InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Imprisonment ❯ Plans Laid Out ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~*~ Scene change
*Action * like *crash *
POV change*~*
&Inu-Demon tongue&
Our Imprisonment
Chapter 1 Plans Laid Out
“Jean I need the files on the most powerful females we have in the facilities. Now!” Said the head doctor, Kikyo.
“Here you go. May I ask why you need them?” Hands over a small disk.
“Number 1500-3SM21 is being a bit stubborn so were going to try to get him a mate. We've tried weaker females but he won't go near them. And a few that went to him he either tried to kill or maim.“ She replies offhandedly while she looks at the disk using her handheld.
“Hm… one inu-youkai female high tempered, and stubborn, A Wind user demoness, very powerful, but highly rebellious. Neko-youkai power hungry, very flirtatious, and a human skilled in all manners of weapons.” She mutters quietly to herself.
“This will do for now thank you.” She walks quickly out of the information room to the observation deck.
“Stupid ignorant doctors think they can control me well hah! Think again. Hope that one doesn't get out of the medical bay too soon.” A young inu-youkai muttered to herself as she walked down the halls of her living space.
“Hey Kagome you want to go to the training grounds with me.” Asked a young woman running to catch up with her.
“Sure Sango lets go.” She replied happily.
As they walked to the grounds all the females backed off in fear of Kagome's wrath. For they had heard of the facilities fifth attempt to get her a mate. The last had suffered a concussion and several broken bones and blows to the spinal area. But luckily his youkai healing saved him from dieing.
This time they tried sending in the male at night while she was sleeping. But she instinctively rendered him unconscious and held him there till she woke to where she promptly beat him to a pulp. They all shuddered in fear and backed off slowly in hopes to stave off her fury.
When Kikyo got back to her office she sat back comfortably in her leather chair getting ready to thoroughly look over the disk she had in her possession.
She quickly put it into the drive, and opened up the first file.
Name: Kagome Higurashi
Number: 1586-1KH19
Species: Inu-youkai
Powers: poisons, youkai ki attacks, telekinesis, slight telepathy, able to change into large inu form
Intelligence: Highly intelligent (last IQ test off the chart)
Speed: Ground- 185 mph, Sky- rate not fully tested yet
Personality: Quick tempered, caring, kind, and violent when threatened or people under her protection threatened, not all information secured due to reclusive nature
Appearance: Long raven hair that reaches to the small of her back, Caucasian skin color, innocent in appearances
Height: 5'1”
Eye Color: Brown, red or pink depending on power and anger
Capture Information: captured shortly after 9/11
Family: father- refused to be captured and chose suicide, mother- died in childbirth
Suitor Attempts: 5- last two still in hospital, and one in a coma
The first file intrigued Kikyo greatly for she seemed the best candidate plus she was the same species. `Now to look over the others before my final choice.'
Name: Kagura Teki
Number: 1546-2KT20
Species: Wind youkai
Powers: controls the winds and air by using a fan
Intelligence: above average
Speed: Ground- 35 mph, Sky- off the charts
Personality: Rebellious, several escape attempts, flirty, mean but nice, loves and protects only little sister Kanna, only nice to people that has earned her trust by either a fight or after close observation
Appearance: Long black hair usually pinned on top of her head, Caucasian skin, Tough in appearance
Height: 5'3”
Eye Color: red
Capture Information: caught shortly after 1900th century
Family: one sister, Kanna, father- terminated, mother- unknown
Suitor Attempt: 1- failed
Name: Musume Abazureon'na
Number: 1512-3UM18
Species: neko youkai
Powers: Able to change into neko form, youkai ki abilities
Intelligence: Average
Speed: Ground- 150 mph
Personality: power hungry, very flirtatious
Appearance: Shoulder length orange, sluttish in appearance, tanned skin
Height: 5'5”
Eye Color: bright green
Capture Info: caught shortly after WWII
Family: Unknown
Suitor Attempts: 1- terminated
Name: Sango Kirei
Number: 1986-2IS19
Species: Advanced human
Powers: Telekinesis, strength, healing, confusion, all senses 5x stronger
Intelligence: Off charts, Uses mind to confuse enemies
Speed: 5x faster than average human
Personality: nice, tough, high tempered, loves the simple things
Appearance: hair usually up in a high ponytail, kind in appearance, slightly tanned skin
Height: 5'1”
Eye Color: Brown
Capture Info: Caught shortly after 14th birthday
Family: Deceased
Suitor Attempts: None
`Well those are the four most powerful females this facility. I'll have to talk to the head doctors of the female facility for the transaction and there opinions on the situation.' Kikyo thought.
Kikyo quickly dialed her phone and set up a meeting to the head doctors. She soon had an appointment.
Stupid humans how could they think that I would even touch those disgusting females. Good thing they have stopped for now.
“Hey Sesshoumaru get that stick out of your ass and open the damn door.” Inuyasha yelled.
“Go away half-breed I don't have time for your stupidity.” I called back. The half-breed had been knocking on my door for the past five minutes calling about something or another. I hadn't paid that much attention. Finally I got fed up.
“What in Kami's name do you want Inuyasha?!” I yelled while opening the door.
“Finally you asshole now I heard some information from some doctors when they thought I wasn't within hearing range. Apparently they got fed up with you about your mate situation so the head doctor is going to the female facility to hand pick your mate with the head doctor of the female facility. And they said if you don't pick this one they're gonna put aphrodisiacs into your system.” He said with a smug and taunting look.
“Leave now” I said in the coldest voice I could muster along with a threatening glare.
I thought about this new piece of information I had been given. Though it had come from Inuyasha I didn't sense a lie. So it must be true. I'll have to watch the foods I eat from now on and the people around me very carefully for treachery.
I wonder what we're going to do with are Kagome situation hopefully we can find something out soon so we don't have to bother about her and send her to the mates facility.
But to no avail yet. Hopefully Kikyo will have something. Well she should arrive any minute. *Knock knock * well right on time.
“Come in Miss Tekeda I've been expecting you.” Kikyo comes walking in with some files.
“Good afternoon Mr. Dareka. I need to speak to you of a problem situation at my facility and I think you can help me with.”
“Oh really and what might that be I have a really big problem of my own.”
“Well I have a very powerful male inu youkai that refuses to mate or even look at for the matter any female we send in to him. And the higher ups have decided to get a more powerful female. So I was hoping to discuss with you four females I have picked. Now what is your problem?”
“Well I'm having a similar situation with one of the girls here she refuses adamantly to take any of the mates that we've offered. Even going to violence just to get out of it. I think we can help each other.”
They discussed well till past dinner time of what they were planning to do with there two trouble makers. They soon finally agreed on what to do and left to go home to wait for the next day to put their plan into action.
The Next day they had a living quarter cleared and cut off at the mate facility. The plan was to put them together and if all else fails break out the aphrodisiacs.
Hopefully they wouldn't have to resort to that. They had hoped that the power and the fact that they were the same species would help.
The morning went by pretty boring nothing really out of the ordinary except the staff was a little buzzy today and seemed to be in a fervor all around really busy. But I decided to ignore it.
After lunch I went back to my living quarters not expecting what I saw. There was a person in there with a tranquilizer gun. Then everything went blank.
I immediately was cautious when I noticed that the staff seemed distracted and had their mind on other things. After lunch I retreated back to my room in hopes of a bit of piece before Inuyasha decided to show up and start bothering me.
Just before I opened the door I sniffed the air. Someone was in there male by the scent and a human. I backed away from the door, but what I didn't expect was the door behind mine to suddenly open and I went down. The last thing I saw before the darkness came were some of the staff coming up to me, and a man with a tranquilizer gun standing the doorway opposite my room.
Sesshoumaru woke up in a room that wasn't his and there was a female sleeping beside him. After closer inspection he saw some of his personal belongings and some that he thought might belong to the female.
He got out of the bed and looked around there was two dressers and other things around the room. He didn't get a good look for the female he now noticed was an inu youkai was starting to wake up.
`Oh I'd like to kill whoever was holding that gun. I can just imagine ripping him apart with my claws.' Thought Kagome as she was waking up. Soon she felt the aura of a powerful person in the room and she was vulnerable. So her instincts kicked in and lifted the offending aura off the ground and into the air upside down with its arms pressed to its side.
You can just imagine Sesshoumaru's surprise at the act. When he suddenly felt a power surge come from the female then was effortlessly lifted off the ground then turned upside down and had his arms pinned to his sides by an invisible force.
“Wench you will put me down this instance.” He barked out.
“Huh?” Kagome had finally fully woken up and saw who was upside down. It was an extremely handsome silver haired inu youkai.
“Put me down now before I decide to kill you.”
“Well I'm sorry I can't do that and while you're in that hold you can't hurt me. I've had too much experience with these facility males. Kami! It's only been two days and they try again.”
“What are you talking about, and can you at least turn me back upright.” He get turned right side up.
“Sorry about that. The facility higher ups have been trying to get me a mate and to days ago they had one come in while I was asleep. Happy now what are you doing in here?”
“I do not know why I am here I just woke up just mere minutes before you did now I command you to put me down.”
“I sense no lie in you and from what I can see in your thoughts your telling the truth. Though that rude attitude has got to go.” He rises up a few more feet into the air then drops down to the ground. He growls then pounces at her. And traps her beneath me.
&“Hold still and don't do any thing I promise not to hurt you for now.”&He whispers in the inu demon language just before she was about to put him back into the upside down hold. He quietly gets up and starts looking around.
&“What are you looking for maybe I can help?”&She said so quietly that only he could hear.
&“I'm looking for listening and camera devises. Okay?”&Kagome quickly concentrates her power and senses several electronic devices.
&“Try checking above that panel over there and in the wall by the door I'll get the others.”&As he checked where she said she quickly found all the others and piled them onto the bed.
After they were put all together he smashed them and them in the trashcan by the door.
Soon after that was done they started to look around. There was one bathroom, three closets, one kitchen, one bedroom, and one living room. All the doors that led out were sealed shut and when they tried to break through they found out it was made of something stronger than lead.
After all that was done they retreated back into the room they woke up in and started to talk.
“Why do you think we're here?” Kagome asked.
“I heard something was going to happen from my half-brother Inuyasha but I didn't figure they'd go this far. They want us to become mates, and if we don't there going to use drugs to make us do so.” He replied in his stoic voice.
“I wonder what we should do?”
“We shall do nothing and we shall watch any and all things we eat and drink. Got that?”
“Yah, yah don't touch or consume anything before I sniff it got yah. Great now what are we going to do?”
“I could really care less woman just leave me alone.”
“The name is Kagome okay. By the way what is yours? Never mind I know what it is. Sesshoumaru right?”
“How did you know I have not told you yet?”
“Well you see I'm slightly telepathic and I find it extremely easy to read the thoughts of other inu youkai but harder for other species. Besides its not my fault you speak in third person to yourself.”
“Woman you will reframe from reading my mind.”
“It's Kagome, say it with me Ka-go-me. Anyways I can't help with inu youkai it's just an open link but with other types of youkai it takes a bit more thought. So I suggest you keep your thoughts clean.”
Sesshoumaru moves out of the room and goes to the living room and sits down leaving Kagome to her thoughts.
`Finally some quiet glad he left the room.' Kagome thinks as she lies back onto the bed.
“They should be waking up soon.” Said one of the people in the room. They were a bit worried when they saw what happened but relaxed while they listened. Everything was going great till they started pulling out all the electronics in the bedroom.
They left the ones in the other parts of the house intact for now. Then started looking. Then they retreated back to their room for a short while then Sesshoumaru later looking peeved while Kagome stayed in the room. They didn't know what to think but at least they didn't try to kill each other yet so they considered that a victory.
End chapter1