InuYasha. “What other options are there? We can't just leave Miroku and we've already tried to move the rock. I don't know; it doesn't seem like we have much of a choice.”
InuYasha stood up, facing her. “I don't think you really understand what this would do! A baby would get in the way! What about the jewel shards? Is our mission not important anymore just because Miroku's gone?”
“I never said that!” Kagome alleged, her expression turning angry.
“You weren't even thinkin' about it! You just feel guilty! I don't want to change our whole lives just because of guilt, Kagome!”
“Are you telling me that you don't feel guilty? Miroku is our friend and we may be his only hope!” Kagome's voice was cracking as spoke. She could feel tears building up, threatening to fall.
InuYasha sighed, lowering his voice. “It's not that I don't feel bad about it, it's just that I don't want this now. I've got enough to worry about already.”
Kagome's heart sank. Hearing those words directly from him made it all clear. I've got enough to worry about already. He didn't say `we'. She noticed that as the words left his lips, his voice seemed to grow softer, almost as if he didn't want her to hear them. `He must be talking about Kikyo,' she thought gravely. `How could I have been so stupid? Of course he doesn't want to do this. He knows that if we went through with it he would be stuck…with me.' She hastily got up, hurrying out of the cave.
“Where do you think you're goin'?” InuYasha inquired in his usual, mocking tone.
Kagome didn't answer; she didn't even look back.
“Kagome?” Shippo stood outside the cavern watching his friend storm out. He shot a defiant stare at InuYasha. “Idiot.”
“This is all my fault!” Sango cried, slapping the water in the river in front of her, unable to endure her own reflection.
“Cheer up, Sango!” Shippo smiled brightly in an attempt to encourage Sango to do the same. “It's not your fault at all. You can't control what Inuyasha and Kagome fight about.”
“I was the one who couldn't save Miroku!” She reminded him. “If he hadn't been captured they wouldn't be in this mess right now!” Her voice grew quiet as she placed her hands on her chest, as if she were attempting to stifle her heartache. “I shouldn't have ever asked them to do this. They barely make eye contact anymore. Every time they talk it ends up turning into a fight.” Her gaze fell; she recalled the changes in her friends. Kagome was now very timorous around InuYasha, and he refused to say anything unless spoken to first. They had isolated themselves from one another. “I'm ruining their relationship.”
“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!” InuYasha's fist collided with the boulder, once again failing to break it. He rushed to the side of the rock, pressing his back up against it. He put as much pressure as he could on it. He stayed that way for the longest time until his body gave way. “It's no use,” he admitted acrimoniously to himself as he sunk down onto the gravel. “There's just no way to move this thing.” He turned his head slightly to take a glimpse at the message. InuYasha scowled resentfully at the words. Why couldn't things just be simpler?
His thoughts turned to Kagome. `Why did she run away?' he cogitated, absentmindedly running his fingers over the memorandum. `I guess this whole thing is just too much for her, but, I mean, come on! She can't really expect me to agree to have a child! Why would she want to put herself through that, anyway? Why isn't she the one insisting that we need to find another way to get Miroku back?' He could only come to one conclusion. `She really wants to have this baby, but…' He heaved a sigh out of aggravation. `I don't want this, not now. There are too many things I have to get done before we get all settled.'
He shuddered at the word. Not once in his life had he been settled, although he had come close once before with Kikyo. This whole thing with Kagome was completely different, though. He had never even thought about children, much less about having a family so early in his relationship with her. They were both, after all, unbearably shy and self-doubting around one another already.
InuYasha felt a blush creeping across his cheeks. `I can't go that far with her! Besides, it's not like it's a guarantee that it'll work after only one try.' He was definitely blushing now. Sure, he had thought about sex before, but now, the idea of actually going through with it was completely new. He wouldn't have a clue about what he was doing. It would be awkward and nerve-racking, and he was sure that the “first time” was not supposed to be that way.
“That's it!” he screamed, standing up. “This whole thing is just too hard! I don't want to make this choice!” He knelt down, slamming his fists into the ground consecutively.
“You seem angry,” Sango said meekly as she stepped in the cave.
InuYasha glared at her. “What the hell did you say to Kagome to make her so damn persistent about this?” He was on his feet as he waved a hand at the message on the stone.
Sango bit back a cry of remorse. `I guess I've shoved you two into a corner, haven't I?' She let a meager sob escape her. “I know that it won't help if I apologize, but I am sorry. I don't want to force you to do anything. This is my fault; I should be the one making the sacrifices.”
InuYasha couldn't say anything to her. Just seeing her so upset made him feel like he should do something; he felt so accountable.
“We should all just go.”
InuYasha looked up at her. What was she getting at?
“There's nothing we can do to save Miroku. I don't want to hold back our mission any longer, and I know that he wouldn't want that either. Being in this place just makes it harder for me, anyway. I need to get away for awhile,” she told him. Her voice seemed to be straining as she spoke.
“There's no way we're just going to give up like this!” InuYasha shouted with an indomitable tone. “We'll just have to find another way, and if we can't…” He took a deep breath. “I guess Kagome and I will just have to have the child.”
Sango watched in disbelief as InuYasha strutted outside.
`What was I thinkin'?' InuYasha asked himself as he continued out of the clearing, into the forest. `I shouldn't just go making promises like that. I don't even know if Kagome is ok with this.' He reached a small circle of trees. He bounded onto a branch, plopping down to lean against the trunk.
Kagome lay on her bed. It felt so good to be back in her own era. She had borrowed Kirara from Sango after her fight with InuYasha. `He wants so much for things to be back to normal,' she thought sadly. `I shouldn't be compelling him to do this. I don't even want to-' She stopped herself. `Why do I feel like I'm lying to myself? I don't want this, do I?' Her mind drifted back to her earlier thoughts. `I felt happy about the thought of having something with him that Kikyo never had.' She had tried to erase that feeling from her head, but she just couldn't.
Kagome sat up. `I should really get some advice,' she decided, nervously making her way downstairs to the kitchen where he mother was washing dishes.
“Oh, hello Kagome!” Mrs. Higurashi said smiling as she turned around to meet her daughter's gaze. “I didn't realize you were home!”
“Mom, can I ask you a question?” Kagome sat down at the table, staring down at it as she tapped her fingers on its surface.
“Of course.” She dried her hands off with a dishtowel, folding it up and placing it by the sink. She joined Kagome at the table. “What is it?”
“If your friend asked you to do something that normally you wouldn't even consider doing, but it was to help someone, would you do it?”
Mrs. Higurashi eyed her daughter intriguingly. “That depends on what my friend was asking me to do,” she said. “You just have to remember that it's not your job to fix everyone else's problems. I know it may seem like it sometimes, but you can't just give in and help every time.”
“What if your friend's life depended on it?” Kagome pried.
Her mother folded her hands, placing them on the table. “As I said, it depends on what I'm being asked to do.” She narrowed her eyes suspiciously.
Kagome avoided her mother's gaze, trying to look as innocent as possible. “Well, what if they were asking you to have a baby?” She closed her eyes as she waited for a reaction.
Mrs. Higurashi nearly fell out of her chair. “Kagome, what is going on?” She asked, wide-eyed. “Someone's not asking you to do this, are they?”
“Ok, Mom, try to keep an open mind.” Kagome proceeded to explain Miroku's disappearance and the strange writing on the stone “I know it seems crazy,” she said. “I just feel like it's something I have to do. I'm not just going to let Miroku die. He's my friend.”
“I know you want to help him, but there's got to be some other way. I don't think having a baby right now is a very good idea.”
Kagome groaned. “Now you're starting to sound like InuYasha.”
“Well, InuYasha is right! You still have school and you've got your quest over in the other time. I don't want you to put all of this stress on yourself. You're just too young. Really, neither or you are ready for something like this.” Mrs. Higurashi clasped her hand to her daughter's.
Kagome turned her head away. “He had other reasons,” she muttered.
Her mother looked at her sympathetically. “I know that this is your decision, but I just want you to make the right one. You need to think about the consequences before you agree to something like this.”
Kagome nodded, pulling her hand away. “I'm going to my room.” She stood, heading back upstairs. “I might as well sleep on it,” she said to herself. She opened her door, gasping. “InuYasha! What are you doing here?”
He was sitting on her floor giving her a curious look. “What do ya think? I came to take you back! You can't just leave without telling me and expect to stay!” He got up, moving toward her to grab her hand. “Let's go!”
Kagome jerked her hand free. “I'm not going back now! There's no point! We're not even looking for jewel shards, so why does it matter?” She stared up at him impertinently, waiting for his response.
He growled. “We've got to go so we can find another way to get Miroku back!” His tone softened as he looked away from her. “I also told Sango that if we couldn't find another way, then…we could…” He couldn't bring himself to say it.
Kagome was in astonishment. “So, are you're saying that you're willing to have a baby?” she questioned.
“Do you even have to ask?”
She smiled, bringing him into a hug. “Thank you,” she whispered.
InuYasha reluctantly put his arms around her. Something didn't feel right. `I really don't want to do this. Why the hell am I agreeing?' He could've told her that he had changed his mind. He could have simply left, but instead, he kissed her.
A/N: What's gonna happen next? Is InuYasha going to tell her that he doesn't want to, that this is just out of guilt? Or, will he continue the kiss, and lead it to something more? Find out next time. Please review. Thanks.