InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Decision ❯ Deceit ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Sorry for this update taking so long. I had a lot of things going on that couldn't be helped. I also had to get the update for “Addiction” going and finished. Anyway, it's been hard for me lately, and that's why this update is long overdue. Well, this chapter should be interesting. I must admit that when I ended the last chapter, I had no idea where I was going with it. I've been thinking about it for a while, and now I've finally come up with something. Let's get started with this.
Disclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi, unfortunately, owns everything. If I did own InuYasha, let me assure you that the series would be quite different.
Important note: When I say the object is on her right hand, I really do mean her right hand.
Chapter 15: Deceit
A shaky breath filtered between Kagome's slightly parted lips almost hesitantly as she narrowed her gaze at her right hand. The morning rays of sunlight poured through her window in a bright, transparent light, reflecting gently against her softly tanned skin. Her body was coiled within the bindings of her rosy bedspread, her right arm resting by her side, and her left slung next to her streaming, raven hair. From an exterior perspective, peacefulness seemed to hang in the atmosphere, the birds twittering their early melody, and the cool breeze batting against the windowpane; but something emanated a vexing obscurity that made Kagome's insides churn with uneasiness.
“Where did this come from?” she murmured, her voice slightly hoarse as her eyes fixated themselves intensely on the object that was glittering on one of her fingers. Wooden and engraved with ornate designs, the ring was wrapped securely in place, a jade, deep stone set firmly on it, mirroring her anxious face. She had never seen it before. Her heart lurched roughly at the notion as she shook in the anticipation of her wandering thoughts. In her mind she could see the weary expression on InuYasha's face that had been present the night before. It was blurred and distant, but his eyes were infused with nothing but unadulterated clarity. Had it been him? Had he let go of his pride for one, single moment? She let out a low, vibrating sigh that resounded slowly and loudly in her head as she rolled onto her side, her eyelids softly touching one another, and her mind reveling.
What if he had given it to her? What did it mean? It just didn't make any sense. He seemed to be set on pulling away. Why would he make any attempts to bring her closer? She groaned deeply, propping herself forward on the ends of her elbows. The last time they were at the doctor… His face, his words… Was it even fathomable that perhaps he did want to be more than just the father of her child?
Her eyes snapped open, darting toward the doorway, her gaze slicing through the air. She could feel her body begin to quiver underneath the anxiety placed on her shoulders as her breath caught in her throat. InuYasha was staring at her, apprehension hitched in his form as he took a slow step back. His expression seemed masked, his lips impossibly straight, and his eyes clouded and distant. Was he trying to hide himself from her?
“Your mother wants to talk to you,” he said quickly, folding his arms tightly and almost defiantly as he turned his head, evading her radiating perplexity.
“InuYasha…” Kagome watched him intently, his disquiet seeming shadowed by his radiance. Silver locks that were iridescent against the beating sunlight, and fell across his back like a protective blanket captured his face. His smooth, darkened skin emitted a deep ruggedness that had claimed her heart the second her vision had reached it. She swallowed hard, shaking her head. “The ring,” she whispered lowly. “Did you—”
“Just hurry up and come down.” He lowered his gaze somewhat, turning on his heel. Taking one last lingering glance her, he slowly pulled the door shut, a soft sigh falling out of his mouth. Ring—as soon as that word left Kagome's delicate lips, he knew he had done himself in. He'd been stupid to force himself into believing that she wouldn't notice the foreign object on her finger. He stepped away from the door slowly, the sound of his feet pressing against the hardwood floor echoing insistently in his head. Evasion—that was all he knew. He could never escape his reckless decisions and impulsions, but he could certainly avoid them. It was pointless and cowardly because at the end of the day, his mistakes would still be nipping at his heels.
“InuYasha, what are you doing?”
He felt his heart skip a beat that the sound of Kagome's meek voice as he turned around. She stood in the doorway to her room, her hands placed against the sides of the doorframe, her body leaning forward slightly. Her stormy eyes were prying into his with lustrous intensity. This wasn't a question of what he was doing now, but one of what he had been doing this entire time. His breathing turned shallow as he fought to regain his waning composure.
“I don't know,” he said quietly, his throat burning as if an ember were swelling inside of it. “I just… I don't.” He nodded lightly, tossing his head to the side. “You should go,” he pressed darkly, taking a hurried glimpse at her serious expression.
“Right,” Kagome breathed out, moving toward him in an almost gypsy-like motion. Her hips swayed as if part of a tantalizing dance, her arms swinging about slowly. Letting out a feeble laugh, she paused as she reached his side, her gaze turning poisonous and cold. “So should you.” She pushed past him, her shoulder brushing against his as she headed downstairs, biting her bottom lip in disgust. She couldn't believe herself. How could she say something so cruel? Placing her hand on the rail, her steps becoming slower, she shuddered. What bothered her the most was that she didn't feel any bit of remorse. Spite had suddenly crawled into her blood vessels, making her burn with the want of retribution.
“Mom!” she called out, jumping the last step, and eyeing the living room as she continued her pursuit forward.
“I'm in the kitchen!” she heard her mother say, her voice sounding pure and strong much to Kagome's relief. She'd feared the worst out of a morning talk. Heading to the kitchen, she put on her best front, her head held high, and her shoulders fully relaxed. She poked her head in the doorway, watching her mother curiously. She was standing in front of the sink, scrubbing dishes incessantly with the dark, green cloth that was clasped firmly in her hand.
Kagome cleared her throat loudly. “InuYasha said that you wanted to talk to me.”
“I do.” She turned to her daughter, folding the towel neatly in her hands, and placing it on the counter behind her. “The doctor called today. She wants to know if you've make your decision yet.”
Kagome hesitated for a moment. It had been discussed and fought over, but she and InuYasha had never come to a full agreement over it. Still, she knew exactly what she wanted to do. A twinge of guilt shattered over her. InuYasha deserved to have some say. She shouldn't just…
Her mother observed her carefully, stepping forward. “Kagome, can I ask what this is all about?” Her foot tapped in impatience as Kagome held herself in silence. She let out a quiet groan, her eyes softening. “Is there something going on that you wanted to talk about?” Watching her daughter's craned neck and low expression, she moved closer. “Is the baby all right?”
Kagome jerked her head up, a new confidence escalating onto her face. “Tell the doctor that I have made my decision.”
Sango let the cool isolation of the cave seep into her skin as she leaned back, letting her head touch the stony wall. With her legs tucked underneath her and her hands resting against her lap, she sighed. Miroku's face seemed to shine clearly in the depths of her mind as she let her dark eyes drift shut. It had been so long since she'd heard his voice—since she'd seen him smile. A small grin crept onto her lips at the thought of the gleeful laughter and playful denial he exhibited each time he made a pass at her…or any other woman. She laughed meagerly, unable to believe that she was actually missing his perverted ways.
She missed everything about him. She longed for him to sense a “demonic aura” floating over the finest house in a village—longed for him smirk in pride as he demolished an attacking demon. Was it selfish for her to miss him so—for her to be willing to do anything to get him back? She didn't know at this point. A part of her was still washed over with utter culpability. InuYasha and Kagome's relationship had taken a dramatic turn, and it was all because she had thrown them one option, and one option only; but wouldn't Kagome have done the same if InuYasha were the one trapped? She shook the thought away.
“It won't be too much longer,” she whispered, her eyes peeking open as she reached for the stone. She fixed her gaze on the prophecy, a glower crossing her features at the looming reminder. It could've been anything else, but instead it was something that invoked pain and desperation. A gasp abruptly escaped her she read over the words carefully. “Wha…” She jerked herself forward, forcing her body toward the stone, shivering slightly. This wasn't right; it couldn't be. Her breath came out in harsh pants as she traced her fingers over the words, feeling something prod at her back. She turned, seeing Shippo's puzzled, round face.
“What's wrong, Sango?” he asked, his arms folded against his small chest as he inched forward, narrowing his eyes at stone, glancing over the words engraved on it. “Hey…” He stared up at Sango with wide eyes, quickly running a hand through his tethered hair. “That wasn't there before, was it?”
Sango shook her head. “No, it wasn't.” She brought her hands to she sides of her face, biting back a soft whimper. “I'm sorry, Miroku,” she cried almost inaudibly. “We can't… They can't… I can't…” With a sharp intake of breath, she gave into the waterfalls that had been threatening to pour down her face. “This can't be happening. What am I supposed to tell them?”
Kagome felt like dirt, and all she wanted was to be buried further in darkness. In just a week, she had fallen to the lowest of lows. A cry emerged from her lips as she leaned against her door, her hand quaking as it clutched the handle. How did everything turn out like this? Tears tickling her skin, she opened the door, her burning eyes widening. InuYasha was standing right there, as if he had been secretly waiting for her step into the room. His face was not frozen, but melted with a deep heat that she couldn't begin to place. Timidly, she moved into his waiting arms, letting her head fall onto his shoulder.
“It was my mother's,” he murmured suddenly, his voice seeming to vibrate against her ear as he buried his face in the lavender scent her hair gave off.
“What?” She glanced up at him, her hand snaking behind her back to close the door as she pressed herself closer to him.
“The ring was my mother's,” he explained, curling his fingers in her soft, ebony locks. “She gave it to me before she died…as a promise that she would always be there with me.” He pulled back, letting his hands rest on her elbows as he gazed down at her, swallowing the growing lump in his throat. “So…I gave it to you to…mean the same thing…from me.” As he watched her, her rosy and shaking features beckoned him forward with their beguiling sense. He moved closer, his lips hovering next to hers.
“InuYasha, stop,” Kagome whispered frantically, placing her hands on his firm chest, and pushing him back. “I need to tell you something. It's…important.” Her eyes met his in an exchange of pleading gazes. “Please?”
“Okay.” He laced his fingers with hers coyly as he began to pull her slowly to the bed, his eyes never leaving hers as if afraid that his heart would stop if they did. Their bodies moved in unison, seeming unfazed by the endless tango of emotions pulsating throughout their minds. Both sitting on the bed, InuYasha felt himself pull back, his breathing twice as labored.
“InuYasha…” Kagome let her eyes fall the floor for a moment, feeling her shoulders sink in shame as she glanced back up at him. “Our baby has Down Syndrome,” she forced out quickly and airily, gasping at her own words as they finally began to take their stinging effect. It was real—everything about this was real. Now, even after everything that had happened, that fact was just beginning to wreak its bloody havoc.
“We don't know that for…” InuYasha stopped himself as Kagome nodded. “Oh… You got the test?”
“I don't know what came over me,” she admitted weakly, her thumbs softly caressing his palms, and her vision becoming blurred by un-fallen tears. “You weren't around—you were avoiding me. They wanted me to make a decision, so… I did.” She caught his eyes quickly. “I'm sorry.”
InuYasha was held in the bounds of silence. What was he supposed to say to her? Part of him wanted to scream—to force her betrayal at her. Still, he found himself wishing he could hold her, and keep her tears from falling.
“And they're sure about it?” He turned his head away, letting go of her hands sharply. “The test is a definite thing?” He fixated his gaze on the wall ahead of him, locking it intensely as if mesmerized by it. “Kagome?” He glanced at her curiously, her struggled breathing reaching his ears. Her back was craned and her hands were clasped to either side of her head, her elbows propped on her knees. “Hey… What's wrong?”
“I don't know,” she gasped out, furrowing her brows and wincing. “I don't feel…right…” Each word came out slowly, softened by a lack of air. “Sorry…”
InuYasha didn't know what to do. Everything began to move in slow motion as he watched Kagome begin to fall in horror, numbness overcoming him rapidly. He reached for her, letting her body find safety in his arms. “Kagome,” he started, his heart pounding like an insistent timpani. This couldn't be real. She had to say something to him—to open her eyes and assure him that she would be all right.
A/N: Ahem. Please excuse the short chapter. It's one of those things where you would absolutely love to continue writing, but you know you have to end it where it is. Anyway, I do hope you enjoyed the chapter. I had to redo it a few times before I was somewhat satisfied with it. Well, let me assure you that things are about to get very interesting in this story. Of course, I do have two others that I'm going to be writing, so don't kill me if it takes a little while to write some more in this one. I'm also having trouble at home, so… Yeah… Reviews are adored! Thank you!